When To Fear The Living

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When To Fear The Living Page 33

by B. L. Brunnemer

  Zeke sighed deeply then answered. "We broke up on Sunday." I sat stunned for a whole five seconds.

  "Wait, you guys broke up?" I asked trying to be sure I heard right. Zeke nodded before taking a drink out of his water. "Are you okay?" I asked. Zeke's looked at me like I'd grown a third head.

  "Yeah," He stated then changed the subject to English essays. I was still reeling when Clay came over. He stood across the table as his eyes ran over me.

  "So, it's true. What the hell happened?" Clay demanded as he moved around the table to get to me. He reached out and lifted my chin so he could see my face clearly. I fought the urge to smack his hand away as his fingers hit bruises. I reached up and gently pulled his hand away from my face.

  "She has a stalker, who tried to kidnap her Saturday night," Isaac answered for me. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  "A stalker?" Clay asked. He turned to Isaac.

  "Yeah, the police are all over it," Isaac answered again. I reminded myself not to kill Isaac, I loved Isaac, and there was no reason to get upset with him. It had to be common knowledge by now. Clay looked me over.

  "Are you okay?" He asked gently. I gave him a smile.

  "I'm fine, pissed off, but fine," I said cheerfully. Clay nodded.

  "If you need anything give me a call," Clay said. "You have my number."

  "Thanks, Clay," I said. He looked at my face again then walked back into the crowd. I sighed. I was zoning out when Zeke tapped on the table to get my attention.

  "Eat," Zeke reminded me. I didn't bitch, I started eating my lunch again. It wasn't long before someone else came to our table. Ryan came through the crowd and straight to me. I turned in my chair to look up at him. His eyes here hard as they ran over my face, his fingers went to my chin. I winced and took his hand off me.

  "Damn Lexie," Ryan muttered. "That's quite the bruising you have going."

  "Yeah, redhead’s bruises look worse than they really are," I assured him.

  "Did they find the guy?" Ryan asked.

  "Not yet," Ethan answered. "The cops are on it, though." Ryan nodded.

  "Good." Ryan reached out and picked up my phone. He started hitting buttons. "Here's my number, if you need anything call." I was too stunned to say anything. He handed it back to me and met my eyes. "Seriously, you need a walk out to the car, to the store, whatever. Call, okay?"

  "I will," I said gratefully. "Thanks, Ryan." He shrugged, his cheeks tinging pink, as he looked at the guys watching us.

  "No problem. I'll, um, see you guys at practice," Ryan stammered before heading back into the crowd. I turned back to the table and put my phone down. I didn't know what to say about that, but Isaac did.

  "Ryan's got a crush on you," Isaac stated. I rolled my eyes.

  "He's just worried about a friend," I countered. Isaac gave me a placating look.

  "Yeah, sure Red," He said in a knowing voice. My phone rang, it was Dylan. I sent it to voicemail and put my phone down. I was eating again when Asher's phone rang. He looked at me before he got to his feet and walked away to answer. I figured it was Dylan. We were still talking about how much homework we needed to make up when Asher came back.

  "Dylan?" I asked quietly. Asher met my eyes and nodded.

  "He just wanted to make sure you were alright," Asher explained. I just shook my head and ate my lunch. The noise in here was getting to me, I kept expecting my stalker to jump out at me any minute. It was ridiculous, but that's how I was feeling. When the bell rang, Miles walked me to Gym. He asked me if I was alright, I just nodded as we walked through to hall. When Miles dropped me off, he was frowning. I didn't know what about, I just went to class.

  "Alright Lexie, let's go over it again," Dave said. "You're going to wrap your leg back around mine, then hit my knee cap with the heel of your other foot. Got it?" He asked. I nodded. It was the end of my workout, and I was having trouble at the Gym today. I kept jumping at loud sounds and looking around me, I fucking hated it. I got back into position in front of him. Dave bear-hugged me and lifted me off my feet. I wrapped my left leg around his and hit his knee with my heel. He instantly dropped me to the mat. "Good. Again," He said. We ran through the move again and again until I felt like I had it down cold. Afterward, Dave looked me over. "No sparring or fight training for you," Dave told me. "You're too high strung today." I shot him a look.

  "Can ya blame me?" I asked sarcastically.

  "No, I can't," He admitted with a smile.

