Immortal Fire Series; The Trilogy ~ Eighteen Summers, Severina, Rising Bloodtide

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Immortal Fire Series; The Trilogy ~ Eighteen Summers, Severina, Rising Bloodtide Page 12

by K. M. Liss

  “WHY THE HELL NOT?” I ask in a loud voice. “Why does it matter so much to you? I'm an adult vampire for crissakes. I have strong needs. Like you. You can go with Sofia and whoever else you decide to fuck, can't you? Now if you don't mind, surely what I do in the bedroom is up to me, isn't it?” I stare into his eyes in blazing defiance. “I think our talk is over. Please go, I want to be alone.”

  “NO. We still have issues to resolve. I don't want this to hang between us any longer. You need to come to terms with 'us'.”

  His face is inches from mine and we are both full of passion and emotion. Our chests are heaving with the strength of our unspoken feelings.

  Right, this is it... the moment of truth.

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “I have come to terms with us, it's you who needs to and this should resolve it for once and for all. Kiss me and then tell me you don't want me. If you dare...” I almost don't get the words out before his mouth is on mine. I feel a surge of rising heat and deep muscle contraction engulfs me at the touch of his soft lips. My head spins in ecstasy. My teeth extend, saliva pools in my mouth, and wetness gathers between my legs in an instant. He kisses me so passionately I melt all over. He pushes me back to look at me.

  “Cali... I cannot deny you any longer.” His eyes glow so beautifully, I am entranced.

  I tempt him back close and kiss him gently all over his face. How I've longed for this.

  “I really don't want you to deny me either.”

  “Please forgive me my Lord,” He whispers suddenly, his eyes downcast.

  “No, no. You have it all wrong. My father would have approved.” I try to explain with perfect reasoning. “You should be looking after me in this way. Who else could he trust as much as you Nico? No one.” His eyes soften with enlightenment.

  “Perhaps you are right.” He wraps his arms around me tightly. “You really want all of me?” His eyes suddenly blaze so brightly I am blinded.

  “Every single part and so much more.” My breathing is accelerating off the scale.

  “By nature we are very passionate creatures. I will try and be gentle with you.”

  “No, don't try anything. Just be yourself. Please.”

  He strokes his thumb across my lips. “As you wish. Now, lie down.”

  I lay back on the bed, in the very middle with my heart pounding and my stomach as tight as a drum. I so want this and yet I am so nervous. Supposing he doesn't find me interesting or appealing enough in this way? I know I am worrying about things beyond my control. I try to clear my mind of negative thoughts and enjoy the experience. I couldn't have found anyone better for my first love session than this vampire, and I know it.

  He springs on the bed after me and sits astride me, pulling off my t-shirt with a quick, unexpected tug.

  “Nico!” I gasp out loud, wild with excitement at being exposed so fast. His eyes take in my naked breasts with a flicker of fire and he makes an animal growling gasp of a sound that turns me on so much I feel faint. His hands and mouth devour my face and neck and I give myself up to him, moaning with pleasure at his enthusiastic response. He removes his shirt, and kneeling to one side of me, picks me up clasping me tightly to his chest. I am shocked at his superior strength. He can move me as if I weigh nothing. I wrap myself around him in absolute rapture. I run my lips up and down his neck tasting him, licking him softly, grazing my teeth over him. His taste is so perfect.

  There is nothing I want more than this vampire.

  Nothing I have ever wanted more in my whole damn life.

  “I love the taste of you,” I murmur against his ear.

  “Bite,” He commands. “Softly. Not to feed, to enjoy.”

  My heart skips a beat. I so want to do this. I hesitantly sink my teeth into his neck. The feeling is so arousing. I feel myself spiralling away as his blood hits my mouth in a small jet. It doesn't taste like human blood. It is light and silky and fresh. Like a shot of pure nectar. I groan with delight at the taste and suck a little more. But he pulls away.

  “Now it is my turn. Feel the rush Cali.” I wait for the pain, but instead there is a highly sexually stimulating pinch, then the feel of his lips caressing my neck and the sucking that follows as he draws his taster from me. I sigh with pleasure.

