Beyond The Iron Gate (The Faery Meadow Book 1)

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Beyond The Iron Gate (The Faery Meadow Book 1) Page 20

by Lumtrexa

  "You haven't seen my power though, what I actually do with my power, if you did you'd probably change your mind." He says changing back into his regular self.

  "Your muscles probably scare most of the fae off anyway." I mumble under my breath.

  Then he goes into explaining some things he shouldn't have done to the town, but what he describes himself doing isn't really bad. It seems he was just really intimidating and didn't have much communication with the fae of the town.

  He almost seems to regret coming back to his town, so I walk over to him and sit down next to him. I place my hand on top of his trying to be understanding.

  "Don't." Colt growls, pulling his hand away from me, as if I burned him.

  "Sorry." I whisper awkwardly.

  "I do not deserve pity." He says coldly.

  Fed up with his attitude, I speak up. I think I know how to snap him out of his pity party, perhaps by igniting his anger he will turn back into his grumpy self again.

  "You know what, Colt? I think you're just an overly sensitive brute." I say trying to keep a straight face without smiling.

  "Then go back to your boyfriend." He says with a grumble, his jaw clenches.

  "I will, you know why? Because at least Lorcan is more manly than you...and stronger!" I shout dramatically. Inside, I'm laughing like a maniac at the ridiculousness of this as I try to stir up anger in him. I walk towards the door of our room.

  "Do not compare me with that leech." He practically growls. Now I just have to keep at it.

  "How can I not? At least Lorcan wasn't afraid to use his power in front of me." I say pretending to be annoyed. Then I take my good old time reaching for the doorknob, making it look like I'm about to leave the room. I can barely contain my laughter, let alone the huge triumphant grin on my face. I decide I might as well open the door to add to the drama.

  My fingertip just grazes the doorknob, when my body is pushed against the door.

  Colt faces me, his enraged expression makes my smile fall. Maybe I made him too angry...

  "You should be afraid of me." He says in a low voice.

  Then, before I can even say anything, he lowers his head to mine and kisses me hard on the lips. He shoves his chest into me and squashes me against the door literally trapping me from escape. Why I find myself easily kissing him back is beyond me. His kiss is hungry and almost primitive. Suddenly, my wings open up behind me and are pressed uncomfortably against the door. My mind slowly registers what’s going on, what if this is a fae kiss? Didn't Colt say something about being part demon, whatever that even means.

  I'm drawn out of my thoughts when I feel something skim over the edge of my wings. Colt's huge dark wings play with the edges of mine. He pulls away from me with a sinister smile.

  Abruptly, the door behind me opens and I immediately put my wings away, Colt does the same.

  "What did I tell you two just the other day? Should I even ask what you two were up to, making so much racket in here? Next time I hear another complaint about noise coming from this room, you two are out of here!" The old man yells, glaring at us with his beady eyes. Its the same old man that came in and yelled at us the other day. Then the old man slams the door shut.

  "Why did you touch my wings with yours? Now we are going to die!" I say with shock.

  "No we aren't." Colt says with a smug look on his face.

  Wait, what?! He doesn't mean...

  Chapter 39-Ten Minutes

  "Let me explain-" He adds, but I interrupt him.

  "Yes, you better explain why you kissed me, not to mention you touched my wings. You could have killed us! Why did you kiss me?" I ask daringly, while crossing my arms.

  "I believe I mislead you. I am not actually a all really. I'm a..." He mumbles.

  "A what?" I ask with a quiver.

  "I'm a demon." He says in a dead serious tone. He watches me closely.

  I let out a loud laugh, first faeries, now...demons? If he thinks I'm that dumb, he's got another thing coming.

  "Yeah sure. How exactly am I suppose to believe that and if you really are a demon, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be...down there?" I say nervously, pointing at the ground. I know Colt's an intense person, but really...could he be a demon? I thought he wasn't being serious earlier when he mentioned something about being half demon.

