Alpha Shifter Bride Service: (A Paranormal Romance Series)

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Alpha Shifter Bride Service: (A Paranormal Romance Series) Page 29

by Serena Meadows

  “I am surprised you can even walk after that run. I feel like I could drop right here.”

  Jamie did as well, but her plan was not to drop where she was. There was a bed not too far from there, and that was her main priority then. Her mind was clear, and now her body needed some rest.

  “You know tomorrow is the full moon, right?”

  “I do. I keep up with that stuff for work.”

  “Then you know that it is the best time to get married. It blesses the union.”

  Jamie shook her head. She could not believe that he was still on that same subject. He really was acting like a dog with a bone, never letting it go.

  “I thought we’d already talked about this?”

  “Not really. I want you to marry me, and I should have asked you properly. With everything going on, I still want you to become my bride. I know that we did not meet in the most traditional way, but that will just give us a better story to tell our children and grandchildren when we get old. It'll be a story that is told throughout the clan for years to come.”

  Jamie wasn’t sure that she was prepared to go to the lengths that he was. She felt a draw to him, but Jamie didn't know if it was enough. She didn't know if it was because of how she truly felt, or the fear that had been crippling her for the last month or so. Now that William was gone, she needed some time just to think.

  The problem was that Dylan didn't have time, and she knew it. There was a ticking clock behind them, making it all seem like a waste of time.

  He moved towards her, and Jamie knew that he was going to kiss her. That worried her because she did not believe that she could be intimate with him in that moment and not take it too far. She sidestepped his kiss, and he looked hurt.

  “Do you really not want me? I am usually not this wrong.”

  Jamie tried to resist him, but the look in his eyes made her pause. She didn't want him to believe that. It wasn't the truth. She did want him, probably too much. It was consuming her, and Jamie knew that once she was in his arms and his lips were on hers, she would not be able to think anymore. Which meant that she would go along with things that she probably shouldn't.

  He tried to kiss her again, and this time, she didn't resist him. She didn't want to the first time, but it was her own fears that kept her in check. Now those fears were compounded, and she was shaking inside. Jamie needed him more than anything else in the world, and quickly the kiss became more feverish.

  Before long, he was pulling her down to the ground, and all she could do was cling to him, hopeful that she would still have her wits about her when it was over. Jamie knew that she wouldn't, though.

  Jamie let him kiss her because she was dying for it. Everything was overwhelming, and when he kissed her, everything fell away. It was then just the two of them and everything else between them no longer mattered.

  She felt the forest floor underneath her and thought nothing of it. It was what they’d been leading up to after all. She was trembling where she lay, hoping that it wasn’t so obvious to Dylan. He didn’t have to know what he did to her.

  “You are beautiful, Jamie. I want you to know that. Ever since the first time I saw you, I knew that I wanted you to be mine.”

  “And now you have me, and all you can think to do is chat my ear off?”

  He chuckled and pressed his body against hers. “Not hardly. I am just trying to get you started nice and slow. I am going to have a lot of fun with you.”

  His words made her shiver, and Dylan seemed to like it. His lips were so close, and she could feel the heat of his breath. Jamie knew that she was in for it. There was no other way to describe it.

  Dylan’s hands were sure as they played down the side of her body. She couldn’t help the sounds that came from her as his mouth moved to her neck.

  She was naked not too long after they started. She wanted to slow it down for a moment, but not because she wanted it to stop. It was exactly what Jamie needed. She needed his touch, but she wanted to enjoy it. He was overpowering her senses and she wasn’t going to be able to hold it in for later.

  Lips closed around her nipple and she gasped at the sudden pleasure of it. The rest of his ministrations so far had given her a dull ache between her legs but sucking on her nipples was different. The electric current was so much quicker, and Jamie was lost in the moment. She couldn’t help herself.

  Her nails dug into his back while she lifted the rest of her upper body just so he would have a better reach at what he was doing. It felt so good, she never wanted him to stop. Ever.

  The other nipple was pleasured, and Jamie was sure she was going to lose it from just that. It was the first time that she had gotten with a client after all. Jamie was quickly learning that it was a slippery slope. Dylan was worth it.

  Dylan was moving down her stomach now, and her body tensed. She held her breath, knowing where he was going and needing him to go there. It wasn’t something that she asked for, or even looked forward to, but then, it was all she could think about.

  Jamie actually helped him along, once she determined that he was just going to take his time, no matter how much it drove her crazy. Her hips lifted upwards when he got close. When she could feel the heat and dampness of his breath, she knew that he was where he was needed most. She wanted him inside of her, but that seemed some time off. She was ready for an orgasm right then and his mouth was another way to get her there.

  As soon as his tongue slid in between her lower lips, Jamie was lost. She called out several times, squirming to get away from the man moments after she had wanted to attach to his face like an octopus. Now though, his flicking tongue was too much and she wanted to breathe more than she wanted to explode again.

