Smut for Chocoholics

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Smut for Chocoholics Page 14

by Victoria Blisse

  And what was the rakish Bonaparte up to now? Presumably transferring the cocoa beans to his own ship before disposing of the Silver Dollar and all on board. An image sprang into Coco’s mind of the pirate and his chubby chocolatier wallowing in the one hundred tons of cocoa beans that were apparently in her hold. She’d offered him her body and he’d turned her down. That had simply never happened before. Enough was enough! It was time she did something about the situation.

  With all her technology shut down, she banged on the cabin door with her fist to get the attention of the guard.

  ‘Oi, Mercuriat out there,’ she yelled. ‘I need to talk to Bonaparte.’

  There was a muffled grunting from the other side of the door.

  ‘Now, you idiot, not next year.’

  She had no idea if the creature understood her or not, so she kept up the banging until her fist went numb.

  Finally, after nearly fifteen minutes, the door swooshed open and two tiny Mercuriats stood on the threshold staring up at her. Coco struck a pose against the door frame; slowly running her tongue around her red glossed lips in the most suggestive manner, and from the way the Mercuriat’s rolled their eyes, she could tell this was not at all what they had been expecting.

  Taking advantage of the element of surprise, Coco leapt forward with a flying kick which she angled to barrel one Mercuriat into the other like a pair of skittles. Amazingly it worked and while they were rolling around on the floor trying to right themselves she grabbed the two pistols they had dropped and legged it.

  ‘Don’t come after me,’ she called back over her shoulder. ‘I got your guns.’

  Around the corner, she slammed into the lift and instantly pressed the close door button. She’d bought herself a moment’s breathing space. But fuck, she didn’t have a plan. She dropped to a squat on the lift floor and checked how many bullets each of the guns held, counting twenty in one and three in the other. One of those Mercuriats had obviously been a trigger happy little bastard. She stuck one of the tiny guns down into the top of one of her boots and held onto the other one as a plan started to formulate in her brain.

  She needed to get a hostage. Someone valuable enough to swing the balance of power, maybe someone she could trade for Chilli. Actually, she needed several hostages, and not those brainless Mercuriats, either. No, the person whom Titus Bonaparte seemed to value most highly was Bizet, with his coco-searching gadget. And if Bonaparte was genuinely addicted to chocolate, there was no way he’d be able to function without the little chocolatier by his side. Simple: find the portly Herr Bizet and bargain him against one hundred tons of beans, Chilli, the rest of the crew and the Silver Dollar. It didn’t appear to be the best plan she’d ever had but her options were limited. Now, where to find him...

  Chilli had always said that Coco Murgatroyd had the Devil’s luck but Coco had always countered that the most fortunate people made their own luck. If Bizet was going to do whatever it was that he did to cocoa beans, it was a pretty good guess that he was going to need a kitchen. And the best equipped kitchen was the one attached to the officers’ mess, one floor below where Coco was now.

  She pressed the lift button and a minute later found herself in the deserted mess hall where the Silver Dollar’s top brass took their meals. The kitchen was at the far end of the hall, and she could hear noises and voices in its direction. And then, heavy on the air, the scent of chocolate assaulted her nostrils, stronger than she’d ever smelt it before. A shiver ran through her as the smell reminded her strongly of Titus Bonaparte, when he had pushed her back against the wall of the bridge, his breath hot on her neck. Deep within her, muscles clenched and adrenalin surged.

  She crept forward towards the double swing doors that lead from the kitchen into the mess. There was a three millimetre gap between them, to which she pressed one eye to see what was going on in the kitchen. As she had thought, Bizet was indeed concocting something using cocoa beans that he was scooping up from huge pile on the floor beside him - worth more than she would earn in a hundred lives with Fleet Command. She took another deep breath of the overpowering chocolate fumes and she could almost taste it on her tongue... What would it feel like to let a medallion of chocolate melt in your mouth? To let the exquisite flavour flood your senses? She closed her eyes as her tongue surreptitiously moistened her lips. There was something almost sexual about dense, musky aroma swirling round her.

  ‘Well, look at you, tasting the air.’

  Large hands snatched her pistol and steely arms enrapt her in an inescapable bear hug. And then Titus Bonaparte was propelling her through the swing doors and into the kitchen.

  ‘Bizet, leave us.’

  Bizet looked her up and down with cheerful nod and wiped his hands on his apron.

  ‘There is chocolate ready for you over there, Titus,’ he said, indicating a row of white china bowls lined up on one of the stainless steel cabinets.

  ‘Good man,’ said Bonaparte with a nod, as Bizet shuffled away through a door at the other end of the room.

  Captain Titus Bonaparte marched Coco over to the pile of beans in the middle of the floor.

  ‘Have you ever seen so many beans just loose like that, Coco?’ he asked and he pushed her forward so she fell onto her knees on the pile.

  Loose beans skittered away across the floor and she floundered as the pile slipped and flowed beneath her weight. She put out a hand for balance and scooped up a fistful.

  ‘Smell them, Coco, hold them to your face. Put one in your mouth and bite on it.’

