Trust Game

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Trust Game Page 7

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  He waits for the perfect moment to pounce, and my wall is crumbling. But I must keep fighting him, at least at work, and here he goes again.

  “What are you doing this weekend?” he asks.

  “Please open my door.”

  “Everyone back here is gone for the day.”

  “I have plans,” I say.

  He strolls toward me, his gaze calculating.

  “I told you I was getting a taste tonight.”

  “I’m busy. I’ll spend next weekend with you if you’d like.” I stand, knowing he’s going to grab me if I don’t.

  “Our time is ticking, and I’m getting as much of it as possible before you end this.”

  I drape my arms over his shoulders, and his hands slide right around my waist. “OK, Monday,” I say. He yanks me against him, giving me a passionate kiss.

  A hand slides over my ass and grabs hold. He’s trying to make this difficult for me, and it is as he proceeds to move to my neck, spreading wet warmth up it.

  “I know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to work. I’ll see you Monday.”

  He groans and lets me go. “Call me if you change your mind. I have to get out of here before I bend you over this desk.”


  “You turned him down to have dinner and drinks with me?” Becca asks. Her bright green eyes are accusatory, like I’ve lost my mind.

  “Yes. I just met him, and he’s already acting possessive.”

  “Oh, that is hot. Now, controlling is a different story, but possessive I could work with.” She grins at me. “You’re not getting rid of him in sixty-days.”

  “It’s less than that, and I’m beginning to wonder myself.” I glance around Buffalo Wild Wings and notice it’s becoming crowded. “It’s getting close to my bedtime.”

  “Seriously? It’s eight o’clock.”

  “You only drag me here for guys and sports.”

  “You got it. Look at all these televisions on the walls and all the fine males watching them.” My sister searches the room, and I watch her smile at a couple of men.

  “I don’t believe it.” I grab Becca’s arm. “OK, listen, another guy at work asked about you, and he just came in the door.” She tries to turn, so I squeeze her arm tighter. “Don’t look at him. I’ll casually get his attention.”

  “When were you going to tell me?”

  “Tonight. Did Travis take your number?”

  “No, you interrupted.”

  “Kyle,” I call out as he walks by.

  “Reese, hi.” I watch his eyes go straight to Becca’s. She’s giving her flirty smile. Oh, good, she must think he’s cute.

  “Kyle, this is my sister, Becca. Becs, this is Kyle. We work together.” She sticks her hand out and shakes his.

  “Nice to meet you, Becca.”

  “Do you want to join us?” she asks him.

  “Uh, Reese might be sick of seeing me this week,” he replies, glancing to me.

  “She doesn’t care. Right, sis?”

  “I don’t mind at all.”

  “Alright, what are you two drinking, and I’ll grab you another?”

  After Kyle walks away, I wait for the earful.

  “Geez, how many gorgeous guys work at that place?”

  “I told you,” I answer with a giggle.

  “Oh, man, I don’t know who’s hotter, Kyle or Travis.”

  “Why don’t you try to get to know them? You can’t go off of their looks alone.”

  Becca and I are across from each other, so Kyle takes a chair between us.

  “So, Kyle, what brings you here tonight?” I ask before taking a drink.

  “I’m meeting some of the guys from work here.”

  I choke and barely manage to get my beer down.

  “Sis, are you OK?”

  “Yeah. Who’s all coming?” Flustered, I wait to here if Everett’s name is on the list.

  “All the Casteel brothers and a few guys from the shop. We come here a lot on Friday nights.”

  I glance to Becca, and she’s smirking. In minutes, she’s going to have two guys pining for her attention, and I’ll have to deal with Everett.

  “We have your tables put together whenever you’re ready,” a pretty waitress says to Kyle.

  “Thanks, they should be here soon.” His expression changes to one of concern. I bet he’s recalling what I said about Travis.

  Sitting silently, I let him talk to Becca. My stomach is in knots as I wait for the stud to walk through the door. Will he try to speak to me? Of course, since he doesn’t care whatsoever if everyone in the world knows we’re screwing.

