When To Fear The Living

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When To Fear The Living Page 21

by B. L. Brunnemer

  "Why the fuck do you let me hang out with her?" Zeke asked, his voice dark and hard. "You know what he did. You saw it-"

  "You are nothing like your Father, and I knew that bastard." Rory's voice was hard. "You are a good kid, Zeke. You're angry, hell, anyone would be after what you've been through, but you're not him." Zeke scoffed. "Besides, Lexie gives you shit, and you need that. And its fun as hell to watch." Zeke snorted. I decided to sneak back up the hall before they realized I was there. Rory stayed back there with Zeke for some time and I didn't eavesdrop again.

  I was washing my dish when Rory came into the kitchen.

  "Lexie, he's okay, you don't need to sleep here," Rory stated.

  "Rory, he had a temperature of 103," I told him patiently. "I've been soaking down his shirt every other hour, and that's the only reason I think he's lucid right now."

  "The guys can take care of him." Rory countered. I raised an eyebrow.

  "Oh, yeah?" I said doubtfully. I walked to the kitchen doorway. "Can one of you go ask how Zeke feels, I need to make a point." Isaac groaned as he got to his feet.

  "If it looks like suicide, don't believe the note," Isaac warned us before heading down the hall. Shouting erupted in Zeke's room, glass shattered and Isaac hurried back out. "That was mean, Red." I chuckled then looked at Rory.

  "My turn," I said before walking into the kitchen, getting the broom and dust pan, then heading down the hall. Rory waited outside the door while I walked in. "Where's the glass?" I asked.

  "Leave it. I'll get it tomorrow," Zeke muttered

  "The dogs are in here. So, no, where is the glass?" I asked again. He grumbled, then pointed to the corner of the room. I went over and swept up the glass then dumped it into his small metal can next to his desk. "You're getting plastic cups in here like a little kid. So, stop acting like a baby or I'll treat you like one." I clicked the dustpan back on the broom as I noticed his face was getting red again. I leaned the broom against the wall then went to him and felt his forehead. He was getting warmer. I took his temp, it was 103. I grabbed the fever medicine, poured it, and held it out to him.

  "No. Nothing to wash my mouth out with," Zeke protested.

  "Well, then you should have thought of that before you threw your water. Now drink it," I told him firmly. He cursed under his breath as he drank it down. He made a pinched face that I had a hard time not laughing at. "Do you want me to soak down your shirt again?" I asked gently. He nodded and rolled to his side. I soaked down his back and put a wet cloth on the back of his neck.

  "Thanks, Baby," He mumbled half asleep.

  "No problem, Tough Guy," I said softly as I ran my hand over his hair. I went into the hallway to give Rory a ‘see what I mean’ look. We both walked down to the front room.

  "I see what you mean," Rory admitted, looking back toward Zeke's room. "Alright, you can stay."

  "Can I skip tomorrow if he still has a fever?" I asked. "It's a half day of State testing."

  "Yeah, State testing's bullshit anyway," Rory said. "Come get your stuff out of the car."

  I brought in everything I asked Rory for. As the others watched movies, I sat in the small dining room and worked on my essay for Pride and Prejudice. It wasn't due for a week, but I had finished the book and wanted to get it over with. When I was finally done, I checked on Zeke. He was out cold and surrounded by dogs. Smiling, I went back into the living room and joined the boys. It was a fun night, considering Zeke was sick.

  I jerked awake with a gasp, something was touching me, my heart raced in my chest as I looked around trying to figure out where I was. Limes filled my lungs. Isaac. I took deep breaths as it all came back to me. I was at Zeke's, in the family room, Isaac was snuggled up to me, his cheek against my back. Sweat kept streaming down my face.

  "Red?" Isaac mumbled.

  "I'm fine. I just need to get up," I whispered back. Isaac let go of me and rolled over. I used the light from my laptop to make my way into the kitchen. I had finished washing my face when someone came in behind me.

  "Beautiful? You alright?" Ethan asked, his smoky voice startled me. I dried my face on a paper towel.

  "Yeah, fine. Just a bad dream," I mumbled before turning around.

  "What kind?" Ethan asked, stepping closer so he could whisper. I tried to remember but only found hazy impressions of running.

  "I don't remember," I admitted as I brushed my hair out of my face. Ethan reached out and pulled me to him. He hugged me tight, his arm running up my spine so his hand could cup the back of my neck. It was an Ethan hug, and I loved them. I took a deep breath of spice as I squeezed him back. "I'm okay," I told him in a shaky voice.

