The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4)

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The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4) Page 15

by J W Murison

  ‘That will be the Humans.’

  ‘To begin with. There may come a day when the Humans can’t use up the surplus they produce.’

  ‘I need to find out what seeds the Humans have given them. Do you have the list Ne´?’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘I want a copy.’

  ‘Really Darrick!’

  ‘I know and appreciate the quality of the food that Humanity produces. Besides, if I have citizens who are willing to return to that planet, then what objections could I possibly have for trading with them?’

  ‘Only because your people are so far away, and they taste like shit.’

  Darrick laughed. ‘What would I care if a few idiots got themselves eaten. I hear they like eating your people the most.’

  ‘If I had my way, I would wipe them all out.’

  ‘You have had your way since you became Emperor. What is the grand plan? To infiltrate their cities, discover where they are and destroy them from orbit?’

  ‘The few that were close enough to the surface were destroyed centuries ago.’ Ne´ sighed. ‘No, let’s see how this peace goes.’

  ‘That’s a bit of a change in attitude. What brought that on?’

  ‘Just thinking long term Darrick.’

  ‘It’s the Humans, isn’t it? Are they doing that well in the federation?’

  ‘Yes and no. Their technical knowledge is as about as backwards as they come. Their fighting ability leaves me breathless.’

  ‘You’re imagining a force made up of Ortea and Humans, aren’t you?’

  Ne´ grinned at Darrick. ‘Are you aware of an old Human saying, the hammer and the anvil?’


  ‘During a tactical training exercise it was suggested by a Human. They used our forces as an anvil, and their own forces as a hammer to trap an enemy between. My commanders laughed, but I saw the merit.’

  ‘There just isn’t enough of them, is there?’

  ‘With only one planet, there never will be either. Not against a force of any size. The Humans and the Ortea get on really well though, and the Humans also understand their tactics. I imagine the Ortea understand theirs too. A combined force of the two could really make a difference.’

  ‘The Ortea don’t have the ships.’

  ‘No, but the Humans do. The Dent have the technical abilities, the Humans the tactical, and the Humans and the Ortea together the fighting skill.’

  ‘Still, two small battle groups aren’t going to make that much of a difference.’

  ‘Three, not two.’


  ‘Three races, not two. Humans, Ortea, and the Dent. The Dent want to be recognised by the galactic convention as a race in their own right, removed from the extinction list. In recognising that claim, we could ask them to field a force of the same size as the Humans; if they can’t field it on their own, then they will be given special dispensation to form a group double the size with the Ortea. Everyone is going to hate that, so we will bind them to the Humans.’

  ‘I see. You will make them match whatever forces the Humans have to put up.’

  ‘Exactly, and the price of the Humans joining the federation will be a whole tactical group.’

  ‘That’s too much isn’t it? A whole tactical group, from one planet?’

  ‘It’s almost a done deal Darrick. All I need is your approval to put it forward as an official motion.’

  ‘With three tactical groups under the command of the Humans, you will have your hammer Ne´.’

  ‘I will.’

  ‘You would normally come to me first with something like this.’

  ‘You need no persuading Darrick.’

  ‘You’re right, I like the idea.’

  ‘Could the Dent replace my engineers on Human ships?’

  ‘Their engineers are better than ours Darrick, and they aren’t as tall, they will fit better inside Human ships.’

  ‘I would have to have my Chief Engineer evaluate them before I would believe that.’

  ‘Feel free. Are you still torturing him?’

  Darrick smiled to himself. ‘There are some pleasures as an Emperor one can afford oneself.’

  Their laughter filled the room.

  Chapter 28

  The sun began to come up as the bio-dome rotated back towards the waiting star. There were gasps of surprise as the colours of the hundred-mile field began to glow. As they watched, flowers began to open. It was quite chilly for the first half hour, but the dome soon warmed up. There were gasps of wonder as a heavenly fragrance began to fill the air. The children were the only ones who laughed and played, but they were still too frightened to head down into the glorious meadow below.

