When To Fear The Living

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When To Fear The Living Page 19

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Damn.” He shut the fridge and went to a cabinet. I leaned against the sink worrying about Zeke. Asher pulled out a plastic sandwich bag from a drawer. “He told you about his scars?” He asked quietly as I watched him fill the bag with ice.

  “Not in so many words,” I admitted. “When I got those knots out I felt some raised spots on his back. The only reason I asked about it was because if it was scar tissue I needed to push harder.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “He said push harder.”

  “Humph.” Asher pushed a lot of air out of the bag then sealed it. “Did he tell you what they were from?”

  “No,” I answered quietly. “And I didn’t ask.” Asher gave me a small, sad smile before handing me the ice bag.

  “Are you sure you want to deal with him?” He asked, his face worried. “He’s really hard to deal with when he’s sick.” I gave him my mischievous grin.

  “I have my ways,” I said, cheekily. He smiled and shook his head. “I can handle him. I’m cute and bitchy.” He chuckled as I played with the ice bag.

  “Hell Ally, if anyone can, it’s you.” His eyes were warm as they ran over my face. My pulse sped up, as my eyes met his. Those butterflies went crazy, I blinked and looked down at the ice in my hand.

  “I try,” My voice was quiet as I shifted the ice around for something to look at besides him. I really needed to get a handle on this crush thing. The front door opened and I practically ran out into the front room to get away from Asher. Miles had brought in several plastic bags and was setting them down on the table.

  “I have more in the car,” Miles announced as he pushed his glasses up his nose. He grabbed two bags and handed them to me. Asher headed outside to bring the rest in. “This is all the medicine I thought he might be able to use,” He said. I looked in the two bags, it looked like he bought out the store. It made me smile. Sweet, caring, handsome Miles. Damn it Lexie, stop it. Now isn’t the time. I started going through the bags.

  “Thanks Miles, he has a temp of 103,” I told him as I pulled out fever meds.

  “I’ll get the doctor over here,” Miles said instantly. I looked up to see him already pulling out his phone.

  “Thank you,” I said immediately. Miles emerald eyes ran over my face before meeting mine.

  “Of course, but...” His mouth made a tight line as his gaze went to the hallway, then back to me. “I’ll be fine at least he barks less at me,” I reminded him. He thought about that then nodded.

  “That is true.” He agreed. I winked at him. He grinned as he dialed. I took the medicine I thought would work then headed down the hall. Zeke was sprawled out on his bed, eyes closed, still sweating.

  “Zeke,” I called softly from the door. Zeke opened one eye. He wasn’t asleep, just miserable. I walked in, sat on the edge of his bed next to him, and opened the stuff for his fever. “I’ve got some medicine for your fever and it’ll help with the muscle aches too,” I said softly. He winced as he sat up. I handed him the small cup. He drank it down fast, then made a face.

  “Ugh... grape,” He groaned. I laughed at the face he was making.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “Miles did,” He grumbled as he lay back down. “He’s punishing me.” I raised an eyebrow. Miles punishing Zeke?

  “For what?”

  “Yelling at you,” He mumbled.

  “You didn’t yell at me,” I reminded him. He just nodded with his eyes closed. I put the ice pack on his forehead. He groaned, grabbed it, and put it on the back of his neck.

  “... good....” He mumbled. Poor guy, I picked up the washcloths, went to the bathroom, and soaked them again. I sat back down and wiped his red face with one. He made small feel-good noises. It made me grin as I wiped down his face, neck, and arms. I really didn’t like his temp so high. Then something occurred to me.

  “Zeke, I can call Riley and have her come take care of you, if you want?” I offered.

  “No,” He bit out. That surprised me. Why wouldn’t Zeke want his girlfriend to take care of him?

  “Shouldn’t I tell her you’re sick? She’s going to be worried,” I tried again.

  “Don’t care...” His voice was groggy as I wiped his neck again with the wet cloth.

  “She’ll probably stop by after school anyway,” I thought out loud.