  "I know, but I don't like seeing that look on your face," He whispered back. He kissed my hair before letting me go. "Want to snuggle on the couch?" He asked, grinning at me. I was considering it when Tank and Hades came into the kitchen. They both whined at me.

  "I'm going to check on Zeke first," I told him. Ethan turned to see the dogs.

  "Good idea, I'm going back to the couch," Ethan said before he walked out of the kitchen. I followed the dogs down to Zeke's room. Zeke was on his back, jerking in fits and starts, his face was red and pinched as if in pain. I sat down on the side of the bed and felt his forehead. He stopped jerking. His skin was hot to the touch again.

  "Zeke, wake up a bit for me," I said softly. He stopped wincing. I tried again in a firmer voice. "Tough Guy, I need to check your temp." Zeke barely opened his eyes, though he did open his mouth. I put the thermometer in. "Under your tongue." As I waited, I grabbed a wash cloth, wet it in the bowl of water and wiped it over his face. When the thermometer was done, I checked it. It was 103.8. I poured the fever medicine again and turned back to him. "Zeke, you need to take this." He opened his eyes and took the cup from me. Still mostly asleep, he drank it and laid back down. I grabbed the bowl of water and headed into the kitchen. I poured it out and refilled it with fresh ice water. I was on my way back when Ethan sat up.

  "What's wrong?" Ethan asked in a quiet voice.

  "His temp spiked. I got him, go back to sleep." I answered before heading back to Zeke's room.

  I set the bowl on his end table and soaked a wash cloth again. Since he was laying on his back, I soaked down the front of his shirt. He made little happy noises in his sleep between light snores, he coughed hard, his lungs still full of crap, then he settled down again. When his face wasn't red anymore, I put the cloth back. Zeke started moving again as his face pinched. It looked like he was having a nightmare.

  "I'm sitting right here, Zeke," I told him gently. He turned his head toward me in his sleep. "I'm right here, and I'm not moving. So, whatever you’re dreaming about can fuck off." I reached out and ran my fingers through his hair carefully. He gave me a small smile and my heart melted at the sight. He looked so relaxed when he was asleep. The difference was surprising enough that I had to stop and look at him. His jaw wasn't clenched, he wasn't frowning, and his eyes weren't glaring. I rested my hand on his chest, thinking he would be okay. His face pinched again so I started talking again. I made up stories about sea turtles and frogs, I told him about books I had read and what they were about, which ones I liked and which ones I wanted to set fire to. It didn't matter. As long as I kept talking, he slept peacefully. I kept cooling his face and neck down when he started to grow red again, but I kept talking. Eventually, I fell asleep sitting up.

  Chapter 12


  The light filling the room woke me up slowly. I was in a weird position, and I couldn’t remember why. The scent of leather and engine grease surrounded me. Zeke? I was half laying on something hard, something heavy was around my waist, and something was tangled in my hair. I wondered what woke me up. A camera clicked. I opened my eyes. Isaac was smirking as he lowered his phone. I flipped him off. He winked at me before heading into the bathroom across the hall. I tried shifting a little but Zeke's fingers tightened in my hair, his arm tensed around my waist.

Zeke whispered as he half woke up.

  "Still here, Tough Guy," I mumbled as I sat up slowly. Zeke's hand dropped from my hair to his chest as he woke up. I reached for the thermometer and held it out. He opened his mouth, I put it in and used the time to try and remember what happened. Zeke's fever had spiked, I remembered he looked like he was having bad dreams, I remembered talking to him... and that was it. The thermometer beeped, it said 101. Still in a half daze, I poured more fever meds, handed that to him, and wrung out a new cloth which I put on his forehead.

  "Go to bed, I'm all right." Zeke said as he was waking up.

  "You need food, meds...." I ignored him as I went through what he needed. I got up and went into the kitchen. I microwaved some of Maria's soup and poured him a glass of orange juice. I was zombie-walking back to his room when I realized Isaac was at Zeke's door.

  "-to sleep," Zeke said, I wasn't paying attention.

  "Got it," Isaac said as I passed him. "Red, he's okay. You need to get some sleep."

