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ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3)

Page 14

by Karina Espinosa

  “This is the book she used to suppress your wolf,” Lucian said. “Whoever took her, knows what she did for Adaline twenty four years ago.”

  “What?” the girl shrieked. “What is going on? Who took my mom?”

  “Sniff around the apartment, see what you can find, Pet.”

  I nodded and started at the bookcase where the book had been found. There was a faint smell, but if Cosima was taken weeks ago, I wouldn’t have much to work with. Either way, I followed the trail around the loft.

  “Someone needs to tell me what is going on!” the girl shouted.

  “Her amulet is here, she would never leave without it,” Lucian said. “It’s for her protection.”

  “Whoever it is, they’re smart. I can’t get a good trace, but they’re a wolf for sure, I can smell the earth—and there’s a tinge of rosemary I think. That’s weird.”

  Lucian grunted. “Of course the Lycan are involved. But rosemary? That’s odd.”

  I turned to the girl, she was shaking, her eyes about to pop out of their sockets and her chest heaving up and down rapidly.

  “Hey, hey,” I soothed. “What’s your name?”

  “S-scarlet,” she stuttered. “S-scarlet S-slade.”

  I smiled warmly. “Hey Scarlet, my names Mackenzie Grey,” I stretched out my hand and she shook it. She was trembling as if doused with ice water. “I promise I’m going to do everything in my power to find your mom.”

  “Mackenzie!” Lucian cautioned. “Don’t make such promises.”

  “Shut up!” I yelled over my shoulder. “If this witch helped me way back when, the least I can do is help her daughter.”

  “We don’t know if she helped, or sold us out.”

  “And the only way for us to find out is by locating her. So get your thinking cap, Luce, we got us a witch to find.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Scarlet calmed down and the shock of her mom being taken wore off. She agreed to help and do whatever she could on her end, as long as we didn’t report her mother missing to anyone. It was more for her safety than anything else. Whoever took Cosima could come after her.

  “Why would you help me?” Scarlet asked while Lucian roamed the shop for materials.

  We sat on the steps that led to the second floor. “I guess I feel a bit responsible,” I shrugged. “Your mom helped Adaline to keep me safe. If I’m the reason she was taken, then it’s my fault.”

  Scarlet didn’t agree or disagree; she only nodded and watched Lucian as he added things to a shopping basket. The vampire looked ridiculous—like he was grocery shopping.

  “Do you know who took her?” she sniffled.

  I shook my head. “I thought it would be the Sisters of the Sight, but I smelled a wolf. I could be wrong though.”

  “Your mother was an Oracle?”

  I nodded.

  “Are you the Princess everyone is talking about?” she mumbled as she twirled her untied shoelace. “I heard about you back in Maine. You’re sort of a big deal.”

  “In Maine?” I laughed. “The stories are over exaggerated.”

  “You didn’t try to start a rebellion?”

  “It was more like a peaceful protest,” I bit my lip. It was definitely not peaceful.

  “Right…so you didn’t murder the Alpha of the Chicago Pack?”

  My body locked up and I felt the blood drain from my face. The thought of Logan crossed my mind—his sinister grin as he tore off my clothing. Those dark eyes the color of obsidian, shining with disturbing glee. I shivered.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  I should not have taken my anger out on her, but I didn’t like the fact that everyone knew my business. I wasn’t a celebrity that people could gossip about—this was real, life or death situations. People had died because of it.

  “If you’re from Maine, why are you here?” I changed the subject.

  “I couldn’t get a hold of my mom and I was on school break. I thought I’d visit.”

  I nodded. “We didn’t mean to barge in, it’s just time sensitive, ya know?”

  “I get it.”

  “And your mom being missing is not your fault. You couldn’t have known,” I said as I watched her frown. Her mom was a flake; she probably thought she just pulled one of her disappearing acts. How the hell was this kid supposed to know?

  “Well I want to help. I need to help. Don’t keep me out of it,” she looked me in the eyes, her nostrils flaring with renewed strength.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” I grinned and a thought popped into my head. “Hey! You’re a witch!”

