I Won't Let You Die Angel

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I Won't Let You Die Angel Page 3

by Neal Goldy

  He rose on his knees, and then pulled me up alongside him, steadying me on my feet. “I hope the game’s over now darling. Because I only give three lives and this is your third. Try anything stupid again and the next thing you’ll see will be your own blood.” With that life-threatening warning, he lifted me on his shoulders and carried me to his room tossing me on the bed.

  Stupid!! Stupid me!! I should have been more careful. You call yourself an engineer-in-the-making Janet!! You certainly don’t act like one. Couldn’t you grab a knife or something? I eyed his gun warily. Can’t he just live without his gun for a moment? That would make my work much easier here.

  I eyed the bathroom door and thought of that small window. No!! No more silly moves. I’d have to wait till we got out of there for my next opportunity.

  Mr. Monster was packing a blue duffel bag. Now that my mind was working a little better, I noticed he was wearing black jeans and a light blue shirt, fitting him just right over every rippled muscle. I shrugged, immediately. Ugh….

  “What is it with you and blue? Is it some sort of good luck charm or something?”

  “Are you sane now?” He asked reprovingly.

  “Look Angel, I don’t think in the slightest that making friendly conversation with me will help your cause in any way. So STOP improvising.” He replied in an angry tone.

  “Improvising is the first thing a science student learns. We’ve got to improvise on everything; otherwise no experiment will give proper inference.” I had made a valid point.

  He snorted, “What is it with you and science? I’ve been informed about your obsession.”

  “Passion, not obsession” I retorted.

  He wagged his index finger at me, “I don’t give a damn about your passion or obsession. I have given you a lot freedom. From now on, you won’t speak unless I ask you to, and you’ll behave. Because if you don’t; you won’t be left with any time to even regret your foolish actions.”

  On this happy note, he took a black cloth and blindfolded me. I didn’t resist, knowing it’d only make my position worse. There was no way out of this, at least for now, until the weapon was forced out of his hand. If only I could get a gun somehow…

  After a few minutes, he pulled me up on my feet and dragged me out of the room and the house. I waited for him to open the passenger door of our ride; instead I heard a familiar hum.

  “Hop on.” He ordered.

  I was confused. “Um…. With all due respect, if I have permission to speak; may I ask where to hop on? You know with my line of vision hindered and all, I don’t follow.”

  I swear I heard an amused laugh nearby. The next moment, I wasn’t blinded anymore. I gasped in surprise. In front of me stood a brand new Honda Neo bike, shining in its glory. Mr. Monster urged me forward and then again blindfolded me.

  “Hey,” I protested. “You can’t possibly assume that I’d sit on a bike blindfolded; besides anyone can see me like this.” Silly me!! Why did I have to give him the idea? I should have let him make his way, and then there might have been the possibility of someone reporting this to the police. I mentally cursed myself.

  “Don’t worry about technicalities, Angel. You’ll be wearing a helmet anyway.” As if on cue, a helmet was placed on my head. “Now, hop on.”

  I climbed in the back defiantly, hesitatingly placing my hands on his shoulders. “How will you know which direction to go? I don’t suppose there’s GPS installed here.”

  “I don’t need a GPS to wander in my own country. I know every nook and cranny.” He replied egotistically.

  “By the way, did you know that the GPS system works on the principle of Einstein’s theory of relativity, which actually has two theories: one for general relativity and the other for special relativity? Special relativity states that when …..”

  “Suck it up. If you keep enlightening my mind with your stupid theories, I swear I’ll silence your voice, too.”

  And without any warning, the bike swept forward in sixth gear. I had to hold him tightly in order to stay firm.

  He drove and drove and drove and didn’t even so much as falter for hours. I wondered how he had got past all the checkpoints. Dizziness started to consume me. On a normal day, I would have enjoyed the free ride, but you can’t really wander about being blindfolded, can you?