  The air began to fill with a light buzzing and the children shouted with joy as the bees began their daily task.

  Emperor Ne´ Langus took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. ‘You were right Darrick. I have never seen or smelled anything so beautiful. Are they all like this?’

  ‘This is the second one. It is a few weeks behind the first. In that one the spring flowers are beginning to drop and the trees are beginning to flower. In a few weeks we will begin to rotate the third one.’

  ‘Are any of those flowers edible?’

  ‘The flowers of the daffodils? They have a very delicate flavour.’

  ‘The trees are very small.’

  ‘They will grow year by year, and every year they will yield more.’

  ‘I am very impressed Darrick, and more than a little envious. It is hard to believe this cost you nothing. Being friends with the Humans has its advantages. Is it true that they used the engines they stole off the Albany to propel them here?’

  ‘It is.’

  Ne´ laughed aloud. ‘The audacity of that race. Do the Albany know?’

  ‘Who cares?’

  White-suited figures began to emerge. ‘The bee keepers.’ Darrick supplied.


  ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘Is that one a female?’

  ‘A young female by her shape.’

  ‘They do have a strange shape these Human females. It isn’t unpleasant.’

  ‘They are far too small to mate with. You would kill one.’

  ‘They aren’t all small. Didn’t an Albany mate with one? Isn’t that how they managed to get their serum?’

  ‘Yes he did, but he was only a teenager, neither fully grown nor developed. The Humans took him in and now he is in charge of their office for off-world affairs. He is good at it too.’

  ‘Is there one you are interested in?’

  ‘Interested, no, intrigued, yes. She is the female Captain that we stirred up all the shit on. A warrior Queen indeed. She will breed fine sons one day, if she is ever mated. I met her soon after the incident and apologised personally.’

  ‘That was very decent of you Ne´, I can’t say I would have bothered.’

  ‘It was in the interests of inter-species cooperation. After all, Captain Wilson wasn’t actually under command of the federation.’

  ‘I hope she thanked you.’

  ‘I thought she was going to shoot me. Have you ever seen a Human turn red with anger?’

  ‘No I don’t think I have.’

  ‘It is very impressive, especially the white ones. Captain Wilson is very white, and she went very red. She explained in very plain language how unamused she was, and how if I ever repeated the mistake she would blow a hole in my head so big you could shove your fist into it.’

  ‘That was very unwise of her. Hasn’t she been removed from command?’

  ‘No, I didn’t put in a complaint.’

  ‘Ah! You are just going to have her killed.’

  ‘I think that would be the easiest way. A small accident. My Albany friend thinks she was mad because she was trying to make her interests in a man known.’

  ‘A man! Ah, of course… the man she was having dinner with.’

  ‘A Captain in the Ambassadors team.’

went very still. He leaned forward. Ne´ noticed the immediate change in his friend’s demeanour. ‘Are you okay Darrick?’

  ‘You said a Captain in the Ambassadors guard?’


  ‘It wouldn’t be Charlie Murison would it?’

  ‘I have no idea, why?’

  ‘Check Ne´, and do it now.’

  A frowning Ne´ put in a quick call. ‘Yes, you are right Darrick. Why?’

  ‘You will not have that woman killed Ne´, you will not touch her. Have her reprimanded through official channels, do you understand?’

  Ne´ laughed aloud, ‘What is wrong with you Darrick?’

  ‘Charlie Murison is no normal Human being Ne´. If you hurt her and he comes after you, there is nothing in this universe that will be able to stop him. He won’t hesitate to kill anyone that gets in his way; that includes your wife and children.’

  Ne´ scoffed. ‘You are being a little dramatic Darrick.’

  ‘No I’m not. You always wondered who was responsible for the deaths of all the Albany civilians on board the city ship. I’m telling you, it was Charlie Murison. And I can assure you Ne´, it doesn’t bother him one little bit.’

  Ne´ felt a cold chill run through him. ‘How long have you known about this Darrick?’

  ‘Within a few months of the Humans crossing the great barrier.’

