ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3)

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ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3) Page 18

by Karina Espinosa

  Lucian glared at me. “After the trial, you better hope you don’t have to run.”

  The vampire turned away and went to open the door. Damn it.

  Sebastian, Ranulf and about four other guards charged into Lucian’s cottage, consuming the whole living room with their large frames.

  Bash knew exactly where I was and his eyes glowed sapphire as he took in the state of my face.

  “What the hell happened?” he demanded as his boots pounded on the floorboards.

  “Oh nothing, just a few scratches,” I winced as his hand went to a bruise on my face.

  “Who did this?” he growled. Bash inspected me from head to toe—ripping the covers off and lifting my shirt.

  “Do you trust me?” I whispered, locking his eyes with mine. “Do you?”

  He nodded.

  “Then don’t ask any questions. Trust in me. Please,” I pleaded. I didn’t want to bring up the Highlanders to avoid Alexander starting a war over me. Those Amazons were weird and nearly killed me, but they helped me find the Sisters of the Sight. I’m almost positive if I ever need anything, they would be there. I had to keep that card up my sleeve.

  Sebastian’s nostrils flared and his jaw locked with so much tension, I thought it would snap.

  “I don’t like secrets, Mackenzie,” he murmured.

  “Neither do I.”

  “Alright,” Ranulf interrupted. “We need to go.”

  I nodded. I wouldn’t be fighting them any time soon—not like this.

  “Want to carry me back like a damsel in distress?” I grinned at Bash but he didn’t return the gesture. He carefully picked me up and exited the room. “Buh bye!” I waved to Amy and Jackson.

  “Oh no, Princess. They’re coming with us,” Ranulf said. The guards took hold of everyone, including Lucian and Scarlet.

  “What? No!” I exclaimed. I moved to stand on my own, but Sebastian’s grip on me tightened. “They didn’t do anything!”

  “I donae think the King will agree, Princess. Ye have a human here for god’s sake,” Ranulf grimaced. “How many more rules are ye going to break?”


  We marched into the throne room, I was still being carried by Bash. The King was perched on his throne with the Queen at his side. The Kings council were on the side lines, including Jonah in a spiffy suit. The whole image made me want to barf—this wasn’t him. His eyes widened as he took hold of his twin brother, Jackson, being held by a guard—but he stayed quiet. If anything, Jonah should have been here with us. Not on the other side.

  “What happened?” The King barked. “Who—Lucian?” Alexander did a double take when his gray eyes landed on the vampire. “Well I’ll be damned, it’s the devil himself,” he smirked.

  Alexander stepped down from the dais and walked over to Lucian, pulling him into a big, manly hug.

  I knew they were friends, but this was more like bestie status. Everyone in the room held the same expression of confusion as the two patted each other on the back.

  “It’s been too long, my friend,” Lucian smiled warmly and I think this was the first time I’d ever seen him smile sincerely.

  “Aye,” Alexander agreed. “Yer flair is highly missed at the Royal Court.”

  “I bet,” Lucian smirked. “That aside, I was shocked at having been pulled out of my home so harshly. If I’d gotten a formal invitation from the King, I would have been more than willing to come voluntarily.”

  Alexander laughed. “I’m sure ye would, but ye was hiding something from me, Luce.”

  “Let’s not worry about technicalities,” Lucian waved him off. “We’re here now and I heard there was going to be party. I hope I was going to get an invite, I’m sure I will,” he winked.

  “Of course, friend. It would nae be a celebration without ye,” the King patted him on the back again. “How rude of me, ye remember Ivana, aye?”

  The Queen stepped down and gracefully walked to them. She had a tight smile and gave Lucian her hand with a bit of resistance. I swallowed a laugh. Ivana looked so uncomfortable and I would bet she was not on friendly terms with any vampires like her husband.

  “A…pleasure to see you again, Lucian,” she said as diplomatically as possible.

  “Likewise, darling. You’re looking younger than ever. Did you sell your soul to the devil?” Lucian joked. “Or do you have a witch in your pocket,” he wagged his finger at her, but she did not find any of this funny.