  "Fuck off," I said bluntly as I sat down on the side of the bed and put the soup on the nightstand. I handed Zeke the juice then gave him his antibiotics. "Take those." Zeke did without bitching. When he drained the glass, I took it and handed him the bowl. "Eat." Zeke glared at me.

  "Lexie," He began.

  "Eat, and I'll sleep," I promised in a grumble. Zeke ate his soup quickly then handed me the empty bowl. I set it down on the nightstand. I eyed him before I felt his forehead again, he didn't feel any warmer.

  "Go get some sleep, Lexie." Zeke tried again.

  "Last time I did, your temperature spiked." I pointed out.

  "I'll behave for the guys if you go to sleep." He countered. I was half asleep already. I sighed,

  "Fine," I muttered as I got up. Isaac wrapped his arm around me and steered me into Sylvie's bedroom. I didn't mind, I knew Sylvie. I barely remembered lying down.

  Shouting had me bolting up in bed. I was moving out the door before I was completely awake. I stepped into the hall and headed for Zeke's room. All the guys were in the hallway blocking my way.

  "-don't need ya!" Zeke shouted. I tapped on Asher's shoulder. He turned, sighed, then moved out of my way.

  "You're gonna wake up Red!" Isaac snapped back. I put my hand on his shoulder as I zombie-walked around Isaac to sit on the side of the bed. Isaac cursed. Zeke was glaring at everyone again.

  "What's up, Tough Guy?" I asked, still mostly asleep as I reached for the thermometer.

  "They won't leave," Zeke growled.

  "No shit. Open." I demanded. Zeke hesitated only a second then opened his mouth. I put the thermometer in. "I was asleep and someone needed to stay in case your fever comes back." I felt his face, it was hot again. I grabbed a wash cloth, wrung it out, and put it on his forehead. When the thermometer beeped, I took it out of his mouth. "101. No wonder you’re still bitchy," I grumbled. The guys chuckled in the doorway. I half turned to them. "Can someone bring a glass of orange juice, please?" Asher headed down the hall. I poured the fever medicine into its cup.

  "Not taking it." Zeke snapped.

  "You’re fucking taking it, or I'm pouring it down your fucking throat," I growled. The guys laughed. "And you know I'll fucking win." He grumbled as I handed him the cup. He drank it down. Asher walked in and handed me the glass. Zeke made his ick face, so I gave him the juice. He drank it down then handed it back and laid down on his side facing the door. "Want me to wet your back down?" I asked in a gentler voice.

  "Please?" He mumbled into his pillows. I grabbed the wash cloth and started soaking down his shirt again. The guys headed out into the hall.

  "Did he just say please?” Asher asked.

  "Holy shit, Red's a miracle worker."

  "Did he just let her touch his back or am I hallucinating?" Miles asked dryly.

  "She's the Zeke whisperer!" Ethan added. I ignored them as I soaked down his shirt. When I was done, I put a wet cloth on his neck.

  "Didn't mean to wake you up," Zeke muttered. "Go sleep."

  "I would, but apparently, if I'm not around you, you're an asshole." I pointed out dryly. He grumbled before shifting over in bed. He patted the spot he just made.

  "Sleep," He ordered. Too tired to argue, I laid down on my side facing the door. "Tank," Zeke called. The dog jumped up on the bed. "Guard Lexie," Tank laid down between us.

  "Is that really necessary?" I grumbled.

  "If I fall asleep, yeah," He muttered.

  "I woke you up last night." I pointed out.


  "Several times, you didn't have a problem," I said my voice getting quieter as I started to slip under.

  "Let's not push it," Zeke replied as I fell asleep.

  "Whoa." Someone's voice brought me to the surface. Footsteps walked away. I was sinking back under when they came back.

  "Check this out," Isaac whispered.

  "Shit," Ethan said.

  "Tank is between them," Miles pointed out.

  "She must have refused to leave this time." Asher offered.

  "Sounds like her." Isaac agreed.

  "Can someone get her out of here? I can't stay awake anymore." Zeke growled. "Tank, heel." Vanilla and cinnamon filled my nose as I was lifted to a hard chest. I rubbed my cheek on Asher's shirt.

  "Zeke, you ass," I grumbled. The guys chuckled.

  "I know," Zeke replied. I fell asleep as Asher carried me out of Zeke's room.

  I woke up with a jerk, my eyes darted around the empty living room.