  “Never been here... don’t want her here...” He mumbled. I raised an eyebrow at that. Riley had never been to Zeke’s house? Well, then again, it made sense since I only saw it for the first time a few weeks ago. I wet the washcloths again and kept trying to cool him off. There was a knock on the front door, I put down the washcloths so I could head back up the hall to the front room. Miles had let in the doctor. Dr. Zimmer was near his fifties, he’d mostly retired years ago. Miles and his family were his only patients now. His black hair was graying and neatly combed. He wore slacks and a button down with a matching blazer. For a retired guy, he was rather fashionable, I was impressed.

  “Thank you, Dr. Zimmer,” Miles greeted him politely. “He’s down this way.” Miles led him down the hall to Zeke’s room while I went into the kitchen. I found a large mixing bowl while Asher was cutting carrots. I put a few ice cubes in it, and was filling it up when shouting came from Zeke’s room. Damn it. I turned off the faucet and ran to his room. Zeke was sitting on the edge of the bed snarling at Miles while the doctor simply waited by the door.

  “I don’t need a fucking doctor,” Zeke snapped bitterly. His eyes were glowing with his fever. I walked in the door and stood directly in front of him. He blinked up at me.

  “Zeke, you have a fever of 103. I can hear crap rattling around in your chest,” I told him clearly, my voice hard and clipped. “You need a fucking doctor.” He scowled at me. I didn’t give in. “So, sit there and let him check you out so we don’t end up taking you to the E.R.” His fevered eyes ran over my face. Then he let out a big breath; I knew I won. I stepped to the side, giving the doctor room but not far enough to leave Zeke’s sight. Dr. Zimmer came over and gave him a quick exam. Anytime Zeke started to snap, I put my hand on his shoulder, reminding him that I was right there. He’d clench his teeth and did what the doctor asked. It didn’t take long.

  “Alright Zeke, you’ve got bronchitis, and a high fever, probably from the flu,” Dr. Zimmer announced. “It’s a good thing Miles called otherwise you’d end up with pneumonia soon.” He pulled out a prescription pad then started writing. “I’m giving you an antibiotic, I also want you to take a decongestant and cough all that up, you need to get it out.” He pulled the prescription off the pad before he handed it to Miles. “Once the fever breaks, you’ll feel a lot better. Bronchitis won’t keep you down, it’s just the fever that’s doing that right now.” Zeke’s head was already starting to hang, his eyes were closed. I touched his shoulder.

  “Zeke, lay down,” I told him gently. He didn’t argue, he just laid down. The doctor was still talking to Miles when Zeke started to snore lightly. I had to fight back a grin, that medicine must have finally kicked in. We filed down the hall and into the front room.

  “He’ll be up and terrorizing you guys again in a couple days,” Dr. Zimmer reassured us.

  “Thanks doc,” I said.

  “My pleasure,” Dr. Zimmer said before he headed out the door.

  “I’ll go get his prescription.” Miles told me as he pulled on his coat and headed out the door too. I sat down on the couch with my head back. Heavy footsteps moved across the floor.

  “Are you okay, Ally girl?” I nodded before opening my eyes to look up at him.

  “Yeah, I’m just worried about his fever,” I told him. Asher sat in the yellow chair next to me.

  “He’ll be okay, he’s a tough bastard,” He assured me. I nodded. “How do you calm him down anyway?” I looked at the TV and shrugged.

  “I think it’s just me being a girl,” I said honestly. He shrugged.

  “Maybe. I need to get back to school, unless you want help with him?” Asher offered.

��Nah, I got him. He’s too sick to run from a pout right now,” I said. Asher laughed. When he calmed down, he was smiling.

  “That’s true.” He pointed at the kitchen. “I’ve got a big pot of Maria’s soup heating on the stove. It’s the only thing he’ll eat when he’s sick like this.” He got up then leaned over to kiss me on the top of my head. Hot shivers ran down my neck. “If you need anything call,” He said. I gave him a wink.

  “Will do.” I held my breath until Asher was out the door. Then I went limp against the couch. This crush shit sucked. How long was I going to have these feeling for Asher? And Miles? I sighed, stupid move Lexie.

  It wasn’t long before Miles was back with Zeke’s prescription and a great decongestant. I told him to go back to school. He frowned at me.

