A Seaside Escape: A feel-good romance to warm your heart this winter

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A Seaside Escape: A feel-good romance to warm your heart this winter Page 30

by Lisa Hobman

They said their goodnights and the crowds began to dissipate so Mallory and Greg made their way home. Ruby and Angus were waiting to greet them with frantically wagging tails and yips of delight. It was as if they knew their mum and dad were getting married.

  The dogs were let out and subsequently put to bed in the kitchen. Greg lit the logs in the fire and switched on the tree lights. He then produced a bottle of champagne from outside the back door and brought it into the lounge with two flutes.

  ‘Where has that come from?’ Mallory asked quizzically.

  ‘Ah, the joys of hidden, natural, outdoor refrigeration.’ He smiled as he popped the cork. ‘I kept a bottle back in the hope that things would all go according to plan.’ He poured a glass of the sparkling liquid and handed it to Mallory. Then he poured one for himself. They sat together on the rug in front of the roaring fire.

  ‘A toast,’ he held is glass aloft, ‘to my beautiful fiancée, you’ve made me happy beyond words.’ He leaned closer and rested his forehead on hers. ‘I want you to know I’ll love you forever.’ He clinked their glasses together and kissed Mallory lightly on the lips.

  ‘May I make a toast too?’ she asked politely, feeling a little coy. He nodded. ‘To my wonderful husband-to-be. We’ve had some pretty steep ups and downs but at least that proves we can handle anything. I hope I can continue to make you as happy as you make me. I love you, Greg.’ They clinked glasses again.

  Greg took both glasses and placed them on the hearth. He pulled Mallory into his lap and took her mouth with his own, his hands in her hair. Mallory gazed down at him. His hands moved to her face where he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs.

  ‘I have another little gift for you.’ He reached out to the hearth and pulled out a red velvet box from behind the stack of kindling. He handed the box to her and she opened it and gasped. Inside the box was a silver chain with a beautiful pendant hanging from it. It was similar to the first necklace he had bought her, only this was two of the symbols linked together.

  ‘Oh, it’s beautiful.’

  He took the chain from the box and reached behind her to fasten it around her neck. ‘The first necklace I bought you, for your birthday, was the symbol for friendship. But this one… the Serch Bythol… this is for everlasting love.’

  Tears welled in her eyes as she looked down at the intertwined knots. She lifted her gaze to find him unbuttoning his shirt.

  ‘I have my own version too. You know how I disappeared with Brad earlier today?’

  ‘To buy the champagne?’ Mallory asked.

  ‘Actually I have a confession. The champagne was already sorted at that point. No I went with Brad into Oban. And I had a little ink done, especially for you.’ He removed his shirt and there was a large white dressing covering the space above his other tattoo. He gently peeled the dressing back to reveal a stunning, intricate tattoo of the Serch Bythol on his chest. ‘Now you’ll always be near my heart and I’ll always be close to yours.’

  Mallory gasped as the saltwater she had become very much accustomed to lately welled up and overflowed from her eyes. After replacing the dressing, being careful not to hurt the raw skin, she cradled him in her arms.

  In the glow of the twinkling tree lights and the fire in the hearth, they undressed each other and lay back down on the rug.

  There was an urgency to their lovemaking this time. Neither could quite get close enough nor take enough of one another. The flames cast a golden glow over their bodies as they worshipped each other, both climbing higher and higher until they were sky-bound with the dizziness of passion; two people desperately in love giving themselves to each other whole-heartedly; forever.

  They lay there for a while, revelling in the closeness and basking in their afterglow, holding each other, smiling and kissing.

  ‘So when do you want to get married? Or am I asking that too early?’ Mallory stroked his ‘Love Conquers All’ tattoo as she spoke, musing that just maybe it did.

  ‘Are you kidding me, Westerman? Can we do it yesterday please?’ He laughed. ‘Seriously, gorgeous, as soon as possible for me.’ He brought her engagement ring finger up to his mouth and kissed it gently.

  ‘We’d better get planning then, eh?’ She snuggled down into him, making sure to avoid his newly scarred skin.

  ‘We certainly better had do that, gorgeous, yes.’