  “I beg yer pardon?” she scoffed.

  “He’s joking, Ivana,” I chuckled.

  The Queen cleared her throat. “Aye. Well I’ll be excusing myself for the evening. I need to get my sleep under smachd,” she said. Alexander gave her a kiss and watched her as she retired for the night.

  “Under what now?” I asked as soon as she was gone.

  “It’s Scottish Gaelic,” Alexander said. “Ivana’s family have made sure to pass the dialect on, generation after generation. The MacCoinnich’s on the other hand, not so much.”

  Sebastian jerked a few times, making me bounce in his arms. “Whoa, everything good?”

  He nodded. “Fine,” he said tight lipped. I narrowed my eyes at him but he looked away. I felt him tremble a little and I wondered if I was too heavy. Did I gain some weight?

  “Unfortunately, the party will have to wait, Luce, we have some news from—”

  Sebastian’s arms began to shake beneath me. My teeth chattered from the force. “Hey, you okay there?” I placed my palm on his chest. He began to quake so bad his arms slacked and I dropped to the ground, landing right on my bum—as if I weren’t broken enough.

  Jonah and Jackson were quick to help me up, but Bash was just standing there. His body vibrated as if he were fighting something—or someone.

  “What did you do?” I accused the King once I was on my feet. The only one who could possibly have this control over him was Alexander. I saw it the other day when he walked in on us.

  “I didnae do a thing,” Alexander said as he snapped his fingers—the snap echoed across the high ceilings of the throne room. “Ranulf, escort Mr. Steel to the infirmary.”

  “Yes, yer highness,” Ranulf bowed and walked Sebastian out. I tried to follow but Jonah grabbed my arm.

  “I have to go with him. Somethings not right,” my eyebrows furrowed as I attempted to pull away.

  “You’re here for a reason, Kenz. We need to talk,” Jonah said, his tone the most serious I’d ever heard.

  “But Bash—”

  “Can take care of himself,” his eyes narrowed.

  “He’s right, lassie. We have to talk,” Alexander said and I felt my stomach drop. “The European Summit is here, they’ve come early and donae want to wait for the trial. They’re giving ye two days and then the tribunal begins.”

  So I may or may not make it to twenty four. Great.

  I shouldn’t have been surprised. This was typical of them to just hit me while I was down. I wouldn’t be able to find out who killed the Lunas in two day—it was an impossible task.

  “Fine. So no party, whatever. It’s not like I wanted one to begin with,” I shrugged. “Is that all?”

  “No,” the King said. “They’ll be observing ye in the next few days. I beg of ye, Mackenzie, if ye value yer life, please donae run away. What they see will play a big part in yer sentencing.”

  In other words: behave. It felt silly that they had to pretty much hold an intervention to get me to act right when the big bosses came around.

  “Why does it matter? Aren’t you the King?”

  “I may be the King, but I cannae look the other way. They will point things out and I will have to address it as if it were anyone else. Donae put me in a position where I have to do something I donae want to do, lassie.”

  Could I do it? How pathetic was I—I didn’t know whether I could act like a damn grown up or not. It wasn’t just acting like an adult. What he was saying without so many words, was that I needed to act like a Luna—and that was something I
wasn’t sure about. Could I go against all of my beliefs, and the main reason I’m even in this mess, to just placate a bunch of stuffy, ass-backwards Alphas?

  “I’ll try,” I said and that was the best I could do.

  “I say you take it, Alex,” Lucian said. “That’s practically a yes in Mackenzie terms.”

  “Aye,” the King nodded but he appeared unsatisfied. “Now on to the next issue at hand,” he went up the dais and took a seat in his chair. “There’s an uninvited human in Sheunta. This is unacceptable.”

  Amy’s petite frame seized as she became the center of attention. The glares from the guards were evident, but with Jackson and I at her side, nothing would happen. We’d make sure of it.

  “I’m sure we can come up with a reasonable solution, friend,” Lucian walked forward but Alexander stopped him with a raised hand.