  Finally, after what felt like raised to the power infinity, we stopped. It took me a few minutes to calm my senses. And when I reclaimed my vision, well… I couldn’t believe what my eyes were projecting. No! This can’t be real. Mind tricks… I told myself. I rubbed my eyes several times and then blinked profusely, but the scenery in front of me didn’t change.

  You have got to be freaking kidding me.

  Chapter 5

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Disneyland!!!... Seriously! Of all the places….”

  I still couldn’t process the fact that I was here…… at Disneyland.

  I’ve been to Disneyland only once and I’m not really fond of the memories. I was only two back then. After that, I lost interest in visiting amusement parks, this one in particular. Mom tried, several times, but some wounds just don’t heal.

  Standing at the entrance now, I regretted my decision right then and there. Just because I was afraid, doesn’t change the fact that this place was splendid. Just amazing, and I haven’t even been inside.

  I looked with amusement; it was so beautiful, everything out of a fantasyland. Mr. Monster scowled at me.

  “Don’t go all happy on me. We are here for work. My part here will be over and soon I’ll be off for my own entertainment.” He chuckled at his own inner thoughts, giving special emphasis to the word entertainment. I wonder what that meant.

  “Wait a minute. You’re abandoning me? I’ll just get lost here.

  Never mind, I could just spend my whole life here. It’s a pretty amazing place to live.”

  I twirled around in three full 360 degree circles and breathed in the fresh air. Then the odd reality of the situation struck me.

  “YOU…. You should have told me we were coming here. I can’t go in public like this.” I gestured furiously at my sloppy outfit. “Everybody will mistake me for a clown. I won’t be able to take pictures. What about my Facebook? Huh!! That’s not fair.” I stomped my foot childishly.

  He shook my shoulders and pulled me towards him. “Stop acting like a child. We’re not here for fun. I’ve been restrained, but mind you, Majestic will show you no mercy and she’ll be here sometime soon.”

  I heard each word, but couldn’t process the sentences. He was close, so close. I could practically feel his breath.

  I couldn’t do anything except stare at him with blinking eyes. He was obviously oblivious to what had gotten to me. “Nevertheless, it’s none of my business. You’ve already caused more trouble than any other assignment in my career,” he added skeptically. And then he released me, and I could finally switch my mind from hibernation to active mode once again.

  “What are you talking about???

  Aren’t you going to call my dad and ask for, like a ransom to release me? That’s how it’s done, right? You can’t simply hand me over to some other terrorist,” I cried in exasperation.

  “Oh, don’t mistake Majestic with some mere terrorist, Angel, she’s bigger than that and certainly don’t mistake my reputation as just some creepy local kidnapper. I’m the prince of the underworld.”

  “Do you have any idea with whom you tried to mess around?”

  “Prince!!!” I know, I should have been scared and all, but damn my mind, always wandering out of league range.

  “Now I get why underworld is deteriorating in its territory.

  Monarchy is the worst form of governance. You should try Democracy.”

  He looked absolutely exasperated and shook his head back and forth like a simple pendulum.

  “Are you for real? Here I am envisioning your fateful future and YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT HOW TO GOVERN THE UNDERWORLD, seriously!!!” He shouted, openly gri
macing at me.

  Well, he had a point. I hate it when someone else makes a valid point. But I just shrugged, not wanting to answer. I tried to direct my mind into some serious issues here, but it had already decided otherwise.

  “Since we are here anyway, I’m gonna utilize this façade. There are scarcely a few moments in my life when I get to enjoy myself despite the circumstances. So, there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop me.”

  On that happy note, I strolled forward, admiring the world of fantasy and happiness so different from the real world outside and altogether much more appealing.

  Mr. Monster had no other choice but to follow. Together we stepped inside Main street USA, glowing in all its glory. This theme land area had been patterned after a typical Midwest town of the early 20th century the typical train station, town square, city hall, firehouse, shops, arcades, horse-driven streetcar, everything was portrayed as originally known that I felt like I was travelling back in time. I wondered what it would be like to be actually part of this world, living here away from all fear, hatred, and misery.