  Mesmerised by the feel of the smooth brown beans against her skin and their smell in her nostrils, Coco did as Bonaparte commanded. She took a bean between her teeth and bit into it, her mouth rewarded by a flood of harsh, bitter flavour that made her grimace. Scowling, she spat it out on the floor.

  Bonaparte laughed out loud and dragged her to her feet. Then he lifted her up onto one of the steel counters and stood in front of her, leaning forward to push her knees apart.

  ‘Now, if you’re a very good girl, I’ll let you taste some that’s been processed,’ he said.

  Coco could feel the heft of the second gun, the one with three bullets left in it, pressing down inside the leg of her boot. Her plan might still work...

  ‘What do I have to do, Titus?’ she whispered, snaking her arms up around the pirate’s neck.

  God, he smelt good; it had been nearly two months since she’d had a man and far longer since she’d had a really satisfying fuck. No, damn it, don’t get side tracked. But that was easier thought than done, as his mouth came crashing down on hers.

  ‘Me,’ whispered Titus into her lips. ‘You have to do me.’

  Then the kiss deepened as his tongue penetrated her mouth, preventing her from answering in words. Instead, she made her willingness clear as she mirrored his hunger and explored his mouth in return. As their tongues pushed past each other, she felt his teeth grinding against his lips and his stubble burning her chin. She arched her neck back and Titus followed her lead with a flurry of kisses down the line of her throat. Heat blossomed out from low in her abdomen and she moaned as she felt his hands move to the buttons on the front of her uniform.

  As he popped them open one by one, she heard his breath catch in his throat. Now was as good a time as any. Surreptitiously she let her hand drop to her side and then she reached forward into her boot. Bracing herself against the counter with her free hand, she pressed the barrel of the Mercuriat pistol into the hollow behind Bonaparte’s ear.

  She felt his muscles tense as he realised his predicament. Slowly he drew his hands away from her torso and raised them into the air.

  ‘Now, Bonaparte, this is what you have to do for me,’ she said. ‘Call one of your lackeys and have them fetch my First Officer.’

  Bonaparte’s mouth couldn’t suppress a lascivious grin.

��You’ll find he’s a little tied up at the moment,’ he said. ‘And last time I checked, he seemed to be enjoying his punishment. He won’t thank you if you drag him away.’

  Damn Chilli and his submissive tendencies.

  ‘All of my officers. I want all of my officers, here, now.’

  ‘That won’t be possible,’ said Bonaparte.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  He sighed.

  ‘It was the Mercuriats, you see. They got a bit carried away. A bit trigger happy at the prospect of taking over a ship like the Silver Dollar...’

  Fear made Coco’s heart race, the blood pounding through her ears, nearly deafening her.


  ‘There’s you... your first officer... one or two others. The rest are dead. They fought back and the Mercuriats showed no mercy.’

  As he said this, Bonaparte had inched forward a little, moving closer to where Coco now stood with her back against the counter. In an instant, he had the gun out of her hand and in his own huge fist. A second later, it was flying across the kitchen on an arc that took it right to the other end of the room.

  Bonaparte towered above her with a menacing stare.

  ‘Now, back to where we were,’ he said through gritted teeth.

  He reached across to one of the white china bowls that Bizet had left further along the counter. Coco tried to push past him, to get away, but he easily held her still with his other hand. And then, as the smell of fresh chocolate assaulted her nostrils, she felt a tremble pass through her, shattering her will to fight Bonaparte off.

  He pushed her roughly back so she was lying on the steel counter and it took him only moments to divest her of her uniform. A growl of appreciation rumbled in his throat as she lay on the cold metal wearing just her black lace bra and panties.

  Fear melded with excitement deep within Coco, making her shiver, but when she stared up into the pirate’s piercing blue eyes above her, all she could think about was kissing him. A needy whimper escaped her lips, even as she silently cursed her body for being a traitor. Titus ran a warm hand smoothly along the length of her torso as if he was calming a frightened animal and, indeed, it had just that effect on her. She stopped trembling and lay silently waiting for what he would do next.

  But if her body had become pliant, her mind was anything but. Deep behind her half-closed eyes, Coco was trying to hatch a plan. Sex was the only weapon she had left and she was an expert. Let him think he was seducing her as, technically, he was; but once his guard was down she would make her move. They were in the best equipped kitchen on the ship and that meant the sharpest knives. Inside her mind, she replayed the layout of the room, trying to remember where she might have seen a knife block.

  Bonaparte’s hand stroked her cheek.

  ‘You are incredibly beautiful, Colonel Murgatroyd,’ he murmured softly. ‘What would it take for you to leave the Command Fleet and become mine?’

  ‘It’ll never happen,’ hissed Coco. ‘Even in your dreams.’

  ‘How can you be so sure?’

  Bonaparte grabbed her wrists and in one easy move had them pinned down above her head. Coco’s eyes snapped open as his mouth met hers and was nearly dazzled by the sharp icy blue of his eyes. His tongue forced her lips apart and then she felt something hard and dry being pushed into her mouth. Her saliva flowed and the hard object yielded up its taste and its smell... Oh my god. Coco would have gasped but the pirate’s tongue stopped any noise escaping and he worked the soft disc of chocolate across her tongue. The smell, the taste, it was nothing like anything she’d ever experienced. It reminded her strongly of sex but had a flavour all of its own and as it liquefied on her tongue she had to swallow, carrying it deeper still, allowing the overpowering aroma to flood her nasal passages.

