Dead Men

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Dead Men Page 12

by Derek Haines

  Steve was woken from his half dream, half sleep.

  ‘Do as you are told! Quickly! Now Steven!’ she barked again.

  Steven stood. She moved up onto the sofa, sitting cross legged. Exposing her still wet vagina.

  As she started to rub herself again, she delivered Steve’s new orders.

  ‘Take your clothes off my love. Let me see all of you.’

  Steve obeyed. And stood in front of her.

  ‘Make yourself hard for me my love,’ she whimpered.

  As he complied with her demand, she moved to the floor in front of the television. Laid down on her back, and looked up at her man with admiring eyes.

  ‘Steven. Fuck me.’

  Later, she made tea. They sat and enjoyed lamingtons she’d bought that day at the kids' school. She’d bought a dozen, not because she liked lamingtons, but because they were on sale to raise money for a new computer for the school. Neither felt awkward sitting naked in the living room, sipping tea and eating school bought lamingtons. Both covered in the scent of each other's excitement. Discussing the pros and cons of computers in schools. After they’d finished their tea, they had a shower and went to bed. Shortly after, Steven turned his bedside lamp off, he heard a whisper in his ear.

  ‘Make love to me Steven.’

  It would be three weeks before Steve heard from Charles Stewart. It was an agonising wait. It arrived in the form of a letter from Charles. It read simply:

  ‘We have received correspondence from Perth with regard to this matter. (Copy enclosed.) Could you please arrange a time with me to discuss this matter, and to take your instructions.’

  He read the copied letter. It detailed a claim for one hundred and ninety dollars per week. Relevant scales and tables were attached in justification. All Steve could think was that one hundred and ninety dollars was equal to the rent he and Beth paid for their modest house. If he had to pay this claim it would destroy his new found security and happiness. He also knew he was the father of this child. But why now? Why after all this time? How could this arise after fifteen years? Steve called the next morning to make an appointment. Before Steve made it to his appointment with Charles Stewart, he received another claim in the mail. For a twelve year old son he knew nothing about. He felt the world closing in on him. His past waging war on his present and future. By the time a third claim arrived for another daughter also aged twelve, Charles Stewart could only advise Steven that he needed to be careful how these matters were handled.

  ‘This is a very unusual situation Steven. And it’s obviously a planned assault. This looks like being a long process. With your income Steve, you wouldn’t qualify for Legal Aid. But I would surmise that these three women do. They can litigate without fear of cost. This could prove to be very costly for you, whatever the result. I’m sorry I can’t give you a better scenario. It could take well over a year to resolve these matters. Even if they’re proved fallacious, and you’re not ordered to pay any child support, you’ll still be faced with legal costs that I could only estimate at over ten thousand dollars. Should you not wish to use myself or any other legal counsel, you would be at the mercy of three separate solicitors who would only properly, act with their clients’ interest at heart. I know it’s not a fair situation. But it’s the way Family Law works Steve. All I can do to begin with is ask these last two claimants to evidence their claims. Do you wish me to continue acting for you Steve?’

  ‘Yes,’ Steve replied. ‘I have no real choice, do I?’

  That evening, neither Steve nor his partner could find their escape. This was too heavy a load to carry. They’d even been robbed of their imagination. They were now firmly entrenched in the real world. She worried that they would never be able to find their total abandonment again. The worry, grief and anxiety was etched into every cell of his face. She felt as if the man she loved and trusted with her life, was slowly being dragged away from her. Her anger and bitterness unable to be vented on her enemies. She couldn’t fight an unknown enemy. Attacking her relationship from thousands of miles away, behind the safety of a fortified garrison of legal letters, solicitors and courts. She wanted to scratch the eyes out of the bitches that had done this to her Steven. But she knew all she could really do was stand by him, and love him.

  ‘I will be beside you my love,’ she told Steven. ‘Nothing will break my resolve. I want our happy future together. No one will take that from us. No one Steven. I love you.’

  ‘I love you too Beth.’