  Mr. Monster was silently walking beside me, his eyes watching my every step.

  “Paranoid are you?” Don’t fret Mr. Monster. I won’t run away, not before I get to admire all eight fantasylands here. You are my accountant, you see.

  You may at least pretend to appreciate the resplendent architecture here.”

  I watched the big, old buildings looming over us and remembered something I’d read. I clapped my hands excitedly.

  “Did you know that the designs used the technique of forced perception to create an illusion of height? They are actually built in ¾ scale on the first level, then 5/8 on the second, ½ on third, to reducing 1/8 part each level thereafter. Isn’t it fascinating?”

  He was now in front of me, again way too close, and watching intently.

  “You really don’t care what will happen a few moments from now? How can you be so calm and content talking about all this?”

  I shrugged, “Look, can you do me a favor? Just one for once, leave all of your worries and sadness and tensions outside of those gates and enjoy the moment.

  I know I don’t have control over the future, but that doesn’t mean I’m a coward. I promise you, I’ll try to escape as soon as I’ll get a real opportunity. I’m stubborn that way. I don’t take anything for granted. I’m not some rich daddy’s girl, who waits for someone to come rescue the damsel in distress. I take care of my own responsibilities. I was brought up that way.

  But I didn’t want this one evening spoiled either. Because the future is uncertain, I might not see the sun again. While I can’t do anything about the former, I can enjoy the latter.

  Thinking about the past and worrying about the future won’t do any good at the moment. So, why not live the present as it is? Appreciate the fact that you’ve been rewarded with this ephemeral happiness. Then look around. Really look around, dropping all the scales from your eyes, see the beauty of life God has granted you.”

  Something changed in his eyes. He regarded me more carefully, which brought him closer than before. His posture relaxed. He closed his eyes for about a minute and when he opened them again, there was a glint in them, like he was seeing me all over again with a much different perspective. Then he smiled, not some sideways twitch, but a broad heartwarming smile. I couldn’t help but smile myself. God! He was beautiful. I stopped counting how many times I’ve said that in my mind.

  “All right, Angel, let’s see what wonders this place has hidden within itself. I bet you have lots of theories to explain everything.”

  I swirled around and told him all about the architecture and how there’s a Tomorrowland which shows the future of mankind and how it integrates with science. He bought me a typical Minnie Mouse style dress and clicked lots of pictures of me standing in front of almost everything.

  At the center of the magic kingdom stood the Sleeping Beauty Castle the icon of the park. The stone castle with shades of pink and blue was straight out of the animated Disney ads you see every day. But damn if it wasn’t darn gorgeous. Oh, I would give anything to live in that castle.

  Tomorrowland turned out to be my most favorite land. Space Mountain, Innoventions, Autopia, Astro Orbitor, Star Tours…OMG, they were all awesome.

  “Awesome? Is that even a word? You need to work on your English, Angel,” laughed Mr. Monster. God help me, his laugh was intoxicating and some tiny part of me was pleased that I was the reason.

  We hurried towards the Sleeping Beauty Castle when it was time for fireworks.

  I watched in awe. It was so… so beautiful. I haven’t seen such a fireworks show, like ever. It was even better than the Fourth of July show at Cal. Hundreds of fireworks of different colors blazed in the sky in every direction. Tinker Bell and Dumbo were flying in the sky above the castle upon occasion.

  My guard had picked a secluded corner in the shadows so that no one could see us unless searching specifically. So, the alignment of our line of sight had a slightly disrupted view, but that was fine by me. We were away from the crowd, enthralled by the colors and brightness in our lives, happy and content, hand in hand…

  OOPS…. I just noticed our entangled fingers. I hadn’t realized when I took his hand, or he took mine. I looked down at our hands for a few seconds and then looked up.

  He hadn’t noticed anything unusual as yet. He was smiling happily, looking nothing like a sort of monster in disguise; and different lights cast a multicolor hue on his face. He looked content, laughing. It transformed his face into something out of this world. I thought of looking away, not wanting to see him as anything but a monster. But I couldn’t. I just couldn’t help it.

