Dinner at the Beach House Hotel

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Dinner at the Beach House Hotel Page 7

by Judith Keim

  “Were you able to get a life jacket for Robbie?” I asked Elena.

  “Yes. Vaughn helped me pick it out.”

  I set Robbie on his feet. “Okay, Robo Rob I’m going to show you a sailboat.” I turned to Elena. “Let’s get the life jacket on him, and then I’ll take him out to the dock.”

  While Elena fussed with putting on Robbie’s life jacket, I quickly changed into jeans and a shirt.

  Emerging from my bedroom, I almost ran into Robbie, who was standing before me—two arms and two legs sticking out of the yellow flotation device strapped around him. I laughed. “You really look like a Robo Rob now.”

  A small smile crossed his face.

  I took hold of his hand. “Let’s go.”

  Beyond the pool deck and lanai, the green lawn sloped down to the water. Robbie held my hand as Elena and I walked side by side.

  Robbie suddenly jerked his hand out of mine and started running. With the bulk of the life jacket around him, his steps were awkward, but he was finally able to get some speed.

  “Here we come,” I called to Vaughn to give him a heads-up.

  He caught sight of Robbie and went to meet him. Robbie stumbled into his arms. Vaughn lifted him up in the air and swung him around, bringing peals of laughter out of Robbie.

  At the sight of them, my heart filled with love for them both. Vaughn must have been such a great young father, I thought, feeling a stab of disappointment that he and I would never have a child together. With my hysterectomy, that was impossible.

  Vaughn set Robbie down and opened his arms to me. Keeping an eye on Robbie, I gave him a quick hug and then made sure Elena had a grip on Robbie’s hand.

  “How about a little sail?” Vaughn said to me. “There’s a nice little breeze.”

  “Sounds like fun. Should we see if Robbie wants to go?”

  “Sure.” He went over to Robbie. “Want to go in the boat?”

  Robbie pointed to the boat. “Boat.”

  “Okay,” said Vaughn. “Let’s go.”

  Vaughn led us onto the dock and over to the boat. “Better get in first, Ann. I’ll hand Robbie to you. Make sure he sits down on the floor of the cockpit between the seats. It’ll be more stable that way.”

  Vaughn held my hand as I hopped into the boat. As soon as I was steady, Vaughn lifted Robbie and handed him to me.

  “Okay, sit here by me,” I said to Robbie, and waited for Vaughn to come aboard.

  After untying the boat, Vaughn settled inside, and quickly raised the mainsail. The breeze caught it, and the sail billowed out, allowing the boat to move gently forward.

  As we moved away, Robbie and I waved to Elena, who sat on the dock watching us.

  “This is a good way to start kids in boats. Nothing too strong, just enough wind to keep us moving,” said Vaughn, sheeting in the mainsail a bit.

  I looked down at the wonder on Robbie’s face and chuckled. “I think someone might become a sailor.”

  “Good,” said Vaughn. “It’s another reason for him to keep up with his swimming lessons. Both Nell and Ty are comfortable on the water because they took swimming lessons, and I got them started on sailing when they were about Robbie’s age.”

  “Have you heard from your kids lately?” I asked, trailing my hand in the water outside the boat.

  “Ty and June want us to come to San Francisco to see their new house. I told them we probably couldn’t make it for a while. Nell is busy in DC and is still dating Clint. Guess it’s pretty serious.” He shook his head. “I have a feeling the family is going to get even bigger sometime soon.”

  “It would be wonderful if they could come here,” I said. “I have yet to meet Ty and June, and you know I already love Nell.” I’d heard and read awful stories about being a stepmother and hoped I’d never have to face some of the horrors others had.

  Vaughn stroked the side of my face. “Get that worried look off your face. Ty will love you. If he doesn’t, I’ll talk some sense into him.”

  Robbie tried to stand up.

  I restrained him. “No, sweetie. Better sit down.”

  “Noooo!” he screamed and began kicking at me.

  “Hold on, son,” said Vaughn. “We’ll come about. Ann, duck your head.”

  The motion of the boat quieted Robbie. He looked up at Vaughn and smiled.

  Vaughn laughed. “Okay, here we go.”

