Something Borrowed, Something Blue

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Something Borrowed, Something Blue Page 4

by Lena Matthews

  “I was just getting around to that.” Azure turned to unlock the door, but once again froze.

  “So I see.” Gavin stepped up behind her and took her hand in his, moving it the extra step necessary and slipped the key into the lock. Leaning forward, Gavin brushed her hair away from her neck, and whispered softly in her ear. “If you don’t want to go any further, Azure, we don’t have too.”

  He was giving her the perfect opportunity to just shake his hand and tell him it was a lovely evening. No more, no less. They could end it there and everything would be fine. Azure could continue in her safe little world, where no one frightened or intrigued her. She had principles damn it, even if her body disagreed with her. Yet the only thing her principles demanded was that she didn’t allow herself to be just a one-night stand.

  Shaking his hand off, Azure turned the key and pushed the door open. Azure stepped in the room, then quickly turned around and put her hand against his chest, preventing Gavin from coming in. “Before you take another step, I think there are a few things we need to get clear.”

  His lips twitched like he was trying to prevent himself from smiling. “Okay.”

  “I’ve never had a one-night stand before. That’s not the type of person I am.”

  “I don’t care about that, Azure.”

  “I do.” It was important for Gavin to know that she didn’t take her body or the giving of her body lightly. “This is an anomaly, but the one thing it won’t be is a one time thing. If we make love tonight…”

  “When we make love tonight.”

  “Fine.” Now she was having a hard time not smiling. “When we make love tonight, it will be under the complete understanding that we both agree it has to happen at least once more.”


  “No. I mean, sure if you’re capable, but I meant another night. We have to do it again. I refuse to be a one night stand.”

  “So far, I’m not finding anything about your rules I don’t like. And Azure, I can assure you, I’m capable and willing to make love to you more than once tonight.”

  “Well…” Clearing her throat, Azure tried her best to get her raging hormones in check. Damn, he‘s lethal. “Condoms are a must. And if you don’t have any…”

  “I have plenty.”

  “Plenty.” Lethal isn’t the word.

  “Yes, now unless you have anything to add, I’d like to make a few rules of my own.”

  Startled, Azure dropped her hand. It never occurred to her that he would want to have a say. “Of course.”

  “First rule is,” Gavin stepped inside her house, forcing Azure to step back, “you have to come and come often.”

  “I think…I think that’s acceptable.”

  “And my second rule.”

  This she couldn’t wait to hear. “Yes.”

  Instead of answering her right away, Gavin took his time. He shut and locked the door, before turning back to her with a wicked gleam in his eyes. “I reserve the right to make up sexual rules as we go along.”

  “That’s not exactly fair.”

  “What does fairness have to do with anything?” Stepping forward, Gavin closed the final distance between them, pulling Azure into his arms in the process.

  His lips moved against hers, tenderly yet hungrily at the same time. The drive over and their brief interlude at the door seemed to have done little to curb his hunger for her, or vice versa. All it did was wet her appetite, and man, was she famished.

  How they made it to her bedroom, Azure would never know. She was just thankful the condo had a simple layout, so it was easy to figure out. Because if it had been left up to her, they more than likely wouldn’t have gotten past the front door.

  Gavin edged her back towards the bed, never breaking their kiss in the process. His hands moved over her body as if she were already nude, cupping, caressing, familiarizing themselves with every inch of her form. Everywhere he touched he inflamed, until Azure thought she would combust from want alone.

  Not one to be passive, Azure’s hands roamed his body as well, but unlike Gavin, who touched her as if he had all night, Azure had a goal in mind. Getting him nude and inside of her in record time. Moving her hand between their tightly pressed bodies seemed almost a chore, but it was well worth it once she grasped the tail of his shirt in her hand and began to drag it up his rock hard frame.

  She tore her mouth away from his and pushed him back so she could pull his shirt up and out of the way. Gavin laughed at her impatience, but made no move to stop her. In fact, they were of like minds.