  “People in town have seen her, I cannae turn the other cheek. I donae know how many times I have to tell ye lot. She will be sent to the dungeons until—”

  Jackson growled but I held him back by his wrists. He snapped gold eyes at me, and I shook my head. Jonah was at his brother’s side, a palm to his chest.

  “Don’t, brother,” Jonah muttered.

  Amy’s green stricken eyes snapped to me, her tattooed arms wrapped around her waist. There was no way I could let them take her away.

  “Wait!” I shrieked. The guards stopped as they grew closer to my best friend. “I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever you want, but Amy stays with Jackson and Lucian. She is given permission to stay.”

  “Mackenzie—” Alexander started.

  “I’ll do anything! You want me to behave like a good little Luna? You got it. You want me to stay in my room until the trial? I will. Anything, Alexander, but please, leave her alone. She’s my family,” I pleaded.

  His gray eyes softened as he took in my desperation. I hated having to beg but I would do anything to keep Amy safe—anything.

  Alexander ran a hand through his dark hair and conceded. “Lucian yer to have full responsibility for the human. One little thing, and the both of ye face the consequences. Aye?”

  The vampire turned to me, those beady black eyes drilling holes into me. “You owe me, Pet,” he glared. “Why yes, your highness. I take full responsibility of Ms. Amelia.”

  “Good, now—and who are ye?” Alexander nodded toward Scarlet who’d been as quiet as a mouse in the background.

  “M-My n-name is S-Scarlet S-Slade, your highness,” she stuttered as she curtsied.

  “She’s Cosima’s daughter,” Lucian added.

  “Ah! So yer the one she always talked about. How’s the Academy going?”

  “F-Fine, your highness,” she stammered.

  “Have you spoken to Cosima lately?” I asked the King. It seemed like he was on friendly terms with the witch. Since she was missing, maybe he knew where she was.

  “Actually, no, it’s been a while,” Alexander pondered as he rubbed his bottom lip.

  “She’s missing,” I said. “It’s why I’ve been leaving the castle grounds. I promised Scarlet I would help her find her mom.”

  The King sat up straighter, giving us his full attention. “Since when?”

  “About a month. There was a lingering scent of Lycan in the apartment. I think—”

  “We’ll have a proper investigation, Scarlet. Ye have my word, we will help ye find yer mum,” Alexander promised.

  I couldn’t help but feel slighted. Proper investigation? Was I not good enough? Then again, I haven’t been able to find a single clue. Four years of private university wasted since I couldn’t find a measly witch. The truth hurt.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Once excused, I ran to the infirmary. Amy would be safe with the others so I didn’t need to worry, but Sebastian on the other hand, I was freaking out. It looked like he was having a seizure standing up, which is odd in itself.

  We hadn’t talked about what we did the other day—either way, he was still my friend no matter what occurred between us, I’d be there for him.

  I pushed through the infirmary doors and found him lying on a hospital cot with Ranulf standing over him.

  “Is he okay?” I demanded as I strode over to them.

  “He’s fine, Princess,” Ranulf rolled his eyes. “Just low on sugar, is all.”

  “Low on sugar?” I frowned. “Is that even possible for wolves?”

  “Rare, but possible,” the guard sighed. “I’ll leave ye two alone. I’ll be right outside.”

  “Thank you,” I nodded and sat beside Bash. “You could have just told me you needed some suga,” I wiggled my brows.

  He tried to laugh but it came out like a cough. “I didn’t think you wanted to talk about it.”

  “Of course I do! It’s just hard with you, Bash. You’re not Mr. Communication of the year, ya know,” I said. “Don’t scare me like that again.”

  “Sorry,” he breathed. “Do you want to go for a run? I’m sure the both of us could use some healing right about now.”

  I grinned. “That sounds amazing.”


  It was late by the time we made it back to the common room in the guest wing. Sebastian went straight to bed, hinting at a repeat of the other day and I told him I’d meet him in my bedroom. I found Helena picking up the untouched dinner on our dining table and I decided to help her.

  “I’m sorry about the other day, Helena. I didn’t mean to lose my temper like that,” I apologized. Which was something I rarely did.

  “It’s alright, Chickie. Yer not used to our customs,” she gave me a weak smile. “Maybe it’s good that yer not,” she whispered.