  The boat picked up speed and we headed back to the dock.

  I lifted my face to the sky and watched white, puffy clouds play peek-a-boo with the sun, sending patterns of light and shadows on the water, telling a story like an old, silent movie.

  “Ann, I wish I had a camera to capture you right now,” said Vaughn. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Gammy booful,” echoed Robbie.

  I smiled at Vaughn and ruffled Robbie’s hair. It was these two who made me feel that way.


  That night as Vaughn and I lay in bed, I brought up the subject that had been bothering me all day.

  “Do you think it’s going to be too confusing to Robbie to have him living here with us when Liz is his real guardian?”

  Vaughn gave me a thoughtful look. “The most important thing for him right now is to have stability, which Liz isn’t able to provide. We’ve all agreed it’s important for her to complete her schooling. How can she take care of him and go to classes? And where is she going to live? Robert left her without any ability to take care of him financially. So, for the next couple of months, he’ll be with us. After that, who knows?”

  “I know, but you’ve gone to all the trouble of buying this house so you and I would have more time for each other. Now, things have changed. And with my work at the hotel increasing because of Rhonda’s baby, I’m afraid I’m letting you down.”

  “Aw, my sweet Ann. Just knowing you’re here for me is so important. These few years have been so hard for me. Even with all the so-called glamor of a show biz life, it can be very lonely.”

  “Rhonda thinks we should help Bernie find someone else.”

  Vaughn laughed. “I think I’d let that sleeping dog lie.”

  I grinned. “Me, too, but you know how Rhonda is.”

  “All too well,” Vaughn said, chuckling.


  I awoke to silence. When I rolled over, Vaughn’s side of the bed was empty. I got up, threw a light robe over my nakedness and tiptoed into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. At the sound of soft voices, I paused.

  “Here it comes, Robbie. Better eat up your cereal, my man.”

  I smiled at the sound of Vaughn’s voice and walked into the kitchen. Vaughn was now making the sound of what I suspected was an airplane as the spoon in his hand “flew” to Robbie’s mouth.

  From the seat in front of Robbie’s highchair, Vaughn looked up at me and gave me a sheepish grin. “I was up early, and when I heard Robbie waking up, I thought I’d let Elena sleep in. It’s been a long time since I played games like this. Ty used to love it.”

  I went to him and threw my arms around him. Nuzzling his neck, I said, “I love you, Vaughn. I really do.”

  Robbie stared at me with Robert’s face and I stepped back. “Hi, Robo Rob.”

  He pounded the plastic tray of his highchair. “Gammy.”

  Vaughn went back to feeding Robbie, and I grabbed a cup of coffee. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  “No hanky-panky.” I pointed to Robbie.

  A toddler in the house was making a big difference in our normal routines.


  Later, in my home office, I was doing an analysis of the cost of wedding parties when my cell phone rang. Liz.

  I quickly picked it up. “How did it go?”

  She was quiet a moment before she answered. “Sad. It was so sad. Dad wanted a private burial and he got it. Thank God, Ange was with me. And she’s promised to ride down to Florida with me in the van. Reggie will fly down later after he takes his last exam.

  “I’m so sorry. I know how difficult this has been for you.”

  “Thanks. How’s Robbie?” asked Liz. “I’ve been talking to Elena. It sounds like she and Robbie have been doing a lot of cool things together.”

  “He’s doing well. She’s very good with him,” I said. “I’m glad we found her to help us.” “I should be home soon,” Liz said. “I can’t wait to get out of here.”

  “Drive carefully. Vaughn and I will both be glad to see you. We’re here to help in any way we can, Liz.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve got to go. See you soon.”

  As we disconnected the call, my heart ached for Liz. The future she’d finally decided on was uncertain at best.


  Three days later, Liz called from the highway outside Ft. Myers to say she and Angela would be home soon. They wanted to meet Rhonda and me at my house.

  Rhonda and I left the hotel and drove to my neighborhood. When I pulled up in front of my house, Elena was tossing a ball to Robbie on the front lawn. Vaughn’s car was gone, as he’d left earlier to do some errands.

  “Come on inside,” I said to Rhonda. “We can wait for the girls there.”