  Jamie hadn’t felt that good in a long time, and finally, she managed to get his hungry mouth off of her. When she opened her eyes, he was looking down at her with a grin. He had too much mischief in his depths, making her think that they were just getting started.

  Every time that Jamie was sure she was going to lose her mind completely, the pleasure of his mouth would back off for just a moment. It wouldn't be for long, though. As soon as she got her breath back, he was back at it again, and she was left twisting and turning underneath him.

  Before too long, Jamie was begging for a break. She was shaking inside, and even the lightest touch of him against her skin was too much for her. Jamie couldn’t handle anymore, and finally, she was able to press her legs back together. That was when she was able to breathe again, fully able to pull the air into her lungs.

  He sat back, and when Jamie opened her eyes, he was staring down at her. She was embarrassed at the noises that she had made. She had practically begged him to stop, even though she knew that he was far from done. Jamie wanted it, she wanted him, but now she wondered if she would be able to handle it. Just a few moments with his mouth and she was humiliating herself and calling out to him like she had never been with another man before.

  “Are you telling me that you don't want me, Jamie? I have to say, it seemed like it was feeling pretty good to you a few moments ago.”

  He was standing over her now, and he was starting to take off the bottoms that held him away from her. The trembling in her limbs was back and she watched him expose himself to her fully.

  Dylan's chest was hard and speckled with dark little hairs that matched the hair on his head. It made him seem bigger, especially how he was standing over her in such a way. She was shaking uncontrollably, and her eyes were riveted to the part of him that was more ready than the rest. It was where it was supposed to end, but now she was looking at it like a weapon.

  “I didn't say that I didn't want it.”

  “You're starting to look at me like one of those virgins. I didn't think that I would scare you.”

  Jamie tried to giggle again, but this time it sounded tinny and a little fake. Jamie was in her thirties. She wasn't afraid of a man or what he brought to the table, but that didn't mean that she couldn't be nervous either. She was anxious
about what he was going to do to her, with that long thing hanging between his legs.

  “You don't scare me.”

  To make him believe her, she went on her knees and slid him into her mouth in moments. It did exactly what she knew it would. It stopped all of the conversation that was coming from him. He had done the same thing for her, and it had made her feel impossibly good. Now she was just returning the favor.

  The feel of him in her mouth was nice. He was hard, smooth, and tasted a little salty, like she knew that he should. Jamie was so into the moment that she didn’t notice the way he was pulling her back. She wasn’t paying attention to anything more than the man inside of her mouth, pushing down closer and closer to the back of her throat.

  “Now that’s not fair. I can’t spill over and over again like you, and there is only one place that I want to be when I do. If I am not inside of you, it’s not going to be enough.”

  Jamie wasn’t listening. She was still too interested in the taste of him. She could also feel the power in being able to make a huge, scary man like Dylan beg. Just a little suction had him moaning and groaning out her name. It was intoxicating and made her feel powerful.

  When she was so close to making him lose it for good, she heard him growl and rip out of her mouth. She had tried to hold him still, but her mouth was quickly empty, and her lips were still tingling from the rubbing on his shaft. She wanted it back and whined when he took it away.

  “Now who doesn’t want who?”

  Another guttural sound from his throat and she was sure that she was going to melt. The sound was really getting to her, and when he told her to lay back down, no other thought but to do it came to mind.

  Her legs opened for him, and her eyes closed as she felt the first inch press inside of her. Both of them moaned and Jamie felt herself on the edge of orgasm already. She was just so sensitive from his time with his mouth on her. Nothing she could do could stop it.

  Jamie called out and was about to erupt when he stopped so suddenly. He was halfway inside of her, and she wanted all of him. She needed it. It was so close, just right there, and all he had to do was push in one good time. That was all that she needed.

  “Why are you stopping?”

  “Marry me, Jamie.”

  Her eyes flew open. She couldn’t believe that he had said that. He couldn’t mean that, surely.

  She lifted her hips up, and he moved back, sliding out of her further. Frustration was growing, and she whimpered as he slid back in slowly. It was like he knew that it wasn’t enough to send her over the edge. Jamie whined again.

  “Please, Dylan, don’t stop.”

  “Marry me then. I don’t ever want to stop.”

  Jamie was clueless about what to do. She wanted him, needed him even, but did that mean that she would be so willing to give it all up? Was she ready for something like that?

  He pushed in slowly, fully taking all of her as his own. She was dying for it, but it happened so quickly that she wasn’t able to really get the friction that was needed. He was just driving her crazy, and she was convinced that it was on purpose. It had to be. Nothing else made sense. He was already controlling her body better than she could.

  “Say yes, and I will make you come until you pass out, I promise.”

  Jamie would have insisted that it wasn’t possible. If it was anyone else, she would have said that very thing. But this time around, she was dying inside, and she had to say yes. She was going to lose herself any other way.


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I will marry you. Happy now?”

  He grinned and leaned in to kiss her. By the time his lips were on hers, his hips were pushing forward repeatedly.

