The Midnight Falcon

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The Midnight Falcon Page 24

by Graham Saunders

  Chapter 24

  Valentina dropped the sails a little way off shore and finished the journey under the slow throb of diesel power. She moored the Falcon in the cove tying it to the tethered buoy. From down on the water she could not see her little cottage up on the cliff top but she could feel its pull as she rowed the bright yellow inflatable dingy across the thirty metres of still water. Katrina was already standing on the thin strip of shingle beach and she pulled Valentina up onto dry land.

  "You don't know how good it is to see you again Valentina." She said as the cold water lapped at her feet.

  "Is everything all right?"

  "Yes... perfect, your little hideaway is even better than you described. But I've missed you Valentina."

  "Me too." She put her arms round Katrina and hugged tight. "Come on let get up the cottage. Be careful of the path it can be treacherous in the dark."

  Katrina laughed... "Now you tell me..."

  "Why?... No accidents I hope."

  "Nothing serious..."

  "So the handover with Colby all went went according to plan?"

  "Yes just as you arranged it... You haven't spoken to Colby?"

  "No, since leaving Marseille I've been without communications."

  "So how have you been Valentina, no problems?"

  "Nothing I couldn't handle."

  "What does that mean exactly?"

  "Let's go up, I'll tell you later."

  They scrambled over the rocks, Valentina rested her hand on Katrina's shoulder and followed her up the precipitous winding path. At the top Valentina stopped for a moment to reacquaint herself with the view from the cliff top. There was still enough light to remind her of what a soulful spot the cottage stood on.

  "It feels like I've come home Katrina... Sachovia hasn't felt like home for a long time."

  "There's nothing there for me either, I still have a fondness for the pretty farming villages and the mountains but little else... Do you think the fools will destroy the place completely this time?"

  "They seem to be doing a good job of it but I think Sachovia will rise again... I doubt I'll be there to see it though."

  "It's beyond sad... Why are people so stupid Valentina?"

  "I'm the last person to ask about that... Come on lets get inside."

  They walked up the path and Katrina drew her friend inside.

  "You've got the place feeling nice and cosy... Did you have any problems getting yourself settled?"

  "Not really the cottage and I make a perfect fit... It took a while to find out how everything works... I met John Le Prevost, he saw smoke from the chimney and came up to see if someone had broken in. He's been a big help."

  "Has he indeed..."


  "OK anything I should know?"

  "Don't be silly we've only just met."

  "John's a nice guy... one of the good ones I was telling you about."

  "I've discovered that... Anyway you were telling me about this problem on the way back, the one you could handle..."

  "Mm... Well it seems that Koch has sent someone after me... I'm not really surprised, he's a man that thrives on vindictiveness..."

  "My God..." Katrina suddenly looked concerned. "What happened?"

  "It's OK... She was a young woman a little older than you, a little younger than me. We might have been friends in another life... We had a little conversation."

  "A conversation?"

  "Well I explained to her, made it clear, that it would be foolish for her to try and do Koch's bidding."

  "So what was she supposed to do, arrest you and take you back to Sachovia?"

  "No nothing quite as civilised as that..."

  "You're saying she was supposed to kill you?"

  "That's the impression I got."

  "And you talked her out of it?"

  "Don't worry Katrina, I can be quite persuasive... anyway I'm here now safe and there's no way she or anyone else can know where I went after leaving Marseille. I made sure to follow a zigzag path up the French coast then slipped deeper into the Channel by cover of darkness."

  "I hope you're right. The thought of an assassin on your tail gives me no comfort at all Valentina... It's hard to imagine the war in Sachovia having any impact on Guernsey it all seems so far away."

  "That was my thinking too... I've had a soft spot for the little Island ever since I first discovered it. It's where the Falcon was originally built so in some ways it was like bringing my baby home... Now, enough of this small talk, have you any food in? I'm starving."

  "Let me see... If I'd known you were coming... I could do eggs, sausages, there's bread, fresh today."

  "Sounds perfect..."

  Valentina ate while Katrina hung on to her every word, Katrina told Valentina of her two job offers and revealed more about the closeness she had already found with John. By the time they had settled on the sofa with coffee, a warm fire was blazing in the hearth and the sky outside was bathed in darkness softened by just a shimmer of filtered moonlight.

