Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8) Page 29

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not doing anything, but I’m curious what has you in this attitude.”

  “Attitude. I don’t have any attitude. You’re in my way, and I’m trying to mow my lawn. It’s what people do.”

  “Then what’s with the attitude?”

  “I don’t have an attitude!” She yelled the words.

  “You know what, I think your problem is the fact I haven’t touched you.”

  “Touched me? That would be a laugh. At best I get a little feel of your lips every now and again. I’m surprised if you even know what a damn kiss is.”

  Spider laughed. “My brothers warned me about this. They said if I wasn’t careful I was going to send you into a fucking meltdown, and it has happened.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You don’t want me.”

  He took another step toward her, and she craned her neck to look into his eyes. “Wanting you has never been the problem.”

  “You have a funny way of showing it.”

  “You want to me to fuck you, is that it?”

  “Yeah, I do, but it doesn’t matter because you’re not man en—”

  Spider lifted her up, making her drop the basket full of grass.

  “What are you doing? Put me down right now. I mean it, Spider. You had your chance every single time we’ve been on date night.”

  He entered the house, without saying a word, locking the door, and then moving her up toward her bedroom.

  “Damn it, Spider. You’re so annoying. Now you think you can do what you want, and I’m just going to accept that?”

  “Nothing about accepting it.”

  He carried her upstairs, and even through her anger, she was excited. This side of Spider was what she’d been hoping for. She’d been watching love stories with really hot sex scenes, even that one with the billionaire boss who was into BDSM. That man could do her any day. Of course, every time she played with herself, she thought about Spider. He was the only one she wanted, the only one that ever brought her to orgasm.

  Yes, she had been so desperate for Spider, she’d started to touch herself on a nightly basis.

  She wanted him so much.

  It was time.

  He kicked open her door, and even that gave her a thrill to witness. Her body was on fire, and when he closed the door, pressing her up against it, Paris gasped.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m taking what belongs to me.” He took hold of her arms, pressing them above her head.

  “Why? You haven’t done it yet.”

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment. I bet your pussy is like fire, isn’t it? You want me, baby?”

  “Yes, please, Spider, I want you so much.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, silencing her. It was everything she thought it would be, maddening, passionate, and full of love. Spider pressed her hands above her head, holding both of hers in one of his. He caressed down her arms, and she moaned as his hand hovered above her breast.

  “Do you want me to touch you, or are you still mad?”

  He was becoming less annoying as he kissed and touched her.

  “I want your hands on me, please, Spider, don’t stop.”

  Spider had pulled away from her long enough to talk. His lips crashed back down on hers at the same time his hand cupped her breast through her shirt. His thumb ran across her nipple.

  She was so sensitive, and she wanted more. Pushing herself against him, she tried to get closer to him. Spider wouldn’t have any of it. He pressed his body flush against her so that she felt every single inch of him against her.

  “Do you think it has been easy for me?” he asked, breaking the kiss, to trail his lips down to her ear.

  Closing her eyes, Paris bit her lip, loving every part of him surrounding her.

  “Yes, you haven’t touched me.”

  “You haven’t been ready for me to touch you. What kind of a man would I be if I forced myself on you?”

  “I wanted you, Spider.”

  “Not enough to tell me what you want. I’ve waited so long for you.” He bit her neck, making her gasp once again.

  Her body woke up for his touch, and she didn’t want it to stop.

  Suddenly, he stepped back. “Show me you want it,” he said.


  She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to show him.

  “Take my clothes off, and then strip for me.”

  Once again he was making himself vulnerable in order to make her relax.

  She stepped toward him. He wasn’t wearing his leather cut, but then, it was hot outside. Tugging his shirt up, he held his arms up so that she could remove it with ease. His arms, chest, and as she circled his back, she saw that it was covered in ink as well. Each of his muscles bulged, and he was defined. Once she was in front of him, Spider took her hand and placed it against his stomach. “Touch me. I belong to you.”

  Stepping close, she put both of her hands on him, and glided them up, staring at each of his tattoos before staring him in the eye. “You’re beautiful.”

  “No, babe, I’m sexy as fuck. You’re beautiful.”

  She chuckled. “I want you.”

  “Baby, I’ve been desperate for you, but for reasons you know, and why I’m not bringing them up, I had to wait for you.”

  “You care about me so much.”

  “No, I don’t care about you. That’s not a strong enough word for what I feel for you. I love you. I love you so fucking much, and I can’t bear for anything bad to happen to you.”

  “You love me?”

  “Yeah, I love you, more than anything, I love you.” He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back, and kissing her lips. “So I was waiting for you to be ready.”

  “I love you, too, Spider. Every single day from the moment you first creeped me out behind the strip club. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “What about the club life?” he asked.

  “What about it?”

  “Not every woman loves the club life.”

  “It’s a good job I’m not most women. Chaos Bleeds, they’re my family, and I love them, just as I love you.” She rested her head against his. “They’re part of my life as well, and I’m happy about that. There’s no one else that I want in my life.”

