Special Agent Booker

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Special Agent Booker Page 15

by Mimi Barbour

  “That’s true. But then again, they weren’t being open about their activities. I’m not sure if you heard – you were talking with Sam – but when Janna tried to explain about the arrangements she’d made for them to go sight-seeing, they told her to cancel them. They had friends who would be taking them around. When she’d asked who they were, they made up a story about people they’d met back home.”

  “And that’s a lie because…?”

  “Because when I overheard them talking in their own language, Leah asked how they’d know the people who were picking them up were the ones from Facebook. And Yasir had answered, ‘Who else would know the address?’”

  “Okay, that puts a different spin on things. We’ll go and get that equipment.”

  “Agreed. Just have one other question.”


  “You’re going in the wrong direction, why?”

  “That’s because I’m heading for the garage where you keep your extra wheels hidden. I think it’s time we did another switch.”

  Alia began to laugh. “You’re full of good ideas tonight.” She gazed at him and saw his hair blowing every which way before he gathered it to tuck it behind his ear. His muscular frame at ease behind the wheel, his arm now riding the open window sill, fingers tapping against the leather, he looked relaxed and in charge.

  He grinned at her. “Are you talking about my earlier brainwave?”

  “Oh, you mean where I’m naked and willing in your bed.” Alia had no idea what possessed her to say the words but she loved his reaction. Like he’d been shot. Watching him squirm satisfied the devil in her as she waited for his reply.

  “You’re a wicked, wicked woman, you know that?”

  Giggling softly, she kinda liked that impression. She put her arm on her windowsill also and let the balmy ocean breeze cool her hot skin. Watching the tourists wandering along the pavement, catching the distinct odor of meat barbecuing from a beachside luau nearby, all intermixing with the sea-smell that she’d begun to love, her heart lifted and for the first time in many long years, she felt young and happy… and thrillingly alive.

  Chapter Forty-four

  Alia pulled her SUV over on the street corner where they’d parked earlier and watched as Sloan headed his GTO into his garage. They’d decided they needed both vehicles if they were to avoid any curiosity. Plus, it would be good to have two sets of wheels and she wouldn’t need to rent a car now.

  A niggling thought hit her. What if she had to use the switch car?

  Right! Priority. Next day she would rent a car exactly the same as hers and park it in the lot. Better to be safe than sorry.

  Decision made, she met up with Sloan, who was heading through the French doors of the sunroom. He went straight to the video feed on the screen to see if, by any chance, the license number of the car that had picked up Leah and Yasir had been captured.

  His sound of disgust was an indication that it hadn’t.

  Alia moved close to him and caught a whiff of his personal scent: coconut mixed with oils or soap. Whatever he used, it was fresh and smelled like Hawaii, and for her it was an aphrodisiac.

  She leaned in to see the computer screen for herself just as he moved, and they brushed up against each other. Combustion sparked. He stood looking down into her upturned face. She wondered if her eyes broadcast her hunger to be back in his arms where she’d felt like a princess for such a short time. The large, gentle man had a way of making her feel protected and adored.

  Maybe that’s the way he acts with every woman… She started to back away.

  He reached for her. His hands tender as they pulled her into his arms. “I like it when you’re close to me. You smell good.” He smiled down into her eyes, his soft with promises.

  She chuckled because he’d been thinking exactly what had been in her mind. “It’s my perfume.” Hey Einstein, no kidding. She swallowed, wanting to take back her dumb reply.

  “It’s not Pure Poison.”

  “Pure… Oh right, the other perfume I wear. No. It’s new.

  “It suits you.”

  “It’s called Wicked Wahine.”

  He chuckled. “Do you know what that means?”


  “It means wicked woman.”

  “Oh. Does it still suit me?” She had to know.

  “Depends on whether you can live up to the name.” He winked at her and she caught her breath. The man oozed charm and his attraction was making her knees weak.

  He lowered his head, slowly, as if waiting to see if he had her permission. She kinda liked his politeness. But on the other hand, she decided if he didn’t make his move soon, she’d have to shoot the bastard.

