Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Rainey Daye

  The alarm on his cell phone gave a soft chime, causing his brow to twitch in protest at being disturbed so soon. It went blessedly silent as Jess, who had suffered Alex’s anger before when he let him sleep in, must have switched it off before he shook Alex’s shoulder.

  With a groan, Alex rolled over and pulled the pillow over his head. Undeterred, Jess leaned over and nipped his shoulder. Alex slapped at him and burrowed deeper into the bed.

  Laughing, Jess pulled the blanket off him and slapped him playfully on his ass.

  Alex growled and rolled over.

  Jess leaned down and nibbled on his throat. “Get up, sleepyhead,” he breathed in his ear before he sucked on the lobe.

  Groaning, Alex rasped, “I am up.”

  “No, you’re not,” Jess teased.

  “Yes, I am,” Alex replied, taking Jess’s hand and leading it to his groin.

  With an appreciative moan, Jess began massaging him through his shorts while Alex reached up and pulled his head down to his for a seeking kiss.

  Jess had just slipped his hand inside Alex’s shorts when they both heard the feminine gasp coming from their open bedroom door.

  Quickly pulling away from each other in surprise, they adjusted their clothing while they turned to see Maggie standing in the doorway, staring at them with a glazed look in her eyes.

  “You need something, Mags?” Alex asked after clearing his throat.

  “What? Oh, uh, yeah,” she said, shaking her head to clear it. “I was just about to throw in a load of whites and thought I would come up to see if you had anything to go in it.”

  Jess jumped off the bed, frantically adjusting his erection as he headed toward their bathroom. “I’ll go check the hamper,” he announced as he hurried out of the room.

  Alex watched Maggie lick her lips while she watched Jess leave the room before she turned back toward him, and his embarrassment at having been walked in on when they weren’t actually expecting it left him abruptly.

  Suppressing his grin, he said softly, “I’m sorry if we embarrassed you, Maggie. We hadn’t intended to fool around when we came in here, or we would have closed the door.”

  “I know,” Maggie replied as she took a tentative step forward. “I should have just backed out without interrupting, but I was so stunned that I froze on the spot instead.”

  “Stunned? Not offended?” Alex asked, seeking clarification.

  Maggie frowned at him. “Why would I be offended?”

  “Because some people would say that Jess and I are freaks.”

  “Well, those people should have some common decency beat into them, in my opinion. And no, your lifestyle does not offend me. If it did, I never would have moved in here, no matter how sweet a setup this place is.”

  Laughing, Alex extended his hand toward her. Stepping closer, Maggie took it and allowed Alex to draw her down beside him on the bed where he gave her a hug to show his appreciation. But with a scowl, he quickly pulled away from her.

  “My God, baby. You are so tense. What’s the matter?” he asked in sudden concern.

  “I’m fine,” Maggie replied with a frown.

  “No you’re not,” Alex insisted as he turned her around and kneaded her shoulders. “Your muscles are so tight that I’m surprised you haven’t shattered into a million pieces.” He followed this statement with a deep penetrating squeeze along her trapezius muscle, and he heard her groan.

  “Lie down, sweetheart,” he told her.


  “Lie down so I can work those kinks out of your neck and shoulders.” With those words, he gently pushed her face-first onto the king-size bed and then grasped her hips and tugged her to the center of it.

  Before she could protest or roll away, Alex threw his leg over her hips and straddled her ass before he leaned forward and started performing a deep muscle massage.

  Maggie let out a blissful moan and went pliant under his hands. Afraid of spooking her, Alex concentrated on delivering a strictly clinical massage to her tightly wound muscles.

  Jess came back into the room, saying, “I’ve got some whites for you, Maggie,” causing her to jerk in reflex and Alex to bite back a curse at Jess’s unfortunate timing.

  Trying to salvage the opportunity that had fallen into their laps, Alex kept his voice light as he said, “Maggie is really tense, Jess. Why don’t you grab a bottle of massage oil from the bathroom?”

