Trust Game

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Trust Game Page 13

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  “It’s only a closet.”

  I jump and spin around. Everett is holding a bottle of water out. “Need a drink?”

  “Sure, thanks. I was going to come back down.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to.” Strolling over to the nightstand, he sets his water down and falls onto the bed, stretching out and sighing.

  “Did shopping wear you out?” I ask, snickering.

  “A little, but I’m mostly trying to lure you this direction.”

  “I’m tired, too. You should’ve told me you were done with shopping. We could’ve stopped earlier.” I climb into bed and scoot up against him.

  “I didn’t want to stop. One good shopping experience with you erased all the bad ones that have stayed in my head for years.”

  Propping up on my elbow, I put my hand on his chest. “What happened to make them bad?”

  “It has to do with Krystal, so we don’t need to go there.”

  “I want to hear, if you can talk about it.”

  “You’re different. I kept taking your shoulders and redirecting you away from the men’s departments. I lost count of how many times you asked what I wanted to look at.”

  “It should not have been all about me,” I say.

  “Exactly, Reese. You’re not self-absorbed. I used to cater to someone less thoughtful, and it was making me miserable. I also never felt like I could make enough money or be successful enough to satisfy her. I was simply never enough.”

  Snaking my hand up, I find his hair and play with the longer, sandy color pieces around his ear. He’s manly and rugged, but I’m learning that Everett also has a sensitive side. His emotions flow from his mesmerizing, blue eyes, and they’re staring at me intently now.

  “I’m sorry someone made you feel that way.”

  “It’s in the past, and I’m absolutely chained to the present,” he says as his hand slides along the nape of my neck. Slowly pulling me to him, his teeth nip at my lower lip and mouth brushes along mine.

  It’s wet and soft as it feathers across several times in a sensual, calculating manner before his tongue is slipping inside, exploring provocatively and caressing intimately. “Everett,” I whisper.

  Gentle lips skim to my ear. “Tell me what you need from me, baby. Beg me, and I’ll do it until it takes your breath away.”

  My fits of evacuating oxygen billow against his neck like a strong wind. “Your mouth … the words from it are sinfully erotic. I’m beginning to crave them,” I say before leaning back to peer at him.

  “You’re smart, talented and sexy. You have a body that is superb, and most importantly, your heart is sweet. All of it–it’s breaking through my self-control.”

  “Let it happen, Reese. I won’t stop until you do.”

  Rolling onto him, my eager fingers shove into his hair, twisting and twirling the silky layers. I’ve become a host to the outbreak of passion that keeps spreading and growing between us. We continue to feed it, but its appetite only increases.

  A low growl from deep in his chest barrels upward, building in sound as it leaves his throat and fills my mouth with all its headiness. Our tongues lash, and his erection jabs against me until we’re both up and stripping.

  Revering each other’s bodies, we commit to memory every drugging taste and needy sound, every tantalizing feel and rhythmic thrust. We’re in the realm of euphoria, and I discover I’ve fallen too far to come back from it.


  “Damn, I’m used to seeing you dressed up, buttercup, so I didn’t expect to be this blown away. You’re stunning.”

  Actually, she looks like perfection, and I don’t want to share the sight of her with anyone. A coy grin enhances her delicate features, and shimmery pink gloss covers her lips, drawing me toward them.

  Her makeup is softer than usual, matching her pink dress that hits mid-thigh. It’s displaying too much of her silky legs and fits her like a glove.

  Thin straps cover her creamy shoulders, and it’s rounded low at her breasts, exposing enough to make anyone curious for a peek. Her hair up in the back leaves her neck a target for my hungry teeth that are eager to nip at it.

  “Thank you. You look fantastic,” she says before averting her gaze and biting her lip. With a few steps, I close the distance between us and glide my hands down her bare arms.

  “Why are you looking away from me?”

  Her eyes glance at mine before they’re dancing away again. “I’m trying not to gawk at you like a hormonal teenager.”

  Turning her chin to me, I smirk.

  “We’ve been behaving like hormonal teenagers for almost two weeks. Why stop now? I plan on ogling you all evening.” The tension in her arms lessens a bit, but I sense her nervousness.

  “So, um, did Dwayne message you the information?” she asks.

  “We worked it out.”

  Her gaze skirts around as she wears out her lip.

  “Relax and trust me. Tonight is going to work out the way it’s supposed to.” Instead of appearing assured, she seems flustered, confirming what I believed all along; she doesn’t want to go through with her suggestion for tonight.

  “Um, we should probably eat something.”

  “We’re going to dinner, Reese. Do you think I’d take you straight to a strip club?”

  “Oh, right. No, I don’t think that. I’m–I’m a little nervous and not thinking clearly.”

  “Why are you nervous?”

  “Uh, the night could be interesting,” she says, more as a question than a statement.

  Holding my arm out for hers to encircle, I smile.

  “I think it will be. Let’s go.”


  “We’re at Canoe,” she says excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to come here, but more so to enjoy the scenery than to eat.”

  Canoe is a restaurant that lines the Chattahoochee River, the back butting right up to it. It’s elegant enough for our night out but comforting for me since it has an outdoor setting.

