Embrace of the Enemy (Winds of Betrayal)

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Embrace of the Enemy (Winds of Betrayal) Page 6

by Jerri Hines

  “Lieutenant Fletcher could have easily done so,” Hannah retorted as the door closed shut. “He escorted me.”

  “The fault of his disappearance would lie to me, I am afraid, Miss Corbett. An urgent matter came up that he had to attend to. I was supposed to inform you. I am sorry. I forgot until now.”

  Her aunt laid her head upon Hannah’s shoulders. “What a good man! Such a shame you are married. My dear, Susan, she would have been such a good match!”

  Hannah could feel the color to her cheeks flushing with her aunt carrying on so. Marcus said nothing, but sat with that damn grin on his face and his eyes piercing hers.

  Hannah rushed her aunt up the steps the moment the carriage halted. Thankful Mrs. Hayes met her aunt. Hannah recognized the signs that it would not be long before her aunt was sick. Mrs. Hayes excused herself with her aunt and quickly ushered her aunt up the stairs. Hannah turned and to her dismay she was standing alone with Marcus.

  Marcus seemed quite content with the situation. He shook the fallen snow off his coat and opened the door into the drawing room. A small fire kept sparked for the family’s return. He turned to the houseboy. “Add a few logs.”

  Hannah watched the boy take off upon the order. “Make yourself comfortable, Marcus,” she said matter of fact. She hadn’t the energy to deal with him. “I find that I am tired and have to retire. I am sorry I can’t entertain you. Now if you will excuse me. Thank you for seeing us back.”

  The houseboy ran by with a couple of logs. Hastily laying the logs on the sparking embers, he fanned the flames. With a look from Marcus, he exited with a bow. Marcus strolled over the counter and poured himself a glass of Madeira.

  “It doesn’t matter to me if you want to retire. I find I have an issue to talk with you about. If you want to do so in your bedroom, you will find it wouldn’t bother me in the least, I assure you.” He took a sip and with a twist of his lips upward dared her to do so.

  She unhooked her cloak and laid it upon the back of the chair. Marcus, with his glass in hand casually walked to the window. He glanced out the curtains. The snow still fell, blurring the scene outside. He tossed the curtains back. He seemed satisfied with the present situation. Anger built within Hannah.

  “I doubt we will see anyone in the near future,” he said. He placed his glass down upon the table and stepped toward Hannah.

  She retreated a step, but tripped on the leg of the chair. In a swift movement he caught her before she fell. Looking up into his eyes, his lips came down upon hers. She fought back, tried to push him away even as his mouth crashed hard on hers.

  “Are you really ready to play this game, Hannah?”

  “I don’t know of what you speak,” she forced out the words. “Let me go! My grandfather!”

  “Do you think I care what your grandfather thinks?” he questioned. “There is something between us, Hannah. I know you feel it too, whether you admit it or not. I warned you. Did I not? I made plain my intent upon my return.”

  He reached over under her chin and brought her face up to his. He kissed her, ravishing her lips, her cheeks and down her neck. Never had she experienced such a pleasurable sensation vibrating to the core of her being, literally taking her breath away.

  “Please, Marcus, no,” she whispered. He broke from the embrace, staring into her eyes.

  “Hannah, my Hannah! Do you not know I have been back for a couple of days. I know all that has happened,” he uttered in a low voice that cut through her soul. His fingers edged to the back of her neck, touching her in the most intimidate of fashion. How could she think with him doing so! The whole of her body shiver with his touch.

  “I don’t think you listened to me well upon my leave the last time. For once, listen. I have thought long and hard about your situation. There is only one possible conclusion on why you came to New York. Someone has convinced you that you can play the game, or maybe, knowing you, you came upon it yourself.”

  Hannah’s anger spurted forth. “Arrogance! A game? I don’t consider my life a game.”

  “Hannah, I watched you tonight. Gannon appeared on the scene and the whole of your body shook. You have to know,” he whispered. He cupped her face with his eyes gazing straight into hers. “Tell me you don’t know.”

  “What if I do know? What of it? Why wouldn’t I have a right to feel thus?” she vehemently responded. “Because I live within these boundaries, I can’t hear news from beyond. Others do.”

  “Others don’t live with your grandfather who has attempted to withhold news from you. Don’t even try, Hannah. I know you too well. If you didn’t want to live within those walls, you would well have gone…if it didn’t suit your needs.”

  She tried to wench herself free. “Let go of me. I wish to go to my room. Leave me alone.”