  Reaching down, she took hold of his belt, and started to open it.

  “You have a one track mind.”

  “You’re in my bedroom. Nothing else is going to happen for me. I want you naked with me, inside me, and making me scream and beg for more.”

  “Well, baby, your wish is more than my command.”

  She pulled the belt from his jeans and opened the button, sliding down the zipper. Going to her knees, she pulled his jeans down. Through his boxer briefs, she saw the outline of his rock hard cock. Damn, he was huge. She didn’t doubt for a second he would be, but even hiding he was pretty impressive.

  “Do you like what you see?”

  “Hell, yeah. I can’t wait until I get you naked.”

  He kicked off his shoes and pushed his jeans aside. When she made to take his boxer briefs, he stopped her, lifting her to her feet.

  “I was hoping to get my mouth on you.”

  “That will come, baby. First, I want my mouth on you.”

  Before he had even finished she started to tug her shirt over her head. He gave a little chuckle. “I haven’t been doing well with my duties.”

  Paris didn’t speak. She couldn’t find the words, and her hands were shaking. Removing her shorts, she stood before him in her underwear alone. Spider didn’t keep her waiting. He banded his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy, hot you look?”

  “No, I don’t. You’re going to have to keep on telling me.”

  “I will. You’ve got nothing to worry about there. I’m going to tell you every single day, how hot you look, how beautiful. You’re all mine.” He sank his fingers into her hair, slamming his
lips down on hers.

  She opened her mouth, sliding her tongue against his lips, hoping he’d get the hint that she wanted him to open up, to take what he wanted.

  Spider plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she followed his direction, kissing him back.

  His hands glided down her throat, then to her shoulders where he fingered the strap of her bra.

  Achingly slowly, he started to move the straps down her shoulders until they fell to the elbows. Still kissing her, he reached behind her, flicking the catch. Her tits sprang free, and Spider pulled away, removing her bra as he did.

  “So fucking perfect.” He swiped his thumb across an erect peak, and she shivered from the touch.

  “Is it too much?”

  She shook her head. “Please don’t stop. I never want you to stop.”

  “I’m not going to stop. Not now, not ever. This is for the rest of our lives, Paris.”

  His words meant everything to her. Spider kissed her lips, and then leaned down, capturing one of her nipples. She cried out as he sucked hard, and then eased out the pain with a flick of his tongue. The pleasure went straight to her clit. She closed her legs tightly, hoping to keep the pleasure up.

  Spider gripped her hips, and turned her so that her back was to her bed. He moved her back, and she fell down.

  “Lie back.”

  Lowering herself to the bed, she kept her gaze on him. The fire in his eyes made her tingle all over.

  “There’s no way I could ever walk away from you, Paris. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you, and that’s never going to stop. All that keeps happening is the way I feel about you deepens.”

  He knelt on the floor and spread her legs. With one yank, he tore her panties from her body, leaving her bare, exposed, and wet.


  The dusting of hair on her pussy was slick with her arousal. Spreading open Paris’s lips, he saw the swollen nub of her clit and her slicked entrance. The scent of her only further aroused him.

  Sliding his tongue through her cream, he moaned. She tasted so good, better than he imagined, and he’d been doing a lot of imagining. Ever since they started going out, he had made her wait, not allowing her to have more. He wanted her to be ready, and the only way to be sure of that was by waiting for her to take the next step. Spider was ready, but he wasn’t going to force her, or pressure her to take things to the next level.

  One of the last conversations he’d had with Annie was about taking his time, and making sure that Paris was ready.

  She was part of his life, and even if she was never ready for sex, he’d be fine with that. He loved her, and being part of her life was enough for him.

  To him, knowing she was now ready to the point she was frustrated was just a bonus. Now, he was going to make sure that this first time with her, was going to be the best time that anyone could have. He was going to wipe all memory of Andrew from her mind.

  He’d seen the change in her, the development. She was a lot happier, and there was no darkness in her eyes, only happiness. Her part in the club was easy to see. The women loved having her, and especially now that they were all due to drop any minute.

  Sucking her clit, he moaned as the taste of her cream filled his mouth. She was so wet, musky, and perfect. Sliding his tongue down, he fucked it inside her, watching as she gripped the sheets beneath her. He checked to make sure she wasn’t having any doubts.

  She started to thrust her pelvis up against his mouth, moaning his name as she did.

  “Do you like that, baby?” he asked.

  “Please, don’t stop. It’s perfect, please.”

  “Don’t worry. I have no intention of stopping.” Releasing the lips of her pussy, he coated two fingers in her wetness, and teased one finger inside her. She moaned, trying to thrust down on his digit. Taking her clit, he caused a little pain, which stopped her from moving anymore. “I’m the one in charge.”

  “It feels so good.”

  “I know it does. It’s going to feel even better before I’m done.” Soothing out the pain with his tongue, he teased her clit with light strokes. At the same time, he plunged one finger inside her, finding her so incredibly tight. Pumping in and out of her, he slowly started to add a second finger but being careful the whole time not to hurt her.