  In the kitchen, I fixed a couple glasses of iced tea and sat down opposite Rhonda at the kitchen table, enjoying this rare moment alone with her.

  “Did Reggie like the house you suggested? I asked.

  Rhonda beamed at me. “He asked me to put a deposit on the house to hold it until Angela gets a chance to see it. I’m going to take her there this afternoon. It’s the nicest house I’ve found in their price range. I’m thrilled they’ll be living close by.”

  “I’m glad Reggie didn’t suggest that either Will or you should help them. After meeting his parents, I admit I’m a little surprised he didn’t.”

  “Yeah, me too. Katherine and Arthur Smythe are the kinds of people who’d think a starter home like this one was beneath them. My Angela has been very good for Reggie.”

  “I think so too.” Reggie had been a bit of a jerk when Angela had brought him home to meet all of us. But he’d turned into a real nice guy. Best of all, he and Angela really loved each other.

  “What about Liz?” Rhonda asked. “I thought she and Troy were dating. What will happen now?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sure. He’s been dating other girls.”

  The sound of a car’s horn beeping brought us to our feet.

  “They’re here!” cried Rhonda, hurrying out the kitchen door to the driveway.

  I stayed right behind her, as excited to see them as Rhonda.

  At the sight of Liz pulling into the driveway, my heart filled with joy. Beside me, Rhonda did a little dance. If she wasn’t so pregnant, I thought she might have jumped up and down.

  Laughing, Angela got out of the car and was immediately swept up in Rhonda’s embrace.

  “Hi, baby girl!” said Rhonda. “I’m so happy to have you home.”

  Liz stepped out of the car and into my arms. “Whew! I thought we’d never get here. Florida is one long state.”

  I hugged her close to me. “I’m relieved you made it. I couldn’t stop thinking of you making the trip under such pressure to get here.”

  Tears swam in Liz’s eyes. “Everything in Boston is gone. Everything, but this van. I can’t wait to get rid of it. I don’t want any reminders of her.”

  I gave her a wry look. “You’ve got one big reminder. Here he comes now.”

  “Izzie! Izzie! I here,” Robbie cried, running toward her.

  Tears overflowed and rolled down Liz’s cheeks. She swung him up in her arms. “Hi, Robo Rob!”

  Elena approached quietly and stood beside me as we watched Robbie and Liz exchange hugs. “So sweet,” she murmured.

  But I knew the future wouldn’t be all sweet. I turned my attention to Angela. She and I had formed a strong bond over the past few months.

  We embraced and then I stood back, beaming at her. “It’s good to see you, Angela. You look terrific.”

  “Thanks. I don’t think it’s going to be long before my baby is here.” She rubbed a hand over her baby bump and glanced at Rhonda. “And Mom looks like she’s ready now.”

  I smiled at Rhonda and froze. Her face suddenly contorted with pain. I rushed over to her and took hold of her hand. “Oh my word! Are you all right?”

  Rhonda caught her breath and then let out a long groan. Liquid splashed at her feet. “Annie, help me!” she cried. “The baby’s coming.”

  My mouth grew dry as I took in her pain and the fact that her water had broken. “Can you walk? We need to get you to the hospital.”

  She squeezed my fingers so hard, I yelped.

  “Call 911 and get me inside,” Rhonda cried between pants. “I’ve been having pains off and on all day, but I thought they were only the Braxton-Hicks kind. The baby isn’t due for a couple of weeks.”

  Angela took hold of one of Rhonda’s arms and I held the other as Liz dialed 911.

  Wide-eyed, Elena picked up Robbie and took him inside, away from the action.

  “Annie, grab some towels and a blanket and let me lie down on the kitchen floor. I don’t want to ruin any of your rugs and I’m never going to make it to one of the bedrooms.”


  “Annie, do it!” roared Rhonda, reminding me of our early days together when Rhonda drove me crazy with her bossiness.

  Liz took Rhonda’s arm while I hurried ahead to grab a blanket, towels, and a sheet.

  I could hear a siren in the distance and realized the sound was coming closer. As I gathered things together, I prayed the EMTs would arrive on time to deliver the baby and that everything would be all right.