  But then he turned his face and his eyes bore into mine, clear pools of blue with random green and red reflecting the fireworks. I decided then and there that he was not a monster. No one this gorgeous could be a monster. His other hand traced my arm gently.

  “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me your name.” I asked.

  He laughed and leaned forward. I caught my breath. “Neil.”

  I smiled triumphantly. “I knew it. I knew there’s something to do with you and blue. See, your name means blue in Hindi.”

  He smiled at me, and my eyes involuntarily stared at his lips. “You can’t help finding logic in everything?” He asked lightly.

  “No, nothing happens without logic. Every phenomenon in this universe has logic, an explanation.”

  His smile turned mischievous. “Then explain the logic behind this.”

  He cupped my waist and pulled me closer, as if he were not close enough for me to faint. My heartbeat decided to take a marathon. One of his d rested on my lower back and with the other, he touched the corner of my lips. I shuddered and it had nothing to do with the drop in temperature at the moment.

  My mind was bankrupt, unable to formulate any logic. He traced my lips with his index finger and slanted his hand, his face dangerously close to mine. Oh lord, he’s gonna kiss me and I was giving in, completely drowned in the fragrance of his cologne, any moment now. My hands seem to have a brain of their own because they reached up to circle around his neck. There was a light brush of his lips over mine.

  And that’s when all hell broke loose.

  Chapter 6

  A bullet swarmed past, barely touching my right shoulder laterally. Before I could even process what was happening, Neil ducked me to the ground. With the fireworks loosed and us secreted in a secluded corner, no one noticed the disruption.

  A spot of red light appeared just above my head, which was now racing unusually fast. Neil noticed and quickly rolled us over several yards. That’s when four men appeared out of nowhere with heavily loaded guns in their hands. Beside me, Neil unloaded his own. For a few seconds, just for a few, I thought maybe, maybe the FBI had caught up with us. I instinctively searched for Chris. But as quickly as the idea invaded my mind, it was discarded. Because Neil was not the target, I was.

  “They want me
dead? Why?” I asked desperately.

  “We don’t know that yet.”

  “Well, aiming at my heart sort of gave their plan away. And mind you, a LASER beam never deviates from its path. It is an absolutely coherent source of light.”

  The leftmost bugger lifted his Laser gun and Neil pushed me behind him. We raised ourselves slowly. Now was the best time to activate my absolute best defense mode. Bad guys confronting us check, innocent people all around check, weaponless myself double check, partner-in-crime er check, sort of.

  While I was formulating an escape plan number “God knows what”, Neil was all about his work. Apparently, he didn’t recognize them as “friends” either. In one swift motion, he fired four bullets back-to-back and each bugger’s right hand was branded with a bullet-sized red spot. Surely they didn’t anticipate Neil to act so aggressively so early on. I was hugely impressed.

  I quickly regained my composure; now was not the right time to get distracted. “Do you have another gun?”

  “What?” He asked, his eyes fixed on the goons.

  “Gun! You can’t expect me to fight without a weapon?”

  At the same moment, the weaponless devil men regained themselves, too, and charged us mechanically. They apparently assumed one person with a gun couldn’t hold all four of them back. Well, they ignored me, and I didn’t like the insult.

  Neil fired, but they were past the initial shock and easily dodged it. My legs dragged my body backwards without consulting my mind. One of them somehow became successful in knocking the gun out of Neil’s grasp. Another one attacked him from the back. The other two came after me slowly. They didn’t attempt to attack me, probably thinking they would subdue me easily.

  I cracked my knuckles. Well, bring it on you devils; you certainly don’t know what Janet Kanet is made of.

  Both of them aimed at my arms. Nobody paid any attention to my legs, too bad for them. They charged forward and I ducked my knees, grabbing each of their thighs and toppling them over. I have to admit, that’s not easy to do, but fortunately I caught them by surprise.


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