  Tony, Steve and David made their Friday night meeting of the Perth Old Boys a regular meeting. All enjoyed each other’s company and the support during their difficulties. They were free to have a bitch about life. A release of a week's tension over a few beers, a joke and a lot of swearing. David had moved to Sydney and had started his legal separation process. Finding his feet on his own. Steve was in trouble, but fighting. Tony was battling with a tough business, but slowly winning. He was only one payment behind with the bank now, so he laughed as he reported his forward progress. This Friday night, Tony would be asking for advice from his two friends. He had a serious problem now.

  ‘We had a small accident at work,’ Tony started to tell David and Steve. ‘A plastic drum of adhesive fell from a pallet while it was being unloaded from a truck by our fork lift. No one was hurt, and it wasn’t a real problem, but I was splashed with the glue when the drum hit the floor and burst. I was covered,’ he said with only a half forced smile. ‘After we cleaned up the mess, I went home to get a change of clothes. The back door was open, and I just walked to the bedroom to get my clothes. I found my wife in bed with a bloke from the landscaping company.’

  David and Steve just listened in disbelief. David started to try and say something, but what could he say?

  Tony continued, ‘You know, I thought it was taking a long time to get that landscaping finished.’ Now lost in his thoughts with his mouth just amplifying what was in his mind. He wasn’t looking at either of his friends. His gaze was fixed on the rim of his half full beer glass. His large fingers wiping the frost from the side of the glass.

  ‘The pool was finished months ago. I had meant to ask my wife if she had a fixed quote for the job, because it was taking so long. Well, there I was covered in glue. My wife in front of me being fucked by a young gorilla. They hadn’t noticed me at the bedroom door. She was screaming, ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ I didn’t know what to do. So I walked to my wardrobe and grabbed a change of clothes. They noticed me then. There was silence for what seemed like an hour, but I’m sure it was only an instant. Because as soon as I had my clothes in my hand, I turned and left. That was Wednesday afternoon. We haven’t spoken a word since. I really don’t know what to do. Any ideas fellas?’

  David and Steve looked at Tony. Still both in disbelief. All Steve could muster was, ‘Shit.’ David managed ‘Fuck,’ after a minute or so. Both knew he was in shock. So were they. The three sipped their beers quietly.

  Tony broke the silence. Looks like we all have our problems with women?’

  ‘What did we all do wrong?’ David asked no one in particular.

  Steve sat in silence.

  ‘Three beers thanks love,’ Tony asked quietly of the barmaid as she collected their empty glasses.

  When the fresh beers arrived, David took his glass in his hand and looked at it thoughtfully. He raised it and said, ‘Fuck the bitches! Fuck them! May they rot in hell! Fuck them all!’

  Tony and Steve raised their glasses, and both repeated, ‘Yes, Fuck the bitches! May they rot in hell!’

  With that offering to their sanity, all three proceeded to get completely drunk. They were kicked out at closing time, midnight, and sang on the pavement as they waited for a taxi to pass by. It was an hour before one stopped to pick them up and end their evening. They had sung every song they could think of during their wait. Only David vomited into the gutter. Tony and Steve laughed at him. David laughed also, after his retching had stopped. He wiped his mouth with his shirt sleeve and re
joined the singing.

  Waves of Discontent

  David was startled by a knock at his door, and at eleven thirty at night he was certainly not expecting guests. As he tried to wake himself from his doze in front of the television, he couldn’t think who he’d even advised of his new address as yet. He opened the door slowly, keeping the security chain on its slide. The small view the security chain allowed, framed only a small part of the large forlorn figure of Tony Pilletto. David immediately closed the door to unslide the chain. Re-opening the door, he had full view of his recently acquired friend. Tony’s shoulders could have drooped no lower David thought as he stood back to let Tony through the door. In his hand was a small suitcase. He knew Tony well enough to know he was a proud and strong man. This he was not tonight. Tony sat down at the small dining table, and rested his elbows on the table, then let his hands support his head. One on each cheek. The effort of holding his head up seemed to be sapping him of his last ounces of energy.

  ‘Is it too late for a beer?’ Tony asked in an attempt at jest.

  ‘Well, it is if you want to be served at the Drover’s Dog, but I think I have a can or two in the fridge,’ David said as he walked the two steps to the fridge. He put a can in front of Tony.