  “Uh…yes. I thought we established that already?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, my bad,” I rolled my eyes. “I have a little situation that I could really use your help on.”

  “What’s up?”

  “My friend and I have this safe that we need opened. It might contain a clue to my little dilemma. You think you could help?”

  She shrugged. “Sure. Where is it?”

  “Why don’t you come to the castle tonight, around midnight?”

  Scarlet paused. “It’s inside the castle?”

  Before I could respond, the door to the shop slammed open, knocking the bell to the ground as half a dozen royal guards swarmed the Apothecary. They were dressed in their black suits with the gold pins on the lapel—looking like the damn secret service. Ranulf and Sebastian followed them in and my stomach dropped. Shit, I was in trouble.

  Scarlet and I both hopped up from the stairs and I scanned the store for Lucian, but he was nowhere in sight. Sneaky bastard.

  “If ye keep slipping away, Princess, we’ll have to start restraining ye,” Ranulf commented as he looked around the store. What he was searching for, I didn’t know. Maybe he smelled Lucian.

  “Kinky,” I smirked. “Maybe one of those fuzzy pink handcuffs will do the trick,” I winked at one of the guards—he wasn’t amused.

  “You can’t go running off on your own, Mackenzie. It’s not safe,” Bash came up to me. I didn’t recognize him anymore. Was this an act or was he for real? I thought we had made progress—that he was starting to understand me and all my madness.

  “I had the sniffles, I thought I’d come to the pharmacy for some Tylenol,” I reached for a pill bottle on one of the racks. Scarlet slammed a palm on her forehead.

  Sebastian seized it from my hands. “Toad Droppings for scaly skin?”

  I snatched the bottle back, “What the fuck?” I read the label and then turned to Scarlet. “You guys seriously need to rethink your inventory.” She grimaced.

  “This isn’t a joke, Mackenzie,” Bash reprimanded.

  I sighed. “Fine, you got me,” I raised my hands in the air as if I were getting arrested—again. “Take me away officers.”

  Sebastian didn’t play along. He clutched my arm and dragged me behind him. Over my shoulder I waved to Scarlet. “Thanks,o” I yelled and mouthed, “midnight,” and winked.

  The poor little witch only nodded with fear, frozen in place and probably wondering what the hell she’d just gotten involved in. For her sake, as much as ours, I prayed she didn’t do anything stupid.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sebastian banged the door to the common room shut and marched over to me, standing mere inches away. My breath came out in rapid motions at our proximity. I wondered if he was thinking about the other night as much as I was.

  “We asked you to do one little thing, Mackenzie! Why can’t you follow instructions?”

  “Being locked up in the castle was not part of the bargain!” I screamed.

  “It’s only been one day!” he barked.

  “I don’t like confined spaces!”

  “The castle is over fifty thousand square feet!”

  “Well…I don’t know, just stop yelling!”

  Sebastian grabbed my upper arms and pulled me to him. His mouth crashed onto mine and it took my breath away—l
iterally, I didn’t take a breath before he kissed me. I climbed his rock hard body like a spider monkey, until my legs wrapped around his waist, and my arms were around his neck. He slammed me onto the wall, making the frames rattle from the force. I pulled at his shirt, trying to rip it off. We were messy, uncoordinated at times, and desperate. It felt right. My flesh burned with every touch, every kiss, and every breath he took.

  “My room,” I moaned.

  He growled in approval as he whirled me out of the common room and into the bedroom with an unhuman like speed. He tossed me onto the bed and I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my shirt. He undressed quickly, leaving his boxer briefs on, and crawled over my body at a teasing and leisurely pace. Unbuttoning and sliding my jeans off while peppering my thighs with small bites and kisses.

  This wasn’t sweet and romantic—it was real—it was chaotic.

  “Tell me to stop, Mackenzie,” he half-heartedly begged. “Once we do this, there’s no going back.”

