The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4)

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The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4) Page 25

by J W Murison

  ‘Only the upkeep and maintenance. There is also a little land with it. We are to maintain anything that is planted there, for the Human.’

  ‘I see. I needed to know that, thank you. Is there a study that I can use?’

  ‘There is. Would you like to see it now?’

  ‘Maybe after a rest.’

  ‘Of course.’

  Chapter 45

  A great bellow of laughter filled the entrance hall.

  ‘So where is it then?’ Charlie asked the Chief.


  How the hell would I know?’

  ‘It’s your bloody home.’

  ‘I have only been here once, and I didn’t look around.’

  ‘What a plank, I can’t believe you never looked around.’

  ‘Hey!’ The Chief protested.

  ‘It is at the bottom of the garden.’ Came a feminine voice from a side door.

  Both males went very still and turned towards the voice.

  ‘Lady Glee. We meet again. Are you and your children settling in?’

  ‘Yes we are thank you. Your parents have also been very kind.’

  ‘That is their nature. Could you point this fellow towards the cottage at the bottom of the garden?’ He turned to Charlie. ‘You have the key?’


  ‘Did you activate it?’


  The Chief stepped through into the main hall. The house gleamed with new furniture and paint. He took it all in.

  ‘I see you are taking your duties seriously Lady Glee.’

  ‘I hope you approve sir.’

  He raised an eyebrow at her use of the term sir. ‘It is very nice. Now, where is the garden?’

  ‘If you wish to retire to your room to freshen up sir, I will escort your guest to the garden.’

  ‘My guest.’ He took a deep breath. ‘This is Captain Murison of The Gordon Highlanders, Earth Defence Forces, on detachment with the Earth’s Goodwill Ambassador. You may as well know right now; he is the one responsible for capturing you husband.’ The look of shock that crossed her face was obvious to both males. ‘Did you have anything to do with the plot?’

  ‘No, of course not.’

  Charlie looked up at the Chief and shook his head.

  ‘This way Captain, if you please.’

  Charlie hefted his kit bag onto his shoulder and followed Glee through the house; the Chief went upstairs.

  Out the back of the house Glee stopped. There were many people in the garden, and Charlie could smell freshly tilled soil. Fresh flowers had been planted.

  ‘If you wait here, I will fetch a chair for myself. I cannot walk that far yet. We have only been here a month.’

  ‘No need. Is it the cottage behind the trees and the wall at the bottom there?’

  ‘Yes. Wait, how can you see that?’

  ‘I can see lots of things many can’t.’

  She hesitated a moment. ‘How did you capture my husband?’

  ‘None of your business. I shall make my own way from here.’

  ‘What about food, will you be dining with us tonight?’

  ‘No, I can’t eat grass, and have my own rations with me.’

  ‘That would be meat?’

  ‘A little.’

  ‘I have two daughters Captain. Are you attracted to Modloch females?’

  ‘Not even slightly, they are perfectly safe.’

  ‘What about from being eaten?’


  ‘I have never met a meat eater before Captain. It is a worry.’

  ‘You are lying. In fact, I was at a reception where you met more than a few, including the Human king. You also met the Lady Mya and stuck your snout in the air.’

  ‘I don’t remember.’

  ‘You are a liar.’

  ‘Please stop calling me that.’

  ‘Then stop lying to me.’

  ‘I am not.’

  ‘Oh you are, and have been since I walked through that door. You were involved with your husband in a plot to kill the Emperor.’

  ‘I most certainly was not.’

  ‘You most certainly were. Did you plan it, coerce you husband into doing it?’

  ‘I did not.’

  ‘Well, at least in that you are telling the truth.’

  Her mouth dropped open, ‘What on Modloch are you?’

  ‘I am someone you cannot lie to.’

  ‘Is this how you captured my husband?’

  ‘This is exactly how I captured your husband. I bet you didn’t know that the body has a unique language of its own. It speaks on a subconscious level, and it is very hard for it to lie.’

  She suddenly clamped her mouth closed tight.

  ‘That is exactly the right way to speak to me.’

