Smut for Chocoholics

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Smut for Chocoholics Page 11

by Victoria Blisse

  “You got anything we could use as a blindfold?”

  “Hey, I thought you were a chocolate lover. I didn’t know you were into anything funny like that!”

  He fetched a pillowcase from out the ottoman.

  “This do? How do I know I can trust you not to fasten me to the bed with handcuffs as well?”

  “You don’t.” I winked at him. “Chill out.” I tied the pillowcase round his forehead. “No peeping.”

  Taking the brush and dipping it in the paint I scrawled:

  “The deepest chest in the west.” over his chest, nipples and stomach and it took some doing. Being fairly ticklish this message caused Marcus to squirm a little.

  “Give up?” I said. “Maybe it will help if I lick if off and you can feel the shape of the letters on my luscious lips.”

  I licked and sucked and sucked and licked every delicious mouthful off his upper body and then I aimed the brush in the direction of his balls.

  “I want to suck you.” I wrote. And I did.

  Finally I turned my attention to his cock. This one was easy. I was just about to try and paint it on when he flung off his blind fold and said it:

  “I want to fuck you. Right now.”

  “Bad boy. I wanted to take oral sex to a new dimension first. Taste chocolate mixed with the lovely cream of your cum. But it seems you can’t wait...”

  “I can wait. I was just correctly guessing what you were painting on my cock. So go on then. Paint woman.”

  “Ooh masterful. I like it.”

  The first time in my life I felt totally free of all inhibitions and I heard moaning in the room and was surprised to realise that it was coming from me. I slung my head back and enjoyed the sensation of my thighs rubbing together of their own accord as a bolt of sensual pleasure coursed through my body.

  “You look like you’re enjoying yourself,” said Marcus, stroking the side my large breasts with his chocolate covered fingers. “And that’s what I wanted more than anything.”

  I was enjoying myself all right. Then I saw him get out a huge chunk of chocolate bar from the bedside drawer and leaning close in to me he pressed into my curves, waving it under my nostrils.

  “Don’t tease,” I said affecting my best pout.

  He nodded and slipped a square of milk chocolate between my lips.

  “Don’t come to me when all your teeth fall out,” he joked but I just winked at him enjoying the sensation of every last shaving of chocolate in my mouth and feeling the creamy comfort as it slowly melted on my tongue.

  I turned my attention to his cock again.

  “Does that have a creamy centre too? I think that would be my favourite part.”

  Marcus licked his lips and watched me lavish attention on his cock. I finally got round to painting ‘Fuck me’ on there and then I imagined it was an expensive chocolate bar and treated it as such. Deftly I licked, taking my time to relish its full flavour by appreciating every bit of its texture on my tongue. But I started to find myself getting far too aroused by this and I couldn’t stop myself devouring his thick head with my lips sucking what I visualised to be a very huge hard bar of chocolate. He felt as warm as the melted chocolate of the massage candle had been maybe hotter and every gasp and moan I elicited from him only served to encourage me.

  “Fuck, I think you may get your wish for the cream soon,” he said.

  He groaned and thrust his hips closer to me forcing more of his cock between my hungry lips, I could tell that he was trying to make an attempt to control the pleasure exploding through him when I felt his fingers tightening grip in my hair. All this did was further turn me on and encourage me to pleasure him even harder which of course increased the sexual tension in his dick.

  I could still clearly taste the milk chocolate on my palate and, mixed with the salt juices which were now leaking from his tip it proved to be quite a seductive cocktail. I just couldn’t get enough of it. Up and down, slowly and steadily I sucked, thinking about how his cock would feel in my cunt which was twitching with desire for him. I could tell he was close to coming as his balls were growing yet harder in my under my fingers and he was panting and thrusting up into my mouth with increasing urgency. Then he cursed, screamed, roared and finally surrendered to the pleasure and his cum erupted into my ravenously sucking mouth. I savoured every drop and then grinned at him. I probably looked ridiculous but I didn’t care.

  “The cat that truly got the cream” he said obviously basking in the joy of release.

  “You or me?”

  His lips answered me with a long slow succulent kiss which proved to be an arousing reminder of the blow job he’d just had. I turned over fearing that I was about to sneeze and he rolled over to my side of the bed and wrapped his arm around me.

  “That was sensational” he said planting another kiss this time behind my earlobe

  I instinctively reacted by pushing my plump arse back into and was thrilled to feel his solid cock between my buttocks.

  “Seems like someone’s ready to go again.” I said

  “I have something very special for you,” he whispered and softly kissed my neck. I moaned and reached to cup his cock - again.

  “No.” he said. “Now on what did you write on my cock again?” I laughed and pushed against him which caused his arm to roll against my right breast and my buttocks rocked against his hard on. I guess he could contain himself no longer and he cupped my tits as I lifted my thighs to reveal my somewhat rounded stomach and the tips of my rounded nipples.