  My God, could things get any better than having sex with a 500 year old experienced vampire who I've got a severe case of the hots for?

  We fall back on the bed together and things suddenly heat up between us. I rub his head and probe his ears with my fingertips, kissing him with unreserved passion. He tugs at my hair, wrapping it around his hands. His mouth travels down to my neck and he nips at it and down to my breast, just breaking the skin with his sharp tips. I gasp in wonder as he sucks at the hard nipple, biting gently. My whole body is on fire, a glorious heated blaze, with every touch and bite.

  “Nico, my Nico...” I groan. I can't get enough of him. He is everything I have dreamed of. Suddenly he stops nipping and sucking at me and pulls off my jeans roughly. I tug at his pants in a frenzy. His hands push mine away and he removes them quickly himself. And we are finally naked together. He kisses me in a hard and deeply probing way. His tongue pushing against mine, exploring all around my teeth. I am shaking all over with desire. The feeling of skin against skin and mouth against mouth is so erotic and powerful. I rub my legs up and down his and grind my hips against him fiercely in pent up passionate need.

  Oh how I so want to look at him.

  I turn us over in a gentle roll and boldly kneel astride his legs looking him up and down. I have only ever seen images of naked male bodies before and this living one is beyond the realms of anything I could have imagined. I lick my lips and saliva gathers again at the sight before me. My gaze moves slowly from his broad shoulders to his narrow flat muscular stomach and down to his male hardness. I look at his penis in wide eyed fascination. There is no way on earth that I can take all that inside me. It is massive. I bite my lip as a wave of concern floods through me.

  “I know what you are thinking,” he says, voicing my worry out loud.

  “Oh my God Nico...” I gasp. “Are all male vampires this size?”

  “I am not in the habit of comparing, but I believe we differ in the same way humans do. Now Ssshhh... Trust me. You will love it.” He pulls me down to him, kisses me briefly and rolls us over.

  And it begins.

  His slow, erotic, wonderful exploration of my body which makes me moan out loud with pleasure over and over again.

  How can this be possible? His fingers and tongue must be made for this, for doing these things to me. I don't ever want him to stop. His long tongue slips between my legs and deep inside me dozens of times. His lazy swirling licks just about send me crazy.

  “So you're ready, and now we fuck.” His manner changes abruptly and I heat up in response. The slow laziness has gone and in its place is a hard raw passion. He positions himself against me and I feel his head enter my wet opening and suddenly he is inside me in a long hard thrust that literally knocks all the breath out of my body. There is no pain, only a feeling of pressure and fullness that is so heady and intense that amazingly I want even more of it. Sublime shivers run up and down my spine. I squirm up against him, wrapping my legs around him hard, squeezing him in even further.

  “Now you'll see what vampires are really like.” He looks down at me with a dark, deep expression. He begins to move inside me and I move against him. It is soon hard and fast. I hear myself growling and snarling, in a deep animal voice that I can't seem to control. He is making similar gorgeous exotic sounds. I look into his face and I am amazed by what I see. Two deep red eyes stare back. He picks me up and we continue our wild fast fuck around the room. I am up against the wall, on the floor, on the bed, on the sofa... everywhere within a split second of the last. I feel a wave of euphoria rush through my brain and tingle all the way down my spine, my eyes burn hotter with intense sexual arousal. He flips me over onto my hands and knees and takes me from behind, his finge
rs sliding down my stomach and lower, stimulating me more and more. I am so gone, I am flying high. I lose my mind as I come in a wild, snarling, flash of blinding red light. I am aware of his teeth sinking into my neck roughly and his strong suction tasting me once more as he comes deep inside me. I feel it all so vividly, every spurt of wet heat leaving him. My pleasure goes on and on as I contract hard and tight around his huge size for an age. His arms wrap in front of me and his hands hold my breasts firmly. His teeth withdraw and he kisses my neck over and over, licking and tasting. Then he takes hold of my legs and twirls me round to face him. I gaze at him in a blur of sexed up adoration.

  Could there be anyone more gorgeous on this whole planet?