  I was too far gone. “I don’t care,” I whispered and pulled him up. Grabbing a fistful of hair, I smashed my lips on his, my tongue slipping in and claiming what I wanted. His fingers dug into my skin and if I were human, there’d be bruising tomorrow.

  Sebastian lifted my sports bra, releasing my breast and suckling them while his blue eyes pierced me with a gaze that said one thing—hunger.

  I spread my legs and wrapped them around his torso, rubbing myself to get relief. The sensation of his wet mouth and tongue driving me insane. I couldn’t take it much longer. I flipped him onto his back and straddled him.

  “Mackenzie,” he rumbled and tried to sit up. My palm flattened over his chest and I pushed him back down.

  “My turn,” I growled as my wolf arose and my eyes flashed silver. I moved my hips back and forth, stroking him with my wetness and guiding him inside. I tightened around him and he roared into the quiet of the room, gripping my hips like a life raft. My hips rotated with a practiced rhythm. I wanted to savor every delicious and sinful moment. He could handle it. With his thighs resting on my back, he gripped me tighter and raised me up and down at lightning speed, our skin slapping from the force.

  His thumb went to my clit and he rubbed in quick and precise strokes, plunging me over the edge. My palms fell on his chest as I tried to keep myself up—I moaned louder than intended. He let out an animalistic sound, his canines glinting in the darkness of the room as he came, my insides milking him to the last drop.

  “Bash!” I gasped as my body jerked with every spasm and I fell on top of him—out of breath and satisfied.


  My mind was running a mile a minute as my cheek rested on his sweaty chest, and my thighs trembled. He was still inside me, his arms holding me in place—we didn’t move. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I’d spent a year and a half avoiding this precise situation, but damn did it feel good. I wanted more—so much more.

  “Mackenzie?” his throat sounded dry.

  “Yes?” I croaked.

  “Are you okay?”


  I couldn’t think of anything to say. I was a puddle of mush and I was thinking with my lower region instead of my brain.

  A knock at the common room door froze us in place.

  “Jonah…” I muttered as I hid my face. “Shit.”

  “If it was him, he wouldn’t have knocked,” Bash said, sitting up. I moved with him as I continued to straddle him.

  Sebastian removed my hands from my face, and brushed my messy hair away. “Relax,” he said. “We’ll figure things out, just not right now.”

  The banging on the door persisted.

  “This is all my fault, I messed everything up,” I frowned.

  “It was bound to happen, Mackenzie.”

  I stared up at him, meeting those baby blues that spoke more than his words—and if I didn’t know any better—I’d think it was love. That couldn’t be right—not Bash.

  The door to the common room opened and the sound of two footsteps entered.

  “Shit,” I rolled off Sebastian and the bed. “Fuck, gravity!” I whispered.

  “Mackenzie!” Alexander called out.

  “Oh my god!” I mouthed to Bash whose eyes widened and face paled. For the first time I saw fear in him. “Coming!” I yelled.

  Sebastian reached for a towel I had extended to dry on a chair, and tossed it over to me. I cleaned up and reached for my robe.

  “Coming?” Bash mouthed and smirked. My eyes narrowed and I threw a pillow at him.

  I took a few deep breaths as I tightened the knot on my robe. I slipped out of the bedroom between a crack of the door so the King wouldn’t see inside. He was standing by the dining table with Ranulf.

  “Everything okay?” Alexander asked.

  “Yes,” I croaked and cleared my throat. “Sorry, I was in the shower.”

  “Didnae wash yer hair?” Ranulf questioned, his eyes narrowing to slits. Fuck, he knew.

  I laughed robotically. “It’s not recommended to wash your hair every day.”

  “Well,” the King changed the subject. “I heard what happened earlier today and I thought we should talk.” He motioned for me to take a seat.

  I was trying to calm my racing heart as Ranulf stared me down. I gave Alexander my full and undivided attention.

  “I understand ye weren’t raised a Luna, Mackenzie,” he started. “And I’m trying everything I can on my end to help ye, but yer nae making things easier for me. I have nae been the best, and I know I may nae be the easiest to talk to, but I’m trying, lassie. I brought ye here for a reason, and it was nae just the trial. I can keep ye safe.”