  It’s a place I enjoy coming to. I tell the hostess our name, and they lead us out to the patio to be seated.

  “Do we get this space to ourselves?” she asks.

  “Yes, we do. I have a connection here and called before I picked you up yesterday.”

  She cocks her head. “You’ve planned on taking me out tonight all along?”

  “Yes, Reese. As much as I’d like to keep you locked inside a bedroom with me, you deserve more. I’m not a total savage.”

  Reaching over the table, she takes my hand.

  “Thank you. I love that we’re here.” Her smile is as colorful as their centerpiece of flowers or the lush gardens surrounding us.

  “Would you like wine?” I ask.

  “Why don’t you drink this time, and I can drive? You didn’t drink when we went to dinner, and you didn’t drink the night you drove Becca and me home.”

  The argument Krystal and I had in the car before she died strikes me with all its darkness.

  “No, I prefer to drive. Maybe we can take a taxi to the strip club.”

  “I think that’s a great idea. You should get to have a drink and relax, too.” She looks up from the menu and smiles. “I’m a sucker for a big steak. The hickory grilled New York strip is calling me, but I think I will have something lighter.”


  “I’m too nervous. It’s not every day I get pampered. It’s been a perfect weekend so far, and I guess I’m also nervous about, you know … later.”

  “Don’t be. I’ll be right there with you.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Everett and I share a meal in an intimate setting with gorgeous surroundings. Splashes of vivid colors are at every glance from shrubs and trees to flowers.

  An enormous stone fireplace is near, and we can hear the river flowing behind us. There is a round outside bar and Adirondack chairs close to the water for patrons to relax in.

  He surprises me every second. When we first met, I figured he on
ly thought about himself, due to the way he propositioned me and his impatience, but he’s caring, and I believe he’d do anything for those he loves and trusts. And if he looked any yummier, I would have him for dessert right here.

  I was surprised when I entered the great room this evening and saw him in a dark shade of khakis, paired with a cream, V-neck sweater, which is snug in all the right places. His blue eyes pop against the light color, and I can’t stop staring at them.

  “I’m surprised Becca hasn’t messaged me about her date with Travis. I’m guessing no news is good news.”

  “How do you feel about them going out?” he asks.

  “I don’t mind. I told her all the Casteel brothers seem great.”

  “How does she feel about relationships?” he asks.

  “She’s a hopeless romantic who is sure her prince charming is out there. Regardless of the breakups she has experienced, she holds on to hope and gives the next relationship her all. Becca has that attitude with everything.”

  “You’re more reserved, skittish maybe. Why is that?”

  How did I get backed into this corner?

  “Similar to how you’re not comfortable speaking of Krystal, this is something I don’t want to discuss, especially not tonight.” I empty my glass of wine in one long gulp.

  Everett reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. “We’re having a great weekend, and I don’t want to disrupt that, but I want to ask you one question.”


  “Does it have to do with a guy named Preston?”

  I gasp and pull my hand from his.

  “How do you know about him?” I’m unable to hide the defensive tone.

  “You mentioned him last weekend on our ride home, when you were drunk.”

  I try to remember our conversation from that night, and it hits me all at once. I hadn’t been that trashed since college. “I’m sorry. I remember now.” After picking up the wine bottle, I pour another glass and take a drink.

  “It does have to do with him, but I don’t want to have that conversation tonight. I’m trying not to think about the past or the future. Isn’t that what you wanted?” I conjure a smile, trying to pull us back from the train wreck we’re headed toward.

  “So, he’s definitely in the past?”

  “He’s definitely dead.”

  Panic ensues Everett’s face.

  “Reese, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize, or I wouldn’t have pushed. I was struggling to understand you that night in the truck.”

  I swat my hand toward him.

  “It’s fine. It happened years ago, and it was nothing like losing your spouse.”

  “What was it you said to me? Everyone feels their own pain to different degrees, so they can’t be compared?”

  “OK, but it’s in the past, so let’s leave it there.” I swallow more wine and realize I’ve drank three glass in a very short amount of time. If I don’t ease up, I’ll never make it to the strip club.


  “You can still back out. I won’t think any differently of you,” he says.

  “I can handle it.” I take a deep breath, like I’m sucking in strength, before we exit the taxi. There is not much to be said for the outside of this place. It’s been open for years and it shows.

  As soon as we enter, a handful of eyes are on us, and in less than a minute of looking around, an attractive, young woman approaches us.

  “Are you Everett?” she asks.

  “Uh, yes.”

  “Welcome. Mr. Barnes described you well,” she says with a wink and a smile. “We were told to treat you extra special so follow me.”

  Everett holds my hand firmly as I follow behind them. We’re taken right to the front of a large stage. Glancing around, I notice only two females watching with companions.

  The rest are males, and several of them are eyeing us. There are probably close to forty strippers walking around this room alone. I’ve never seen so much bare skin in one place.

  Yes, at this moment I am mortified, wondering what the hell I was thinking with this bright idea. Everett seems to have this permanent smirk, and I know it’s because he can feel my tension. A waitress is on us as soon as we sit.

  “I’m Farrah. What can I get ya?”