  “Are you sure? Zeke isn’t exactly the friendliest guy right now,” He warned. I gave him a smile.

  “I can handle him Miles, don’t worry about it,” I reassured him. “If I need a break I’ll call.” His eyes ran over my face several times before he nodded. I made Zeke a bowl of soup and got a glass of orange juice. Making sure I had his antibiotics and decongestant, I headed down the hallway. His face was sweaty and red as he lay on his side facing the door. I bit the corner of my lower lip. I wanted to check his temp again but I knew it probably hadn’t changed. I set everything down on the end table before sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Zeke,” I called softly, checking his temp with the back of my fingers.

  “Baby...?” He slurred his voice deep with sleep.

  “Yeah, it’s me, Tough guy,” I said softly. He opened his eyes slowly. “I have your meds for you, and soup.” He groaned, burying his face into a pillow. “You need to eat something with these.” My voice told him not to argue. He rolled over grumbling then sat up against the wall, his eyes only half way open. I gave him the meds, decongestant, and the juice. He took them, drinking down the entire glass. I took it back then gave him his soup. He took a deep breath, then started coughing. I waited until he was done so he could take his soup. While he ate, I picked up the washcloths and put them on the nightstand. When I went to get up he lifted his head from his soup.


  “I’m just going to the kitchen. I’ll be right back,” I told him, keeping my voice soothing. He nodded, still groggy, as he went back to eating. I went to the kitchen and emptied the big bowl of water. I put in a few cubes again. I was filling it when I realized it. I had just woken Zeke up, without a problem. It took almost a minute for that to sink in. He must really feel like shit. I carried the bowl back to his bedroom and set it on the nightstand. He was almost asleep, the bowl in his hand about to tip over. I snatched it fast, just before he spilled it all over himself, that had him lifting his head. “Lay down, Tough Guy, I’ve got some cold water to help cool you off.” He nodded, he laid back down on his side, facing me again.

  I sat back on the edge of the bed, dipped a washcloth, wrung it out, then put it on the back of his neck. He made a feel-good groan again. I had a small smile as I added another one to his forehead. I was wringing out another when Zeke moved. He rolled a bit to his stomach and moved his arm. His thick, muscled forearm laid over my leg that was bent under me, his hand wrapped around my other knee. I went still, too stunned to move. Okay... Zeke was a cuddler, I did not know that. It took me a couple minutes to wrap my head around that. Then I was back to trying to cool him off. I really wanted to wipe down his back, but with the way he reacted when I tried to take his shirt off told me he wouldn’t like it. Screw it, I started wetting down the back of his shirt. I was a little worried he’d be uncomfortable until he started snoring again. I kept wiping down his face, neck, arms and back until the red in his face was gone. I went to get up but his grip wouldn't let me. “Zeke, I have to get up,” I whispered. He groaned, let go of me, and rolled over. I smiled as I went into the living room. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone. Rory had called. I winced, the school probably called him. I called back.

  “Where the hell are you? And why aren’t you in class?” Rory snapped into my ear.

  “Zeke’s sick,” I said instantly. “He came to school with a 103 temp and he could barely walk. So, we took him home and I’m taking care of him.” There were a few heartbeats of silence.

  “Fine,” Rory said sleepily. “Just... call next time.”

  “I promise,” I assured him. Rory hung up. I must have woken him up. I noticed I had several text messages.

  Secret Admirer: I stopped by your house last night to introduce myself and apologize for not showing up at the theater. But your friends were over so I thought discretion was a better idea. I’m sorry again for not coming into the theater.

  Secret Admirer: Did you get the flowers last night? Did you like your present?”

  Secret Admirer: You’re not at school. Are you okay? What’s going on?

  I frowned as I kept reading.

  Secret Admirer: Tell me you’re alright.

  He was acting like a possessive boyfriend. It was starting to creep me out.

  Alexis: I’m not at school. One of my friends is sick and I’m taking care of him. I did get the flowers and present. I don’t know if I can accept the ring, it’s too much.

  I got a response almost instantly.

  Secret Admirer: I was worried about you.

  Secret Admirer: Of course you can keep the ring, it’s perfect for you. I bet it fit perfectly.