  No sooner had Azure removed his shirt, than Gavin returned the favor. Only he removed her skirt and underthings as well. In less than a minute, they were both nude and spread out on top of her bed.

  His eyes heated with desire—desire for her and what she had to offer. It sent tremors through her body, as he settled at the apex of her thighs. The thick length of his cock brushed against her damp aching flesh, causing Azure to cry out with need.

  A need that was echoed in Gavin’s movements as he made his way down her body, leaving trails of kisses in his wake. He was as talented in bed with his tongue as he was out of it. Gavin didn’t treat oral sex like a job, with a lick here or a swipe there. He took his time discovering everything she liked and disliked, teasing her and tasting her until Azure thought she would go mad from pleasure alone.

  Wrapping her hand around the silk strands of his hair, Azure writhed beneath his talented tongue. It was too much, yet not enough—all at the same time.

  “Yes…right there…” The words were as jumbled as the emotions sprouting forth. Never had anything hurt so good before.

  Just when Azure thought she couldn’t handle a second more, she came, crying out his name.

  Her orgasm had barely subsided before Gavin disappeared to the end of the bed for a second, coming back with several condoms. Gavin tossed all but one of the condoms on the nightstand next to them

  “Do you always carry that many around with you?”

  Gavin eyed her as he ripped into the wrapper. “Do you really want to know the answer to that?”

  Azure thought about it for a second. Did she really want to bring the ghost of past lovers into bed with them? The answer came as quickly as she had. Hell no. This wasn’t about the past, it was about here and now. “No.”

  “Good, then I won’t have to ask you why you have a scarf on your bed.”

  Following his teasing gaze, Azure looked at the white scarf, draped over one side of her headboard. If memory served, she’d thrown it there in the midst of her fashion emergency earlier this evening, but she wasn’t going to let Gavin know that. “It’s probably best you don’t.”

  “For my sanity, I won’t.” Gavin settled between her spread legs, slipping one hand under her thigh and arching her body up for his. “Besides, I think we’ve done enough talking, don’t you?”

  Azure couldn’t agree more. “More than enough.”

  She didn’t want to talk. She just wanted to feel. Every solid, hard inch of him.

  “Look at me,” Gavin ordered as he placed the head of his cock at her moist center. “I want to watch you as I take you.”

  The feel of his cock, so close to sinking into her depths, had Azure arching up to him, her eyes instinctively closing. But Gavin wasn’t having that. He pulled back until he was no longer touching her, forcing Azure to focus back on him.

  “That’s right, baby. Watch me.”

  Unable to do anything but what he commanded, Azure kept her eyes focused on him. It took everything inside her to stay locked in his gaze, especially when he pressed against her again.

  But once again, Gavin surprised her. Instead of pushing his length completely inside of her, he pressed the head of his cock just within her before easing back out. He plunged forth once more, but as before, he held back from sinking fully inside her.

  “God, you feel so good,” Gavin growled as he pressed forward. He was performing a torturous tango. Keeping her on ed
ge — primed, ready and aching for his full possession — but never quite giving her everything she needed.

  Unable to stand his teasing lovemaking a second longer, Azure pushed her hips up, driving him fully into her deep warmth. The pleasure was so intense that she cried out his name. Everything around her faded away as she focused all of her energy on the all-consuming sensations he instilled inside her.

  Gavin’s rough chuckle danced across her neck like a whispering wave. “So impatient, love.”

  “Stop teasing me and fuck me.”

  “No.” He accentuated his word with a deep thrust of his hips, which stole Azure’s breath away. “We’re not going to fuck, Azure. What we’re going to do is make love.”

  “Then make love to me. Just stop torturing me.” Fuck, screw, bang—Azure didn’t care what he called it, as long as he did it.

  “Loving you could never be torture.”

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  “If I don’t die from this first.” Gavin began to move slowly within her, ignoring her demands, letting Azure know, in no uncertain terms who was in charge.