  Bonaparte raised his mouth from hers.

  ‘You like?’

  His voice had a rasp to it and with his free hand he pushed down the cup on one side of her bra to release her breast. Rough fingers chafed her nipple making it pucker and stand proud.

  Coco lay still, simply looking up at him. She felt limp and weak but at the same time powerfully sexually charged. Swallowing the last of the chocolate in her mouth, she bit her lower lip with a moan. Titus freed her other breast and his mouth alighted on it softly, his tongue sweeping circles round her nipple until it too stood erect and straining. Coco sighed, still overwhelmed by the sensation in her mouth.

  ‘More,’ she whispered, grasping her hands in his shaggy blond hair to pull his face up to hers.

  ‘Close your eyes,’ he said.

  She did and then he left her for a moment on the counter, alone. But all thought of escaping him had evaporated and she lay waiting, longing to renew the flavour that still lingered in her mouth. Suddenly he was back and she sensed his presence kneeling above her. Then her lips were forced open and her mouth flooded by the taste of chocolate and the touch of cock. An enormous cock judging by the size of the head. Slathered in soft molten chocolate that was even now dribbling down her chin, down the back of her throat, subsuming all conscious thought and drowning her in sensation.

  She lifted a hand to grip the base of the shaft and found that her fingers didn’t even meet around it, while with her other hand she felt for the proportionate weight of the attached balls. Above her, Titus Bonaparte grunted and then he slowly flexed his hips to push his way further into her. Back; then in again. He slowly mouth fucked her as her eager tongue licked the irresistible coating away to reveal his splendid manhood.

  Pinching her nipples, Titus finally withdrew with a flourish and pushed her back on the counter.

  ‘Open your legs.’

  Arching her back and bending her knees, Coco spread her thighs wide, ready to take all that he could give her. The taste of chocolate was still strong in her mouth but the dull ache of longing in her clit needed immediate attention. Probing fingers spread her lips and she hardly dared breathe as she waited to feel the push of his enormous cock. But instead a sensation of warmth came from above and tricked down, coating her mound and her clit in a velvety caress. She opened her eyes to see Titus kneeling above her, pouring molten chocolate from a thick white china jug, his eyes sparkling and his tongue poking out between his lips.

  ‘Sex without chocolate isn’t sex at all,’ he said, grinning down at her.

  And it was easy to believe him.

  Then he plunged, face first, between her legs and she felt his tongue lapping against her swollen skin, pushing in deep and then searching further round for the slick of chocolate that had run down between her buttocks. Her gut clenched and her hips rocked to and fro, waiting and wanting to feel the rasp of his tongue on her clit. His stubble caught against the soft skin of her inner thighs, burning a path up and down as he licked first her outer and then her inner lips clean of the exquisite flavour.

  And finally, just as she thought she could hold out no longer, he reached her clit, swirling his tongue around the bud, sucking at first gently and then with more force until her world exploded into hyperdrive. She heard herself scream and then two fingers, coated in chocolate, found their way into her mouth and her orgasm intensified further. As the giant cock pushed its way into her another climax followed hot on the first one’s heels; then another and another, as she stretched herself open even further to accommodate this giant of a man. Her muscles gripped hard against him, pulling him in, even as she felt she would be split in two; she bit down hard on his fingers and above her the pirate roared and laughed and then thrust in harder and deeper as his own climax carried him to another world.

  Panting, sweaty, streaked with chocolate, they lay side by side on the steel that was now warm from the heat of their bodies.

  Titus Bonaparte turned towards her and grasped her chin between finger and thumb.

  ‘Now, Colonel Murgatroyd, tell me you won’t be le
aving Fleet Command.’

  ‘I...’ She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth. ‘I...’

  And as Bonaparte’s laughter echoed out around the metal kitchen, Colonel Coco Murgatroyd found herself laughing with him.

  ‘I can’t.’

  To be continued in another galaxy...


  By Tenille Brown

  Juanita wouldn’t consider herself a voyeur by any means, but she was instantly and uncontrollably drawn to the scene before her. They were lovers, newly married, sharing a kiss in the middle of a crowded room.

  Maybe the world was standing still for them, as Juanita was certainly planted in her spot close to the wall, glass of champagne in her hand, watching and smiling. It was something to stand still for, this innocent and passionate expression of love and longing.

  Watching the groom’s hand fall loosely and linger at the small of the bride’s back, she tried to remember the last time she had that feeling, like everything and everything else halted except the moment, and the only thing that mattered was being swept into someone’s arms, having their affections bestowed upon you in the form of a kiss.

  She didn’t know that feeling anymore, at least she hadn’t in the last six months, and standing there right here, right now, she wondered how it would feel to be kissed like that.

  Juanita pulled herself away from the scene, feeling more like an intruder than an admirer and walked over to the chocolate fondue fountain in the middle of the reception hall. She dipped in a sugary treat and brought it to her lips and glanced again in their direction.


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