  I down my beer and offer to get us more. I’m supposed to be driving, but screw that. We’ll take a damn taxi. It’s hard enough to get through the day around him, but outside of the office, he violates all boundaries.

  After giving Kyle time to make his move, I go back to the table. I no sooner sit when it happens. It’s as if Everett has sonar ability.

  His gaze anchors to mine clear across the room. Then he sees Kyle. Holy shit. It never crossed my mind what he would think about Kyle sitting with me.

  Chapter Twelve


  I see Reese and feel my pulse kick up a notch. Then I see Kyle, and my blood pressure rises. He better have run into her here.

  “Um, why don’t you guys grab a beer, and I’ll find Kyle,” I say to my brothers.

  “He’s right there,” Roman points. My jaw clenches as I take a deep breath. “Damn, isn’t that Reese?”

  “Yeah, that’s her. I’m going to go talk to Kyle and see where we’re sitting.”

  “Damn, Becca is here, and I bet Kyle is moving in on her. I talked to her first, so he can forget it,” Travis says.

  This should get interesting. I stroll over to their table. “Hi, Everett,” Reese says with a nervous smile. Kyle’s head snaps up to me.

  “Hey, Everett. They have our tables ready. Um, would you want to join us?” he asks Becca.

  “Sure, that’d be great,” she answers before her eyes meet mine.

  “Oh, Everett, this is my sister, Becca.”

  I reach my hand out and shake hers. She’s a tinier, younger version of Reese, but with blue eyes instead of green and cute rather than sexy, like her sister.

  “I’m sure they have a big group, sis. We should probably stay here.” Reese is giving her sister a pleading look.

  “We’ll have plenty of room,” I say.

  “See, it’s all good,” Becca adds, grinning at Reese before she’s hopping out of her seat in a pair of tight jeans and a short, snug top. She’s obviously not as reserved in public as her sister.

  By the time Travis makes it over, Kyle is already sitting on one side of Becca, and Reese is on the other. I’ve taken the seat next to her, so Travis sits straight across from Becca.

  Leaning over, I whisper, “Tell me you didn’t come here to see Kyle.”

  She leans back and glares. “I can’t even believe you said that after this week.” Turning away, she takes a drink of her beer.

  “Is Ev still giving it to you?” Travis asks. What the hell? Reese spits her beer out. I shoot him a dirty look, and he suddenly appears panicked.

  “Ah shit, Reese, I didn’t mean it like that,” he says.

  She’s grabbing napkins, wiping her mouth and the table. I hear giggling, so I glance over and find Becca covering her mouth in laughter.

  “Sarge told me Ev was being demanding and rude to you at work. That’s all I meant.” He’s searching her face for understanding. I might have to kick his ass later. Getting her composure, she straightens up and smiles at my annoying brother.

  “I can handle rude and demanding. It’s controlling behavior that I don’t tolerate.”

  Travis grins at me. “Ev rides the fence on that one.” He points over to Sarge and Roman, who are almost too far down to hear us.

  “We’ve got bossy and grumpy down there, spoiled right here …” he says, holding his beer toward me, “a
nd well, it took four tries, but my parents finally got perfection with me.” He grins at the girls, his ego oozing out of him.

  “How long has it been since I gave you a good ass kicking?” I ask.

  “I’m only playin’ around,” he replies before he picks up a menu. He knows it’s time to shut his damn mouth.

  “How many beers is that?” I ask Reese.


  Sliding my hand over her thigh, I lean in and whisper, “I need to know how many it takes to get what I want.”

  Thankfully, this place is loud, but I doubt we’ll be able to hide the sexual tension between us. She turns to me and smirks.

  “This is number three. How many do you need before you’re too wasted to care?”

  “I’m not going to drink. I’m certain I’ll be taking you home.” Her body tenses before she pulls back and scowls at me again.

  “I don’t need your help. Don’t change your plans for tonight because of me. If you were going to drink then drink.”

  I squeeze her leg and move my mouth to her ear.

