ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3)

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ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3) Page 15

by Karina Espinosa

  “Don’t worry, Bash, just go,” I whispered to him. His head barely able to turn in my direction. “It’ll be fine.”

  “Now!” the King commanded and Bash lost all control. He left the room without so much as a peep.

  Alexander paced across the room, taking long strides and unbuttoning his suit jacket. He loosened his tie and I wanted to laugh.

  “That was uncalled for,” I said and he stopped mid-step.

  “Uncalled for? Ye think it’s alright that I walk in on him with my dau—”

  I scowled. “Don’t even think about finishing that sentence.”

  “I—ye know what I mean!” he said, frustrated.

  “No, I don’t,” I shook my head. “I’m about to be twenty four in a few days. That makes me a grown woman who doesn’t need permission from anyone to sleep with who she wants.”

  “Sleep?” he blanched. “Donae tell me yer with that dobber!”

  “What? No! I don’t even know what that means!” I yelled, confused by his terminology. “Just mind your business.”

  “Mind my business, aye? Yer my business, darling. Yer Princess of the Lycan’s and it’s important ye be with someone of the same caliber!” he barked.

  I stumbled back. “Caliber? Are you fuckin’ kidding me?”

  “Language,” he growled. “He’s a bastard that isn’t from a prominent family.”

  “So am I!” I screamed, my face blazing red.

  His eyes expanded. “Yer nae—”

  “Yes I am—you’re the only one who hasn’t caught up,” I sighed, giving up on being angry. “If Bash isn’t good enough, a bastard like me, then who is?”

  He huffed, his nostrils flaring with contempt. “The Cadwell boy—he’s good for ye.”

  The blood drained from my face and I clutched at my robe for dear life.

  “I know he fancies ye,” he glared. “So stop diddly dallying with that one and get with someone on yer level,” Alexander demanded.

  “Fuck you!” I screamed, not able to contain myself.

  His face turned to stone and the silence echoed across the room.

  “Donae forget who yer talking to,” he said in quiet anger.

  “Don’t you forget who you’re talking to,” I said just as icily.

  We were in an epic stand-off and I was not going to blink first—he knew that. Without another word, he stomped out of the room and slammed the door behind him. I flinched from the force and all I could do was stand there, in a puddle of guilt, shame, and anger. A single tear slipped from my eye and I brushed it harshly from my cheek.

  I wouldn’t let him tell me who I should be with. He wasn’t my father.

  Chapter Nineteen


  That was the only way to describe dinner. Sebastian didn’t say a word, and Jonah sat there confused. Alexander and Drew wouldn’t look at me, leaving Ivana to stare as if we were zoo animals.

  “So…” Ivana started. “I’ve got the best dancer in all of Sheunta to come and give ye dance lessons, Hen.”

  I internally groaned.

  “They will start tomorrow, just in time for yer party. Oh, and Jonah has graciously agreed to escort ye and do the first dance. Isn’t that wonderful?” she beamed.

  I glared at Alexander. This had his name written all over it.

  “Wonderful…” I muttered and pushed my plate aside. I wasn’t hungry anymore.

  Thankfully, Helena came in to retrieve our dishes. I always felt like shit when she did, this shouldn’t be her job.

  “Here, let me help,” I stood but she waved me off.

  “Donae worry, Chickie,” she said but lost her balance. A small bowl tipped from her stack, landing on Drew’s lap. Karma was a bitch.

  “Ye nutty ol’ bat, watch what yer doing!” Drew exclaimed, nearly knocking the elderly woman down.

  “Andrew,” Alexander reprimanded.

  I waited…and waited, but nothing.

  I waited to see what the King would do or say but that’s all he did. My blood pressure went through the roof.

  “Ye ol’ hag,” Drew muttered loud enough for everyone to hear. Helena’s arms trembled as she tried to keep her emotions at bay.

  “You son of a bitch!” I soared across the table. Jonah caught me before I leapt over and strangled the life out of that sorry excuse of a half-brother. He’d shifted and gone for a run sometime today because not a shred of proof was on his face of what I’d done to him. That was okay—I didn’t mind a re-do.

