Jenna and the Legend of the White Wolf

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Jenna and the Legend of the White Wolf Page 3

by J. B. Moonstar

  Jenna thought about her small group. None of them could fight a wolf and win. “I have a fox, two squirrels and two small deer, not much help in a fight with a pack of wolves, unfortunately. They are good lookouts, though, and can fit into small places and run quickly.”

  Silent for a few moments, Trent was thinking deeply. Jenna wondered if he thought the situation was hopeless. What could a few small animals and two wolves do to defend the cave against a whole pack of wolves. He asked her, “What was Ituria’s injury again? Is he able to fight?”

  Jenna remembered the gash in his leg, and how it prevented him from running.

  “He has a gash on his leg from the bullet, it kept him from running fast, and does appear to cause him pain when he stands on it. He will need some time to heal before he can fight with us.”

  Trent looked at Jenna, and was quiet, again appeared deep in thought. Jenna wanted to know—what is he thinking? She waited for a few moments, then asked, “Is there a chance we can get Ituria home without Ranco attacking us? Is it close enough?”

  “It’s several miles. If Ituria is having trouble walking, it might take a few hours. Being exposed in Middle Forest with Ranco and his pack for that long will be risky, but I will be glad to help guard him with you.”

  Jenna was relieved Trent would stay with them. “Thank you, I appreciate your assistance in getting Ituria home.”

  Trent tilted his head slightly as he looked at her again and asked, “How long have you been in Middle Forest? I have not seen you here before.”

  Jenna hesitated to respond as she was not sure what she should tell this wolf. Just a few hours ago, she was a girl in who lived in a house with her human family, and now she was a wolf trying to save the ruler of Middle Forest from a pack of vicious wolves.

  What would he think of her if he knew the truth?

  She couldn’t tell him now; it would have to wait for another time. What could she tell him? It would have to be believable, as he would quickly see if she were making up some silly story. She tried to think, and could feel Trent staring at her intently, waiting for her answer.

  “I am from the other side of what was East Forest, and I have not been to Middle Forest before,” she said. “The residents from Middle Forest asked me to help rescue their ruler, who was caught in a net. By the time we reached him, he was already in a cage, and Ranco was going to attack us. I am new to this forest, so I am unsure of the rules that govern here.”

  Jenna hoped this would be enough to satisfy Trent. But it just raised more questions with him. “Did Ituria seem surprised you were here to help him?” he asked.

  Chapter Six

  Legend Of The White Wolf

  That was a strange question, and she hadn’t really thought about it before. Ituria seem grateful she was there, but not really surprised.

  “I think he was thankful for the help in getting out of the cage. He didn’t say anything about me personally, as I was with several of his other friends.” Jenna wondered where these questions were leading, and not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

  Suddenly, Trent’s voice grew serious. “I am only saying this because it could help Ituria to return home. Did he tell you the legend regarding the white wolf?”

  Now Jenna was getting worried. “No...”

  “I didn’t think he would,” said Trent, standing up and starting to pace, as if trying to decide how to start. “He knows if it is true, it would be something you might feel compelled to do, and you are not of Middle Forest, so should not have to face such a burden.”

  “Wait,” she said, now thoroughly confused. “What burden?”

  “I will tell you, and then you must decide what you want to do. It is not something to accept lightly.”

  Taking a deep breath, Trent sat back down facing Jenna and started talking quietly. “There is a legend that has been passed down through the years that if the ruler of Middle Forest is in trouble, a white wolf would come and save him.”

  Jenna thought to herself, this was what the small animals had said when they met in the forest. Is she the white wolf everyone is talking about?

  Trent continued, “This white wolf would have a special gift, the ability to heal the ruler with its touch. The bad part is whatever injuries the ruler suffered, they would be transferred to the wolf, and while the injuries would heal within a few hours, the scars from the injuries would always remain.”

  Now Jenna was nervous; there was so much she didn’t know about Middle Forest. How could she be a part of it, and how could they know she would be here? She had never gone into the forest before, only watching it from her back yard. What did these creatures know that she didn’t?

  Ralphie had mentioned a legend, but she hadn’t really paid attention, and now Trent was saying the same thing. Was she supposed to be here as a wolf? As part of Middle Forest? What about her human family at home? Trent’s voice interrupted her rambling thoughts.

  “I don’t know if this legend is true,” said Trent, “but I haven’t seen a white wolf in Middle Forest before, and now you are here rescuing Ituria, so there might be some truth to it.”

  Now, it was Jenna’s turn to sit quietly and think. After a minute, she realized she needed to get back to Ituria. He had said not to be long talking with Trent, and she needed to get back to the cave and get some sleep before morning. She looked at Trent, and he was looking back at her, waiting for her response to his last statement.

  “I will have to think about this carefully,” she said. “So much has happened in the last few hours, I am not sure what my role is in Middle Forest.”

  Looking back at the cave, she knew she needed to return there soon. “I very much appreciate your offer to return Ituria home, and we will leave in the morning once it is light enough to see in the forest. For now, I will try and get some rest, it has been a long night.”

  Of course, Jenna didn’t think she would get any sleep, but she needed time to try and sort things out.