  ‘Somehow, I don’t think you’re here to celebrate a Lotto win with me Tony. What’s up?’

  ‘I don’t know why David, but I just had to get out of the house. She hasn’t spoken a word since I found her in bed with that bloke. I don’t know if she’s ignoring it, or doesn’t know what to say, but I tried to talk, and I get no reply. She just walks away from me. Carries on cleaning things, cooking. You know, as if nothing’s happened. The look in her eyes is angry. Angry at me it feels. I mean, what the fuck did I do? What did I do? Nothing! She’s the one that did something, and I’m rewarded by feeling I don’t belong in my own house. So, I remembered you mentioned where you were moving to, and I just took a punt that I might find it. I woke up two other people looking for you. I forgot the flat number. I wondered if I could kip down on your sofa for the night?’

  ‘Sure Tony. No problem at all. So do you think you can get her talking? She can’t ignore what happened.’

  ‘I’ll try calling from my office tomorrow. Maybe it’ll be easier for her on the phone. Hell knows what I’ll say though. I mean what do you say to the mother of your children in a situation like this?’

  ‘I don’t know Tony. I really don’t. After hello I think I would be lost. Not much help huh? But, I’m sure you’ll sort it out,’ David said and thought at the same time, ‘What the hell will this poor guy say. He’s done nothing and he’s the one who’s trying to get communication started.’

  David could see the trauma in Tony’s eyes. If ever there was a picture of a cliché, a shattered man, David was looking at it right now. All he had known of Tony was as a strong and capable man. A tough man. David had the view now of a lost little boy. A pitiful sight.

  The next morning David saw a little of Tony’s confidence back over a light breakfast of coffee and toast.

  ‘Sorry, no eggs, bacon and sausages here Tony. I haven’t got that well organised yet. Maybe we should duck down the road to Joe’s Truck Stop for a mixed grill?’ David said with a smile, knowing Tony’s love of a good mixed grill.

  ‘Toast’ll do fine thanks David. But, I should take you down there sometime and see if you can eat one of Joe’s mixed grills. Are you man enough?’ he laughed. His laugh disappearing far quicker than normal.

  ‘I don’t drive a Mack or a Kenworth. Do you think they’d serve me?’

  ‘Probably not,’ Tony smiled with a bit more enthusiasm.

  Tony finished his coffee and stood up. ‘I think I’ll get an early start at the office.’

  ‘Ok Tony. If you need anything, just yell out. You’ve got my number here?’


  ‘Alright. And, look, if you need somewhere to stay while you sort this out, you’re more than welcome here. Ok?’

  ‘Thanks David. I’m sure it’ll work out. Once she starts talking we can make some progress.’ Tony headed for the door, and left.

  ‘Poor bastard,’ David thought as he closed the door.

  Later in the morning Tony tried to call his wife. She hung up on him twice. He fumed. After a few minutes he left the office and drove home. The few minutes it took to drive there cooled him down a small amount, but not enough to be in control when he found his wife sitting in the living room.

  ‘Enough is enough,’ he bellowed. ‘It’s time to talk about this.’ She didn’t look at him. She didn’t answer.

  ‘I’m trying to be as calm as I can about this, but finding my wife being fucked in my own bed isn’t something that’s easy to be calm about. The very least you can do….,’

  Tony stopped as she said, ‘I’m …….’

  There was a silence as Tony waited for more. Nothing came. ‘And?’ he asked.


  ‘My dear, this’s something we need to talk about,’ he said with more than a hint of anger.

  She looked at him. Her eyes seemed to change from a cringing look, to that of a wild cat.

  ‘Get out! Get out! Get out of my life!’ she screamed almost losing her voice in her temper. ‘You’re never bloody well here. Why bother. You only come here to eat and sleep. You and your precious fucking trucks!’

  Tony was first stunned by the language of his wife. He’d never heard her say fuck before. Second, by the ferocity directed at him.

  ‘I work. That’s more than I can say for you. I don’t have time while I’m earning the money to feed and house you and our layabout children. I don’t have time for a fuck at lunchtime!’ Tony stopped. Knowing he had let his anger take control. The urge to slap her was almost irresistible. He took a deep breath, but still his anger raged.