  "Thanks, Dave," I said before heading up to the front. I walked past Asher who stopped working out to turn to me.

  "Are you done?" Asher asked breathlessly.

  "Yeah, you guys can finish. I won't go anywhere," I promised. Asher's eyes ran over me before I turned away and walked back to the lockers. I was taking off my wraps when Jordan stepped up to the side of my locker.

  "Hey, I heard about what happened Saturday night," He said, his voice worried. "Are you alright?"

  "I have pounded meat for half my face but yeah, I'm alright," I pointed out sarcastically. He chuckled.

  "It's not that bad," He said as he reached for my chin. I smacked his hand away hard.

  "Don't touch me," I snapped, not caring anymore if I was being rude.

  "Whoa, what's with you?" He asked with a forced laugh. I shoved my wraps into my locker.

  "I don't want people to touch me," I stated clearly, my voice hard. "Especially my face. It hurts."

  "Lexie, what's wrong?" He asked. I gripped my locker door hard enough my knuckles turned white.

  "What's wrong?" I asked, my voice getting louder. I looked at him. "I've got some psycho out there who pounded my face in. I don't know who he is and I really want to return the favor. He's threatening my friends, scaring the shit out of me, and at this point, I'm ready for him to come out so we can play who can kill who first." Jordan's eyes grew wide, and I continued in a sharp, clipped voice. "And I'd really like it if people I don't know that well would stop trying to touch me. And everyone would just take a hint and back the fuck off." His eyes softened.

  "Oh, Lexie." He reached out to touch me. I smacked his hand away again and glared at him.

  "What fucking part of that didn't ya get?" I snapped. "Back the fuck off." I grabbed my jacket and slammed my locker shut.

  "Fuck you, Lexie," Jordan shouted.

  "Not in a million years," I shot back over my shoulder on my way out the door. I was at the Blazer before I could take a deep breath again. All I could hear was the ticking of my life clock just counting down. Don't be ridiculous Lexie, you got this. Rory's going to get this guy, and he's going to jail.

  I jumped into my truck and started it. I was still warming it up when Isaac climbed in the passenger side.

  "Don't you still have training?" I asked, surprised.

  "I'm not going with you. I just came out to check on you," He said, his worried eyes ran over me.

  "You yelled at Jordan and I only caught the end. What happened?"

  "The guy tried to touch my face," I grumbled. "Clay did it, Ryan did it, and it fucking hurts. So, I smacked his hand and told him I was fed up with people I barely knew trying to touch me."

  Isaac's eyes narrowed on me. "What then?"

  "He tried to touch my shoulder," I admitted dryly. "I smacked his hand away and asked him what part of that didn't he fucking understand." Isaac chuckled, I smiled. "He said 'fuck you, and I told him-"

  "Not in a million years," Isaac finished for me. "Yeah, I caught that part." He chuckled, I snorted, it was pretty funny. "Are you okay, Lexie?" I shrugged.

  "I'll live," I said. "Rory's still at home so I should be safe getting there if I don't stop."

  "Alright." He went to get out.

  "And tell the guys I handled it," I told him. He smirked at me.

  "Damn, I was looking forward to telling Zeke that Jordan tried to touch you after you said not to," He said in his 'aw shucks' voice. I chuckled. "Don't worry Red, I'll cover Jordan's ass, and then I'll let him know that
I did," He stated before jumping out of the truck and shutting the door.

  I pulled out of the lot and drove home more than aware that I was alone. I hated this feeling, and I wanted this over with. I got home without a problem and went inside. Hades jumped off the couch and ran to me. I dropped to my knees and gave him some much needed love. I hurried upstairs and took a shower. I pulled on comfy blue jeans and a charcoal gray oversized sweater. By the time I got downstairs, the guys were already there, except Isaac.

  "You guys didn't need to leave early," I reminded them.

  "I believe it was that or allow Zeke to beat the crap out of Jordan," Ethan announced as he pulled out his books. I looked at Zeke.

  "Why?" I asked wearily. Zeke frowned at me.

  "I need a reason?" He asked dryly. I chuckled, he gave me a half smirk as he pulled out his homework. I sat down next to Miles and started working on my mine.

  I was working on my history when my phone rang. It was Dylan, I sighed and sent it to voice mail. I was on the next question when it rang again. It was Dylan again.