  I pushed off the blanket, got up, and immediately went to check on Zeke. He was sitting up, petting Hades as he watched a movie on the old TV on his dresser. Tank and Kita were lying on the other side of him. I walked in and sat down on the side of the bed.

  "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked as I reached for the thermometer.

  "Better." His voice wasn't so rough now. "Lexie, I'm fine-"

  "Shut up," I ordered before I popped the thermometer into his mouth. Then I felt his forehead. He felt a little warm but not by much. The thermometer beeped. I checked it, 99.6.

  "You're almost normal," I said. He snorted as I grinned. Neither one of us were normal.

  "Yeah, I'm good enough that the guys headed home," He said. I shook my head.

  "Those shits," I grumbled. He grinned, and then eyed me.

  "Did you really wake me up last night?" He asked doubtfully. I nodded.

  "Several times, you were mostly asleep, but you knew it was me." I told him. His face went blank as he looked at me.

  "I didn't grab you? I didn't swing at you?" He asked carefully. I shook my head, his brow furrowed.

  "Just go with it, Zeke," I grumbled as I pushed my hair out of my face.

  "Come on, you haven't eaten all day," Zeke said as he moved Hades off his lap.

  "I'm fine. I'll get it," I said as I got to my feet. "You stay here and rest some more." I headed into the hallway with Zeke a step behind. I didn't bother to argue. When I walked into the small dining room, I noticed my computer was on. "I thought you said the guys left?"

  "They did."

  "Then who was using my computer?" I asked.

  "That's strange," Zeke said. I put it out of my head and went into the kitchen. I microwaved soup while Zeke got a glass of orange juice. Still half asleep I sat down at the table. Zeke put the glass of orange juice in front of me. "Drink that," He ordered.

  "I'm not sick, I'm just tired." I pointed out.

  "Yeah, you're tired, and I was sick. That can make you sick, so, drink it." He ordered. I sighed and drank some juice. He waited until I was done before breaking the silence. "Thanks for taking care of me, I know I'm an asshole when I'm sick."

  "That's what family is for," I said with a small smile. He smirked back.

  "Now, I want you to go home and get some sleep." His voice was the softer one I rarely heard from him. I hesitated.

  "What time is it?" I asked reaching for my pockets. I pulled out Zeke's phone. "Shit, I have band practice." I put
his phone down, got up, grabbed my bag, then hurried down the hall. "I'm using your shower," I warned over my shoulder.

  "I figured." Zeke called back. I rolled my eyes and rushed to get ready.

  I made it. I was late, but I made it. My hair was still damp, my makeup was non-existent, and Hades was still with me, but I made it. I shut the Blazer door and hurried up the alley to Ryan's garage. Hades ran ahead of me and jumped on Ethan. Ethan bent down and gave him loves.

  "Hey guys, sorry I'm late." I began. Oliver waved his hand.

  "Don't worry about it. Ethan told us you were taking care of Zeke." He assured me, I gave him a smile.

  "Thanks," I said as I watched Hades run over and sniff Ryan.

  "This is one awesomely ugly dog," Ryan announced as he bent down to pet Hades.

  "Hey, he's not ugly, he's adorably ugly." I countered. Ryan laughed as he picked up Hades.

  "Damn. He's heavy," Ryan grunted.

  "Yeah, and he's three months old," I said. Ryan's jaw dropped as he looked to me.

  "Seriously? How big is he going to get?" He asked as he carried the puppy over to me.

  "His head should be around my belly button," I smirked up at him. He chuckled as Hades licked his face. He pulled his face back from Hades’ reach and scratched his head.

  "You're going to be a giant dog," Ryan told Hades. I watched Ryan as he played with my puppy. His knuckles on his right hand had scraps, a couple bruises, and scabs over them. Ryan put Hades down, then straightened. I was about to ask him what happened to his hand when Ethan spoke up.

  "Let's get going. Ma's made tamales for dinner tonight." We got to work. We had a whole new list of songs to practice for Vegabond on Saturday night.

  We worked until we had them down. It took hours. When we were finally done, I grabbed Ethan's arm.

  "What's up, Beautiful?" He asked. I stepped close so the others wouldn't hear.

  "Can you follow me out to the cemetery? I need to move on two souls tonight, and I might need a hand," I whispered quickly. He gave me a warm smile.

  "Yeah," He said, like it was obvious. "Head on out, and I'll be right behind you." I gave him a grateful smile. I said goodnight to the others and called Hades.


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