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SINS of the FATHER Page 8

by Marshall Huffman

  “Well if he comes up and runs us off the road we will probably get killed just as easily,” she replied.

  Alan drove on for a few minutes then started to slow down. Finally he pulled off the side of the road. He watched in the mirror as the black Mercedes pulled in behind them. Alan got out and stood there waiting. He waited almost a minute before the other man got out.

  “Mr. Lang,” the guy said as he started walking towards the car.

  “What do you want? Why are you following me?”

  “Mr. Lang, It's Fredric Clouse. We met at your hotel to talk about your grandfather's belongings for the lodge museum,” he said smiling as he approached.

  “Hold it Mr. Clouse. I think you need to stay right where you are. My associate has a gun and she has a bit of a trigger finger if you know what I mean.”

  “A gun? Why would that be necessary?” Clouse asked.

  “Never mind that. What are you doing in France and why are you following me?”

  “Oh dear. It’s not what you think.”

  “You have no idea what I think. Just answer the question please.”

  “Well, I make trips to France several times a year to collect World War One and World War Two memorabilia. I was in Bayeux and I could hardly believe my eyes. Right there at a McDonald’s of all places I saw you and your young lady walking out. I couldn’t believe it. By the time I got to my car you were heading back and I tried to catch you.”

  “Good story but why?”

  “For one thing to see if you would reconsider selling you’re father's and grandfather's items.”

  “Sorry, I told you before. No.”

  “I’m sorry I said that wrong. Not sell them but let us display them. You could have them back at any time. Both men were obviously very brave and should be remembered.”

  “Mr. Clouse that is a very good story. No, a pretty good story but it just doesn’t add up. No one would drive like a maniac just to catch up with someone to talk about war memorabilia. So why don’t you cut the crap and tell me what this is really about?”

  “Mr. Lang, you are far too suspicious. It is nothing more than it seems.”

  “Bullshit Clouse, I’m getting back in my car and driving off. I don’t want to see you in my mirrors ever again.”

  “Or what Mr. Lang? What will you do about it? Try to wreck me? You need to think about that a little more. Mercedes versus a Volkswagen? I don’t think so. Tell the police? Fat lot of good that will do you. So indeed, our paths may cross again Mr. Lang.”

  “I could just beat the crap out of you right here,” Alan said taking a step forward.

  “Oh my, I suppose you could, but then I would have you arrested and it takes a very long time for an American to come to trial here in France. But if you want to risk it, there isn’t much I can do about it. Of course that would mean your lady friend would have to be left on her own,” he said smirking.


  Alan stood there clenching and unclenching his fists. He wanted to knock the smug little prick into next week.

  “What the hell do you really want?” Alan asked, trying to control his temper.

  “You don’t know?”

  “Obviously I don’t or I wouldn’t have asked.”

  “I want to see that diary of your grandfather's.”

  “What the hell do you know about it?”

  “I want to know where he hid the gold and diamonds that he killed seven people to procure.”

  “What? What in the hell are you talking about? He was a war hero. Patton decorated him. The diary doesn’t say anything about gold or diamonds. You are out of your ever lovin' mind,” Alan said.


  “Yeah, really.”

  “Then show me the diary and if that’s true, I’ll be on my way and you will never see me again,” Clouse said.

  “I don’t have the diary any more. I gave it to my sister. That night at the hotel I realized I had no further use for it so I mailed it to her. You can check with her if you don’t believe me.”

  “Oh Mr. Lang. You are such a poor liar. Don’t you think we checked first?”


  “My associates and I.”

  “This is crazy. Look Clouse. You do whatever you think you have to do but I’m getting back in my car and enjoying the rest of my vacation,” Alan said opening the car door.

  “You grandfather was a traitor and a murderer Mr. Lang. I hope you are proud of that,” Clouse said and went back to his car.

  Alan got in and just sat there for a few seconds with his head resting on the steering wheel.

  “Are you okay?” Kate asked.

  “Just great. Never been better.”

  “Really? Never?” Kate said.

  Alan looked over at her and started laughing. She was smiling back and he pulled her to him and they embraced.

  “Okay, you win. I have been better. Much, much better, thank you very much,” he said.

  “So what do we do now?”

  “Did you hear all of that?” he asked.

  “Almost all of it. I got the gist of the conversation. What a nasty man he is. No wonder you wanted to punch his lights out.”

  “It was the smirk. One thing he let slip was the ‘we’. That means he is working with someone else.”


  “I have no idea.”

  “Who else knows about this?”

  “Beats me. Heck I only know by dumb luck. One thing for sure, there is some truth to the diary.”

  “Yes, so it would seem,” Kate agreed.

  “Look, we know where the field is and our buddy has gone on. Let’s get those coordinates and then just do some sightseeing for a couple of days. Let them watch us do nothing. Drive them crazy.”

  “I like it. We can just have some fun and not worry about a thing for a few days,” Kate agreed.

  Alan turned the car around and drove back to the large outcrop of rocks. The got out and walked across the field to see what was there.

  “What in the world do you think made this…whatever it is?”