  “Yes,” Trent agreed. “You need to rest if we are to get Ituria back in the morning. I will wait here for you. If Ituria is up to the journey, it is a few miles to the west, an easy path to follow. I will remain on guard in case Ranco makes it back here and locates us.”

  Winding her way up to the cave through the bushes, she entered quietly. The smaller animals were sleeping, but Ituria was sitting up, waiting for her return.

  “Did Trent know what had happened to Ranco?” he asked.

  Jenna nodded as she walked over and sat down beside him.

  “Yes, he thinks Ranco got away from the hunters and might have headed back to North Forest to get the rest of his pack. We are planning to leave first light in the morning to get you back home. Trent says it is a few miles away. Do you think you can walk that far? We would need to hurry so as not to be a target of Ranco and his pack.”

  Ituria nodded. “Yes, I will be able to make it. My leg is much better now, after being able to rest it and get some food and water. We shall be able to make it back home in the morning.”

  Jenna was relieved to hear this. So much ran through her head, about the legend and what she as a white wolf had to do, she couldn’t think straight. She needed some sleep, and suddenly felt exhausted. She got up and walked over to the front of the cave, laying down and putting her head down on her paws.

  Ituria asked quietly, “Did Trent ask you any questions about why you were here and where you came from?”

  Jenna picked her head up and looked at Ituria.

  “Yes,” she said. “He said he had never seen a white wolf in Middle Forest before, and he wanted to know where I had come from.” Jenna continued slowly, “I did not know if I should tell him I was a human girl, as you and the other animals know, so I told him I was from the other side of what was East Forest. Should I have said something else?”

  “No, you gave a good and honest answer,” Ituria
responded, shaking his head several times. “Trent does not really trust humans, so it might cause a problem if he knew what your true form was. I know you are good, as I know Trent is good, but he does not know you yet, so cannot make this judgment.”

  Jenna then thought of the things Trent had told her about the legend. “Trent said there is a legend is Middle Forest about a white wolf coming to help you when you are in trouble. Can you tell me what that is all about?”

  Jenna didn’t know how much of what Trent said she would tell Ituria, and she would wait to see what Ituria would tell her.

  Ituria replied, “Yes, there is a legend of a white wolf who would come into Middle Forest if the ruler is in trouble. I guess Ralphie and Sedric, who had seen you from the edge of the forest, thought you were the one to rescue me, and so they sought you out. I had seen you occasionally as I walked through Middle Forest and looked out onto the human lands, and you did have the shadow of a wolf around you, so I can understand their actions.”

  “It was fortunate for me they were right in seeking you out to help.” Ituria looked at Jenna and added, “Did Trent say anything else about the legend?”

  Jenna glanced away for a moment, then back at Ituria. “Yes,” she said “He told me the white wolf would be able to heal the ruler of Middle Forest. I’m not quite sure how, but the wolf would bear the scars of whatever injuries the ruler had. I don’t really understand this part of your legend.”

  Ituria explained, “That is part of the legend I have heard also. I did not mention it for several reasons. First, my injuries are not so bad; second, if they were bad enough that I needed help in healing them, trying to heal me might kill you.” Jenna’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

  Pausing for a moment to let this new information on the legend sink in, he then continued, “You see, what might be a minor injury to a large creature such as myself, when transferred to a smaller creature, would be too much for the smaller creature. It would be a major injury it could die from, rather than be able to heal itself. This is something I could not ask of any of my friends, and I would not want you to attempt.” In a lighter tone, he added, “Anyway, I will be fine. Don’t worry about making such a decision.”

  Thinking further and looking directly at Jenna, his voice turned serious again as he added, “But, you must promise me if such a situation arose where someone would tell you to attempt to use your special power….”

  Jenna started to ask, “But what if…”

  Ituria shook his head to stop her questions, and continued, “Before you even think about trying this, promise me you will ask me first. Since I am ruler of Middle Forest, I would be the only one who could give permission for such an attempt.”

  Jenna looked at him and nodded in agreement. “I will seek your approval and guidance before doing anything.”

  Ituria looked relieved, he leaned back and relaxed a little. “Now it is time to get some sleep. We have only a few hours before morning, and we will need some rest if we are to make the trip home.” Jenna nodded, resting her head on her front paws before falling fast asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  A Trip Through Middle Forest

  Jenna woke with a start; she was a little stiff from sleeping on the cave floor. She had to think twice — what was she doing sleeping on the cave floor? Then the events of the night before started to flood back into her mind, like a crazy dream. She looked around her, seeing a large unicorn sitting against a dark cave wall surrounded by several small animals, all sleeping quietly.

  She looked down at her hands, which were still large, white paws. Okay, so she was here, helping the ruler of Middle Forest return to his home, with the assistance of a large wolf and the animals who helped her rescue him. Jenna was totally awake now! She got up to stretch her legs and was thinking about getting a drink of water from the stream.

  Looking through the bushes at the entrance of the cave, she saw Trent down by the stream, still sitting attentively. It was starting to get light outside, so she knew they would have to move soon. Turning around, she saw Ituria and the other animals stirring also.