  We lie facing each other side by side, still joined, and staring silently. He strokes and kisses my face. That was the most intense and lengthy orgasm I could possibly have had. I can't believe it. What an amazing loss of my virginity. Way beyond my wildest dreams.

  And shit... I am so completely lovestruck. Who the hell wouldn't be?

  “You are a very beautiful fuck Lady Calista,” he smiles and picks up a strand of my hair, kissing it.

  “Why thank you Nico,” I reply with a modest blush. “You are a most handsome fuck yourself. I love your red eyes even more than the yellow.” Of course I don't just love his eyes. The rest of him is pretty damn loveable as well.

  “Your red eyes are also most attractive,” he says tapping my nose with his forefinger. “So, that was our first time, a warm up. Are you ready for some more?”

  “I see. Well I suppose I could do it once more.”

  He bursts into his sexy deep laughter.

  “We can do this dozens of times... Did you really think it would be just the once?”

  “Yeah... Kind of. Well, it was rather long and energetic... I don't have a clue, do I?”

  “No and you are thinking like a human. We have no need to stop for a rest...” He nibbles my lip and his finger slides down my slit rubbing at my clit softly.

  Oh I am so ready to go again.

  There are obvious advantages to being a vampire. Recovery of sexual desire is almost instantaneous. I moan with pleasure and smile widely at the thought of how wonderful this is.

  “What's so funny?” He asks me staring at my amused expression.

  “No, not funny. Just lovely... Now do that some more, lots more.” I order.

  “Ah, demanding already, are we?” He replies with a deep chuckle, obliging my request. I shut my eyes as he gets me off with his fingers and thumb sliding in and out of me faster and faster. My bite is lowering and retracting in a wild rhythm. My eyes open and I gaze into his as I come in another blast of red light, producing a long feline groaning sound of complete and utter pleasure. I love these wild animal noises we make.

  I take his face in my hands.

  “Oh Nico, this is the best experience of my life. I want so much more of you.”

  “As I want you.”

  “So you're into vampire virgins are you?”

  “Mmmm, I haven't met one before, but it seems I am. Now come, do things to me. Whatever you like.”

  “What exactly do you like?”

  “Anything at all. Use your hands, mouth, teeth, anywhere you fancy Mistress.” He gives me a wicked grin.

  “Whatever you say Nico baby.” I am definitely gaining confidence now. I start to work my way down from top to bottom. Ears, neck, shoulders, arms, stomach... All get my attention. Soon I am whipping up a kissing, biting frenzy. I get down to his large hard cock. I just love this part of him now. I run my tongue up and down the length. I look up and he is smiling at me.

  “Go on...”

  I sink my teeth gently into the head of him. He groans and jerks against me. I suck hard, drawing a fast gush of hot blood. I retract my teeth and start to swirl my tongue round and round his head, holding him firmly in my hands. A raging inferno of heat engulfs me. I can't believe I'm actually doing this for real. I've imagined doing it to him many times.

  He's so fucking hot, he burns me up.

  I look up at his face, his eyes catch mine and they suddenly turn to deepest yellow in an instant. It's like watching the sun set. I stop and smile at him in awe.

  I have him now. He's mine and I'm never letting him go.

  I stroke my tongue over him gently and begin to suck harder, getting a rhythm going. The next moment I am picked up and thrown back on the bed in a rush.

  “Hey, I wasn't finished doing that...”

  “I need to be deep inside you, right now.” He opens my legs, hooks them over his shoulders and is inside me in a second in a hard rampant thrust. “This is where I want to be.” His eyes glow. His hands caress my body everywhere. His touch is more than magical.

  “Give it your best shot baby,” I say much to my own surprise.

  “I'm not ready for my shot just yet. I need to get rid of some energy first. Want a very fast fuck?”

  “Oh please, please... ” He begins to move inside me fast. Much faster and soon my head spins. He is a blur. The sensation inside me is beyond belief. It is a buzzing, vibrating pressured thud. I can't stop myself coming within a few seconds of this energetic arousing assault. I dissolve into a mass of acutely sensitive nerve endings. I moan and sigh and growl with complete pleasure. I move my legs down to his waist and wrap myself around his rapidly moving body tightly, kissing his neck. He begins to slow.