  "Give it to me," Zeke offered. I actually thought about it for a second then dismissed the idea. I just answered.

  "What?" I asked, my voice sharp.

  "Are you okay? I've been worried about you all day," Dylan said.

  "You know I'm fine, you already talked to Asher. What do you want?" I asked pointedly.

  "I want a real chance to talk to you," He said. "I want you to hear me out." I scoffed. I had been listening, and all he ever did was repeat himself. I was done.

  "And I want people to get the hint when I send them to voice mail. But it looks like neither one of us is getting what we want today," I told him sarcastically before hanging up. The guys burst out laughing. I just shook my head and went back to work. It wasn't long before Asher made dinner, turkey meatloaf, potatoes, and green beans. Rory got up and joined us for dinner. It was our usual noisy dinner. It was normal, and right now, I really needed normal. After dinner, I was loading the dishwasher as the guys, and Rory took off. Isaac was on the couch with Hades in his lap when I flopped down next to him.

  "How was your day, Red?" He asked innocently. I sighed

  "Cruddy boarding on bad. Yours?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder.

  "Not too bad," He said as he pointed at the screen. "What are we watching?"

  "Oh, there's a new Brooklyn Nine-Nine on Hulu," I offered.

  "Hell yeah," He agreed instantly and started getting into our Hulu account. Isaac wrapped his arm around me so I could lay my head on his shoulder and snuggle up to him. He understood how touch made me feel better, at least from the guys it did. We watched the latest episode then went back to the beginning of this season. Isaac had introduced me to the show in December, it was now our show to watch together and only together. Watching alone would cause unimaginable bitching from the other person, and possible bruises.

  "Does it bother you to have to stay the night, Cookie Monster?" I asked quietly. He gave me a squeeze.

  "Nah, it's fun hanging with you," He answered. "Besides, we can plan pranks on Zeke that will take a lot more time to figure out." I smiled. He kissed the top of my head, and we went back to watching TV.

  It was around nine when Hades jumped off Isaac's lap and ran at the door barking. The doorbell rang, I got up and checked the peephole. No one was there. Hades stopped barking but continued to growl at the door, I opened it and looked out, no one was there. I was about to close the door when I saw it, flowers and a manila envelope sat on the front step. I opened the door and looked outside, there was no one there. Stomach knotting, I picked up the envelope and opened it. I took me a minute to understand what I was seeing.

  "Red? What is it?" Isaac asked, getting off the couch. My heart dropped. They were photos of me in my bedroom, naked. With the word 'mine' written across the top of them. Shocked, I looked at the next one, and the next. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't seem to breathe. "Lexie?" Before I realized it, Isaac took the top one from my hand and looked at it. He cursed, then pulled me inside, and slammed the door. "Lexie, are they all...?" He asked. I nodded, he cursed again. He pulled out his phone and called Rory, Isaac handed me the photo back. How the hell had he gotten these? What the fuck was he doing... Oh, God, don't think about that. It was too late, I felt sick as I looked down at the photos. Others were going to see them, cops, they were evidence. In a daze, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a black sharpie. I ran through the pile putting black bars across my chest and groin. I didn't stop until I finished every photo. It made me feel better knowing no one else was going to see... My stomach rolled.

  "Lexie," Isaac said in a gentle voice. I looked up at him. "Zeke's on his way. Rory wants you over at his place tonight." I nodded. I was going to need a bag. I headed upstairs without a word and tried to think about what I needed for tomorrow. Isaac reminded me about underwear and socks, I hadn't thought about that. We were almost done when the door opened downstairs.

  "Lexie! Isaac!" Zeke bellowed. Isaac squeezed my arm and left me to finish packing. What else did I need? What the fuck was he doing with... I pushed it out of my head again and tried to focus. I was still standing there trying to focus when the boys came upstairs. Isaac came in and looked in my bag.

  "Lexie, did you remember your pjs?" Isaac asked gently. I chewed the corner of my lower lip as I went to my bag and looked through it again, I hadn't. I opened my middle drawer under the bed and pulled out some jammies. I didn't even care if they matched. "Lexie, do you have your hair and makeup stuff?" Isaac asked softly. I blinked.

  "No, I forgot." I squeezed past Zeke in the hall and got everything I needed from the bathroom.