  Jess correctly interpreted the warning look on Alex’s face and simply asked, “Scented or unscented?”

  “I think Maggie would like the vanilla,” Alex replied smoothly.

  Nodding in understanding, Jess returned to the bathroom with his armful of dirty laundry, where he no doubt dropped it back into the hamper, before gathering the massage oil that Alex had requested. Alex could just picture Jess being unsure of whether he should delay his return to the bedroom or not, standing there dithering with the bottle clenched in his, no doubt, suddenly sweaty palms.

  “Did you find it?” Alex called from the other room to help him out.

  “Got it,” Jess replied as he stepped into the bedroom and handed the bottle to Alex.

  Alex flipped open the cap and lathered up his hands after setting the bottle aside. Reaching forward, he stopped with a scowl.

  “You need to take your shirt off for me, honey,” he said to Maggie.

  Maggie immediately stiffened under him again, and he heard Jess bite back a whimper. “Excuse me?” she said.

  “Your T-shirt, sweetheart. Massage oil goes on your skin, not your cloths,” he gently chided her.

  “I don’t need any massage oil,” she protested.

  “But my hands are already greased up,” he replied as he showed them to her. “I don’t want to stain your shirt, so you really need to remove it.”

  “I…” Maggie began to protest further, but Alex leaned forward and nipped her ear playfully and smiled smugly as he felt her shiver underneath him. “Trust me, baby,” he whispered enticingly.

  “Turn around and close your eyes,” Maggie finally capitulated.

  Throwing each other a grin of victory for overcoming the first hurdle, both men moved away from the bed and turned their backs to her, giving Maggie some semblance of privacy.

  “Okay, you can turn back around now,” Maggie announced a few moments later.

  Turning, they saw her lying face down on the bed with her legs clamped together and her arms lying tightly pressed along her sides.

  Shaking his head, Alex climbed back on the bed and straddled her hips. “Don’t worry, Maggie,” he soothed her as he began kneading her neck and shoulders. “My dad taught me all about how to work the kinks out of tight muscles.”

  “Yeah, Mags,” Jess chimed in. “Alex gives great massages. You’re gonna be putty in his hands.”

  Alex glared at Jess as he felt her stiffen up even more.

  Shut up! he mouthed silently to Jess through his clenched teeth.

  Oops! Jess mouthed back, flinching in chagrin.

  Alex concentrated on delivering a purely therapeutic massage to Maggie in the hopes that she would lose her tenseness enough so that he could turn it into an erotic massage, if not that day, then in the near future. He worked on her neck and shoulders until he finally felt her muscles unknot. Breathing a silent prayer, he moved his hands further down her back, working toward the base of her spine, while he repositioned himself so that he was resting on the back of her thighs now.

  When Maggie finally went boneless under his ministrations with a low, throaty moan, he wanted to throw his head back and howl with triumph but had to content himself with sharing a relieved look with Jess, who finally let out the breath he was holding. Taking a hesitant step forward, Jess looked to Alex for his cue.

  “Sweetheart,” Alex said in an apologetic tone. “I accidentally got some oil on your bra. If you don’t want it to stain, you better take it off so Jess can rinse it off.”

  “Oh,” Maggie exclaimed in a voice that indicated that he
r mind had been far away. “Thanks for the massage. I’ll go take care of that. Turn around so I can leave.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’re still too tense,” Alex rebuked her. “I haven’t finished your massage yet. Jess, come over here and unhook her bra for her so she can take it off.”

  “I’ll keep my eyes closed,” Jess reassured her before she could protest as he expertly unhooked her bra with one hand while he tugged at a strap with the other.

  Maggie stiffened briefly before relenting. “Eyes closed,” she reminded him.

  “Cross my heart,” Jess promised her.