  “I’m one hundred percent sure you taste better than beer.”

  “I’m going to need another, and you still won’t be any closer to getting what you want,” she says, finally smiling at me again. Bullshit. I’m sure we’ll be getting closer after four beers.

  Reese and I spend the next hour entertained as we watch Travis and Kyle fight for Becca’s attention. I also notice my brothers, and a few of the guys that work for us, staring at Reese and me every chance they get.

  They’re trying to piece a story together, likely puzzled that I’m even near her. I realize my hand has been on her leg since we took our seats.

  “Reese, why don’t you come sit down here, so we can get to know you better?” Jess asks from the other end of the table. Shit. He’s an overall nice dude and my best airbrush guy. I can’t afford to piss him off too badly, but he’s not getting Reese.

  A nervous smile appears as she hesitates to respond. “Um, I better keep my sister company.” Good girl. Stay near me.

  “It looks like she has plenty of company,” Brady says with a chuckle. I wonder if the man even showered after work. He’s still covered in grease and paint.

  “Yeah, I don’t see her getting lonely,” Jess adds, waving for Reese to come sit by them.

  “Um, OK,” she says before her warm thigh slips from my hand. Dammit. Grabbing her beer, she heads toward them. Jess pats the empty seat next to him. Her cheeks are red, the alcohol making her body hot, which has my cock twitching.

  Becca excuses herself to the restroom, and Sarge walks down to take the seat next to me.

  “What’s going on?” he asks.


  “You like her, and I told you not to be too nice.”

  “You’ve also been trying to get me to talk to women for a year now. Which do you want?”

  “She works for us, Ev. I don’t want her to quit. These damn waitresses won’t leave you alone. Ask one of them out.”

  “You need to stay out of this.”

  “Shit, something has already happened. Roman told me you had a secret, and you’ve been in way too good a mood, that is until Reese moved to the other end of the table.”

  I hear the chairs push back and then the yelling. Kyle and Travis have their chests puffed out and are staring each other down. Jumping to my feet, I hold my arms out between them. “Sit your asses down.”

  “I talked to her first,” Travis says, pointing.

  “You should’ve asked her out when you had the chance. She said I could take her home.”

  Ah, shit. “Neither of you are taking her. I’m driving her and Reese, and someone else will have to take both of your drunk asses home.”

  When I glance around, it’s silent, and everyone in our party is staring at me.

  “You’re not putting her in a position tonight to choose, now sit down,” I order, looking between the two of them. A wry smile spreads across Travis’s face as he pulls up his chair and leans over toward Sarge and me.

  “You made my day, bro. It’s finally happenin’.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I knew you liked her. Damn, and you’ve known her what, five days?” He’s such a little shit. He glances down at Reese and then back to me.

  “What if Jess asks her out? Looks like we’ll be in the same boat.” He glares at Kyle again for a few seconds.

  “I swear I’m kicking your ass, but I’m going to wait until you’re sober so you feel it,” I say.

  “Admit it.”

  “Drop it.”

  Becca makes her way back to the table. The restaurant is loud, but our table is silent.

  “Hi,” she says before glancing around. “What’s with all the serious faces? Haven’t you guys had enough beer to feel good? I think I’ve had too many.”

  She giggles, and I love seeing the pained look on Travis’s face. If Kyle wasn’t here, he’d be up in her space and trying his hardest to get into her pants.

  My gaze falls on Reese. The guys have her giggling, too, so I need to get her out of here. Jess slides his arm over the back of her chair, and I might have to break it. She sits straighter and leans forward some. It doesn’t appear she’s interested in him.

  After watching this nightmare for a half an hour too long, she gets up to use the restroom. Fuck this. I don’t care what the guys say, so I get up and follow her.

  Once in the hallway, I gently grab her arm. She staggers as I turn her around, so I pull her up against me and lean my back against the wall, letting her settle between my legs.