  “It has gone further than that now, Hannah.” His tone changed. “I had time to think while I was gone. Thinking of what you were doing. Don’t think I don’t admire your bold attempt. I know of no other who would have attempted such, but to accomplish acquiring information!”

  She took a breath and glared at him. “And, pray, what do you think I accomplished?”

  “Why you would have come here after the raid? Revenge. The only link I’m sure came from your uncle’s appearance. Looking back, it would seem logical to you. Why anyone would have let you attempt such an operation is questionable to me to say the least,” he said, releasing his hold. “But with Gannon’s appearance here in New York. He’s screaming for your arrest, you know, Hannah.”

  “Why?” She drew back. A fear came over her. “What have I done?”

  “Nothing Gannon can prove at the moment. He says you are a spy within our social ranks. Gathering information. Of course, General Howe feels it’s preposterous, not from a young woman.”

  “What do you think?” she asked in almost a whisper.

  “Do you really want to know?” he asked. “Do you want to know I had already gone to the General with concerns about you?”

  She said nothing but started to back away from him. His arm took hold. “Don’t run from me, Hannah. I have found an acceptable solution. Taking you from harming yourself and from your grandfather’s house. And of course, from you doing more damage that you have probably already inflicted.”

  “You have no proof of any of these speculations. Let go of me,” she demanded. “If you felt that way you probably would have had me watched. What have you found? Nothing! Why? Because I’ve done nothing. I appreciate your admiration of work I wish I could take credit for.”

  He studied her for a moment. An amused expression appeared upon his face. He dragged her back within his arms. “You’re right, but I do feel my solution is for the better of all.”

  “What do you speak?” she whispered for his hold upon was so tight she could barely breath.

  “I’ll set you up. I’m going back to England in the early summer. I’ll take you with me,” he said simply.

  As if she had been slapped, she drew back, “And you think I would accept that?”

  “I don’t believe many would refuse such an offer, Hannah.”

  “I have a fiancé.”

  “And I hear he’s to marry another,” he said bluntly. “It’s not up for discussion.”

  This time he took her prisoner in his arms. She gave little protest until his hands moved from her waist over her body. She uttered a small, terrified moan. Loosening s hold, he cupped her face in his hand. “Hannah, don’t fear me. I’m not going to harm you.”

  “You talk nonsense. You’re married. So you look at me as someone you want to bed. Then go off leaving me alone. In your thoughts only when you grow older to your friends. I remember the war. I had this girl. Pray, what was her name?” She tried to turn, but he wouldn’t let go of her.

  “It wouldn’t be such, Hannah, since I wouldn’t let you go.”

  She shook her head. “Stop! Stop! I don’t know why I allowed this conversation.”

  “Because you feel it, too.”
/>   His mouth crushed hers evoking a need within her, causing her to drown out all thoughts but one. She slid her arms around his neck and returned his kiss.

  “Come with me now. Leave this house,” he whispered.

  Slowly, the reality of the mission crept back within her. She withdrew; shocked at her reaction. Her hand pulled to her mouth. “I can’t. I can’t.”

  Stumbling backwards to the door, her hand turned the handle of the door, opened it and ran. She didn’t stop until she was well within her room.

  * * * *

  The maid helped Hannah undress and readied for bed, but she knew it would be useless to try to sleep. She combed out her hair, taking her night robe, and eased out of her room. She climbed the stairs to the far room in which had been hers upon her first weeks at her grandfather’s.

  Her escape…her room where she wrote her secrets. She had found a perfect spot for her written messages, a loose plank of which the far table stood upon. Within the desk, she kept a journal of nonsense writing, which she was certain her grandfather had read often. She wrote as if she was Camilla.

  She would be doing no writing tonight. She had too much to contemplate. She had to decide her next move. Unconsciously, she made her way over to the window and stared out into the night. The snow had not ceased. The family would be returning soon if they could make it through the snow.

  Her mind raced with consuming thoughts. She wanted nothing more than to go home. She wanted her father…Mother Agnes. She wanted to be held and comforted, but there would be no comfort. Faces flashed before her, her father, Mother Agnes, William, Lydia, Jonathan and Gabriel. Betrayed, Gabriel had betrayed her! The betrayal cut deep.

  Hurt swelled within her. Tears began to fall silently down her cheeks. She could take no more. The secrets. She had done her part. She could hear Lydia calling her home. She had to go home where she was loved. She had never felt so alone.