  Everyone shot out of their seats at my commotion.

  “Kenzie!” Jonah tried to calm me down but it didn’t work. I thrashed in his arms, reaching for a wide-eyed Drew.

  “Yer crazy too!” he accused.

  “Your damn right I am!” I spat. “Let me at him!” I scratched and clawed at Jonah. Sebastian was at my other side now and I awoke my inner wolf. I flashed my silver eyes at Drew, establishing dominance as a growl rumbled from the pit of my stomach. “Don’t you ever talk to her like that again or I’ll rip out your tongue!”

  “Please, Chickie, stop,” Helena cried but I was in a full-on rage. I hated him.

  “Enough!” Alexander banged his fists on the table and everyone froze. No one had an option. His power was a force to be reckoned with. “Andrew Duncan, ye apologize to Helena. Now!”

  Drew’s head whipped to Alexander in dismay. He must had seen something because he turned to her. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  “Helena, yer excused,” the King dismissed her and she ran out of the dining hall in a flash. “As for ye,” he pointed at me. “Donae ever make a spectacle like that again!”

  “Then tell your kid—”

  “Ye donae tell me what to do!” he barked.

  I fumed and could feel the steam coming out of my ears, but I bit my tongue.

  “H-How about we all have a seat for dessert. I heard a wonderful banana pudding was made,” Ivana suggested, easing the tension. Everyone else took a seat while the King and I stared at one another.

  “Yer temper will get ye killed,” he said.

  “And your complacency will make you lose the throne.”

  “Mackenzie!” Jonah pulled my arm and I fell into my seat. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what had just come out of my mouth. I guess things never changed, my lack of a filter would always get me into trouble.

  Lunas walked in to the dining hall with individual bowls of pudding for each of us. They quickly exited as Alexander’s power still radiated through the room and could be felt down to your bones. I should have been afraid, but I wasn’t. That was probably the stupidest thing I could be—fearless. It would be my downfall.

  I stared at my bowl, glaring as if it were at fault for all of my troubles. Everyone was quietly eating. Of course Drew watched me like a hawk with so much disdain; all I could do was stick my tongue out like a petulant child. I scooped a full spoon of pudding and just as I was about to take a bite, I froze.

  I sniffed at the dessert in the most unladylike way. I could feel the stares of the others but something wasn’t right. I had a large amount of banana pudding earlier in the day and it did not smell like this. It smelled like…almonds.

  “Is there peanuts in this pudding?” I asked the others who were already stuffing their faces.

  “Are ye daft? Its banana pudding,” Drew scowled.

  “Mines smells like almonds,” I sneered.

  “Are ye allergic, dear?” Ivana asked.

  “No, but it’s not supposed to smell like this, it’s almost bitter.” I sniffed again and set the bowl down.

  “Pass it here, I’ll eat it,” Alexander said. “We’ll get ye another one.”

  “No!” I snatched the bowl before he could take it. I was really starting to act crazy. “I don’t mean to be an asshole, I swear,” I corrected, “but somethings not right.”

  “Mackenzie, behave,” Jonah whispered. “Either sit there quietly and eat, or hand it over.”

  I shook my head. “No. I need Ranulf.”
  There was something in my pudding, and the guard would be the only one who’d believe me—I hoped.

  “Ranulf!” Alexander bellowed. Within a few moments, the guard walked through the doors into the dining hall. “Mackenzie has a concern about her sweets.”

  Ranulf snorted. “Of course she does. She ate about half of it today.”

  “This isn’t a joke. There’s something wrong with it. You guys are all paranoid about me being attacked and you’re not taking this seriously.”

  “It’s nae that,” Alexander said. “No one can get to ye inside the castle. Which is why ye need to stay here.”

  “Fine. You don’t believe me? I guess we’ll soon find out,” I raised the spoon to my mouth. “You might as well bring the doctors in to pump my stomach.”

  “Mackenzie, stop,” Sebastian took the spoon away from me. “If somethings wrong have someone else test it,” he said to Ranulf.

  “Very well,” the guard called out for someone.

  “What are you doing?” I exclaimed. “Don’t risk someone’s life!”