  ‘I hold you responsible for the death of my husband.’

  ‘I only caught him. He was responsible for his own death.’

  Her mouth clamped firmly closed again. Charlie looked up. ‘That’s better. I can see by your body posture and the look in your eyes that you don’t really know what to make of me, or how to deal with me. Well you can’t seduce me; I don’t eat your food, so it will be very difficult to poison me. You might be able to persuade, with your charms, to get some of the staff here to attempt to kill me.’ Charlie stepped off the porch, picked up a stone and crushed it to dust in his hands. ‘I can assure you, that will also fail.’

  Glee felt her heart begin to beat faster, and a fear she had never known before ran down her.

  ‘What are you, some kind of monster?’

  ‘I am a Human being, a natural born hunter, who has spent a lifetime being trained to kill. Does that put things into perspective for you?’


  ‘Good, remember that. I am also very protective of my friends. I presume your plans to seduce him are in a very advanced stage.’

  ‘They are not.’

  ‘Please!’ Charlie interrupted before she could put her foot further into it.

  Glee closed her eyes tightly and tried to make her body as still as possible.

  ‘That won’t work.’ Charlie cautioned.

  She let out a long breath. ‘I don’t know what to say anymore.’

  ‘It is very hard not to lie when you have spent a lifetime trying to perfect it.’

  She looked down her nose at him. ‘My whole life has not been a lie.’

  ‘No, but you are a noble woman. People with position and power learn to lie at an early age. It is very rare to meet someone from the higher social circles who doesn’t have to lie to keep their position in life.’

  ‘At least you understand that much Captain.’

  ‘Oh, I understand far too much sometimes.’

  ‘So it would seem.’

  ‘Well, back to my friend. If you hurt him, I will kill you. Simple! That goes for his lady friend too. To hurt her will be to hurt him. If you can seduce him off her, that is an entirely different matter. After all, noble or not, you would be a fool not to try it on with a Modloch who has so much resources at his disposal.’

  She was breathing heavily now. ‘You mean all is fair in the game of love and war.’

  ‘We Humans have exactly the same saying.’

  ‘Then I know my boundaries Captain. I think it unusual that you would think like that.’

  ‘I have been seduced, and in turn seduced many. To me it is half the fun in life.’

  ‘You truly are a hunter then, in every sense of the word.’

  ‘I suppose I am.’

  ‘I think we have an understanding Captain.’

  ‘That’s what I like to hear. Good day.’

  Chapter 46

  Steven laughed aloud. ‘He didn’t say that did he Charlie?’

  ‘Aye he did.’


  Buzz stuck his head out of the door. ‘Is this the gear Charlie?’ In his fist he held a massive strangely coloured bottle.

  ‘That’s it Buzz. Honest, you don’t want
to try it.’

  Buzz cracked it open and tested a small amount. ‘It says it is safe to drink.’

  Charlie laughed. ‘If you are going to try it, then do it over there by the wall.’

  Buzz shrugged and walked over to the wall. He took a swig of the native beer. A half second later, he was retching over the wall.

  Steven and Charlie were still laughing at him as he sank onto the soft grass. Tears streamed down his face.

  ‘Oh my god Charlie! I thought you were joking!’

  Charlie shook his head. ‘I warned you, it is the vilest stuff you have ever tasted in your life. It smells and tastes like fermented silage bree.’

  ‘I have to confess, I have no idea what silage is.’

  The two Scots howled with glee.

  Steven explained. ‘Cut grass, stacked and compressed as winter fodder for cattle. As it rots, it gives off a vile, stinking brown liquid we call bree. You know those poisonous mushrooms everyone here is going nuts over? They grow on it.’

  Shudders travelled down the length of Buzz’s body. ‘It is awful.’

  ‘If it’s any consolation Buzz, I puked for a full ten minutes.’ Charlie confessed.

  ‘Did you take a full mouthful?’


  ‘I just took a sip man. Wow, what a house warming party!’