  “Damn, you feel good,” I say as I bring her in closer and breathe in the fruity scent from her hair. Looking down, I find her glazed eyes staring up at me seductively. “I’m taking you and Becca home soon. I’ll have to hurt Jess if I don’t.”

  “No, Everett, and you need to let me go before one of the guys walk back here.”

  “They need to know about us, so they’ll stop hitting on you.”

  “No way.” She shakes her head before closing her eyes. “Whoa, I drank too much.”

  “I’m taking you home, and I’m staying.” Tilting her chin, I press my lips to hers. She pushes her body against me, giving in to our kiss, and damn, I can’t get a hard-on right now.

  My tongue searches and strokes as my hand wanders down her back and over her ass. This is torturous. “Use the restroom, and then tell Becca you need to leave. She’s drunk, so I don’t want her left alone with the guys.”

  “You don’t trust your own brother?” she asks.

  “Not when he’s drunk, too. You better go. If that was a one stall bathroom, I’d be fucking you in it.”

  Her gaze is delivering desire straight to my cock.

  “That’s hot.” Leaning up, she takes hold of my bottom lip and pulls it between her teeth. “I want you.”

  “Soon, now go,” I say before smacking her ass. After I think my way out of a hard-on, I return to the table and find that all has returned to normal.

  Sarge has taken his seat back by Roman, and Becca’s talking sports with Kyle and Travis. It’s something else that will make my brother fall for her. Reese can barely walk a straight line as she makes her way to the table.

  Approaching Becca, she leans over and whispers something to her. Becca nods before she finishes her conversation with the guys.

  “My sis is being the party pooper, so I have to go. It’s past her bedtime.”

  Reese rolls her eyes and turns to me.

  “Ready?” she asks with her seductive stare still reaching for me.

  I stand, and damn, I want to touch her, so I put my mouth to her ear and breathe her in.

  “If you don’t stop staring at me that way, the guys are going to figure it out, or I’m going to kiss you right here, and then they’ll have zero doubt.”

  Everyone is quietly watching as the three of us begin to leave. We’re passing Jess when he stands and smiles at Reese. “I c
an take you home if you want to stay.”

  Aside from Jess, who must be dense or want to fight, I’m sure the rest of the guys are putting two and two together, but I’ll humor Reese and not tell her. She’ll flip, and I don’t want her shutting me out or quitting her job.

  “I’ve got it, Jess. I haven’t had anything to drink. The rest of you have.”

  He smirks at me. “Why didn’t you drink? You always have a few beers.”

  “I happened to pay attention when I got here and noticed that two pretty ladies might need a safe ride home, so you sit back down and enjoy your beer.” I smile back as he eats his words.

  Glancing to Sarge, I point toward Trav and Kyle. “Make sure those two don’t end up killing each other tonight.”

  “Sure, and you remember what I said.” He gives me a pointed look. He’ll have to get over me spending time with Reese. Don’t be too nice he said. How about naughty?

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Everything is spinning,” I say as Everett returns to his truck after helping Becca make it safely into her apartment.

  “It’s because you’re a stubborn, woman. I’ve only known you five days, and I’ve figured it out. You wanted to prove to me that you could be drunk and still reject me.”

  He turns my chin toward him. “Well, guess what? It didn’t work, and you don’t want it to.” He gives me a chaste kiss before pulling back onto the road.

  The lights through town shine in on his truck, so I take a look around it. “How many vehicles do you own?”

  “This, the sport bike, and I have a Harley Street Glide.”

  “Where do you live? I don’t even know.”

  “I’ll show you tomorrow when you’re sober.”

  I shake my head no, and everything spins some more, so I close my eyes. Dang, am I ever drunk.

  “Thank you for not leaving me alone when I’m being drunk and stupid.”

  “I could never do that, and you’re drunk but not stupid.”

  “I shouldn’t have left him.”

  “Who?” he asks.

  “Forget it.” I feel Everett take hold of my hand.

  “Who shouldn’t you have left?”

  “I can’t tell you,” I whine. Why has he been in my head lately? The hold on my hand tightens, so I open my eyes.


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