  She whimpered.

  His smile disappeared. And his lips swooped in and devastated her completely. His hunger was huge, overwhelming…wonderful. It left her in no doubt that he wanted her as much as she desired him.

  She couldn’t catch her breath. He was consuming her with his lips and tongue, and she loved every second of feeding his needs.

  “Oh, baby, I want you so much, I won’t be able to stop.”

  “Stop!? No, don’t do that. Please.”

  “I won’t, not now. You’re in my blood, Alia. It’s unbelievable how much you’ve come to mean to me.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “Damn right.”

  They sunk to the carpet at the same time, both pulling at each other’s clothes, both breathing hard.

  She was trembling with her needs, and she loved that he wasn’t so cool either. Her yoga pants fit tightly and he was having a hell of a time divesting her of them. She brushed his hands away so she could help. He couldn’t seem to stop stroking her legs and that made the endeavor much more difficult.

  Finally, she grabbed his hands and switched them to her now naked chest so she could remove her pants, and he willingly followed her initiative. His mouth soon got involved in the process and she forgot what she’d been doing. She arched her back wanting him to have total access and he bathed her skin, sucked her nipples, and his big warm hands caressed every inch of her front and back.

  Soon, he was again tugging at her pants. His groans of frustration made her grin with delight. This man wanted her badly if his moans were anything to go by.

  “Let me. You take off your own jeans.”

  “I hate your pants even if they make your body mouth-watering. Burn every fucking pair.”

  “Right. Burn them with my dress. I will. Okay, they’re gone.”

  Her words lingered. He was naked now also and he looked his fill before he scooped her under him so his hot body could cover hers.

  She had seen his naked chest before but she hadn’t seen the rest of the man. From the moonlight streaming in through the French doors, he was magnificent. Broad in the shoulders, his stomach was firm and strong hips cradled his penis. Fully engorged, it was impressive. Friggin’, shittin’, I’m-in- heaven impressive.

  She reached for him, guiding him home and he came gladly. Perfectly matched, they fitted together as if they’d been made for each other. With sighs and gasps, they fulfilled each other’s wants, some spoken out loud and others hinted at with gestures or groans of approval.

  By the time they’d satisfied each other, both lay sweat-covered and limp. Suddenly a noise was heard coming from the other part of the house, a warning that their time together was at an end. A quick last kiss of thanks turned into a hot and heavy embrace.

  She pushed at his chest. “Sloan.” She turned her head so his lips landed on her neck. “Slo-an, there’s someone here. Ahh… God, I love it when you do that.” She let him lick the pebbled skin under her ear as his breath tickled.

  “Your skin is so soft, you wicked woman of mine.”

  “I’m yours?”

  “Yep. I’m keeping you forever ‘cause I… like you.” His chuckle twined with hers.

  She knew he was referring to Kean’s way of talking and she loved him for it. She loved him….
Oh, God! She loved him. Not like he’s okay for a lover. She adored him. This time she seriously pushed at him so they could break apart.

  “What? What did I say?”

  “Nothing. It’s time we saw who’s home.”

  “Baby, come here. No way we’re going to end these beautiful moments this way. Now tell me, what put your tail in a trap?”

  How could she admit that she’d fallen big time for the idiot when the word he’d used was ‘like’ not love.

  She stopped fussing with her clothes and looked into his worried eyes, soft with a glint of emotion that she’d swear was adoration. She took his cheeks in both hands and kissed his lips, and then his nose and forehead. “I like you too.”

  Satisfied, he grinned, then dove in for another kiss, which she stopped by the simple means of putting her hand in between their lips. “Get dressed you rascal. Now! We need to see if they put Kean to bed, and whether he drove Roy crazy with all his questions.”

  They left the room and went to the front door to enter the house. Lights were blazing in the kitchen, living room and in her and Kean’s room. Goodness! He should go to bed now. Roy was being lenient with him and that was fine, but not on a school night.