  “Okay, everyone,” she said quietly, “Trent from West Forest is outside and has agreed to help us get back to Ituria’s home. He has been guarding the cave all night while we have rested.” She watched as the two squirrels started heading to the front of the cave. “I will go first to make sure nothing has changed, then signal for you to follow me. We must be quiet as we do not know what Ranco has been up to overnight.”

  “One thing to remember,” Ituria said to everyone as they gathered at the cave entrance, “Although we know Jenna is a human girl transformed into a wolf, we should not mention this to Trent or any of the other Middle Forest animals during our journey. It could be dangerous for Jenna if any of our enemies found out, as they would use her human weaknesses against her. If asked, Jenna is from east of what was East Forest, and this is her first trip into Middle Forest. No other information is needed or should be given.”

  Ralphie and the other creatures looked at Ituria, then each other, nodding in agreement. Jenna nodded also, knowing they would protect her secret made her feel much better.

  “Trent,” she called quietly, “We are ready. I’ll come down first.”

  Carefully and quietly, Jenna picked her way through the bushes and down to the stream; she was thirsty and put her face to the stream to get a quick drink of water. Lapping the water with her tongue seemed quite natural, although she wasn’t sure why. It was almost like licking an ice cream cone.

  Then, she looked at Trent and asked, “Has anything changed since last night? Any further word on Ranco?”

  Trent shook his head. “Everything seems the same. Is your group ready to go?”

  “Yes,” Jenna said. “Everyone is ready. Ituria is feeling much better this morning and should be able to travel quickly. I can give the two squirrels a ride on my back to keep us moving quicker,” Jenna suggested.

  “That would be a good idea,” Trent said. “They could also be lookouts while we are traveling. Let’s call everyone down and make a plan.”

  Nodding to the animals in the cave, she signaled them it was okay to come down to the stream. Ralphie came down first, then the two squirrels scampered down. Next came the two deer and Ituria, more slowly, picking their way through the thick bushes.

  Trent greeted them, “Good morning to you all.” Bowing his head to Ituria, he continued, “Ituria, it is nice to meet with you again, I am sorry for the circumstances of our meeting. I have agreed to help the white wolf to get you back to your home. Are you doing well enough to make it back?”

  Ituria nodded. “I am glad to see you, Trent, and agree these are not the best of circumstances. I’m well enough to make it home and thank you for your kind offer to assist us.”

  Trent then looked at Jenna and said, “White wolf, I’m sorry, but I did not get your name when we talked last night. If we are to be traveling together, it would be helpful to know.”

  Jenna looked around. “My name is Jenna,” she said, then nodding to each animal as she introduced them, “The fox here is named Ralphie, the squirrels are Sedric and Fira, and the two deer are Evan and Frieda.” Each animal nodded to Trent as they were introduced. “All of them have been helpful in getting Ituria away from the hunters and safe in the cave, and they will help us get him back to his home in Middle Forest.”

  “Pleased to make your acquaintance, animals of Middle Forest,” said Trent. “Now we must make a quick plan and get moving. It is not good to stay out in the open for a long time.”

  “I will carry the squirrels on my back,” said Jenna.

  Trent nodded to Jenna and organized the rest of the group. “If I lead the way, Ituria, Ralphie and the deer can follow me, and you, Jenna, can bring up the back. Sedric and Fira can watch both sides from your back, to let us know if anything is happening out of our line of sight. Let’s be off

  Trent turned and headed quickly into the forest. Ituria followed, limping slightly but able to keep up. Ralphie and the deer went next, followed by Jenna with Sedric and Fira on her back. They moved at a brisk pace and were soon back near the camp of the hunters. Trent slowed down, circling the camp, and stopped to make sure the rest of the group was with him.

  Peering into the camp, Jenna saw it was empty, the hunters were gone. It looked like they would be back, though, as they left their camping gear at the camp. She wondered if there was anything that might help them if Ranco should appear suddenly while they were on their way back. She motioned with her head toward the camp to let Trent know she wanted to take a quick look. Trent nodded and crouched on the ground, signaling the others to wait.

  She carefully walked into the camp to see if there was anything helpful. There were the normal camping articles, including sleeping bags, cooking utensils, pans, matches, knifes, clothes, and rope. Jenna quickly grabbed a box of matches and a small pocketknife with her mouth; these were things Sedric and Fira could hold and headed back out of the camp. She also found a small bag and grabbed it too.

  She whispered to Sedric, “These might come in handy later, please put the two items in the bag and hold on to them for me.”

  Looking at the small box and an oval-shaped hard rock, he wondered how they could help. But Jenna had been right about the shiny stick and how it opened the cage, so she must know about these things. He was able to put them into the small bag and put the bag over his shoulder so he could hold onto Jenna as she ran.

  Jenna nodded to Trent, giving the okay to continue. The group took off again with Trent leading and Jenna in the back, Sedric and Fira on guard for possible danger. Heading deeper into the forest, the trees were getting taller and closer together, which slowed down their progress. There was a path for them to follow; however, this was both good and bad. It was easier to walk on the path, but much more dangerous, and Ranco could be waiting for them at any point along the way. They would have to be quick and careful.


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