  ‘Hey, I’ve just had an idea.’ Mallory propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at her handsome fiancé. ‘We have a honeymoon all sorted! We can use the Canada tickets.’ She grinned excitedly as a strange look crept over Greg’s face and she gasped as realisation hit. ‘Oh my goodness! That’s what you had planned all along!’

  ‘Guilty as charged, my sweet, beautiful Mallory. I would’ve proposed at Christmas too but I thought maybe it was too soon after moving in together.’

  She kissed the tip of his nose. ‘Just for the record… I would’ve said yes.’

  Chapter Nineteen

  March 2016

  Greg’s divorce papers had dropped through the door at the end of January which meant all systems were good to go. Much to Greg and Mallory’s relief, things had been resolved quickly on account of how long they had been apart.

  Alice made one last-ditch attempt to get Greg back and was astounded when she discovered that he had become engaged to Mallory. She told him he was making the biggest mistake of his life. Mallory was sitting beside him when she rang.

  ‘Alice, the biggest mistake I ever made was giving you a second chance. Do you honestly believe you deserve a third? I’m head over heels in love with Mally and nothing you say will change that.’ He gave Mallory’s thigh a reassuring squeeze as he spoke. It seemed she relented and eventually hung up.

  ‘Was she okay?’ Mallory asked when he threw his phone onto the cushion at the side of him.

  ‘Oh yeah, she was fine. Faked a few sobs, but she’ll get over it. She has no choice. I’m utterly yours, gorgeous.’

  ‘And are you okay about it all?’ she asked tentatively.

  A frown creased his brow. ‘Me? Of course I am.’ He began to sprinkle her with kisses in between his words. ‘I have never… ever… been… happier… than… I am… now that… I’m… with you.’ He kissed her more deeply with hunger.

  To reiterate just how fine he was about the whole situation, he made love to her there and then on the squishy old sofa, slowly and lovingly, cherishing her with everything he had to give.


  Renee Ryan and Cara had been so wonderful about the engagement and had promised to fly over for the wedding which was set for Saturday the fifth of March. Greg’s two brothers and their wives had jumped at the chance to catch up with him and both sent acceptance RSVP cards within days of the invites being sent. Greg booked the beautiful nineteenth-century Kilbrandon church just after the engagement and the couple were so excited to be committing themselves to each other that the wedding couldn’t come soon enough.

  Wedding dress shopping had been great fun. Mallory had visited Leeds, where she looked in every shop that she and Josie could find. Eventually, they ended up back at the very first one. Mallory knew she had found the right dress when her best friend was utterly speechless on seeing her in it.

  ‘Oh, Mally, oh… you look… oh.’ Josie had wiped tears from her eyes and hugged the bride-to-be so hard, Mallory almost passed out. But that was all the confirmation she needed. The dress was a done deal.

  The honeymoon was going to start two days after the wedding when Greg and Mallory were flying back with the Buchanans and Mallory was excited to show Greg the sights of Kingston.

  On the night before the wedding, Greg stayed at the pub where Stella cooked him her famous steak pie. The Buchanan family was staying at the little cottage they had hired last time they stayed. Josie and Brad were staying with Mallory, and Colin had agreed to give Mallory away whilst Brad had been signed up for Best Man duties.

  The day of the wedding arrived at lightning speed. Josie, Brad and Mallory drank champagne for br
eakfast along with their toasted bagels and cream cheese. Although Mallory struggled to eat anything, she was so very nervous. She disappeared upstairs to get ready but after around an hour of hearing nothing from her, Josie appeared outside her room.

  ‘How are you getting on, Mally?’ she called through the door.

  Mallory was standing in the bathroom staring at her reflection. She was trying so hard to fight back her mixed emotions. The dress really was stunning; ivory fabric and off shoulder with a fitted, beaded bodice with crystals adorning the front. The skirt was just the right level of fullness; not meringue-like but not straight. Her hair was partially pinned up, but the tendrils that hung down framed her face beautifully. She adored Greg and couldn’t wait to marry him, but she also remembered Sam and how this day, her wedding day, was originally supposed to be her marrying him. The fact that Sam’s family were here made matters more difficult than she could ever have imagined.