  “I'm ready now... Watch my eyes Cali.” I watch as he thrusts inside me slowly, gently. His eyes burn slowly from a deep golden yellow to a rich orange, and then to red. I see white flecks like stars flickering within them. He comes inside me in a growling, snarling state of wild abandon, with his pupils constricting and enlarging. His nostrils flare and he bites his lip. I could watch this erotic show all day. I stroke his silky smooth back and he buries his face into my shoulder, his breath hot and damp against my skin.

  “Your eyes had white stars in them.”

  “So do yours. When you see the red light that is when they appear.”

  “It was so amazing. I want to see it again.”

  “I think we'll be seeing a lot of starry eyes tonight. But first, I want to take you outside. For a walk, whilst it is still daylight. Come. Put on something quickly.”

  I get dressed in one of my dresses and we leave the villa by the back door, making our way through the vineyard and down towards a small group of trees beyond.

  “I like to come here. It is peaceful, shaded, and cool. It's my special place and I want you to see it.”

  I know this place, from my dream. And there it is. The old gnarled tree.

  He stops beneath the large leafy tree and leaps up beckoning me to follow. We sit on the broad lower branch.

  “I've daydreamed of this tree,” I tell him.

  “Your gift of precognition once again?”


  “What happened here, in your dream?”

  I smile widely. “You and I were together. Naked. On this branch.”

  “I can't think of anything better.”

  “Me neither.”

  Our clothes are discarded in seconds and we start the frantic heated lovemaking session of my dream. Only it is so much better in reality. We spend hours up in the branches of the tree and finally come down when it is pitch dark and cold around us. We make our way back, up to Villa Aldo, hand in hand and quietly make our way to our room.

  “Tomorrow, we must start our search,” He says, smiling at me wickedly. “But we still have all tonight for each other.”

  Chapter 10

  I awake to daylight after a few hours sleep to find Nico sitting peacefully at my side gazing down at me. I look up at him for a while. He has become such a big part of my life in such a short time. What would I do without him? I have never been so emotionally and physically dependent on anyone as this before. The thought scares me.

  He smiles at me beautifully. I have to kiss him. I feel like that all the time. I raise my arms to him.

Come here gorgeous.”

  He drops a kiss on my forehead. “We need to get up. It is nine o'clock already. I let you sleep for a long time.”

  “I'm happy to stay right here for a whole week.”

  “We can, but now and then we have important things to do.”

  We get ready and sit a while with Savio and Messia. They tell us that Sofia and Gabriel borrowed their car and left a while earlier to travel to the next village to seek out their next lead. I am suddenly feeling starving hungry and weak. I haven't fed in over a day. Events overtook my feeding plan the day before.

  “Nico, I must feed soon, before anything else.”

  “I know. We'll stop in Castellana to buy drinks and we can feed there.”

  “Can we leave now? I am actually feeling really weak inside now.”

  “Quickly then. Let us find you something you fancy in town,” He jokes.

  “It's market day today. Plenty of choices,” Messia adds with a grin, flashing her long fangs at me.

  “Mmmm, lots of fresh produce to pick from,” Savio joins in with a hearty laugh.

  “Well if you lot have finished joking at my expense, I'm becoming ravenous. I might have to feed from one of you instead.”

  “Unfortunately my dear, that will only serve to make you hungrier,” Savio explains lighting up a large cigar.

  Nico takes my hand and picks up the car keys leaving the villa in a rush. We drive the mile to the town where we park and start our search.

  “I see a young couple heading off down the alleyway, over there,” He points. “Come, we need to be fast.”

  We run up behind and strike quickly, picking up and feeding, each to one side, discreetly. I gently lower the woman to the ground when I am done. I am horrified to realise she is heavily pregnant.

  “Oh no Nico, look!”

  I want to cry.

  “Do not worry, you take only a small amount. She will not be affected, nor the child. Calista, you are a vampire. You need to feed on human blood. Just be aware to feed for one minute or less. There will be no ill effect for your choice. I promise you.”


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