Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Rainey Daye

  An Unconventional Love

  In order to get Maggie out of an uncomfortable situation in her college dorm, Jesse and Alex lied to her in order to make her feel more comfortable in accepting their invitation to become their third roommate. Now they find themselves in the unenviable position of posing as gay lovers while they want nothing more than to form a polygamous relationship with Maggie.

  What follows is months of frustration for all three roommates as the men try to ease her into their world and seduce her into their shared bed.

  When Maggie's months of pent-up frustration finally erupt, she finds herself swept up in a sensuous journey as her two lovers seduce her into a relationship that she had never imagined, even in her most vivid sexual fantasies.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 92,354 words


  Rainey Daye


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2012 by Rainey Daye

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-236-3

  First E-book Publication: February 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

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  This is Rainey Daye’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Daye’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my parents, who encouraged our love of reading and never once censored our books.

  To Paula, my first fan.

  And to my Facebook friends who encouraged and supported this effort: You know who you are. Thank you.



  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter 1

  “Son of a fucking bitch!” Lisa cursed as she drew up to her car in the parking lot of the Second Chance Saloon.

  “What’s wrong?” Becky asked anxiously as she reached Lisa’s side.

  “I’ve got a frigging flat tire, can you believe it? Great, just great. Do either of you know how to change a flat?” she asked her two companions.

  Becky gave her a helpless look as she turned to Maggie.

  “What?” Maggie asked. “Don’t look at me. I’ve never changed a tire before.”

  Becky bit her lip as she looked back toward the bar. “Maybe we can get one of the guys inside to change it for us?” she suggested.

  “That’s an idea,” Maggie agreed. “Do you have a spare in the trunk, Lis?”

  “Just one of those doughnut doohickeys, but don’t you even think about going back in there and asking for help. The guy will probably demand a blow job from each of us for his trouble!”

  “Oh, my God,” Maggie sputtered as she bit back an incredulous laugh. “When did you start smoking crack?”

  “I just know how a guy’s mind works, courtesy of my ex-asshole, thank you very much! They never do anything without expecting something in return.”

  “Well, if he’s nice enough to change a flat for you, then you should at least be willing to offer him your phone number if he’s interested,” Becky remarked philosophically.

  “Hah, he won’t be happy unless you go down on him in the parking lot, so the best you can do is promise to give him one after he changes it, or you’ll be screwed in more ways than one,” Lisa snapped angrily.

  Becky and Maggie exchanged concerned looks before Maggie stepped to Lisa’s side and wrapped her arm around her friend’s shoulder. “Chad really did a number on you, didn’t he? What did that jerk do?” she asked worriedly, genuinely concerned about her coworker and friend.

  “He mostly just sat around and made me watch porn with him,” Lisa admitted. “Then he would suggest we try some of the things from the movie, or role-play. As if that’s not embarrassing enough, the final straw was when he ‘suggested’ that I get one, or better yet, both of you so hammered during one of our Thursday nights out that you’d agree to have an orgy with us.”

  “What?” they both cried out, outraged by that suggestion.

  “As if I’d do that loser!” Becky snapped. “If he couldn’t make you come, what made him think I’d be willing to participate?” she added.

  “I didn’t know you leaned that way,” Maggie remarked.

  “What? Oh, no. I don’t,” Becky clarified when Maggie waggled her brows and inclined her head toward Lisa. “Not even in college when you’re expected to experiment. I just meant…” She trailed off as Maggie burst into laughter.

  “I’m teasing you, girlfriend. You can stop blushing now. As for you, Lisa,” she continued, turning her attention back toward her other friend, “life is not a porn movie. Chad made you watch way too many of them, and we are going to take you to the next Disney or Pixar movie that comes out, to help clean out the smut that is cluttering up your normally logical mind.”

  “Yeah,” Becky agreed in solidarity. “Although I don’t really mind the female-friendly porn,” she added thoughtfully. “I actually get off on watching that with my Eric. But that hardcore stuff? Watching a woman all but gag on a cock while acting as if she’s loving e
very minute of it, or them spitting on each other? Not to mention those cum shots, talk about gross!”