  Once the door closed behind them, Les appeared and held up his hand. “Nothing to be worried about. He’s fine. And so is Kean.”

  Sloan stiffened. Alia felt his concern even before he spoke. “Who’s fine? What the hell are you talking about?”

  Chapter Forty-five

  “Roy had a bit of a scare. The old fool fell outta the big tree behind the garage. We got him to Emerg and they took care of it. But, he’s staying overnight so they can monitor him.”

  “What? Why the hell did he fall out of a tree?”

  “Seems a bulldog chased some kitten up the tree and he went after it. According to what Kean said, Roy hit his head on the way down, silly bastard. The kid came running for me, and thank goodness, by the time I got to him, Roy’d gained consciousness. Had a big gash and lost some blood. As you know, he has a weird blood type, AB, and the hospital was short because of that bus accident recently, and also a multiple car crash that happened last night.”


  “Yeah. Not to worry, they’re having more blood flown in from one of the other islands, but until he gets a transfusion, they won’t release him. In the meantime, I figured the kid should hit the sack for school tomorrow but he’s unsettled. Something’s up? He’s being kinda cagey but he won’t spill.”

  Alia interrupted, her voice wobbling with concern. “Strangely enough, I’m AB too. I can donate some blood for Roy. Sloan, I’ll just check on Kean, and then will you take me to the hospital?”

  “Sure.” Suddenly Sloan sneezed. “Les will stay with him.” Another sneeze. “And let him skip school for one day. If he’s fussing, Les, let him hang out with you. It’ll keep his mind off what he saw.”

  “Bless you.” She looked at Sloan, who sneezed again. “I’ll be right back.” Alia went to her and Kean’s room, listening to yet another series of sneezes from Sloan, who cussed after each one. She opened the door to find Kean on his hands and knees, looking under the bed. He jumped up quickly. “Mom, Roy fell outta the tree. There was blood everywhere. Lots of blood.”

  She rushed to him. “Oh, baby. I’m so sorry about Roy. I know you’re worried but I have the same blood type as he does.” She put her arm around him and he hid his face in her stomach. “Sloan is going to take me to the hospital so I can donate some blood for him. It’ll make him feel a lot stronger.”

  He leaned back, but his frantic look hadn’t faded. His blue eyes were huge and not far from tears. “I have to tell you something, Mom. You have to help me find her.”

  Not understanding his words but picking up on his misery, she smoothed the shaggy hair back from his face and cupped his pale cheeks in her hands. “Of course I’ll help you. Explain what you’re talking about.”

  Sloan stood in the open doorway and interrupted. “He’s talking about this.” A bedraggled, very unhappy kitten hung limply from his hands. The minute she spied Kean, she began thrashing and meowing piteously.

  Kean ran to Sloan, his hands reaching. “You found her! Thanks, Sloan. I thought she’d run away and gotten lost.” Kean lifted the kitten to his chest and ever so gently gathered her to him. The tears in his eyes turned them to blue-glowing saucers of adoration as he shone them at his hero.

  Sloan turned away and sneezed.

  Alia caught on immediately. “You’re allergic to cats.”

  Sloan went to speak but the next sneeze cut him off. So he nodded instead. Les had followed him and his grin didn’t make the matter any better. Sloan glared at him before he sneezed again.

  “The pussy won’t go and get a shot. He’s scared of needles. Roy kept the blasted animal hidden.”

  Kean piped up. “The pussy’s not scared. She’ll get a needle so Sloan won’t sneeze. She wouldn’t mind. She has no home, Mom, no one to love her. And she–she likes me.”

  Everyone in the room stopped and stared at the kid embracing the kitten, who lay happily in his arms with her paws wrapped around each side of his neck as if she were giving him a human hug. Alia thought it one of the most beautiful sights she’d ever seen and her heart melted.

  But she also knew the unfairness to Sloan, who’d grabbed his nose to stop the next sneeze but to no avail. It bust out so loud that everyone jumped.