  "I think she's in shock," Isaac whispered.

  "Looks like it," Zeke whispered back.

  "The first thing she did was go over those photos with a sharpie," Isaac told him.

  "Wouldn't you?" Zeke growled low. I came out of the bathroom and put my stuff in my bag. I zipped it up and followed Zeke downstairs.

  "Oh, Hades' toys," I mumbled. I put my bag down and picked up a few of his favorites then stuffed them into my bag. I started pulling on my shoes.

  "I'll follow you out to your house," Isaac offered.

  "No, Rory wants you here watching the street to see if he tails us from here," Zeke said. "He said it should only take fifteen minutes of someone looking to make sure we're not followed.”

  "So, I'm making it obvious?" Isaac asked.

  "Damn obvious," Zeke said. I finished tying my shoes and grabbed my bag. Zeke called Hades and put his leash on. Isaac gave me a big hug and kissed my unbruised cheek.

  "I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay, Red?" Isaac said cheerfully. I nodded, I was afraid if I opened my mouth I'd be sick. Zeke took my arm and walked me out to his old Jeep. I put my bag in the backseat with Hades as he looked around at the other cars on the street. When I climbed in and locked the door, Zeke walked around the car and got in the other side. Isaac was at the mouth of the driveway waiting. Zeke pulled out onto the road and headed out of my neighborhood. I didn't even notice my hands were shaking until he took mine in his big, calloused hand. I clutched his hand as he took back road after back road. He made sudden U-turns and stops to see if anyone was following. It took an hour to get to his house.

  When Zeke finally pulled up to his house, he didn't waste any time. He grabbed my bag then got me and Hades inside behind a locked door fast. He set my bag on the small dinner table before going into the kitchen and opening the back door. Kita and Tank ran in and greeted Hades. I took off my jacket, hung it up, and walked into the living room. That horrible question kept running through my head.

  "Lexie," He called, his voice gentle. I turned around and looked up. His hands went to my shoulders, a steady, comforting weight when I couldn't seem to focus. "Do you know why Rory wanted you here?" He asked. I shook my head, his warm eyes met mine. "Because only the police have this address, we use a P.O box for everything. He can't find you here." I nodded that I
heard him. It was still hard to breathe, he frowned at me. "Lexie, take a deep breath for me." I took a big shaky breath.

  "Why...what did he use those photos for?" I asked the question that was making me sick. I needed him to tell me it was just a scare tactic, that my stalker never even looked at them. His jaw clenched, and his eyes turned murderous.

  "Don't think about that," He said in that soft, gentle voice he used with me. Tears fell down my face, he thought the same thing. My chest ached, my stomach was one huge knot, and I couldn't seem to catch my breath. Zeke's eyes melted, he pulled me into his arms and lifted me off my feet. He sat down on the couch and settled me in his lap. I wrapped my fingers in his shirt and cried silently. He held me tight, one arm around me, the other hand running down the back of my hair. "I'm with you, you're safe here," He whispered to me over and over.

  "I'm scared, Zeke. Those photos..." My throat closed.

  "I know, but we'll find every photo and burn every single one. I promise." He whispered to me. I nodded into his chest. "Rory's on his tail, and this guy is chicken shit. He had the chance to meet you like a reasonable person, he didn't, he wanted you alone and vulnerable. We're going to keep him away from you just by sticking to you." His voice got through the panic the more he spoke.

  "Those photos..." What did he do with them? How often did he look at them?

  "They aren't you, Baby," He told me. "Those photos aren't you, it's just your image. He'll never touch you." Zeke strangely made sense. He kept talking, telling me that it didn't matter what that sick fuck did with my picture, it wasn't actually me. It's just a picture. He kept talking until the knots in my stomach eased, and I could take a deep breath again. When I finally stopped wanting to be sick, I stayed in his arms.

  "I hate this fucker," I told him.

  "Me too, Baby." He held me as long as I needed. Until I felt good enough to let him go. It took a while. It was late, he tried to give me his bed, but I pointed out that I could fit on the couch with room to spare. He sighed and gave in. I used the bathroom to change since it didn't have any windows and came out to find a pillow and several blankets on the couch. I snuggled in as Zeke came from the kitchen wearing his black mesh shorts and black sleeveless shirt. He checked the locks on the doors and the windows twice before looking at me.


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