  "So Valentina... what plans have you made for little Natasha?"

  "You're in phone contact with her?"

  "It was a priority to get my phone set up and talk to her... You don't know how hard it was to leave her at Paris."

  "She was safe with Colby... Natasha needs to get back to a normal life. She's free of all that Monarchy nonsense now, no one from Sachovia knows where she is... I doubt if anyone will care now in any case. She never belonged there Katrina; what she needs now is a family..."

  "And you'd like to be the nucleus of that family?"

  "I've thought long and hard about it. I owe her a debt and more than that, I can finally accept my feelings for her. I grew to love her Katrina... She has no one in the world except us... You me and... Colby. I'm not about to abandon her... not ever again."

  "I know Valentina... I know."

  "I've got such a lot to put right with her Katrina..." Katrina put her hand out to Valentina.

  "Don't go there; it's all in the past now. I've talked to Natasha about it. Honestly its no longer an issue for her... she seems happy enough with Colby but her uncertain future worries her. I know she misses you."

  "Does she?"

  Katrina nodded. "Oh yes... she's waiting for you, every time we speak she wants to know if there's any news of you."

  "And Colby... I think he still hates me."

  "He came running when you asked for his help, that doesn't sound like a man who hates you."

  "He came to help Natasha not me..."

  "I'm not so sure... From the instant when I saw you two together on Ikinos, I could feel the electricity between the pair of you... That's not something that disappears easily. Do you still feel the same about him?" There was a long pause and Katrina watched the rise of unresolved the emotion in Valentina's face as she spoke.

  "How do I feel about Colby? You know Katrina, I fell in love with him back in 2005 just as the war was starting to unravel the Country... I was not much older than you... I've been in love with him ever since... His hatred for me breaks my heart."

  "Have you told him how you feel recently?"

  "It's complicated Katrina... I wish we could go back to when we first met I'd do things very differently. But things are what they are, I can't make any demands of him. I'll have to talk to Colby anyway and sort out what we'll do with Natasha. Her safety and welfare has to be my priority."

  "So... what would you like to see happen?"

  "I've thought about that on my journey here, I think I'd like to bring Natasha here to Guernsey. There's a lot of time to think when you're alone out at sea and I've come to the view that Guernsey is the place I'd like to spend the rest of my life. I've got quite a nest egg saved up from my disreputable life... I can easily afford to make a home for Natasha, make sure she has a good education and a real future. I've thought of maybe setting up a charter business... you know renting out sailing boats for holiday makers. The Channel Islands would be ideal for that... And
I'd like to see you settled and happy Katrina. Here with me on Guernsey would be nice but if you'd prefer somewhere else I'll help you financially to get settled. After all you've been through you deserve your own happy future."

  "You've got it all worked out Valentina..."

  "Like I said I've had lots of time to think and prioritise what's important to me."

  "So where exactly does Colby fit in with all this?"

  "Colby is the missing piece... If he didn't hate me so much... Then I'd... " She paused to regain her composure. "But I've got no right to expect anything from him. I used him Katrina, betrayed the trust he had in me. I guess I don't deserve such a man in my life."

  "You will be happy again Valentina... I just know it."

  They sat together talking about the harrowing news of their homeland as it broke down into sectarian chaos and open war again. It was almost ten when the headlights of a car briefly raked across the front of Apple Cottage. It was unusual as the cottage marked the end of the road, next stop the English Channel. Valentina opened the curtains and peered out. Everything was dark again, still and quiet as it should be. There was no sign of the car it must have turned round and gone back. But as her eyes became accustomed to the darkness, Valentina thought she saw the flash of something reflective caught in the silver of the moonlight. Maybe it was the polished lens of a camera or binoculars or something more sophisticated like an infra-red night vision scope, the sort of thing she had used on night missions for the SSB. Valentina drew the curtains with a barely audible "Damn her." escaping her lips.

  "What is it?" Katrina said.