  Josie knocked on the door. ‘Mally, you’re worrying me.’ She tried the handle, but Mallory had seen fit to lock it. ‘Mallory, what’s going on?’ Josie knocked harder.

  Mallory unlocked the door and sat on the side of the bath as Josie walked in. ‘Sorry… I… I just needed some time on my own.’ She sighed as Josie looked on.

  ‘Why? Are you getting cold feet?’ Josie asked bluntly, folding her arms across her chest like a chastising parent.

  ‘Not exactly… just thinking about Sam.’ She nipped the bridge of her nose as if it would halt the tears that were threatening to make an imminent appearance.

  ‘Thinking what about Sam, honey?’ Josie sat beside her on the roll-top bath in her pretty, knee-length, purple bridesmaid dress and held her hand.

  ‘Just that this should’ve been me and him. Maybe it’s too soon? Maybe I shouldn’t go through with this? What will people really think of me?’

  Josie sighed. ‘Mallory, you know how we always tell each other when we are being ridiculous?’ Mallory nodded. ‘Well… and I know maybe you don’t want to hear this right now… but it’s one of those times.’ She took a deep breath, ‘If Sam was still alive, maybe we wouldn’t need to be having this conversation. Or, maybe you were meant to be with Greg all along and it was Sam that brought you to him. Have you ever thought that? Maybe Sam was your guardian angel. After everything that’s happened between you and Greg, I’m beginning to believe in fate. Mallory, you stuck it out here when it would’ve been so easy to just run back to Yorkshire. You came here because of Sam… but you stayed because of Greg.’

  Mallory had certainly never contemplated such a thing, but hearing the words now made her heart swell and tears pool in her eyes.

  Josie continued, ‘Do you love Greg?’

  Mallory didn’t hesitate in her answer. ‘Of course I do, with all my heart.’

  ‘Well then, let’s go and get you married to him, eh?’ Josie stood and pulled her friend to a standing position. ‘You and Greg are meant to be together. He adores you… always has. He had a bloody tattoo on his boob for you!’

  Mallory laughed at the bluntness of her friend’s words. ‘Erm, his pec actually,’ she pointed out.

  Josie waved Mallory’s comment aside with her hand. ‘Boob, pec… same bloody difference. And you took your cottage off the market so you could stay here. You wouldn’t have done that if you thought he was just “a bit of all right” and nothing else now would you?’

  ‘Absolutely not,’ Mallory confirmed with a smile.

  ‘Then what are we going to do? Colin’s downstairs and the poor guy is so worried.’

  Mallory stood quickly and made for the door, winking at her best friend. ‘Well… I don’t know about you, but I have a wedding to go to.’


  They arrived at the church and a red carpet had been laid from the place where the car parked, right up the path to the front of the church. Greg had thought of everything. Colin clung onto Mallory’s hand and looked proudly at her, just as he would his own daughter. Josie stood in front with her small hand-tied bunch of white roses which was a smaller version of Mallory’s large bouquet. The music from inside the church could be heard just under the sound of friendly chatter.

  Suddenly the background music was replaced with the opening bars of Hoobastank’s ‘The Reason’ and Mallory took a deep, calming breath. She hadn’t expected yet another romantic touch but then Greg was always full of surprises.

  Colin squeezed Mallory’s hand as they stepped towards the doors. ‘This is it, my flower.’ The doors opened and Mallory got her first glimpse of the beautifully flower-adorned church interior. It was such a wonderful sight and the fragrance of white roses filled her senses. The flowers occupied every available window ledge and pew end.

  Greg had insisted on the flowers. ‘Yorkshire roses for my Yorkshire rose,’ he had explained to her about his choice when they were planning the wedding.

  She looked towards the front where Greg stood facing the altar in his wedding suit, complete with kilt. Ruby and Angus sat beside him, eagerly wagging their tails waiting for her to join them. Slowly, almost as if he feared that she may disappear if his eyes touched upon her, he turned to meet her gaze. His face lit up with love as his eyes met hers. Brad leaned in to hand him a hanky when it was clear his emotions were getting the better of him.