  Maggie raised her upper torso off the bed just far enough for Jess to tug it out from under her after she had freed her arms from the straps He could feel that she kept her eyes glued to his face the entire time, and true to his word, he had kept his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  Maggie hastily lay back down and tucked her bent arms tightly against her sides to conceal any accidental view of her breasts from the men while Jess retreated to the bathroom with her bra dangling from his fingers. Moments later they heard water running in the bathroom sink.

  Alex immediately returned to massaging her back and spine, desperate to keep her from stiffening up on them again. His goal today was to leave her wet and wanting. He wanted her to readily accept any and all offers of future massages from them. Perhaps even request them on her own…

  * * * *

  Jess returned silently to the bedroom and absently stroked himself through his jeans as he looked upon Maggie lying naked from the waist up while Alex straddled her on their bed. Having long experience with Alex’s massages, he was feeling greatly optimistic while still fearing that he would say or do something to ruin this moment for them. So he decided to put his full trust into Alex and follow his lead without question or comment.

  He watched as Alex expertly worked his hands down to the waistband of her jeans and then back up to her shoulders. With each revolution, Alex’s hands spread farther out to her sides, until his fingers were brushing along her arms. He watched in awe as Alex slowly pried her arms away from her sides where they had been tightly pinned, affording Jess with a tantalizing glimpse of the sides of her breasts. His mouth watering at the sight of those fleshy mounds, Jess swallowed while he fantasized about finally getting to suckle them. He bit back a growl as his jealousy flared over Alex getting to touch and stroke all that mouthwatering flesh.

  As if reading his mind, Alex spoke to him. “Jess, don’t just stand there. Grab the oil and work on Maggie’s arms for me.”

  Throwing his lover a grateful look, Jess quickly sat down next to Maggie before she could protest and oiled up his hands.

  “Give me your arm, sweetheart,” he said as he gently gripped her left forearm and prayed that she didn’t notice the husky timbre in his voice.

  He concentrated on massaging the palm of her hand and her fingers so that Maggie would relax into the illusion that all was perfectly innocent on their part and that her upper arms adequately kept her breasts concealed from their view. He made sure that as he drew her arm farther and farther from her side, the movement was slow enough for her not to notice it.

  Feeling confident that Maggie had fully zenned from Alex’s massage, he placed her hand gently in his lap and moved on to the rest of her arm.

  He exchanged a relieved look with Alex when Maggie didn’t even react as he lifted her arm completely off the bed so he could stroke the length of it.

  Raising her hand to his lips, he briefly nibbled her fingers before laying her bent arm at a ninety-degree angle from her body and moving to her other side. He couldn’t hide his grin of achievement when he took her other hand in his and Maggie immediately raised her arm and gave it to him.

  He glanced at Alex to share this small victory with him, and Alex nodded toward him, silently indicating that he should keep her arms spread out from her body so that Alex could access the sides of her breasts.

  Jess felt himself hardening even more as he continued to stroke and massage Maggie’s arm while he watched Alex splay his hands and move them from her back to her sides while brushing his fingers along her breasts at every opportunity, fully aware that if they didn’t manage to seduce Maggie completely out of her clothes today, he and Alex would be going at each other like animals the moment she left their room.

  Either scenario worked for him at this point.

  * * * *

  Maggie was in heaven. She was so wet that it was all she could do to keep from grinding her hips against the bed or raising her ass to rub it against Alex while he straddled her as he administered the best damn massage she had ever experienced in her life. She hadn’t missed the fact that his cock slid enticingly against her ass whenever he leaned forward to reach higher as he massaged her back and sides. And he was hard! But whether that was normal or not, she wasn’t sure and was too lost in a fantasy to care.

  And when Jess had nibbled on her fingers, it took all her self-control to keep from whimpering with pleasure. She’d be mortified if her roomies ever found out that she had the hots for them! What was wrong with her? It was so wrong of her to feel this way toward them.