  "No nothing... Someone taking a wrong turn I expect... Look I was going to sleep on the Falcon tonight but I think I'll bunk down on the sofa instead. I'll organise a folding bed first thing tomorrow."

  "Take the upstairs bed Valentina... It is yours by rights."

  "No no the sofa will suit me fine, I've had so little sleep lately I could sleep on a bed of rusty barbed wire."

  In fact Valentina had little sleep that night as she kept vigil by the window. Despite her watchfulness there was no further sighting of anything suspicious.


  Sachovia was crumbling now under the weight of civil war. The rebel forces were pushing down the valley following the dark water of the Darvinsk River. Much of the army had already fled back to their villages or joined with the rebels. It was now hopeless for the government and international forces seemed reluctant to get involved. Urgent meetings at the UN had still failed to commit to any peace keeping initiatives even thought the inevitability of that was accepted by all. The bridge at Vrobnik was already in rebel hands which meant that Rubansk was virtually under siege. Boris Koch sat alone in his expansive office, almost the entire staff of parliamentary workers had already fled the capital but Zandra Putrish his faithful if brow beaten secretary still sat at her desk alone in her little office primly awaiting orders like a concert pianist watching for the fall of the conductor's baton... There would however be no more secretarial work needed by Koch's Government.

  General Pyotr Smitz burst through the doors to Koch's office with an expression of panic on his grey face. He was still dressed formally in his military uniform, it seemed somehow appropriate to him to hold on to the trappings of office for as long as possible. Koch wondered if he was trying to make some sort of statement. To Koch, the son of a simple potato farmer, the uniform looked like fancy dress, a completely unnecessary ostentation. His father, had he lived, would have been so proud to see his son rise to the position of Prime Minister... What would he think now? Koch wondered as he watched in impotence as his country slowly slid into oblivion again.

  "Prime Minister we are withdrawing to Alexigrad. We have commandeered the Constantine Centre as a suitable Government headquarters until our troops can mount a push back. You must collect your things and come... The last helicopter is waiting."

  Koch leaned back in his chair, he looked pale and weary; the years hung round him like a shroud.

  "Our troops will never mount a push back Pyotr. Face the truth... It's over, this dream that some of us shared. The fools have destroyed what might have been a golden age for Sachovia, now our country will lie in ruins for a generation."

  "We have to do what we can... " Pyotr rested his hand on Koch's shoulder. "Boris come on it's too soon to give up, we can regroup, there's always a way back."

  Boris hardly seemed to hear what his head of the SSB had said. His eyes gazed out of the tall windows at the angry sky. It hung dark and heavy with rain. He took a deep breath.

  "You know Pyotr," Koch said "when I was elected Prime Minister, I thought I had finally reached my goal. My life's ambition was fulfilled... But I had fooled myself. It was just a first foot fall on the precipitous stair to my ultimate destruction. I'm not sure I would have started the journey if I had known how arduous it would turn out to be. I have faced nothing but opposition all along the way. Opposition from my political enemies but also from those I considered my friends. It has been a soul destroying journey. Only a few have stood by me... Like you Pyotr." He turned his eyes to the General. "How much of this unfolding tragedy was my fault Pyotr?"

  "You'll feel better when we get up to the mountains, you'll be able to think clearly up there away from the constant nerve jangling barrage of gunfire."

  "No my old friend... I have done my best but I fell short, my energy is spent. All you see now is an empty shell."

  "That's not true." Pyotr said as he gripped his Prime Minister's shoulder.

  "No it's too late... I wanted to re-establish the Monarchy bring back the glory that our great grandparents knew in the days before the Bolsheviks... I had visions of Rubansk becoming a modern vibrant city to rival the likes of Paris or London... A bridge between Moscow and Brussels. I could have made it work but it's all turned to ashes."

  The General looked into Koch's face and saw nothing but defeat behind his eyes.

  "Take Zandra and get on your helicopter... I'll be staying here."

  "You have no option Prime Minister the rebel forces will be at the gates before nightfall. If you stay the barbarians will lynch you... I've seen what they can do to their hapless captives."

  "They can't touch me Pyotr, not any more, the damage is already done... Is that pistol in working order General or is it just for show?"