  Thankfully, Maggie’s cell phone rang at that moment, and she stepped away from her two friends, who were now debating the pros and cons of porno, so she could answer it.

  “Hey, Mags,” her roommate Jess said from the other end. “Are you on your way home yet? Alex and I are getting ready to order some Chinese and wanted to know what you wanted.”

  “We’re in the parking lot now,” she replied, “but Lisa drove us over here after work and now has a flat tire. We’re trying to figure out how to change it right now.”

  “You at the Second Chance?”

  “That’s our Thursday-night hangout, yeah.”

  “Well, hang tight then. Alex and I are on our way.”

  “Hell, no!” Maggie replied. “We’ll be fine. I’m just going to be a little late getting home.”

  “Can’t hear you, already in the car, see you soon.” Click. The line went dead.

  Growling in frustration, Maggie glared at her phone before snapping it shut and rejoining her friends.

  “You look pissed,” Becky remarked blithely as Maggie drew near. “Who was that calling you?”

  “Jess. They’re on their way to lend us a hand.”

  “Great,” Lisa said happily. “They can volunteer to give our Good Samaritan a blow job for us.”

  Becky smacked Lisa on her arm and said, “You will not mention that to those two girls when they get here,” before she turned to Maggie and remarked, “I’ve always wanted to meet your roomies. I can’t believe the three of you are still living together after, what, five years now?”

  “Six,” Maggie corrected absently as she frowned at the tire. “Come on, ladies, let’s try to change this tire on our own. It’s always handy to learn new skills, right? Pop the trunk, Lis.”

  “If it saves me from having to give some guy a blow job, then why the fuck not?” Lisa grumbled as she unlocked the trunk, using the remote on her keychain.

  “Where’s the doughnut?” Becky asked dubiously as she peered into the crowded confines of Lisa’s trunk.

  “Underneath the floor panel, I know that much,” Lisa replied.

  Even working together, it took the three of them a while to clear enough of the detritus from Lisa’s trunk so they could access the floor panel, but then they groaned in defeat at the sight of the doughnut tire nestled there but without the tools to go with it.

  “What the hell?” Lisa ranted. “I can’t fucking believe the dealer ripped me off. I am so calling his ass in the morning and demanding satisfaction over the aggravation he’s putting me through tonight!”

  “While you rant, I’m going back inside to pee,” Maggie said. “Try not to commit hari-kari while I’m gone.”

  “I’m not promising anything, but you better not come back here with some random loser from the bar, demanding a blow job,” Lisa snapped in reply.

  Laughing, Maggie returned to the bar while Becky tried to calm their friend down.

  * * * *

  A few minutes later, a black SUV pulled into the lot, and two men climbed out.

  “Don’t draw their attention to us,” Lisa hissed to Becky as the men looked around the lot.

  “Are you out of your mind? Just look at them. Have you ever seen two more gorgeous men in your life? They are absolutely ripped! They have to be Gods.” She sighed.

  “I agree, and I’ll gladly give them both a blow job even if they don’t help us out, so don’t draw their attention to us, or my panties are going to go flying, and I won’t be responsible for my actions,” Lisa replied with a lustful groan.

  Too late, they realized the men had noticed them and were heading their way.

  “Got a flat?” the tall brunette god asked as he drew up alongside them. The sound of his deep voice caused a shot of moisture to go through Lisa’s nether regions.

  “We were going to change it ourselves, but we don’t seem to have the tools to go with the spare,” Lisa found herself answering his question.

  Chuckling, the blond god reached into the trunk and pulled the doughnut tire out. Flipping it over, he showed them the jack attached to the other side of it along with the lug wrench, which was resting underneath the spare.

  “You’re all set, and since we’re here, we’ll be more than happy to change it for you.”

  “Oh, would you?” Lisa breathed, feeling herself go all girly on him.

  “Absolutely,” the brunet, who was about an inch taller than his friend, responded.

  Becky grabbed Lisa’s arm and jerked her back out of their way so she could whisper, “And on that note, we’ll just stand back here and admire your beautiful, buff bods. Dibs on the blond,” she added.

  “Dibs, hell,” Lisa hissed. “It’s my car, so I get them both. Besides, you have a boyfriend, remember?”