  When I entered the kitchen, Rhonda was clasping the edge of the counter and groaning.

  “Until the EMTs get here, try not to push,” I said, spreading the blanket on the floor and layering towels on top of it.

  “Don’t push? Do you have any frickin’ idea how to tell my body that?” snapped Rhonda, before crying out with pain.

  Liz, Angela, and I slowly eased Rhonda down on her back onto the towels on the floor. I lifted her dress and helped her remove her panties.

  She groaned and bent her knees.

  I saw the top of a head showing between her legs. “Oh my God, Rhonda! The baby’s here.” I turned to Liz. “Quick! Hand me a clean towel!”

  “The EMTs are outside,” cried Angela. She hurried out of the kitchen.

  Seconds later, Angela reappeared with the medical people just as the baby emerged from Rhonda, landing on the towel I held in my arms. The baby let out lusty cries.

  The EMTs quickly took over for me.

  One EMT smiled and took hold of Rhonda’s hand. “Ah, you’re one of these mothers who like to surprise us, huh? Good job! We usually get here in time.”

  “Yeah? Well, I’m as surprised as you,” she said.

  Tears streamed down my cheeks as I squeezed Rhonda’s other hand. “Oh, Rhonda, it’s such a miracle,” I managed to get out. “And she’s beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”

  Rhonda’s eyes widened. “She? You said she? Where’s my little boy?”

  One of the EMTs handed Rhonda the baby. Rhonda held her close and traced a finger down her cheeks. Then she inspected the baby’s hands and her feet. “Oh, Annie. She’s beautiful, just like you said.” Tears slid down her cheeks. “Wait until Will sees her. He’s going to go crazy over her. She’s the spitting image of him.”

  Angela knelt beside her mother and they embraced. “Mom, I’m so happy for you and Will. I called him. He’s on his way.”

  I got to my feet and hugged Liz. “Such an exciting moment.”

  I noticed the paleness of her face, and smiling, hugged her to me, so glad she was mine. And someday, I hoped, she’d know the joy of giving birth.

  The EMTs swaddled the baby, helped Rhonda onto a gurney and wheeled her out to the ambulance. I followed with the girls.

  Will pulled up in his car, and, leaving
the engine still running, got out and ran over to Rhonda. We watched as they embraced and inspected the baby together, crying and laughing at the same time.

  The EMTs slid the gurney inside the ambulance and Will, his shoulders still shaking, watched as they drove away.

  I went over to him. “Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”

  He shook his head. “I’ll do it.” He turned around. “Angela? Come here, sweetheart. Let’s go see your sister together.”

  Will drew Angela into an embrace and I sighed with satisfaction. Angela had been unsure of Will at first. Now, it seemed they were close, after all they’d been through together.

  Liz and I were heading inside when Vaughn pulled up in his sports convertible beside us. “Whew. Good to see you. I was worried when I saw the ambulance pull out of the neighborhood.” He got out of the car and put an arm around me.

  “We’re fine,” I said, still bubbling with excitement. “And so are Rhonda and her new baby.”

  A frown knitted his brow. “What do you mean?”

  I grinned. “Rhonda had her baby in our kitchen.”

  “It was really awesome,” said Liz. “It all happened so fast.”

  “You’re kidding me! Was it a boy like Rhonda thought?” Vaughn asked.

  “No, but she’s one of the most beautiful little newborns I’ve ever seen. And what a loud cry! She’s Rhonda’s baby all right.”

  Vaughn chuckled. “I’m glad everything’s all right.” He turned to Liz and threw an arm around her shoulder. “We’re glad to have you home for spring break. How was the trip?”

  Liz shrugged. “Tiresome, long, and sad. I’m happy to be here. For the next ten days of my break, I’ll need some time to recover.”

  Vaughn and I exchanged glances. Later, when Liz was more rested, we’d have to talk about Robbie.

  “Well, let’s get you relaxed, shall we?” I said, leading her inside.


  Vaughn went with me to the hotel to check on the status of things. Cody Craig of the rock group Chameleon was due to arrive with his French wife and young child. They were using the Presidential Suite, and I wanted to make sure they were nicely settled in. When I’d talked to Bernie earlier, things were a bit chaotic.


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