  ‘We have talked about this many times. Why didn’t you say anything?’

  ‘As far as I am concerned Ne´, the fewer that know the better. Now you are about to step on his toes, you need to know.’ Darrick filled him in on some of the things he knew about Charlie, including some of their meetings. When he had finished, Ne´ went silent for quite a while as he mulled it all over.

  Darrick called for their cups to be replenished, a maid served them both. Ne´ finished his drink before speaking.

  ‘This is all very hard to believe Darrick, if it came from anyone else but you.’

  ‘Gord is just over there. Ask him.’

  Ne´ waved a hand, ‘No, no need. I believe you. It would be interesting to meet this Human.’

  Darrick put down his cup, ‘Well you won’t have to wait long.’ He indicated a lone figure standing at the back. ‘That’s my Chief Engineer, one of those Human fast freighters is coming to pick him up. The Captain is going to be his escort. They are heading to Ortea space to check out their engineers.’

  ‘I want to meet him.’

  ‘Be careful Ne´. He is like no other person I have ever met. He studies something called body language, if you lie to him, he will instantly know. I would not mention the woman if I was you.’

  ‘I will bear that in mind Darrick.’

  Charlie gave a slight bow to both men.

  ‘Emperor, you wanted to see me.’

  ‘Do you know who this is Captain?’

  Charlie gave Ne´ his full attention. ‘Emperor Ne´ Langus. I hear you had a run-in with a friend of mine. I also heard she got very upset and even threatened you.’ Charlie’s eyes scanned the cement table they were sitting at. He saw a rebar within its depths and bent down. His fingers crushed the cement and locked onto the rebar. He pulled it clean out of the block of cement and held it up before him, looking down it as he would have the edge of a sword.

  ‘I know what you Emperors are like. I really wouldn’t want anything to happen to that woman. She is actually quite enamoured with me, and your little stunt upset the carefully laid plans she had to ask me to consider her as a potential mate. There is an old Human saying Emperor; hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I can assure you, it isn’t true.’

  The Emperors hadn’t seen Ne´’s youngest daughter approach, but Charlie had. Charlie waggled a couple of fingers at her. She was holding a bunch of flowers in her hand for her father. Charlie wound the rebar around his arm and placed the coil on to the table. Her eyes went really wide.

  ‘This should hold your flowers. What’s your name little one?’

  ‘Princess Nea.’

  ‘Are those for your father?’

  She nodded her head and placed the flowers in Charlie’s out-stretched hand. He placed them into the coil. ‘There you go Princess Nea. Do you like that?’

  She shook her head, ‘No, it is ugly.’

  ‘I suppose it is. You need to put them in water when you get home. Do you have a vase, or a glass?’

  She nodded, ‘I got a big glass.’

  ‘Well, if you put them in water and add a little sugar, I know Emperor Darrick has some, they will stay like this for longer.’

  ‘Can I have some Uncle Darrick?’

  Darrick found it very hard to smile. ‘Of course you can.’

  Charlie stood and he turned his eyes back to Ne´, they turned very cold. ‘As I was the reason for the woman’s fury, then I expect you to lay the blame on my shoulders, Emperor. I should also thank you for saving me from that situation.’ Charlie bowed his head a little. ‘Thank you.’

  Ne´ coughed before he could get enough moisture into his mouth to talk. ‘Is she not attractive to Human males?’

  ‘She is more than attractive. I am quite sure that even one not used to Human females would be able to determine that. But I am not ready for that sort of a relationship. Maybe one day, we’ll see.’

  ‘I did apologise to her, face-to-face.’

  ‘She did tell me that. She also said she was very rude to you and felt as though she had made a complete fool of herself. I believe the next time she sees you she is going to apologise in person.’

  ‘If that is the case, then I will accept her apology Captain.’

  ‘I will let her know.’ He turned back to Darrick.

  ‘That will be all Captain, thank you.’

  Charlie bowed to both again.

  Nea had crawled on to her father’s lap and watched as the Human walked away, brushing the cement dust from the sleeve of his uniform.