  Mallory, Colin and Josie walked slowly down the aisle towards the altar until Mallory and Greg were face to face. Colin handed his ‘adopted’ daughter over to the handsome groom and stepped back. Mallory’s own tears were the issue now and Josie handed her a lace hanky.

  Greg leaned towards her and with trembling lips, whispered, ‘Thank you for marrying me. I know this must be a hard day for you. But I’ve never loved or admired you more than I do right now.’ It was the perfect thing to say and she loved him all the more for it.

  The vicar began the service. The couple dutifully repeated the words uttered by the man. They held hands and stared lovingly at each other through the whole service.

  ‘Mallory and Gregory have written some words to each other that they would like to say,’ the vicar announced and stepped back.

  Mallory was first to speak. ‘Greg, since the moment I met you I’ve been on a rollercoaster ride. We’ve supported each other through grief and our own individual issues and it’s been difficult at times. But I cannot imagine my life without you in it. And I don’t want to. Whatever life throws at us, we’ll get through it. We’ve proved that we can… I think my guardian angel was watching over me when he brought me to you.’ Her words caught in her throat as she fought to keep her emotions in check, she smiled and breathed deeply. ‘There’s a saying that reminds me of someone close to me… “Love Conquers All” and I never believed that to be true until I met you and now I believe it irrevocably. I love you with all my heart.’

  Little sobs could be heard from within the congregation.

  Greg wiped his eyes and kissed her tenderly, resting his forehead on hers for a moment. He then stepped forward and Brad handed him his guitar. Mallory gasped when she realised what was happening. She held her hands over her mouth and waited with bated breath to see which song he had chosen.

  Greg cleared his throat. ‘Erm, I usually use other people’s words to express how I feel; which is daft when you think about it ’cause I’ve been writing my own songs for years. Mallory, I wrote this for you. I think the words say it all.’ His voice cracked as he spoke, raw emotion trying to escape the cage of his body. ‘It’s called “Mallory’s Song”.’

  Mallory watched in adoration as he began to strum chords on his beloved guitar. She was past the point of caring about smudging her perfect make-up as tears cascaded down her face and Greg began to sing his heartfelt words to her:

  ‘From the moment I met you

  It was love at first sight

  I wanted to hold you

  Each day and each night

  Maybe we weren’t meant to be

  But that’s not what my heart kept on telling me

  I want to hold
you forever

  And that’s what I’ll do

  Whatever life throws our way

  It’ll be me and you

  And we’ll both stand tall

  Because love conquers all

  Our future together

  Means more than I can say

  Together forever

  With a family one day

  Who can say we’re not meant to be?

  I know that my heart keeps on telling me

  I want to hold you forever

  And that’s what I’ll do

  Whatever life throws our way

  It’ll be me and you

  And we’ll both stand tall

  Because love conquers all

  Yeah we’ll both stand tall

  Because love conquers all’

  Greg just about managed to get through the song without breaking down completely. That couldn’t be said for the wedding congregation. As soon as the song finished, the church erupted in applause and Mallory flung her arms around him.

  ‘Greg, I love you so much, thank you for such a beautiful gift,’ she whispered into his ear and he clung onto her.

  ‘There was no other way for me to tell you how I feel.’ He kissed her hair. ‘I can’t be without you ever again, Mallory. This is it. This is forever.’

  ‘Well, I’m going nowhere unless you come too,’ she breathed.

  From her place in Greg’s arms she glanced and her gaze settled on her Canadian family. Cara was a blubbering mess but then she was pregnant again and Ryan and Renee looked on with warm smiles, filled with pride. Mallory was so happy and grateful to see them there.

  The vicar brought the proceedings back to order. When the bride and groom were in their places he began to speak, ‘Ladies and gentleman, it gives me the greatest of pleasure to declare before God that Mallory and Gregory are now… husband and wife. Greg, you may kiss your bride… one more time with feeling,’ he chuckled and the congregation joined him.

  Greg swept Mallory up once again into a long, lingering embrace as the congregation cheered and applauded the newlyweds.


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