  Alexis: I never put it on. Like I said it’s too much, how can I get it back to you?

  Secret Admirer: Why didn’t you put it on? It was a gift. You should wear it, I want you to have it.

  I blinked at my phone. I didn’t understand this guy and I was tired of this.

  Alexis: You had the chance to meet me and you didn’t take it, again. If you can’t handle my friends, then you probably can’t handle me. I’m a lot like them, loud, foul-mouthed, and a smart-ass. I’ll leave your ring in an envelope on my locker when I come back to school.

  My phone instantly started vibrating.

  Secret Admirer: Don’t say that, you’re nothing like them.

  I ignored the texts coming in and sent a message to Rory to call Zeke’s phone if he needs me. He was still texting me when I shut off my phone. Dread settled in my stomach as I thought about all those texts, it was creepy. A door opened down the hall, Zeke’s Aunt Sylvia walked in wearing her purple plaid pajama’s. Sylvia had one of those faces you would never forget. Not exceptionally beautiful. The kind of face where her personality shined through and that’s what made her pretty. She pushed back her black shoulder length hair.

  “Lexie? What are you doing here?” Sylvia asked. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, Zeke’s sick,” I explained what happened this morning. She sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “He’s been spending too much time working at that garage at night,” Sylvia grumbled. “Thank you for taking care of my baby.” I smiled.

  “No problem,” I told her. Sylvia went into the kitchen as my eyes went to the photo of Zeke and his Mom. Sylvia came back in with a steaming mug and sat in her favorite yellow chair. “Sylvie, I probably shouldn’t ask this,” I announced before looking to her. “What was Zeke’s Mom like?” She stirred her tea and smiled a sad smile.

  “Julia was sweet and great,” Sylvie began. She looked up from her tea and met my eyes.

  “She was too nice, too forgiving.” Sylvie seemed to weigh something, then came to a decision.

  “His father was a biochemist at one of those big companies in the city. But, he had a mean streak and a temper even before Zeke was born. She forgave him a lot, even when she shouldn’t have.” Her eyes ran over my face. “I think that’s why Zeke likes you so much.”

  “Why?” I asked, not getting it.

  “You would tell someone to fuck off before putting up with the shit she did,” Sylvia said firmly. “That’s all I’m going to tell you.”

  “That’s okay,” I told her quietly. She g
ave me a warm smile. There was cursing from down the hallway. I growled as I got up and hurried down to Zeke’s room, to find him trying to get up.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “I can take care of myself,” He shot back as he unsteadily got to his feet. I stepped forward and gave him a small shove. He dropped back to the bed and cursed at me.

  “No, you can’t. Not with a 103 temp,” I countered.

  “I feel better.” He bit out. I grabbed the thermometer and stuck it into his mouth. When it beeped I checked, it said 102.

  “You still have a high fever, so what do you want?” I asked in a gentler tone. He frowned

  “O.J,” He muttered.

  “I’ll get it. Keep your ass in bed.” I turned to walk out of the room.

  “Can I take a leak by myself?” Zeke countered sarcastically. I smirked as I pretended to think about it.

  “No shit, Zeke,” I shot back smiling. “I can’t do that for you and I have no intention of trying.” The corner of his mouth twitched before I headed down the hall. Sylvia was laughing her butt off in the kitchen.

  “Oh, I love how you handle him,” Sylvia announced. “I can barely get him to behave when he’s sick.”

  “I'm just majorly bossy,” I offered smiling. Sylvia smiled as she filled up a glass then headed back down the hall. Zeke was sitting on the side of his bed again when I walked in. I handed him the juice. He took it without grumbling, and drank the juice down. “Lay down, get some rest,” I told him softly. He nodded, his eyes already half closed. He laid down on his stomach this time. A phone rang, I found his phone on the desk. “Zeke, its Riley. What do you want me to tell her?”

  “Tell her I’m sick and leave me the fuck alone,” He growled into the pillow. I snorted and answered the phone.

  “Where are you?” Riley demanded.

  “It’s Lexie,” I said as I sat down on the side of the bed and reached for a wet washcloth.


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