  “Please, please…” Azure begged. Digging her nails into his back, she took her frustration out on him the only way she could. She wanted to come, she wanted to come badly, but mostly, she wanted Gavin to power into her. To take her swiftly and as fully as she knew he could.

  At this moment in time, romance was the last thing on her mind. She just wanted to be consumed by him.

  “I love the sound of ‘please’ on your lips.” Increasing his tempo, Gavin drove into her forcefully.

  A low, frantic gasp tumbled from her lips, as she dug her fingers into his flesh and held on with all of her might.

  “That’s it baby. Take it. It’s yours…I’m yours.”

  The exquisite pain of her desire was mind numbing. Never before had she wanted someone, or something, as completely as she wanted Gavin. If hearing “please” was what he liked, then ”please” was what he would get. “Take me Gavin, please. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”

  This time Gavin didn’t take exception to her words, instead, he did just as she pleaded. He fucked her, over and over, pounding into her craving body, as Azure undulated beneath him. Her orgasm washed over her—not like a gentle wave, but like a tidal wave. It stole her breath. It robbed her of her strength. Her orgasm was so powerful it damn near vanquished her will to live.

  Gavin wasn’t far behind. Seconds after she moaned his name, he cried out hers, pumping his cock into her as he came. Gasping for air, Azure thanked the gods when he gently pulled out and dropped onto the bed instead of on top of her. Their combined weight, after that little work out, would have been the death of her.

  Amused by the thought of death by sexual exhaustion, Azure smiled. This was one experience she’d never regret or forget no matter what the future held.

  “Damn.” Gavin muttered, running his hand through his disheveled hair. “That was…”

  “Incredible,” Azure offered.

  “No, I was going to say good for the first time.”

  Cocky bastard. “Just good?”

  “Just good.” Gavin smiled. “I’m sure we can do much, much better than this.”

  “You think?” If he had the stamina, she had the willpower.

  “No, baby.” Rolling on his side to face her, Gavin cupped her check lovingly.

  “I know.”

  Chapter Six

  “See Rory? I told you. The boy is gone.”

  Startled out of his self-induced coma, Gavin glanced over his shoulder, surprised to see his sister and her assistant, Rory, standing in his doorway laughing. “What?” he asked.

  His annoyance only seemed to spur the grinning duo on.

  “You’re right, Gail. He’s a goner.”

  “I have no idea what you two pecking hens are clucking about and I really don’t care.” Gavin pushed back from the computer and stood.

  It was obvious he wasn’t going to get any work done. Especially now that his office had been invaded by Tweedledum and Tweedledee. It didn’t appear as if he was going to enjoy any peace and quiet either. Working in a family-run business had its ups and down. Today was a down, because his sister seemed intent on busting his balls.

  “We’re talking about the stupid little face you’ve been making ever since you met a certain lady friend a few months ago.” Gail centered her gaze on the tip of her nose, causing Rory to giggle.

  No matter how infatuated he was with Azure—and he was—Gavin knew without a doubt he hadn’t been walking around looking like the stupid face Gail was making.

  And they said men were immature. “Grow up.”

  “I don’t want to.” Gail nudged him, eliciting a growl from Gavin. “Admit it, you have a thing for her.”

  “I don’t have a thing for her.” A thing, how stupid was that? “We’ve been seeing each other for a few months.” Twelve weeks and four days exactly, not that he was keeping count or anything. “But it’s nothing too serious. We just enjoy each other’s company.”

  That was an understatement if there ever was one. Since the first night they’d made love, they’d been inseparable. Yet even if they’d been living together Gavin would have stuck to the same story. His love life, was just that, his. And even if he lost every last sense the good Lord gave him, he would still never, ever confide in his sister. She was like a revolving door. Anything she heard she spewed right back out.

  “I don’t know what all the fuss is about. I happen to think she’s wonderful.”