  The two laughed as he staggered inside still grasping the bottle. He soon returned with more victims. It seemed everyone was determined to try it for themselves. It wasn’t long before a whole row of bodies were puking over Charlie’s wall.

  Charlie had enough, he went over and took the bottle from Buzz, he poured it out.

  ‘That ain’t fair Charlie.’

  ‘I have to clean that up in the morning Buzz.’

  ‘Can I have the bottle? The kids will want to turn it into a lamp and sell it on eBay.’

  Laughing, Charlie handed the bottle back.

  It wasn’t long before Cookie stuck his head out of the door.

  ‘Hey! How the hell did I get stuck with the cooking?’

  ‘Because you kicked everybody’s arse out of the kitchen.’ Charlie replied.

  Cookie frowned and took a slug from a bottle of beer he had taken with him. ‘Oh aye, I did, didn’t I.’

  He went back inside and they heard Mya shouting at him.

  Charlie smiled, ‘It looks like they are becoming very domesticated.’

  ‘Aren’t we all.’ Steven snorted, taking a sip of his beer.

  ‘Talk for yourself.’ Charlie retorted.

  ‘You have options.’

  ‘Not really Stevie. If I start doing Himari, Komoru will emasculate me.’

  ‘She wouldn’t.’ Steven laughed.

  ‘You have just no idea what that woman of yours is capable of, do you?’

  Steven thought that was hilarious. ‘Och Charlie, Komoru is just a pussy cat.’

  ‘Aye well, the kitty has claws, just remember that.’

  ‘What about your wee Jeannie?’

  ‘That type of woman isn’t a roll in the hay Stevie, it is a full-on commitment. I couldn’t disrespect her by using her. No in that manner.’

  ‘So instead you are going to hide here.’


  Steven shook his head. ‘It isn’t right Charlie.’

  ‘What am I supposed to do man? I’m going to outlive all of you by hundreds of years. Christ, I’m looking younger as the years go by, not older.’

  Steven took a sip of his beer. ‘I did notice that actually. So, the Emperor gave you this for as long as you live.’


  ‘What is he after?’

  ‘He wants me to serve him, or at least his sons.’

  ‘Are you going to do it?’

  ‘I will be with you until the day you retire Stevie. After that, who knows.’

  Three men appeared in front of them carrying cases of beer and spirits. They were laughing.

  ‘Permission to join the party sir.’ Colonel Howe asked.

  Steven laughed. ‘It isn’t my party.’

  ‘As long as that isn’t Modloch beer.’ Charlie mumbled just loud enough for them to hear.

  That brought a hoot of laughter. ‘Go stick it in the fridge.’ Charlie pointed a thumb at the door.

  ‘You got a fridge big enough Charlie?’ Beaver asked.

  ‘It can take a couple of bales of hay. A few cases of beer are nothing.’ Still laughing the three went inside.

  ‘I like dis house.’ They heard Lewis say, ‘I don bump my head, don even have to bend down.’ Steven and Charlie laughed.

  ‘What’s next Stevie?’

  ‘The city ship arrives tomorrow. The Emperor is going to do his thing. Then he is going to hop onto his battle cruiser, and we are going to escort him to the Ortea home world. The first state visit by any head of state. He has requested you as an escort.’

  Charlie grimaced. ‘Did you say yes?’

  ‘Did I have a choice?’

  ‘Aye, I suppose not.’

  ‘After that we are going where no man has gone before.’

  ‘Aye, ye think? We thought we were the first to the Black Planet, then we discovered there were thousands of Humans living across the great barrier.’

  ‘They weren’t exactly free to go walk about Charlie, but I get where you are coming from. Orlan’s father got him a pet, who says another didn’t do the same?’

  ‘You read my mind.’

  ‘Makes a change.’

  They laughed easily together.

  ‘Did I tell you I am getting a visitor tomorrow?’

  Steven shook his head. ‘No, who?’

  ‘The great Darrick himself.’

  Steven almost spat out his beer. ‘You are shitting me!’

  ‘Nope, come to see if his pal Charlie has settled in alright.’

  ‘I thought he wouldn’t set foot on this planet because of the gravity.’