  “No one should be used to that. It isn’t right.”

  Helena wiped her hands on her apron. “It is nae right but it’s the world we live in. Ye’d do well to remember that, Hen.” She grabbed the few plates in her frail arms and left the room.

  At this point, I didn’t have a choice. Starting tomorrow, it was the world I’d be living in.


  The next two days consisted of horseback riding with the King, attending Council meetings while wearing a conservative dress, “aiding” in serving cocktails and afternoon tea, and a whole bunch of other stuff that were like nails on a chalkboard for me. Each night I went to bed with the urge to cry myself to sleep. If it wasn’t because Sebastian was in the room next door and could possibly hear me, I would have been crying a damn river. It was mostly frustration that had me on the edge, and the looks Jonah was giving me didn’t help. He liked me like this. All complacent and June Cleaver like. It was even more of a disappointment coming from my friend.

  Alexander took pity on me and decided to go greet the people of Sheunta and have me tag along—giving me a break from the castle. There hadn’t been any more attempts on my life and Ranulf thought no one would try anything with the European Summit in town.

  In a navy slip dress that fell just below my knees, we walked the cobbled streets with the Queen and Drew on the Kings right side, and I on his left, slightly to the back. I wasn’t hurt by it. I knew I was the bastard child and not necessarily part of the family. What I wasn’t okay with was all this pretending nonsense. Here I was, strutting around town acting like the perfect Luna and secretly going to trial tomorrow for murder. Not a single soul in this village was none the wiser. It only made me think of the human government back home—how much stuff happened in the background that we weren’t aware of? I didn’t even want to open up that can of worms.

  “Wave, darling, the people love ye,” Ivana said in her cherry voice. She wore a summery business suit. Her bun sat slicked to the back of her head, and her bangs bounced flawlessly over her forehead. She was utter perfection that I envied. I on the other hand felt odd, and my feet hurt in the heels that Helena had picked out for me.

  I was able to single out the Lunas that paraded the streets wanting to pay respect to their King. Their faces were worn out and marked with exhaustion around their eyes. Their heads weren�
��t held high, but lowered in submission—eyes weary of making the wrong move. It made my blood boil. How could anyone be okay with living like this?

  “This has to stop,” I murmured, halting the march down the road. Ranulf bumped into me, and gave me a little push to keep going. “No. Stop,” I said a little louder.

  This time, Alexander looked back, his eyes alight with joy at how perfect his little family was. He was thrilled that he finally got through to me. Which technically wasn’t because of him, but whatever. Unfortunately, I was going to have to burst that bubble.

  I stared into Alexander’s eyes and prayed that he understood where I was coming from. He knew, to some extent, what I was going to do. It was written all over my face and I saw his smile fall in slow motion at the realization.

  “I’m a killer,” I said. It wasn’t loud, but everyone in my immediate vicinity could hear. “I’m a killer,” I said with more confidence. The streets of Sheunta quieted as everyone stilled. “I murdered an Alpha who tried to rape me.”

  It was the first time I’d ever said that last part out loud. I felt something loosen in my chest, it didn’t feel so tight. I could breathe a bit easier.

  “I cannot in good conscious, pretend that I think any of this is okay,” my eyes widened with every truth spoken. “I don’t regret a single thing. If given the chance, I’d do it again.”

  All. Hell. Broke. Loose.

  Ranulf covered me with his body as the screams for injustice rang through the air. People threw food, whatever they could get their hands on, proclaiming my head be served on a silver platter.

  Bash hurried to my side as he and Ranulf ushered me back to the castle. I was in a daze I couldn’t shake out of. I didn’t expect to feel so much relief, but I did. It was the most freeing thing I’d ever done.

  Ranulf slammed the door to the throne room open and pushed me inside.

  “What in the bloody hell were ye thinking?” he yelled. “Do ye know the chaos ye just caused? The King will now have to clean up yer mess!”

  “Mackenzie, you just had to wait less than a day. Your trial is tomorrow, why couldn’t you wait?” Sebastian groaned. I was making it impossible for him.


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