  ‘Daddy, that man frightens me.’

  He embraced her, ‘Don’t worry darling, he is a good man, he won’t hurt you. Those are lovely, but there is hardly any, do you want to go get more?’

  ‘Yes please.’ She scampered down and ran off; Darrick called for a refill.

  When Ne´ picked his cup up, his hand trembled so much that the liquid spilled over the sides and burned his hands. He put it down and sucked the back of his hand. ‘What is wrong with me!’

  ‘It’s called fear Ne´. Strange, isn’t it?’

  Ne´ snapped his head round and caught sight of Charlie heading out the door with the Chief Engineer. He felt his blood pressure begin to lower.

  ‘What the hell was that? Don’t tell me you play silly games with that thing?’

  ‘I have him serve me tea Ne´. He is also very helpful. If it wasn’t for the Captain, I wouldn’t have been able to envisage any of this.’

  Ne´ shook his head. ‘I knew you were mad Darrick. I would have had him eliminated.’

  ‘Leave him and the woman alone.’

  ‘Don’t worry, I will accept the female’s apology.’ He tossed the flowers out of the coil and tried to straighten it; his fear factor began to return. Darrick was sitting opposite, sipping his tea and smiling. ‘You like him, don’t you?’

  ‘I have to admit I do. I feel very safe when he is around.’

  Ne´ gave up and put the flowers back in. ‘That wasn’t normal. You know that, don’t you?’

  ‘Fully aware.’

  ‘I hope you know what you are doing Darrick.’

  ‘I believe I do.’

  Chapter 29

  Steven and Komoru lay on the huge bed exhausted. The pace of life had been hectic to say the least: meeting after meeting, rushing from one planet to another. The endless buffets that they could not partake of. They had booked a hotel room for the weekend on the Modloch home world. Their diplomatic status had got them the best room in the hotel. It was one of the few times Steven had used his executive card from the music company. He was glad of it now.

  Komoru got up and went t
o the toilet. She came back laughing.

  Steven smiled. ‘You can’t get over the size of the toilet, can you?’

  Her laughter began afresh, ‘You could take a bath in the bidet.’ She flopped face down on the bed. ‘This is bliss.’

  ‘No voices in our head.’ They had forbidden the ships to get in contact unless it was an emergency.

  ‘What are we going to do today?’

  Steven smiled. ‘I was thinking a day in bed watching Modloch TV.’


  Steven detected the tone of sarcasm in her voice and laughed aloud. ‘Why don’t we try and watch a film or something, we might learn something.’

  She rolled onto her belly. ‘That is true. So where is it?’

  Steven scratched his head. ‘I have no idea.’

  It took them a while but they discovered where the entertainment system was. They soon got caught up on the world of the Modloch. One they both enjoyed was a space film, a historical drama that ended up with Modloch forces storming a city ship of their enemies. The heroes stood shoulder to shoulder in the final charge and won the day.

  They howled in delight at what was supposed to be a romance film. In many ways it resembled the kind of romantic comedy that they would expect to see back on Earth. The surprise of the day was a Human film called The Great Wall. According to the announcer it was the third showing in as many weeks due to high demand. It said in the titles that it was a gift from the makers of the film to the people of the great Modloch Empire. It seemed they were loving it. In a few weeks’ time they were going to air the Lord of the Rings.

  They didn’t go very far that day. Their food was beamed down from the ship and the empties returned the same way. The following day they felt refreshed enough to go sightseeing. They both found it very frustrating. There was nowhere they could sit down and eat or drink, but Cookie had sent down a packed lunch for each of them. Reactions from the Modloch themselves were varied. Here and there men grouped together at the sight of them, and held that stance until they passed. Some squealed and ran, while others wanted to take pictures with them. In every shopping mall security staff weren’t far behind. Despite the distractions though they had a good day, and Komoru bought a few luxury items. She howled in laughter at the clothes in the women’s shops; neither was there a single shoe she found that would fit her, not even a child’s.


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