  “It does seem strange. All the fields are flat for miles and then this. Very weird.”

  They looked around on the rocks but found nothing. Alan found a way to get on top of one of the smaller ones and then kept working his way higher.

  “Alan, be careful. Don’t you dare fall.”

  “I will,” he said and slowly made his way to the next one.

  Each was just a little higher than the last. Finally he got to the end where the cross was anchored. It had been there a very long time. On the base he saw the numbers he was looking for.

  “Found them.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Right here. Got a pen?”

  “Give me a second,” Kate said as she rummaged around. “Okay got it, read them off,” she yelled up.

  “First set. 48380904.”

  She read them back.

  “You got it. Second set. 1303695”

  She read them back once again.


  “Get your butt down here and be darned careful. Then let’s go have some fun just enjoying ourselves,” she yelled up.

  “I am on my way Ms. Gerber.”

  “Oh please, You can call me Kate.”

  “And I certainly shall,” he said as he made his way back down.


  “Where should we go?” Alan asked.

  “There is a nice little resort town that hardly anyone knows about but the local French. It is called Pénestin. It is right on the coast. Why don’t we go there and just chill out for a day or two?”

  “Now that is a great idea. Is it a nude beach?”

  “Suits are optional. You are a pervert, did you know that?”

  “Why thank you.”

  She just shook her head. They drove on the back roads, taking their time. They had the coordinates and all they had to do for the time being was relax and see what happened. Maybe they would lose in
terest, whoever “they” were.

  They drove into Pénestin around seven o’clock and found a quaint little place just a block from the beach. It was another of those rare finds, a beautiful old building, built in 1789 according to the manager/owner. The rooms were all on the second floor and had an area where you could walk out and just enjoy the view. They were on a slight rise and could see the vast ocean that comprised part of the Armoricain Shelf. The ocean was a blue that was hard to describe.

  “This is fantastic,” Alan said.

  “Let’s go get some wine, cheese, and bread then come back and eat in the room,” Kate suggested.

  “Let’s do it.”

  The drove back a ways into the town of Pénestin and bought not only wine, cheese and bread but some ham that Alan had grown fond of and a few other items to munch on. Alan bought two bottles of champagne as well.

  They sat on the back deck and ate, drank champagne, and just talked. A lot of the tension seemed to have left both of them.

  “So what happens when this is all over” Kate asked, running her fingers through his hair.

  “Does it have to be over?”

  “At some point don’t you think? I mean eventually we will both run out of money. Especially if you keep buying champagne.”

  “Oh heck Kate. I don’t know. I guess all I care about at the moment is being right here with you. Life is a very funny thing. I mean when you are in a foreign country and they hate you and would just as soon see you dead, you learn to take one day at a time. Right now I guess that’s all I am doing. Every day, when I wake up and see your face I know it is going to be a good day.”

  “Wow, Alan. That’s pretty heavy stuff.”

  “Well it’s true. Kate I don’t want to scare you but I think I’m falling in love with you. Don’t freak out, I won’t do anything stupid but…well, there it is.”

  “There it is,” Kate said.

  “Does that upset you?”

  “Upset? Heavens no. I have to process that. I mean ‘love’ is one of those words that has different meanings to different people. To me, love means more than just sex. It means a commitment to a relationship.”

  “I totally understand that.”

  “I’ll tell you what. Take me inside and have your way with me. We will talk more about love later. Now I want to have you inside me and make passionate love to you,” Kate said standing up and taking his hand.

  She led him into the bedroom and did exactly what she had suggested.


  “Hey sunshine, get that cute little butt up,” Alan said slapping her on the bottom.

  “Oh heavens. What time is it?” she said burying her face in the pillow.

  “Late. Time to rise and shine. We have important things to do,” he informed her.

  “What? I thought you said we weren’t doing anything for a few days,” Kate groaned.

  “Well, doing nothing is an important thing.”

  “Please, don’t tell me you are one of those happy people in the morning after making love half the night.”

  “Yeah, you did give out pretty early,” he said, pulling the rest of the covers off her.

  “Go scare the fish or something. I’ll be down in a few minutes,” Kate said sitting up.

  “You know why I love the morning so much?”

  “Because you’re sick in the head?”

  “No, because of what is lying in the bed. Looking at you is definitely worth getting up for.”

  “Peachy. Now go scare some kids or something. Eat. Do whatever but I’m taking a shower.”

  “Oooh. I’ll help.”

  “Go before I hurt you,” she said and threw a pillow at him.


  “Holy smokes, is that what you’re wearing to the beach?” Alan asked.

  “Think it’s too much?” Kate asked innocently.

  “Well, not for me but geez, what about all the other men?”

  “Let them drool.”

  “What about me? I’m going to be drooling.”

  “Now, now. If you're good, you can put the suntan lotion on me.”

  “Then let’s go, times a-wasting,” Alan said picking up their towels.

  He hadn’t been wrong. One poor guy almost walked into a pole watching Kate walk down the small lane to the beach. It was already approaching 80 degrees and there was not a cloud in the sky. They found two lounge chairs and settled in. Kate took her top off and laid back.