  "How do you think I frightened that woman away that was with Lorcan? I have powers, Elaine. I am no fae. I hunt them. Until recently though, I've been getting this weird feeling, it reminds me of some kind of human thing...emotions. When I helped you unmate your boyfriend is when it really happened though." He says looking away from me. An awful feeling stirs in the pit of my stomach.

  "Go on." I encourage him.

  "I should have never given you my blood. I should have told you this from the start, but I knew I'd frighten you away. A demon has never shared blood with another living being, let alone a fae. I know some kind of bond is forming between us, I can feel it. If you don't trust me anymore I understand." He says with a grim look.

  "Colt, you know I trust you. It doesn't matter to me what you are, you did what I wanted, you helped me. So what're a...demon. You're helping me figure out what I am, we're in this together, okay?" I say swallowing.

  "Your kindness blinds you." He says with a scowl. He turns around and reaches under his bed, pulling out a huge iron ax.

  "Rid the earth of me. I've spent my days here long enough. I've killed fae. I have dark instincts. It is what I was made to do. Just send me back to where I came from." He says in a deep voice handing me the ridiculously huge weapon. To think I could hold the gigantic weapon, yeah right.

  "Colt. Just tell me why you were killing fae in the first place." I say ignoring the weapon he's trying to hand me.

  "I hunt bad fae, for hell...some fae that even look like you and I, not just weres and pixies. I was sent here to collect for my kingdom's bidding. I just happen to be the commander of this town too." He says.

  "Well're like some kind of hunter that kills bad fae and ships them off to hell. Got it. Okay." I say quietly still questioning my sanity. I guess that explains his black wings and his grumpy attitude. However, I know he's leaving out some major details, but what he's told me will have to do for now.

  "I'm afraid I have some sort of blood bond with you now. Its already starting to affect me, I have no idea what this might cause. All I know is that the only way for you to rid yourself of it, is to kill me." He replies.

  With that, I nod my head and reach out to grasp the weapon from him. Surprisingly, its not as heavy as I thought, but I still need two hands to hold the ax. Colt lowers himself and kneels on the ground bowing his head waiting for me.

  Why does he care if there's some so called bond? He's a demon! He could have just killed me from the start! He's protecting me though.

  "This is what you get." I say, secretly glad he is staring at the floor and not me. My hands shake as I raise the heavy weapon, I bend my knees slightly to support the weight of it. My face squeezes tight, surely turning red. I bite my lip in frustration at my pathetic struggle just to lift the weapon higher.

  Then, I awkwardly drop the weapon on the floor to the side of me. I wanted to make a cooler effect, like toss the weapon behind me or something like that. Sadly, the weapon is top-heavy, so it ends up falling towards its heavier end when I drop it to the side of me.

  "This is what you get for being a meat head. It is called forgiveness. I'm sure in hell they don't talk about it much." I say with a half smile resting my right hand on his shoulder.

  He stands up slowly and I pull my hand back.

  "You might regret letting me live." He says in a deep voice.

  "Let's not forget, you're the one who kissed me. You're the one who put your hands and wings on my own wings. You knew this was going to happen. I bet this all just a huge charade to cover up the fact that you regret kissing me, so you make up an excuse. It was your inner demons telling you to kiss me
." I say dramatically, narrowing my eyes at him.

  "I am a demon. I was created in hell. I've seen things, horrible things, you could never imagine Elaine. Then I come here, I meet you and these weird instincts plague me." He whispers harshly, grabbing both of my shoulders. His pale eyes stare directly at me.

  "Okay, I believe you." I say, feeling so small compared to him.

  "I shouldn't have kissed you, but a demon is a slave to his instincts. Its nature for me. I wanted to see what would happen if I followed this nagging feeling growing in me." He says distantly.

  "Whatever you're feeling, it’s probably all in your head." I say tired.

  "It is in my head. It’s like a voice screaming at me constantly to watch you, to protect you. Its more unnerving than-" He grumbles, but I cut him off.

  "Yes, its great to know that I'm a pain to be around." I say jokingly.

  "I'm serious." Colt grunts like a little kid.