  “Of course she is.”

  “And I think she’d make the perfect sister-in-law.”

  “Sister-in-law?” Rory chuckled. “He’s only been seeing her for a minute.”

  “We’re not getting married.” Gavin’s angry tone silenced all the laughter in the room.

  Rory, shocked by his outburst, quickly tried to mend the situation. “Of course not. You’ve known her less than three months.”

  For Gavin, it had nothing to do with time, and Gail should have known better than to think that it would. “We could have been seeing each other for a millennium and my answer would still be the same. No marriage. Ever.”

  “Ever is a long time,” Gail countered, her temper rising just as quickly as her brother’s. “Are you really sure you mean that?”

  “Did hell freeze over and I missed the announcement?”

  “How long are you going to make all women pay for Trudy’s sins?”

  Now she’d gone too far. “You must have forgotten the rule, Gail. We don’t talk about my ex-wife like we don’t talk about the tail mom and dad had to have surgically removed when you were three.”

  “It wasn’t a tail!” Gail bellowed, her face flushing in anger. “It was a growth.”

  “Right, a growth that resembled a bear’s tail.”

  Gail looked from Rory’s shocked expression to Gavin’s angry one. “You are an asshole.”

  “And you’re a busybody. Stay out of my love life, and I’ll refrain from mentioning any more of our family’s little secrets in front of your nearest and dearest.”

  Irritated, Gail crossed her arms over her chest. “You know what, you’re completely right. I will stay out of your love life.”

  Finally, God was listening. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need my help anyway.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” Gavin muttered. Now if Gail would only disappear as quickly as she had entered, his day might once again resemble some sort of normality.

  Gail continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “You can fuck it up all by yourself. And this time, when you let that stupid ex-wife of yours ruin the one good thing you’ve managed to find, I’m just going to sit back and laugh.”

  “Don’t you have some picnic baskets to steal, Yogi?”

  Gail swung with all of her might and slammed her fist into Gavin’s stomach before storming out of the room. The little flash of pain was worth it, just to get her to leave.
/>   Rory though, was still frozen in her spot.

  Annoyed at her wide-eyed stare, Gavin asked, “Was there something you wanted to add?”

  “No…I…” Rory glanced quickly over her shoulder. “Did she really have a tail?”

  The day was looking up after all. “I have pictures to prove it.”

  “Oh.” Her hand clapped over her mouth, quenching any further comment. With a smothered giggle, Rory followed Gail’s retreat. To Gavin’s relief she shut the door behind her.

  If only he’d learn to lock it, or better yet, work from home.

  “Mr. Connor, Ms. Kerr is on line two for you.”

  Better and better. “Thank you, Eryn.”

  Now this was what he really needed. “Hey, pretty lady.”

  “Hey yourself.” The sound of her sexy drawl had him feeling better than he had in years.

  “Did I call at a bad time?” Azure asked.

  “There’s no such thing with you.”

  “You’re too much.”

  Gavin could practically hear her smiling through the phone.

  “I need to ask you a big favor.”

  “As long as you know that it will come with strings attached.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  “Then ask away.”

  “Can you meet me at Ballard’s Antiques off of Oak and Miller? I just found the find of the century but I don’t have a truck and they can’t deliver until next Friday.”

  Gavin glanced down at his watch, then back at his desk covered in paperwork. He had a lot to do today, but nothing was more important than spending time with Azure. “I can. Can you give me a half hour?”

  “That’s not all I’ll give you.” She lowered her voice. “I’m all kinds of grateful, Mr. Connor. Can you ever think of a way for me to pay you back?”

  Think, hell, blood was a requirement for thinking and all of his blood had rushed down to his cock at her simple turn of phrase. “I’m sure we can come up with something.”

  Azure laughed. “I’m sure we can. Wait till you see what I found.”

  “I’m hoping it’s an eighteenth century sex toy.”

  “No such luck, pervert.”

  “Then what is it?”


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