  “What?” Kate said.

  “Don’t give me that. You know what.”

  “Alan, this is France. Women here go topless all the time. Some don’t wear anything at all. It’s not like in the US.”

  “That’s only part of it,” Alan said.

  “Okay, what’s the other part?”

  “Well, not to put too fine a point on it but those,” he said pointing to her breasts, “and that sun do not seem like a very good mixture. You are going to be really sorry if you lay like that for more than a few minutes,” Alan pointed out.

  “You’re right. Here,” she said, handing him the suntan lotion.

  “You want me to do it?”

  “You or that nice young man that keeps staring over here,” she said smiling.

  Alan turned to look but there was no one there.

  “Made you look.”

  Instead of saying anything he just plopped a big gob of lotion between her breasts.”

  “Yikes. That’s cold,” she said.

  “Don’t worry I'll fix that for you,” he said and started rubbing it in.

  After a minute or so Kate said, “I’m sure that’s enough.”

  “Just trying to go a good job,” Alan replied.

  They lay there for an hour before Kate turned over and Alan repeated the process on her back side. At one point he drifted off to sleep. It was so peaceful. No horns honking, no loud motorcycles or thumping music. He was awakened by Kate pushing on his arm.

  “What?” he said looking up at her.”

  “Alan,” she said.

  He rolled over further and saw two men standing there. He looked at Kate and she had a towel pulled up over her. Alan jumped up quickly.

  “Mr. Lang?”

  “What do you want?’

  “A mutual friend of ours would like a few words with you if you don’t mind.”

  “Sorry buddy, we have no mutual friends. In fact you’re not my friend so how about taking a hike.”

  “A hike?”

  “Yeah. Beat it. Go and don’t come back,” Alan said.

  “Ah. Take a hike. I see. Well unfortunately we all need to take a hike together.”

  “That isn’t going to happen,” Alan said sizing up the two men.

  The man doing the talking was fairly short, five six or so, and maybe one hundred and fifty pounds at most. One good blow would take him down. The other guy may be more of a problem. He looked more like a bruiser. The muscle, Alan guessed. He was Alan’s height but had maybe twenty pounds on him. His hair was short and he had what looked like a pock mark on his cheek. Alan recognized it as where a bullet hole had been at one time. He would have to take him out fast in order to survive.

  He could also see two very large disadvantages. One was that he had on no shoes or clothes to speak of and the other guy did. And of course there was Kate. Once it hit the fan she could get hurt as well.

  “Hold it a minute. Before I knock your teeth down your throat and me and your muscle go at each other with one or both of us getting hurt why don’t you man up and tell me what this is really all about,” Alan said.

  “Come, come. Mr. Lang. You know very well what this is about.”

  “Not really. I know parts of it but not all of it. The Clouse guy said it was about my grandfather stealing some gold and diamonds. Now you have to admit, from my standpoint that’s pretty hard to swallow since my grandfather never had much money the entire time I was growing up. So if he had all this money, why did we drive five year old cars?”

  “You can protest all you want but we know exactly what your grandfather did,” the man insisted.

  “So, where is the money then? I can damn well tell you, my grandfather didn’t have it and neither did my dad. I sure the hell don’t,” Alan told them.

  “The diary. If all of that is true, why not simply let us see for ourselves?”

  Alan turned to look at Kate.

  “What do you think?” he asked her.

  “Alan, it’s not my call. I don’t see how it can hurt but I’m okay one way or the other. If anything happens I can take care of myself so don’t worry about that. I can scream loud enough to bring people from miles away if necessary.”

  She looked over at the smaller man and said, “Keep that in mind. I’ll bring the whole town over here if you start something,” she said looking defiantly at him.

  “You misunderstand. We have no intention of ‘starting anything’, as you say.”

  “Who is your friend? Clouse?”

  “Most assuredly not Fredric Clouse. He has been a thorn in our side for years. I take it you have met the charming Mr. Clouse.”

  “I hope for the last time,” Alan said.

  “I doubt it. He is like dog doo that you get on your foot. You may not see it but you will smell it for a long time. Clouse is like that.”

  “How nice,” Kate said.

  “Okay, if you aren’t here to start an altercation then we can work something out. I will meet you in a very public place and bring the diary. You can read it, copy down what you think you need. Maybe you will spot something I missed. At that time I will fill you in on all I know, or at least wish to share.”

  “That would be very satisfactory. I will inform Mr. Brandt. Do you have a place in mind?”

  “Kate?” Alan asked.

  “The Treasure Restaurant.”

  “That should do nicely. Let’s say 8:00 p.m.”

  “How many are we talking about?”

  “Five, including you,” the man said.

  “By the way. I would feel better knowing your names,” Alan said.

  “Yes. I’m Mr. Durr and my friend here is Mr. Finkel.”

  “Okay, I will see you at 8:00 p.m. at the Treasure Restaurant,” Alan said.

  “Make it for six people. I will be there as well,” Kate spoke up.


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