  “I rather risk someone else’s, then yours,” he growled.

  A guard no more than twenty years old, a baby face no less, walked in. Ranulf motioned him toward us. “Aaron, the Princess believes her sweets have been tampered with. Would ye mind testing it out?”

  The boy was steel faced as he shook his head. “Not at all, sir.”

  Ranulf handed him the bowl as I tried to grab it back. “No! Don’t eat it!”

  Aaron took a hearty bite, and swallowed. We waited with baited breath and relaxed when nothing happened. Thank god—

  Aaron started to cough. He hacked like he had a hair ball stuck in his throat and began to dry heave. He gasped for air as Ranulf hurried out to get help.

  “Shit!” I rushed over to Aaron, but Alexander pulled me away. “What the hell are you doing?”

  The boy’s face turned blue and purple as he fell to the ground and started to foam at the mouth.

  “Don go near him,” the King said.

  “We can’t just leave him there to die!” I tried to get out of his hold but he was rock solid.

  It took less than sixty seconds for Aaron to take his last breath. His eyes glossed over as they stared up at the ceiling. A trail of spit and foam sliding down the corner of his mouth and cheek—landing on the white marble floor.

  “Lock the gate,” Alexander commanded as Ranulf ran back in. “No one comes in or out. I want everyone who worked in the kitchen tonight in the throne room, now!”

  The King held on to me, not letting go. His fingers flexed on my upper arms, making sure I was still there.

  “I’m okay,” I muttered. “You can let go.”

  Alexander looked down and then released me. “Right. Good catch,” he rumbled.

  “Instead of risking the life of one of your guards, next time listen to me.” I stomped out of the dining hall, shaken to my core. That was a second attempt. This time, way too close for comfort. It left me with only one thought—whoever this person was—they were inside the castle.

  Chapter Twenty

  Security was tighter than ever. I had a guard positioned outside my bedroom, outside the common room door, and below my balcony. I was officially a prisoner. I guess I should get used to it since the tribunal is just a few days away. At least I’d have my birthday before my head gets chopped off—that was something to look forward to.

  Jonah picked me up from my prison cell; with permission from Alexander he was able to take me on a “midnight stroll” around the castle grounds. He’d also been able to escort Scarlet into the castle, and once we sneaked back inside, we headed straight for Alexander’s office. With Jonah, it was a lot easier since he was an unofficial member of the Kings Council.

  I did a front roll across the hallway floor and stopped in a lower crouch while humming the theme song to Mission Impossible. I flattened against the wall and scanned both ends of the passageway.

  “What the hell are you doing, Kenz?” Jonah gaped.

  “I’m Grey,” I squinted. “Mackenzie Grey,” I said in my best James Bond impersonation.

  “Kenzie,” Jonah growled. “Stop messing around and look-out for anyone coming.”

  “Roger that,” I saluted and he rolled his eyes.

  Scarlet rolled up behind me and whisper-yelled, “You didn’t tell me we were committing a felony!”

  “Shhh!” I slapped my palm over her mouth. “Panicking and getting caught is what will get you killed. Play it cool,” I grinned and put my hands together like a gun. I loved this spy crap.

  Scarlet’s two braids bounced over her heaving chest and I wished I had a valium so she could chill out.

  “Alright, I’m in!” Jonah whispered once he picked the lock. Scarlet and I hustled over to the office and I shut the door behind us. “The safe is back here,” he waved us over behind the King’s desk.

  We tip toed over to him and squatted in front of the steel box without a combination lock.

  Jonah and Scarlet both gawked at me.


  “Stop humming!” he exclaimed.

  I rolled my eyes. “You guys are no fun.”

  “The safe doesn’t have a lock. A witch sealed it with magic. You think you could get it open?” he asked Scarlet.

  The young witch scanned the safe, placing her palm over the metal and feeling it out. “I can try, but I make no promises.”

  “That’s good enough,” I said. “I’ll stay by the door.” I rolled across the floor and popped back up. They weren’t going to ruin my spy fantasy.