  “I think in this case he might understand,” Becky replied.

  The men had the flat off the car and were putting the doughnut in place when Maggie rejoined them.

  “Great,” she growled, not bothering to keep her voice down. “Did my friends offer you blow jobs yet?”

  Lisa and Becky let out mortified squeals while the brunet dropped the lug wrench, which bounced off his buddy’s foot, eliciting a yelp from the blond hottie.

  “Excuse me?” the brunet asked, his eyes wide.

  “You heard me,” Maggie responded. “My jaded friend here is convinced that any man willing to change a woman’s flat tire is going to expect at least a blow job in exchange. And since she currently hates men, and my other friend here is dating someone, that means they probably offered me up as the deliverer of the aforementioned blow jobs.”

  The blond waggled his brows at her and gave her a hot once-over as he said, “Since I got injured in the line of duty, I should get the first blow job.”

  Maggie gave him a lecherous look of her own and said, “And I’ll even kiss your boo-boo for you.”

  The brunet laughed as he asked, “How much have you had to drink tonight?”

  “Just two cocktails. I still have to drive home after I get back to my car.”

  “Well, ladies,” the brunet said to all three of them, “you’re just about set. And for future reference, don’t mention blow jobs to guys unless you fully intend to deliver. Most probably wouldn’t be as understanding as us, and besides,” he continued as he noticeably adjusted himself, “it’s just plain mean.”

  Becky and Lisa goggled as Maggie burst out laughing. “I’m only a cock tease when I know I can get away with it. Guys, I’d like to introduce you to my Thursday-night drinking buddies, Becky and Lisa. Ladies, you said you wanted to meet my roommates. This is Alex”—she nodded toward the brunette—“and the injured one is Jess,” she concluded.

  * * * *

  Her girlfriends gaped at her like fish gasping for water. Alex laughed as he said, “Let me guess. Mags here never bothered to mention that her roommates were men, did she?”

  “Not even a hint,” Becky, the first to recover, said. “Why didn’t you ever tell us?” She slapped Maggie on the arm for emphasis.

  “Please,” Maggie replied. “You’re all but drooling over them. I don’t need the aggravation of my single coworkers trying to be my new best friends as they pester me for an introduction. Besides, they both have a serious girlfriend.”

  “Really?” Lisa breathed in a disappointed tone.

  “You know it,” Jess replied as he put the flat in Lisa’s backseat so the mechanic could get to it easier. “And she would wear my balls for earrings if I even looked cross-eyed at another woman.”

  “If she’s so bad, maybe you should,” Lisa ventured hopefully.

  “Never. I love her too much and could never imagine myself with any other woman.”

  Lisa turned a hopeful look toward Alex. “Ditto. My girl’s the greatest, and I would never risk losing her by stepping out with another woman.”

  Lisa sighed wistfully and then whispered to Maggie, �
��God, it must suck to be you. Living with such major eye candy but knowing they are off the market.”

  Maggie just laughed. “I’m immune to their many charms.”

  “You wish.” Jess laughed and flashed his dimples as he straightened up again, returning the tools to the trunk before attacking the clutter that had come from it and was now littered on the ground behind the car.

  “Do you have a service center that you regularly use?” Alex asked Lisa.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Doughnut tires are only good for 30 miles or so. Usually just far enough for you to get your car into the shop. You’re going to have to get the tire repaired or replaced, and you’ll probably want to call your insurance agency to see if they’ll cover any of it.”

  “Oh,” she said. “No, I don’t have a regular mechanic, and I bought my car on the other side of town. Do I have to take it all the way over there?”

  “Nah, any service center should do. Jesse and I passed one on our way here. Why don’t you follow us there?”

  “Is my car really safe enough to drive with that itty-bitty tire on it?” Lisa wanted to know, biting her lip and projecting an air of helplessness in the hopes that one of them would volunteer to drive it for her, after the five of them had finished putting the junk back into her trunk.

  Not taking the hint, though, both men simply nodded in reply as they herded Maggie toward their SUV. “It’s only a couple of miles down the road. You’ll be fine.”

  Jess helped Maggie climb into the passenger seat while Alex got behind the wheel.


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