  Her head fell back, and Jamie knew that she was no longer in control. Her soon-to-be husband was in command of her body now. Soon enough, he would show her that everything she thought she knew about herself was wrong. He was going to make her feel things she didn’t even know were possible.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dylan was satisfied that everything was going to plan. At first, he thought that it would be impossible. Nothing was going the way he wanted it to, but now, with Jamie in his arms, he knew that everything was right in the world.

  It was morning, and the sun was already pretty high in the sky. If it was still technically morning, it wouldn't be for long, which meant that they had a lot to do. They had to get ready for the marriage ceremony, and it had taken a bit of coaxing and quite a few orgasms, but Jamie had finally seen things the way that he wanted her to. It had made him feel alive for her to say yes to him.

  He looked over at her in the bed, snuggled up underneath the covers and her body pressed up against his. He could feel her warmth and knew that it was by far one of the best feelings he’d ever felt in his life.

  “It’s time, my love. We need to find you a dress and introduce you to a few of my cousins. They're going to help you get ready today. I don’t know much about it, but they will do your hair and makeup.”

  Jamie hid her face for a moment and then looked at Dylan. “I can't believe you got me to agree to this. I must be crazy.”

  He frowned. “Are you telling me that you're trying to back out now?”

  She insisted that she wasn't. “Not at all. I am just a little nervous. I haven't even told anybody in my family that I'm getting married. It’s going to start a lot of strange conversations.”

  “Why don't you invite them? I can have my guys pick them up.”

  Jamie was about to write off the option, but she finally gave him the names of a few people that she wanted to be there. Her best friend Melinda, as well as her mother and father and a cousin that she was close to growing up. Jamie couldn't think of anyone else, and that was most likely because his hand was underneath the sheets messing with her.

  “Are you sure that's everyone?”

  She giggled when he touched her hip. Apparently, it was a very sensitive area.

  “It’s everyone that I can think of right now. Maybe if you would take your hands off of me, I would be able to think straight for once.”

  “I'm afraid of when you think. You might decide that you don't want to be with me anymore and then I will have to convince you again.”

  She shook her head. “Trust me, that's never going to happen. This is what I want.”

  They kissed, and it quickly turned into something else. It was another hour before they get out of bed, and now it was officially the afternoon. In a few hours, they were going to be married, and Dylan still had his own duties to attend to. He also had to tell his father that he had found a mate and that the ceremony would be tonight. Malcolm was the one that had to give him away and accept his mate. It was important that he did because Jamie was going to be the clan's new queen. It was important that his father accept her so that the rest of the clan would as well.

  After leaving her with Eddie and a few female cousins, Dylan went to find his father. It had been a couple of days since the two of them had spoken and Dylan was hopeful that he had not heard about the business with William and getting rid of the dead body. That would start a conversation that Dylan wasn't prepared to have just yet.

  He didn't know how he was going to explain the death of William or if he should even bring up the fact that he may or may not be related to the Syndicate. Dylan knew that Malcolm would not like all the troubles that were headed their way. It was Dylan's problem, and he planned to take care of it once he was Alpha.

  The truth was that Dylan was still hopeful that William had just been running his mouth and trying to save his own ass. They didn’t want a war with another large clan, especially one that was so invested in criminal activity.

  He found his father in the throne room. Malcolm was sitting there in his big chair, while he looked out at empty seats in front of him.

  “Already getting nostalgic, old man?”

  Malcolm frowned because he thought he was alone. Dylan and he had not seen eye to eye on certain
things, but they both agreed that Dylan was the right person for the job.

  He’d been trained to become Alpha most of his life. Eddie had as well, just in case he didn't survive to adulthood, but Eddie had made it very clear that he did not want any part of it. Instead of becoming the Alpha, he wanted to help Jamie with her dress. Eddie used to joke how he was born into the wrong family and Dylan wondered if he was as well. His thoughts and views were so different than his father's.

  “I wouldn't say that. I am still the Alpha. How can I be nostalgic about something if I still hold the title?”

  “Tonight is the night, though. I will be mated early in the evening, and then I suspect that we will do the transfer afterward?”

  That is the way it had always been and what Dylan expected. But he knew to expect the unexpected when it came to Malcolm.

  “I have not accepted her as your queen yet. Why have I not met her?”

  “Well, it all happened so quickly.”

  “And this is one that you bought from that agency you told me about?”

  Dylan disagreed. “No, that did not work out the way I thought it would. The women were too young for me. I decided on someone else.”

  “Do I know her?”

  “I don't think so.”

  “Is she one of us?”

  Dylan didn't know if she was talking about if Jamie was a shifter or if she was a panther.

  “She is a shifter.”

  “What kind?”


  Malcolm was quiet for a moment. Everything was hanging in the balance of what he said next and Dylan tried his best not to look as concerned as he really was. Panthers were rare, and to find one that he actually liked was even harder. If he was forced to pick one of his own kind, which was not unheard of, it could really put a damper on all of his plans.

  “I suppose that will be acceptable. Wolves are more common, but we are rare. Tell me that she is at least from a good family.”

  “She is. An old family too.”


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