  "Alright, then just ignore the feeling. It will have to go away at some point right?" I reply.

  "I really don't know. I've never heard of a demon sharing blood with a fae or any other being for that matter." He grunts.

  "There has to be some way we can figure out what it might do to us." I say frustrated.

  "There is actually, but I'd rather just avoid going." He draws out slowly.

  "Tell me." I say with a huff.

  "A seer, but most people avoid them. They might tell us more than we need to know. They should know what my demon blood will do to you, at least in the near future. They can only see glimpses of what is to come." Colt says watching me.

  "We should have gone to the seer in the first place! I bet they know what kind of fae I am, who my real mother was! Let's go." I breathe giddily.

  "Calm down. I don't think this is a good idea, if we figure out what you are on our own, it may take more time, but it will be safer." He replies.

  "I don't know how much time I have left though. I need to go back to my home, I have to figure out what happened to my parents. Colt, I need to know. Please." I plead with him.

  A moment passes and I watch him internally debate it over.

  "Fine. Here's the deal though. Since you're too impatient to just let me help you, after we go to the seer, I'm taking you back to your home. I do not mean your human home. I mean your real home. Whoever your mother was, we both know she wasn't human and the seer will probably tell us where she was really from." He says.

  "Alright, alright. Where will you go then, after we find my real home?" I ask curiously. Will Lorcan try to find me? Or will I be hidden at my real home? Will it be safe there?

  "I don't know. I promise you though, I will take you there." He says looking away from me.

  Ever since Colt told me what he really was, he seems on edge. Almost like he's nervous. He's a demon though, so what could he be afraid of?

  "We need to leave now." He says, standing up suddenly.

  "Well how long is it going to take us to get there?" I ask him.

  "About ten minutes." Colt grumbles.

  "Seriously?" I reply. Maybe the seer lives in town.

  "Come on." He says quietly, holding his hand out me. I raise my eyebrow, maybe he thinks I'm getting anxious. I kind of am though, I'm going to figure out a lot of stuff that I never knew about my real family. I shakily put my hand in his.

  Oddly, Colt isn't walking out of the room, he stands still, staring blankly at the wall of our room. So I start walking towards the door, but he still doesn't move a muscle.

  "We won't need to leave this room." He mumbles.

  "What?" I ask.

  "Stand close to me. Don't let go of me." He says in a serious tone. I shuffle close to his side looking up at him uneasily. I gulp, the heaviness of my cloak makes the back of my neck start to sweat.

  "Where are we going?" I ask looking up at him. He turns his head and looks down at me with a smirk.

  "What?" I probe him.

  "You know where we're going." He says darkly. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I spot something move along the darkness of the wall's shadow. Seeping down into the floor the shadow grows as dozens of mini shadows scatter toward it. The growing shadow crawls toward us. I calm myself down and remind myself, this is just part of Colt's power. Colt's demon powers, my mind reminds me.

  "I actually really don't know." I reply, inching close enough to him that my shoulder brushes his side.

  "Do not be afraid. This is how we're going to get there." He says in a tired voice. His shadow power is going to take us there? Then, I watch in amazement as the shadow forms a circle on the ground. This must be some kind of portal...

  "I'm guessing we're going to have to jump into that hole or whatever it is." I say trying to not panic.

  "Not exactly, we will cross over it and when we do, do not let go of me." He reminds me.

  "Alright, but before we do this, just tell me where we are going so I know beforehand." I reply.

  "You know where we're going." He says annoyed.

  "Just tell me, please." I say gently. The smirk on his face grows and he leans down eye level with me.

  "We are going to hell." Colt whispers. His pale eyes shine with mischief.

  "Oh." I manage to say.

  "Any second thoughts?" He asks. He then starts walking toward the black shadowy circle on the floor, pulling me along with him.

  "Nope. Let's go." I reply quickly, attempting to sound brave.

  We stand at the edge of the circle, murky shadows waver below.

  "I will protect you, relax." He says giving my hand a tight squeeze. Or should I say death grip? Looks like I won't have to be worrying about getting separated from him after all.