  ‘He had something installed into the cottage that can reduce the gravity.’

  ‘Like on a ship?’

  ‘Aye, something like that.’

  Steven shook his head. ‘Man he is serious.’

  ‘Aye, I’m his buddy now.’

  ‘Do you like him Charlie?’

  ‘Aye, I do.’

  ‘You will never betray him, will you?’

  ‘Not a chance. Don’t worry though Stevie. If I ever find out he is planning to do something nasty to Humanity, I will let you know.’

  ‘That’s good enough for me. How’s the Chief doing?’

  ‘Right now he is between a rock and a hard place. He has living with him someone who is considered one of the most desirable females in the empire, and her two daughters.’

  ‘I thought he was getting married.’

  ‘Supposed to be. This noble woman is a piece of work though. It was her husband the Emperor blew out that airlock.’

  ‘His cousin’s wife!’

  ‘That’s the one. He has made him her patron and she and the girls his wards. It’s the Emperor’s solution to a bad problem. He rightly thinks she helped her husband plot against him, though she had a little less to do with it than he thinks. He decided he couldn’t trust her at home with another noble man.’

  ‘So, he sent her out to the arse end of his empire, to a planet no one likes, but with someone who could take care of her.’

  ‘You got it in one Stevie.’

  ‘Why not just kill her? That’s more his style, isn’t it?’

  ‘The kids are the granddaughters of one of his biggest allies at court. It doesn’t wipe out the dishonour the grandfather feels at the betrayal, but he loves the children.’

  ‘So out of sight, out of mind.’

  ‘Pretty much. Sometime in the future the children can retake their place in society without the mother.’

  Steven thought it over for a while. ‘So, our friend is stuck with her. Does he find her attractive?’

  ‘Oh aye.’

  ‘What is she doing?’

; ‘Acting like the perfect hostess. She has sorted this place out in short order, and according to the Chief, for far less than he thought it would cost.’

  Steven nodded. ‘So she is making herself indispensable. Is she capable of murder?’

  ‘Oh aye. That is one cold bitch. She doesn’t even consider his fiancé a threat, that’s how confident she is.’

  ‘Someone like that always considers someone else a threat, do you know who?’

  ‘Her own daughters.’

  ‘No shitting!’


  ‘Oh this has the makings of a great drama.’ They both laughed. ‘I wonder how it will turn out.’

  ‘Well, stay tuned for the next episode. Thing is, the daughters are more like the mother than she realises. They certainly aren’t naive.’

  ‘And the poor Chief is stuck right in the middle.’

  ‘He isn’t as stupid as they think he is either. He knows damn well to keep away from here during mating season. He has already bought himself a high-class residence on the city ship, and on the Modloch home world.’

  ‘So, if he is away on the city ship on extended duty, his wife can stay there, and if he is at the palace, they can stay on the home world too.’

  ‘Bang on.’

  Komoru and Himari appeared. Himari was getting more than a little drunk and plonked herself down beside Charlie. Komoru scowled and sat beside Steven.

  ‘Charlie, when are you going to go out with me?’

  Charlie sucked on his beer bottle. ‘I’m not. I already told you, I’m more machine than man. I can’t do it for you.’

  ‘I don’t care, I just want to be with you.’

  ‘Himari!’ Komoru snapped.

  Himari waggled a finger at her, ‘Komoru, you may be my Captain, but you can’t tell me what to do in my private life, butt out.’

  She leaned against Charlie. ‘Charlie, when are you going to take me to bed?’ Her head slipped off his shoulder and onto his lap. A few seconds later she disappeared.

  ‘I put her home and into bed.’ Komoru confessed a moment later. There was no mistaking by the tone of her voice how much she disapproved.

  Steven turned on her. ‘Actually Komoru, I think Himari is right. You should butt out. She isn’t a child. If she and Charlie want to have a relationship, that is their business.’ Steven stood up. ‘I'm sorry Charlie, I’m not in the mood anymore.’ Charlie was barely able to lift a hand before he disappeared.


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