  "It's part of my dress uniform but of course it is a fully functioning weapon."

  "Is it loaded?"


  "I have one last order for you General. Take Zandra to safety and leave me with the pistol."

  "You would not be able to defend yourself with a pistol Prime Minister, be sensible."

  "The rebels will not drive me from my office Pyotr nor will they murder me. My future will be in my own hands. I have one last act of courage left in me Pyotr."

  "Are you sure about this?"

  "Deadly sure General. Now please follow my orders and may God be with you."

  The General removed the pistol from the polished leather holster of his dress uniform and lay it gently on the desk in front of his Prime Minister. He took a pace back, stood to attention then saluted the man he had served for so long. Without another word he turned and made his exit. Passing through the door to the Prime Minister's office for the very last time.

  Boris Koch poured a large measure of brandy from the crystal decanter. He intended to finish the entire decanter before the rebels arrived. He walked to the old gramophone that stood in the corner of the room. It was a decades old piece of equipment and hardly ever used. He selected a recording of Wagner's Tannhäuser overture and turned the volume up high before taking a seat in the corner of the room selecting a plumply cushioned leather armchair with a view of the heavy oak doors. He considered the age of the doors and the craftsmen who had made them two maybe three centuries ago. A different time when things were made to last for ever. And now, would they be splintered into firewood by a rabble? Over the door Koch had hung the carved and gilded seal of O
ld Sachovia with the two eagles resting on an ancient crown. It was to have been the emblem of the New Monarchy... now it seemed to mock him as much as inspire him.

  He took a gulp from his glass, in the distance the whine of the helicopter's rotors could be heard over Wagner's swelling chorus. Koch's eyes filled with tears for his lost dreams as the last of the faithful lifted into the air and crossed the dark sky to an uncertain future. The General's pistol rested on the arm of the chair. Boris Koch was defeated but unbowed.


  "Colby... Colby its Valentina." Natasha was bouncing on her toes like a five year old at Christmas. "She wants to speak with you." She held out her phone for him. He looked at the girl and saw the pleasure that renewing her contact with Valentina had given her.

  "How is she"?... Is she all right, safe?"

  "Talk to her..." She held out the phone. "Come on its Valentina..."

  Colby took the phone he seemed reluctant as if speaking to her might push him over some precipice.


  "Colby... Is that you?"

  "It's me."

  "How are you? Is everything OK with you and Natasha... Oh and thank you for collecting her... Katrina said your impersonation of the vicar was brilliant... I've missed you... Colby... really missed you... I could have used you with me when I sailed from Marseille... Colby are you still there?" There was a silence from the other end of the connection, a silence that held all the dread that Valentina feared. She had tried to be bubbly as if nothing was wrong. "Talk to me Colby... What more can I say?... I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

  Colby could hear the sniff of tears. "What do you want Valentina?"

  "I'm in Guernsey... I'd like Natasha to join me here. I'd like to set up home for us here."


  "Natasha and me and... Please say you'll bring Natasha."

  "You think you can just snap your fingers... Or let your dress slip to the floor... and I'll just come running. I think we've been there Valentina."

  "Colby... Don't say that... I love you... You once told me that you would always wait for me... I need you. We could be happy again."

  He snapped the phone shut and wiped his arm across his eyes. He saw Natasha standing watching him, suddenly deflated, her eyes filling with tears as she looked up to him.

  "I'm sorry Cup-Cake." He said, "I didn't mean for you to hear that."

  "I love her Colby... I've forgiven her why can't you? We could be together... A family."

  He shook his head and held out his arms for her, felt her tears of anguish against his chest as she held him tight.

  "Natasha, you always told be that your only wish was to go back to France to Nice where you grew up. We could go there together... You could teach me to speak French. Maybe we could find a cottage like the one you and Gregori had."

  "I know I said that. You have become my family now Colby... but not just you... I need Valentina to complete the circle and I know you can't hate her... not deep down. It's just your stubborn pride that's stopping you from finding happiness."

  He held Natasha tight. The last few months had changed him so much.

  "What makes you think that I still love Valentina?" he asked her, his voice soft and protective. But there was no answer other than the tightening of her arms around his chest.


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