  Everett orders a beer and then turns to me.

  “Do you want to stick to wine since you’ve had a few glasses already?”

  “Sure. That’s probably a good idea.”

  “Bring her your best white.”

  “Sure thing.” Farrah winks at Everett, too. Oh, brother. If this is any indication, then we will only be finding someone interested in him.

  I study the dancer on stage who is pretty talented and super fit. She is attractive, not gorgeous, but definitely looks happy to be here.

  “Like what you see?” Everett asks.

  I jerk my head to him, my facing warming instantly.

  “I’ve never been to a strip club, so I’m trying to feel out my surroundings,” I say tersely. “Isn’t the point of being here to watch the women dance?”

  “You got it. I just didn’t expect you to enjoy it so quickly.” His smirk flips to a full blown smile.

  “I didn’t say I was enjoying it.” I roll my eyes at him before I feel his lips on my cheek.

  “I’m trying to lighten things up, Reese. You’re stressing.”

  “You’ve been to a strip club before, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, I have. A couple of times in college, and then my brothers have found it humorous to take me on a few birthdays.”

  “What’s going to happen next?” I ask timidly. Farrah approaches and sets down our drinks.

  “I’ll be back to check on you two shortly.” Winking again, she touches Everett’s shoulder as she passes him. My body tenses as a surge of protectiveness hits me full force.

  OK, maybe jealousy is the correct term. I can’t recall ever feeling it to this degree, not even while living with Craig. Grabbing my fourth glass of wine for the night, I take a much needed sip.

  “This was your idea, so you need to pick someone to take into the private room.”

  My head snaps his way. “Me?” I ask anxiously.

  Everett chuckles. “Yes, you. I’ll help you out. You pick, and I’ll ask.”

  “You’re going to go up and ask her to join us?”

  Sticking his finger under my chin. He tips it upward, closing my gaping mouth.

  “They’re only going to dance for us. Chin up, buttercup.” His cocky smile is flashing like a neon sign. He’s loving this a little too much, and that jealous feeling pummels me yet again.

  “No,” I say adamantly.

  He leans in toward me, his expression becoming quite serious. “Why not, sweetheart?”

  “I … I don’t want you to desire having another woman join us. Frankly, I don’t even like that you’re seeing attractive women naked.”

  My body begins trembling, and this is exactly what I was trying to avoid, that need for him, that desire for exclusivity.

  “Stay right here,” he says before hopping to his feet and disappearing behind me. I turn my torso and watch as he approaches the bar. I can’t fathom what he’s doing, and it’s stressing me the fuck out.

  Turning back around, I let my curiosity kill the anxious waiting. Some men are entranced, lust swarming their eyes, while others are laughing with people at their tables, not paying attention to the strippers.

  There are women dancing in front of men, their asses in the guys’ faces, and I watch as the men’s hands battle not to reach out and touch. A few dancers are on stage, removing clothing piece by piece, but their bra and thongs leave little to the imagination to begin with.

  A new stripper takes the stage, owning it instantly. She is wearing a black bra and garter belt set with red accenting it. Her sheer, thigh high stockings add to the seductive look, and I imagine Everett admiring me in something similar.

  I’ve never braved lingerie that erotic, but seeing this woman own it with
so much confidence makes me want to give it a try. He sits back down at the table.

  “What were you doing?”

  “They’re getting a room ready for us.”

  I stare at him in disbelief. Is he trying to get me to brave this to show me I’ll like it? What have I done by bringing him here?

  Returning my focus to the provocative dancer in the black thigh highs, I study her as she removes her bra. I need to suck it up and gather that kind of confidence.

  “Grab your drink and come with me,” Everett says. The woman who had seated us is standing next to him. He rises and picks up his beer before stretching out his hand in an effort to take mine.

  Is she joining us? Reluctantly, I take it and go with them. We’re lead to a hallway that has several rooms. It is dimly lit with a bouncer roaming along it. The lady moves the curtain aside to one of the rooms and smiles at Everett.

  “Go inside, Reese. I’ll be right back.” I do as he says and walk in. The room is amazing. There is a flat screen on the wall and a private bar. A bottle of wine is open and chilled in ice, along with a couple of beers.

  It’s larger than I expected and extremely clean. It’s dimly lit, too, and I’m relieved for that. My hand crosses my stomach as I take a seat on the couch. There are also a couple of comfy looking chairs.

  I’m a nervous wreck, and the wine has went to my head, causing me to feel dizzy. What the hell is about to go down?


  After approaching the bouncer, I pull out three hundreds and hand them to him.

  “Don’t let anyone interrupt us.”

  “Sure thing, man.” He smiles and slips it into his pocket.

  Upon entering the room, Reese immediately looks to me, and I feel bad over how anxious she seems. I need to ease her mind. Strolling to the bar, I pour her a glass of wine and grab a beer off the ice.

  “They’re sending someone in so I wouldn’t have to watch you ask, right?”

  Turning around, I see that her fingers are digging into the couch on each side of her. I set the drinks down on the counter and turn to lean against it.

  “I don’t think we should drink anymore tonight. I want you to remember everything else you’re going to experience.”


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