  She kept on thrusting on his fingers, trying to get him to go deeper.

  “I need more.”

  With two fingers, he twisted them around until he found the beautiful G-spot, and started to stroke. He tongued her clit, flicking his tongue across, around, and over. When that wasn’t enough, he sucked it into his mouth, loving the way her pussy tightened around his finger as he did.

  Glancing up, he saw her looking down. Her eyes were dilated, and her chest flushed with her arousal.

  “Do you like what I’m doing?” he asked.

  “Yes, much better than myself.”

  “Have you tried to finger this pussy?”

  She nodded. “I needed to. It was hard being with you, and you’d only touch me. I had to do something.”

  “You come to me. That’s what you do. Every time you want something, sex, my mouth, my fingers, you come to me, no one else, not even yourself. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Spider. So clear.”


  “What if you’re busy?”

  “Paris, I’ll always make time for you. There won’t be a time for me to be too busy for you.”

  He saw that smile, and it lit up his whole world. She was worth it, and he needed for her to see that, to understand that she was his entire world.

  When he’d teased her enough, and knew she needed that blessed release, he sucked her clit, fucking her pussy with his fingers. He felt the change inside her, the way her body tightened around his digits, squeezing him tightly. Her cream soaked his hand, and he teased her clit.

  She started to pant, and he had her at the mountain of pleasure. Instead of holding her there, balanced and poised, he flung her over the edge.

  Paris came, screaming his name, flooding his fingers with her release so that some of her cream leaked down the crack of her ass.

  Spider wasn’t done though. This was about her, so even as she was panting from her first release, he didn’t stop. Driving her toward a second orgasm, Spider flicked her clit lightly, knowing that she’d be sensitive but also wanting her to plunge into another orgasm just as quickly.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. “Oh, wow, there’s no way I can have another one.”

  Each word she was breathless as he drove her toward that second orgasm. He didn’t stop, and she crashed over, screaming his name, and rising up to hold his head against her clit.

  In that moment, Spider knew that Andrew’s hold on them had ceased. Paris was his woman once again, and no one was going to hold them back.

  It was a joyous occasion, and he wasn’t going to spoil it by pointing out the obvious.

  Standing up, he removed his boxer briefs, allowing his cock to spring forward, to show how happy he was to see everyone.

  “Wow,” she said. “I knew you were big.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, baby.”

  Crawling up her body, he stopped at her breasts, sucking them into his mouth.

  “That was amazing.”

  “Ah, you’re finally going to compliment me.”

  “Do you need compliments?” she asked, giggling.

  “They go a long way in helping a guy see what he’s done right.”

  “Why didn’t you stop?”

  Spider didn’t answer until he took her other nipple into his mouth, sucking it hard. “I wanted you to be so totally wet, and to blow your whole world.”

  “You blew my world.”

  He reached down grabbing his cock.

  “Can I touch you?” she asked.

  Taking hold of her hand, he wrapped her fingers around his length.

  “It’s so soft, and hard. Kind of weird.”

  He laughed. “Don’t g
o telling guys their dicks are weird.”

  “It’s not a bad-weird, just different.” She ran her hand up and down his shaft, and he watched her gaze on him, turning him on even more.

  Out of the tip a little pearl of pre-cum escaped, and she swiped it with her thumb, rubbing it into the head.

  His balls were incredibly tight, and even with her hand on him, he was struggling to keep it together.

  “Paris, from the first moment I saw you, there hasn’t been another woman.”

  “No woman, not even when I was stripping?”

  “Like I said. You’ve been the only woman I’ve wanted.”

  “Thank you.”

  He chuckled. “There’s a reason I’m telling you this.”

  “What’s the reason?”

  “When I start, I may not last all that long.”

  This time, she chuckled. “You have no control?”

  “I have control, and our second time together will be a lot better. This first time, you’ve got no chance.”

  “I won’t judge no matter how long you last,” she said.

  “That’s good. I want you to have a very high opinion of me. So wait until after this first time to judge me.”

  He’d never spoken so much during sex.

  She caught his face, holding on to him, and kissed his lips. “Spider, make love to me.”

  Spider moved her up the bed so that her head was amongst the pillows. He didn’t miss her long locks of hair. The short cut did it for him.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “I don’t miss your hair.”

  “My hair?”

  “I did once think about it fanned out across the pillows, but now, I like this cut. It’s sexy, and totally you.”

  Taking possession of her lips, he slid his tongue into her mouth. Reaching between them, he gripped his cock, and worked the tip, sliding it between the lips of her pussy. He bumped her clit, causing her to moan with each touch. She held onto his waist, and he looked down between them to see his cock resting between her slit, the tip leaking a trail of pre-cum.

  Unable to hold back any longer, he gripped the base, and found her pussy. Sliding the tip in, Spider returned his gaze to her.

  “Make me yours,” she said.

  He was so hard that with the tip inside her, he didn’t need to guide himself into her anymore. Holding her hands, locking them together, he slowly penetrated her, inch by glorious inch.


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