  While I waited, I sniffed around for any scents but too many people had come and gone through the room. The only strong scent was Alexander’s. I smelled a hint of rosemary, but it was so faint, it was almost nonexistent. It could be anything.

  Nothing was out of the ordinary. I kept my ears alert but decided to roam the office. The walls were lined with family portraits from past to present MacCoinnich’s. It was interesting to see what my family would have been like had Adaline not run away with me. Would I be in one of these pictures?

  My night vision was in full swing since we couldn’t turn on the lights, so it was easy for me to see a glowing dot on the lower right corner of the safe.

  “Do you guys see that?” I pointed to it. They shrugged and I walked over, putting my pointer finger next to the dot. “That.”

  “Good eye,” Scarlet said and lowered to get a better look. “Oh no…”

  I got closer to the mark and noticed it wasn’t a dot, but the Celtic triquetra that I had tattooed on my hip, and the royal court had pinned on their jackets.

  “Oh, it’s just the triquetra,” I shrugged it off.

  Scarlet shot up and backed away. She stumbled onto the desk, knocking down files and papers. “I-I have to go,” she mumbled and nearly tripped over herself.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t do this!” she shrieked and tried to run but Jonah was faster.

  He grabbed her by the jacket and jerked her back. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  “That…symbol. I know it,” she shook.

  “Of course you do. We all know it,” I said.

  Scarlet began to shake. “No, you don’t understand. I know that symbol. It’s my families.”

  I froze. “Are we related?”

  That snapped her out of her stupor. “What? No! The Celtic triquetra is my families—my covens symbol. We had been the protectors of the royal family for ages, but with the lack of war in the last century we haven’t been needed. The Lycan have adopted our crest since their pins have been spelled—they’re protection amulets.”

  “So…what are you trying to say?”

  She sighed. “That my mom’s magical imprint is all over this safe. Other than the King, she’s the only one who has opened it.”



  I hadn’t gotten up for breakfast. I stayed in bed with the covers over my head, smelling my pil
low like a love-sick puppy. Sebastian’s scent was everywhere and I just wanted to marinate in it before the real world came knocking. After last night’s revelation, I didn’t want to deal with real life problems.

  My door creaked open, and Bash poked his head in. “Can I come in?” he asked.

  “Are you allowed to?” I grumbled, still wrapped up in my cocoon. I was still being guarded by half the Kings guard.

  “I’ll fight them off if they stop me.”

  I snorted. “And bring the wrath of Alexander? I rather you not.”

  My bed dipped as he sat down. Bash pulled the covers from over my head and brushed my tangled hair away.

  “Why are you here?” I sighed, drinking him in like a glass of water in the middle of summer.

  “I wanted to check on you,” he said, his jaw ticking. “To make sure you weren’t planning anything stupid.”

  “Damn it Bash! You ruined the moment,” I tossed the covers back over me.

  “It’s for your own good, Mackenzie. Last night was a close call. Imagine if you hadn’t caught that, no one else would have.”

  “This person is an amateur. Who the hell puts a salty poison in a dessert? An idiot that’s who…”

  “You shouldn’t take any chances. They might wise up.”

  I sat up. “So you expect me to stay in my room all day? I’ll turn into a vampire!”

  “You won’t,” he deadpanned. “You can leave your room; just don’t go past the gates. Stay out of Sheunta.”

  “Does it even matter? The killer is in the castle!” I exclaimed. “I’m dead either way.”

  “Don’t say that,” Bash growled.

  I placed my hand over his and sighed. “Thanks for your concern, but I don’t see rainbows and unicorns in my future.”

  He squeezed my hand. “I’ll make sure you do, Mackenzie. Just be patient.” Bash leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “Now sit tight while I investigate this missing witch,” he whispered before getting up and leaving my room. Damn him.


  One hundred and fifty seven shirts. That’s how many were in my closet. Seventy two pants, thirty four skirts, and you don’t even want to know how many shoes. I cleaned the bathroom, reorganized the bedroom, and now I was sitting on the floor, painting my toenails blue. It was only one in the afternoon. Staying locked up in this fortress was going to make me clinically insane. We’d been here for almost a week and we hadn’t accomplished a single thing.


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