  “Kean, you can’t keep the cat. It’s Sloan who would have to get the needle because he’s allergic, and besides, the kitten belongs to Roy. Give her to Les and he’ll take her back to the garage.”

  “But, Mom, Roy said she’s a stray. That he fed her because he felt sorry for her. She has no home, no one to care for her, and its dark outside and lonely and she likes—”

  Sloan interrupted, the words forced. “And she likes you. We get it, kid.” He pushed his hand through his long hair and glared at Les, and then turned to Alia, softening his expression before stepping closer to Kean. “You can look after her until Roy is better, if you promise to keep her in this room or in the garden. I’ll take care of my problem. Deal?”

  Flinging himself and the cat toward Sloan before anyone could stop him, Kean clung to the man’s neck and only pulled away when Sloan gave the biggest sneeze of the night.

  Alia rushed forward to get the kitten off of Sloan’s chest where it had transferred and now clung. “Bless you.”

  He glared at her and she repeated her words, only this time with a hand to his cheek so he’d know how sincere she was. “I really mean it. Bless you.”

  Sloan sneezed again, and Les snickered and left the room. His words drifted back to them. “Gazoontite … and comes out loose.”


  Smiling at Les’s silliness, Alia opened Kean’s bedcovers. “Sloan said you can skip school tomorrow so you can take care of the kitten. But you need to get to sleep now. I have to close your bedroom door so she won’t wander into the other part of the house, but I’ll leave the bathroom door open a smidge and the light on in there. You get it that Sloan is allergic, right?”

  “It means he sneezes when he’s near her. And his eyes get swollen.”

  Alia had noticed but wasn’t sure if Kean had. His observational skills pleased her and she patted his shoulder lovingly. “Good boy. You can understand how hard it was for Sloan to agree for you to keep the cat here, then. It makes things very uncomfortable for him.”

  “He’s getting a needle he said. Will he be better then?”

  “I don’t really know, honey. But I think he’s being very generous, so we can’t take his kindness for granted. You do as he says and keep the kitten here or in the garden for now. Once Roy is better, he can take her home.”

  Kean’s face fell but he nodded. “Maybe when we move back to our house, we can adopt her. Can we, Mom?”

  Not wanting to disappoint her son, she used the same answer that all mothers fell back on. “Let’s wait and see, okay?”

He looked at her closely, so she made her expression firm. “We’re going to the hospital now. You behave for Les and go straight to sleep. Promise?”

  “I promise. Me and Kitty are kinda tired.” He got into bed, and before he lay down fully, he lifted his head for her kiss and she gladly co-operated, and then tucked him and the tired little animal into the covers.

  Once she stepped out of the room, she followed the sneezes to the kitchen. “I’m ready. And we should get you away from this house.”

  “I took an allergy pill. It’ll kick in soon. Les has a visitor. You went to Kean before you saw her. Come meet her before we go.” He motioned toward the sitting room where she heard a woman’s voice and Les laughing.


  The blonde turned from where she sat on the couch next to Les and stood when Alia dashed into the room.

  “What the fuck? How did you get in here?”

  Chapter Forty-six

  Libby held out her hand toward Alia, palm up. “Don’t get your undies in a twist. My car was in the driveway of the garage when Roy fell. It was the obvious vehicle for us to use to take him to the hospital. Then I dropped Les and Kean here and was just leaving.” She reached for her purse and stepped past Les, who backed up to let her by.

  “If anything happens to my son because of you, I’ll—”

  “Hey, doll,” Libby moved closer to Alia. “Your slime-ball hubby fired me. I’m off the case. Last information I passed on was that you’d left with the boy. No forwarding address.”

  “He fired you?”

  “Yep. Said I wasn’t worth the money he was paying me. So screw him. When I went to the nearest garage to get my car fixed, imagine my shock when I saw the kid there.”

  Alia pierced the woman with the look others cringed from. She stared her down and could see no lies until at the last moment when Libby broke their connection and turned to Les. “Gotta go, sugar. I’ll call you about bringing the car in for those repairs.”


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