  I did a double take and really took a good look at Alexander. He wasn’t the stern and cold King—he had dark circles around his eyes and appeared worn out.

  “Have you been sleeping?” I asked.

  “Aye,” he smiled, which was odd.

  I watched him closely, debating my next move.

  “Have you ever thought to ask me why I did what I did? To find out the truth about what happened instead of basing everything off your sources?”

  His gray eyes widened, and he seemed taken aback. “I didnae think there was more to the story.”

  “There’s a lot more. None of you get it,” I leaned forward, my frustration rising. “Lunas are treated like crap and sometimes they’re abused. Yeah, you can sit there and tell me if you catch them they’re dealt with, but that’s not the problem. The root of the issue is their position in the Packs—you give them the power to abuse the Lunas. What’s a step further from making them your maids, why not put them on their knees?”

  “Watch it, Princess,” Ranulf scolded.

  “It’s the ugly truth!” I glared. “If you can’t handle it, then you really don’t know what’s going on in your own world. I won’t sit here and pretend I didn’t try to start a rebellion. I won’t fake the funk. I need you to understand my reasons—if they even matter to you—why I prefer humans than belonging to a Pack. Just look what the C-Chicago Pack tried to do to me. That should be explanation enough.” I stumbled at the thought of Logan and it only frustrated me further. How much longer would he have a hold on me?

  Alexander splayed his fingers over his mouth, pondering what I said. He didn’t look upset or angry—just neutral. Did he care?

  “I don condone that behavior,” the King said.

  “I know you don’t,” and that I did. His reaction to what happened to me was proof enough—but was it enough to get him to change things?

  “What do ye suggest I do?” Alexander asked. I couldn’t keep my eyes from growing and my jaw hanging. “Donae look so surprised, Mackenzie,” he laughed.

  I shook out of my stupor. “Give them the freedom to be who they want to be. Whether it’s a house wife or a captain within the Pack. Let them choose.”

  Ranulf scoffed. “Ye cannae change centuries of tradition just like that. There will be an uprising!”

  “There already is on
e,” I growled. “And it’s only the beginning.”

  They both stared at me, unsure of what to do or say. My unveiled threat hanging in the air between us like a knife.

  “I cannae promise ye anything, but I’ll speak with the Summit,” Alexander said with a sternness that made this feel like a business transaction.

  “Sounds fair,” I nodded and stood from my chair. I needed them to leave so I could get Sebastian out of my room.

  “Good,” the King gave me a crooked smile. With a final nod, I escorted them out of the common room and sagged against the door.

  Sebastian exited my bedroom and leaned on the door frame with a towel wrapped around his waist. The cuts and creases of his body making my mouth salivate. When did I become sex-starved?

  “That was a close one,” I grinned as I walked toward him. “I thought they’d never leave, or worse…”

  Bash chuckled. A rare sound in itself. “You handled yourself well, Mackenzie. I’m proud of you.” He leaned down and gave me a slow and sensual kiss. I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hand reached down and released the knot of my robe—letting it fall open between us. His hand sliding up my abdomen to cup my breast.

  “One more thing, lassie,” Alexander barged in. “I—”

  I jerked away and closed my robe as Sebastian turned from the Kings view to cup his wooden friend.

  “Shit, have you ever heard of knocking?” I enveloped my arms around my mid-section.

  Alexander’s eyes went from me to Sebastian and back again. His eyes glowing silver, and his jaw ticking. His lips flattened to a line as a vein pulsed in his neck and he ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

  “What in the bloody hell is going on?” he demanded. Well that should shrivel Bash right up.

  “Sir—” Bash tried to explain.

  “Ye!” the King pointed at him. “Get out!” his power shot out of him like a wrecking ball, knocking us over as it seized our bodies and took control. I peered over at Bash who was trying to go against his Kings command but couldn’t. The painful look on his face was my undoing. He was trying so hard to stand by my side. He took one step forward and froze, his body locking up—he was no match for Alexander.


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