  ‘I suppose you think it’s worse to have a father who works too much, than it is to have a mother who’s a slut. You have no excuse for what you’ve done. You don’t even have the decency to apologise for what you….’

  She interrupted him. ‘You’re never here. You wouldn’t know what a family is. Do you remember your children’s names? Do you ever talk to them? Yes, you’re so innocent Tony Pilletto.’

  There was a silence as they glared at each other. Tony would not move his stare. She looked down finally.

  ‘Do you want to discuss this now?’ he asked.


  ‘For fuck sake,’ he cried. ‘What in god’s name do you want from me?’

  ‘I want you to leave,’ was all she said.

  ‘Me? Leave my house? This is my house. I live here!’ he bellowed in disbelief.

  ‘Get out Tony. Get out! Get out! Get ooouuut!!!’ she screeched.

  Tony turned to leave, but turned his head and quietly said, ‘This is my house. If you want to be a slut. Do it somewhere else. Have that decency.’

  He ducked the coffee cup that was launched at his head.

  He went to the bedroom and filled another suitcase. Not knowing why it was him who was leaving. What was he to do? Stay and kill her he thought. He knew his anger had only so much give and he’d used a lot of it in the last few minutes. As he packed he thought of what had been said. Wondering why she couldn’t at least have said sorry for what she’d done. There wasn’t much he could do today he thought. Maybe a few days and she’ll have settled down. When he’d packed, he walked to the kitchen and took a few seconds to look at the family photos on the fridge. ‘Why did she do this?’ he thought as he walked out the door to his car. ‘Why?’

  ‘Is that sofa still available?’ Tony asked as David answered the phone.

  ‘Sure is. I’ll cancel the booking for the blonde nymphomaniac I had to squeeze you in,’ David laughed. ‘Didn’t go so well huh?’

  ‘Not well at all Dave. A real shit fight. I retreated before she ran out of coffee mugs to throw,’ he joked. Trying to seem blasé.

  ‘Well, maybe when she cools down she’ll be approachable.’ David tried
to give his friend some hope.

  ‘Yes. Maybe Dave. I’ll be there after work. Is that ok?’

  ‘Anytime Tony. I have an exciting day preparing the details I need for an affidavit that I need to file. Looks like it’s gonna be a fun day. The sooner this’s over with the better I suppose,’ David said, just talking without thinking.

  ‘With no kids Dave, it should all be simple for you. Just hand over all your money and walk away huh?’

  ‘A bit like that I think Tony. But you know, I know a fifty-fifty split seems fair and all that, but I would rather not be doing it. By the time things are sold divided, written down, damaged or lost, we’ll both lose. It’s such a waste. You know, I wouldn’t mind so much if I’d done something. Locked her in a cupboard for days on end. Slapped her around. Fucked her sister. Anything. Then at least I’d have something to hang my hat on as to why I’m losing all I’ve worked for. Shit, I’m making a speech. Sorry.’

  ‘It’s ok Dave. Nothing seems fair at the moment, does it? And you’re right. It would be nice to have a reason for all this. But we don’t it seems. Or are we that stupid we don’t know what we’ve done wrong?’

  ‘Maybe that’s it Tony. As good a reason as any. We’re just stupid men.’

  ‘I’ve got another call Dave. I’ll see you later.’

  ‘Ok Tony, any time.’

  Later, David made arrangements for the house on the coast to be valued. His solicitor had suggested he draw up an agreement to send to his wife’s solicitor. ‘A little back and forth and it should be done in a few weeks,’ Charles Stewart had told him. David wanted it done quickly as he needed to re -open his business. His wife was still a director and share holder so once an agreement had been reached he could have control. He knew from Charles’ advice that none of the property could be borrowed against while the matter was before the Family Court, so the property would have to be sold. With cash at a premium, David also knew a fast resolution would be a must for himself. He could find all his assets tied up for months or years until they were sold, but not have a cent in his pocket. But it was pointless to try to open the business again until his wife was removed as a director, and had relinquished her shares. Otherwise she could lay claim to any earnings. And she would be probably even more of a problem if the company lost money. So, speed was of the essence as far as David was concerned.


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