  I was a bit surprised when he pulled my arms back above my head and seized my wrists, holding in me in that position while he delivered a forceful kiss. Was he getting his own back for the blind fold perhaps? His lips travelled lower and his fingers landed on my ample breasts. He fondled and explored them softly at first and then squeezing and moulding their heat as he suckled. Then his mouth moved lower licking any remaining chocolate as he went with his fingers still pleasuring my bosom. He seemed to be enjoying every inch of me kissing and licking all over my stomach but his intimate and subtle touch made me giggle and squirm. He continued until every fibre of me was consumed by lust for him. It was a good job that his pace was speeding up; his kisses gaining purpose as I felt him passing through the curls covering my pubis.

  My own lust came to sudden impasse here. I nearly died of embarrassment - should I be Brazilian or Hollywood? Would he be totally turned off? I soon got my answer as I felt his tongue slipping down and licking the path between my sex lips. My anxieties vanished and I tingled inside as I sensed his mouth fasten around my swollen clit. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning again and I raised my hips to get even closer to him. I knew that I couldn’t hold on much longer. My forehead was sweating, I could feel my cheeks flushing, my skin tautening and I was so gloriously wet I could feel my juices flowing over my thighs and between my buttocks.

  “I thought you were going to fuck me” I breathed.

  He stopped kissing my clit and yet again went to the bedside drawer this time removing a small packet.

  “For God’s sake why don’t you just tip the whole contents out and have done with it?” I said panting for England.

  “Got these specially too,” he said proudly waving the packaging at me. Then he smoothed the condom on his erect cock and slung the wrapper on the floor.

  “Fuck,” I said, “You really are starting to freak me out now. The pretext of a job interview, all this elaborate preparation... even black chocolate coloured condoms!”

  “Yes and afterwards, how’s about I throw in a scale and polish, to sort any damage from the choccy?”

  “Just weird.” I answered still panting away.

  “But this is the most natural thing in the world,” was his calm response as I went down on him again this time feeling the different sensation of the flav
oured sheath between my lips and its’ taste which reminded me of cocoa. I excitedly bobbed my head up and down wanting to make him moan louder and I really hoped he might scream my name. Marcus clutched my long hair again and pushed me back so I lay back down on the pillow and knelt splitting my thighs around his waist; teasing me with the head of his chocolate encased cock until I begged him to fuck me.

  Then he slid himself inside me and began to satisfy my desires. I writhed and bucked in response to the oh so passionate pounding that I was receiving but this only served to make me want more and I reached down to rub my clit applying ever harder pressure the more fevered his pace continued. I murmured the odd “Oh fuck, yes,” mixed with the odd louder expletive until Marcus exclaimed:

  “I’m coming soon, Jane. See if you can too. Oh my God, Jane, yes, yes!”

  I quickened and increased the pressure on my G spot and after a few strokes my cunt contracted and I came, simultaneously teasing his powerful orgasm from him. He roared my name as he came and I thrashed around triumphantly screaming in ecstasy. I felt so desired, so free of all my inhibitions and so happy at last.

  I was still shaking a little when Marcus wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head against my breasts as he held me close.

  “Was that okay for you?” I asked

  “What do you think?” he replied.

  “Can I have the job, now? Am I suitable?”

  “Oh eminently, you can have whatever you want. And I think we could go for it again after a little break and perhaps a bar of the good stuff? What do you think?”

  “Too right.” I said smiling at him. “The scent from the candle has given me an insatiable appetite.”

  I opened my mouth for him to drop a chocolate square in.

  “Me too,” said Marcus with a wink, “Me too.”

  The Chocolatier

  By Nicole Gestalt

  “So who have you got to do them then?” Becky called from the shop front as Rachel pulled out another moulding tray. Rachel looked down at the moulds checking each one had a coating of milk chocolate. Satisfied she placed them down next to the large mixing bowl and began to pipe in a raspberry mousse as she talked.

  “He’s an Australian a bit rough around the edges but I was impressed with the shots he showed me.”

  “Ooh... do tell!”

  Rachel rolled her eyes; it was typical for Becky to jump straight onto the fact that the new photographer was a guy. But then she would with her slim figure and blonde hair, clothes that she seemed born to wear. Becky had no problem finding men to fall at her feet unlike Rachel who seemed to scare people away.

  As a successful business owner admittedly she didn’t have much time for anyone but that wasn’t from lack of trying. In recent months she had resorted to online dating sites but each date that they had produced had ended in disaster for one reason or another.

  “There’s nothing really to tell he’s a professional photographer.”


  “And what?” Rachel finished piping the filling in and placed the tray into the long fridge to harden a little.

  “Well you know what’s he like? I need details!” Despite herself Rachel smiled she could always rely on Becky to cheer her up. Shaking her head she came back to the front of the store where Becky was organising the trays of chocolates for sale and pricing them up.

  “Well, he’s tall with hair that is close cut but a sun-kissed brown colour and he’s tanned.” She didn’t fancy going into details it wasn’t that she hadn’t been paying attention, quite the opposite she had been glued to the sight of his body from almost the moment he had entered the shop.