  Then, instead of us jumping in the dark shadowy circle, the shadows rise up off the floor forming the shape of a wall. Colt starts walking toward it, but my body refuses to move at first. I take a deep breath and force myself to walk.

  I clutch his muscular arm desperately with my other hand that he isn't holding. I need to be brave, I chant to myself in my head over and over again. However, Colt and I now stand a foot away from the shadowy wall. Like the baby I'm acting like, I shove my head into his chest. I'd rather not see the darkness that we surely have to pass through to get there.

  I'm surprised when I feel him cradle my head against him with his hand.

  Then a cold sensation slithers up my arms.

  We step through.

  Chapter 40-Hunrel

  "We are here." Colt murmurs. I turn my head and quickly scan the area. The air and small office like buildings around us are blurry. Everything is hazy and flickers, I realize we are alone.

  "Let's make this quick." Colt says. Then he starts walking off toward the right side of the vacant street. I try to match his pace while keeping my cool.

  Colt doesn't bother knocking on the chipped red paint door, he just opens it with ease.

  "Back again?" An old voice says from somewhere in the room. The room has very old looking furniture, the seats look expensive. At a round table, an elderly woman sits. Her hair is a bright red color, her eyes are a deep brown.

  "Come sit dears. I can tell you're in a hurry." The old lady says, waving us over. She wears a beaded necklace and long lace skirt. Her shirt is a navy blue. The table cloth looks much like an old rag, made of tons of different cloth.

  "Hi. I was wondering if you could read into my past for me. I need to know where my real home is, what I really am." I manage to say.

  Colt watches the old lady like a hawk.

  "Very well. Where's my compensation? I prefer to be paid first." The old lady says with a toothy grin.

  Colt then throws the locket, that I didn't know he even brought, at the old woman.

  "Yes, yes. This will do just fine." She says placing the locket in her shirt pocket.

  "Now dear, give me your right hand. This should only take a moment." She whispers reaching for my hand. I give Colt a worried look, but he nods his head at me. I hesitantly place my hand in the old wom
an's, feeling the rough surface of her hand.

  Then, the old woman starts mumbling in gibberish. I take this moment to study the house. All over the walls are very odd looking animals. A bull with weird horns and black birds with green eyes. The room is very small.

  "Done." The lady chirps.

  "Did you find out where I'm from?" I ask eagerly.

  "Indeed. I saw your mother child. She is still very much alive. A halfling under the care of humans. I'm sure the guards did well to cover that up. You being part human and fae, I see how you've been drawn into the fae world. Why are you with this demon though, child?" She says suspiciously.

  "I happened to meet Colt when I was passing through a town friend. Then it turns out my friend left me behind. So Colt is helping me right now." I say nervously.

  "I see. Very well, the town you seek after is Hunrel. I haven't had many customers though, as a thank you, I will send you there myself." She says scooting out of her chair with surprising speed.

  I widen my eyes in shock at her quick decision.

  "Colt, is this a good idea?" I whisper to him.

  "Just go with it." He grunts.

  "Ready?" The old woman asks.

  "I guess." I say looking at Colt.

  Suddenly, the air around us gets hazy and flickers. I feel like spiders are crawling along my skin. Then all of the sudden, I'm not in hell anymore.

  A beautiful meadow flourishes all around me. Filled with red and yellow flowers, the grassy grown sways back and forth lazily. The sky is a clear blue. The warm air caresses my skin. I hear the sound of loud laughter and chatter come from somewhere behind me.

  I slowly turn around.

  A lively village with stone buildings resides right in front of me.

  A hand lands on my shoulder causing me to jump.

  "Let's go." Colt chides me.

  I nod my head and walk quickly towards the fae. I notice how most of them have their wings out and subconsciously, I release mine.

  As if in a dream, I make my way inside the busy town. The scent of fresh baked goods makes my stomach growl. My eyes travel over across the street, to what looks to be a small eatery. A few small tables sit outside of it. A fae with large pink and black wings, similar to mine, sits at one of the tables facing away from me.


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