  As Alex’s fingers continued to brush the undersides of her breasts, she couldn’t control the shivers that rippled over her. So when he ran his hands up her sides and over her shoulders to the base of her skull and was practically lying on top of her and then nipped her earlobe while whispering, “Turn over sweetheart,” her self-control all but disappeared.

  She had already started to turn over before Alex had even sat back up when she caught herself and hesitated. But neither man let her turn back onto her stomach.

  Alex lifted himself onto his knees as he grasped her hip and finished flipping her lower half over while Jess leaned over her and grasped her opposite arm, rolling her fully onto her back.

  Before she could bring her arms up to cover her bare breasts, Alex grasped one of them and lay it gently by her side at a slight angle while Jess lifted the arm that he had grasped and raised it over her head so that it curled there, leaving her lying before them in a seductive pose.

  Both men then leaned back and just stared at her in silence.

  Maggie’s heartbeat increased, and her eyes widened as she realized that their eyes were dilated with unbridled lust, and she watched them as they visibly swallowed while their gazes roamed over her bared torso.

  “Christ, you are so fucking beautiful,” Alex whispered reverently.

  Jess didn’t seem to be able to speak. He also didn’t seem to be able to stop himself from reaching out and gently stroking her breast. She jumped in surprise as a shot of lust flared from where he touched down to her groin and turned her head toward him in surprise when he groaned aloud.

  “I’ve fantasized about your breasts,” he admitted in a hoarse whisper.

  Before she could respond, Alex also reached down and cupped her other breast. His moan of pleasure echoed Jesse’s.

  “One taste, Maggie. That’s all we’re asking for,” Alex pleaded hoarsely before he leaned over and flicked his tongue across her puckered nipple.

  Maggie gasped and arched her back from pleasure while the hand that had been resting by her side rose up of its own accord to cup Alex’s head to her.

  Seeing this, Jess let out an inarticulate groan before he squeezed the breast he was stroking and lowered his own lips to it.

  Within moments, Maggie was cradling both their heads in her hands while the two men greedily suckled her breasts.

  Chapter 6

  “Well, that was a major clusterfuck,” Alex groaned.

  “How so? We got to suck Maggie’s tits, for God’s sake! And unless I completely forgot the signs, we managed to make her come.”

  “After which she ran out of here so fast she left a vapor trail.”

  “But she’ll be back for more, won’t she?” Jess asked worriedly while he massaged his raging hard-on, which was so hard it was painful at this point.

  “I’m not sure,” Alex a
dmitted. “We may have come on too strong just now and fucked up our chances with her for all time.”

  “You’re going to make me lose my wood if you keep up with the doom-and-gloom mentality,” Jess complained.

  “You deserve to lose your wood, you ass.”

  “Hey, don’t be putting the blame for this on me,” Jess snapped. “I simply followed your lead the entire time. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours, bud!”

  “I’m not blaming you, you moron. I’m just concerned that we went too far too fast just now.” He then rose off the bed and started to pace as he started muttering about where they had gone wrong.

  “We never should have turned her over,” he finally concluded out loud. “As soon as we both saw those gorgeous tits of hers, we reverted to our cavemen roots and pounced. We lost control of ourselves and the situation. She wasn’t ready to know that we both desire her.”

  Jess considered Alex’s words as he continued to absently stroke himself through his jeans even though he was now beginning to soften.

  “Fuck, you’re right,” he finally agreed. “So what do we do now?”

  “I have no idea,” Alex admitted. “Maybe you should come up with a plan this time instead of us improvising like we did just now.”

  “Hell, no,” Jess cried. “I will not be the one to totally fuck this up and lose her forever due to it.”

  “Or you might be the one who wins her for us.”

  “I’m not willing to take that chance”

  “Neither am I.”

  “So what now? Do we concede defeat and start hitting the campus bars again? ’Cause at this point, I really don’t know if I can get it up for another woman.”

  “It would feel too much like I was cheating on Maggie if I fucked another woman,” Alex admitted.


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