  His eyes had been what had first drawn her in. They seemed like startling sapphires that once they caught sight of her didn’t seem to want to let her go. From his eyes she had let her eyes fall downwards to an impish smile that made it hard to gauge his age. His skin was a tanned golden colour that looked natural enough rather than bottled and perfectly emphasised by his khaki coloured shirt that hugged his figure tight, he had his sleeves pushed up and she could just see a tantalising glimpse of the bulge of his biceps. Further down his jeans fitted him like a second skin and left little to the imagination and it was the part that Rachel would very much enjoy discovering more about. The fabric was pulled tight over his shapely ass causing Rachel’s eyes to be pulled down there.

  It had been a few moments before she had realised she’d been staring but during their meeting it wouldn’t be the only time.

  “Rachel you really need to pay more attention to the important details like you know...” Becky looked at her wide eyed and nudged her head down. Pursing her lips Rachel glared at her.

  “No I don’t, now follow your own advice and pay attention, you’ve got the chocolate truffle and the dark rum chocolate prices mixed up.” Wafting her hands at the trays, she was about to say something when the door chime above the door rang and a customer walked in. Smirking Becky kept her mouth shut and focused on what Rachel had asked her to do. Or she did for at least a heartbeat until she looked up and saw who had just walked in.

  “Miss Rachel, we meet again.” With a brilliant smile and a twinkle in his eye her photographer reached over the counter offering his hand. Rachel shot a glare at Becky warning her not to say anything and took his hand. It was warm but felt as if Rachel had been shocked by a bolt of electricity. He took a firm grip of her hand but as he shook it Rachel was almost certain she could feel his fingers running over her skin stroking her slightly. Uncertain if she was imagining things or not she smiled nervously at him and tried to pull her hand away, his grip tightened before letting go and she felt her body flush with heat.

  “We do.” She squeaked than inwardly berated herself for it. Taking a deep breath she tried again.

  “What can we do for you today?”

  He finally let go of her hand.

  “Well I know he had a meeting planned but I was kind of wondering what you were doing tonight?”

  The question startled Rachel but Becky jumped to her rescue.

  “She’s free! What time?”

  He smiled and looked at his watch.

  “Shall we say six; at my studio I had a cancellation so we can get started sooner. Bring a selection of your best, I’ve got a few ideas too I’d like to try.”

  “She’ll be there.” Becky said, he smiled and toward his head a little.

  “I’ll look forward to it.” With that he was gone.

  “So that’s what you’ve been hiding. Well sounds like you’ve definitely made an impression.” Becky looked over grinning. Rachel moaned.

  “It’s nothing, thank you for setting that up by the way, I might have had plans.”

  Becky chuckled as she priced the raspberry cream.

  “Did you?”

  Rachel scowled at her.

  “Well no. But that’s not the point, the point is...”

  “No I think that is exactly the point, you never have a date and work too hard.”

  “That isn’t a date! It’s work!”

  Rachel protested but Becky shook her head.

  “It’s not work exactly, you get to talk about chocolate whilst a guy who looks tasty enough for me to want to take a chunk out of takes photographs of the chocolates. Besides it wouldn’t surprise me if he had a few things up his sleeve.” She shrugged and ducked into the kitchen with a grin on her face.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Oh nothing, Tea?”

  Becky’s question threw her enough to change the subject but throughout the day Rachel couldn’t shake the suspicion the evening wasn’t going to be exactly as it seemed. As the hours went by she became more nervous, her thoughts kept wandering to his body and what deliciousness was hidden under his clothes, her nerves turned to a tension deep in the pit of her st
omach, her body aching with anticipation.

  Her nerves increased when Becky suggested with a sly grin Rachel let her close up so that she could get off early, she didn’t argue and in no time found herself walking down the narrow cobbled street that his studio was on.

  There was an October chill in the air and as she walked she noticed the sky was already streaked with the last colour of the day. Pulling her coat around her tighter she walked faster until she found the door. The lights inside didn’t seem to be on and if she hadn’t had his address in front of her she would have been convinced it was the wrong place. Swallowing her nerves she knocked on the door.

  In a heartbeat the door was flung open and he stood in front of her filling the doorway.

  “Ah good you’re slightly early which means we have a bit more time. Let’s get the chocolates shall we?”

  Retrieving the chocolates from the car parked at the end of the street. Rachel followed him in through a narrow corridor with doors on either side.

  “We’ll be using my small studio for this I find it’s a little more intimate and the temperature is better for the chocolates.”

  Rachel listened as she walked behind him, her eyes fixed on his ass as he moved his denim pulling tight over it with every movement. They walked down a set of stairs and through a door. Suddenly he stopped causing Rachel to walk into him.

  “Oh...sorry!” She said feeling foolish; she should have been paying attention. She could feel his body heat as he remained pressed against her. Turning he looked down at her his own face flushed an intensity in his eyes that sent Rachel soaring. She was excited to see that she seemed to be having a similar effect on him that he was to her.

  Absentmindedly she ran her tongue over her lips gazing up at him wishing he would bend down the short way to kiss her. To her surprise he began to move closer bending down low so that he was inches away from her face. Uncertainty began to build in his expression and at the last moment he shifted and reached down to the chocolates Rachel was holding.

  “Let’s get these out shall we.”


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