  She didn’t hear the door open or his footsteps toward her, but immediately she knew he was within the room. He hadn’t left and must have followed her up the stairs. She didn’t turn when she heard the door clicked or when he came up behind her. She felt his arms wrap around her. She made no protest. She had none in her.

  “Your grandfather sent word that the weather isn’t going to allow their return this night. They are staying over the Shelton’s. He informed me to take a room and make myself comfortable until the weather clears.” Slowly he turned her to him. “I found the the only place I want to be…with you.”

  She faced him in the night. He reached out and lifted her face to his. She closed her eyes to his touch…his kiss. Gentle kisses trickled down her neck. Sensation after sensation swept through her diverting her attention to only one thought—the man who held her in his arms. Forgetting for the moment everything except him.

  The essence of her being compelled her. A shiver of heat flowed through her when his hands caressed her skin. She found herself unable to utter a protest. Her body was not going to deny him what her words had. She leaned into him and accepted what he offered.

  She felt his hand reach up and untie the string to her night robe. Boldly he exploded her body as if he owned it. He ran his hand down the opening of her gown and spread it open exposing her breasts to his view. She caught her breath. He lowered his head down and kissed the hard tip. He used his tongue to madden her. With his other hand he smoothed his palm over the other. She cried out in shock of the cascade of pleasure sweeping through her.

  Breaking from her, Marcus pulled back. He leaned up to pull his shirt from his muscular body. She gazed at his bare chest, lean and powerfully built. He met her gaze with a knowing smile. Then he stripped her of her clothing until she stood naked in his view. His dark eyes glittered with desire as he soaked in the sight of her.

  In her next breath, he swept her in his arms and laid her down upon the small cot.

  “Marcus, I don’t know…,” she uttered in a helpless voice. “I don’t know…I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “Trust me, my lovely Hannah,” he said. Dispensing with his pants, he knelt down beside her. He kissed her lips, her neck, and her ear. “This was meant to be. You know you were meant to be mine.”

  “What if this is all I have to give? This moment.”

  “Then we will take this moment. In all the madness of the world, we will make this moment ours.”

  He kissed her with a passion that told his intent. He slid his hands down over her body and parted her legs. Caressing her bare thighs, he kissed his way downward until he suckled at her breast. Desire owned her. Pleasure cascaded through her with his every movement…with his every touch. In the distance, she thought she heard him call out her name. She wasn’t certain lost in delirium of ecstasy.

  He seemed to know her every want or need, driving her to madness. She surrendered her body to him. He paused a moment as his eyes swept over her body. She would have none of that. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her. She kissed him with a hunger for him…a craving she didn’t know existed in her. Deep within her the realization overcame her. She wanted him, needed him. She whispered his name, urging him to take her.

  Shock stunned her when his hand covered her mound and began to stroke her most intimate of places, tantalized her beyond sanity. Her body arched toward him urging him onward…toward what she wasn’t certain, but her body craved him.

  He mounted her then, blanketing her with his hard, lean body. She felt a resistance from her own body as he entered her. The sensation shocked her, but the pressure and pain lasted only a moment. She clung to him. He began to move in a rhythm that her body understood. Her body joined with his to become one. She felt his desire merge with hers, riding to fulfillment.

  Suddenly, an overwhelming sensation exploded within her. Unrelenting passion tore through her. Hard enough to evoke pleasurable sensations…one after another. The rhythm quickened bringing her to a state of rapture. She cried out his name and he covered her completely.

  After that there was a sudden silence. Marcus lifted his head and kissed her lips. He dropped beside her and drew her into his shoulder, whispering words she couldn’t comprehend for she had fallen into an emptiness that only thus become so blatantly apparent. She tried to sit up, but his arms kept her firm.

  “Where do you think you are going, my love? Have you not listened to a word I have said?” he teased her.

  Caressing her head, he ran his fingers through her hair. To her horror, tears began to fall. He would have none of that. Gently, he wiped back her tears. “Obviously, you haven’t listened to a word I have said. You can’t deny me anymore, Hannah, not after this night.”

  She shook her head. “It can’t happen again,” she whispered and once more tried to withdraw.

  “You have it all wrong, Hannah,” he said emphatically. He sat up and drew her to him. His hands tenderly cupped her face. “I realize this was the first time you have laid with a man. The next time…”

  “No,” she murmured. “It wasn’t that. I have never felt such….”

  She wanted to say had never dreamed she could feel the emotions he invoked within her. She wanted to be in his arms like this forever. But their love wasn’t meant to be—it never was. They came from two different worlds. He was married…he was the enemy. Oh, she thought, he may suspect, but he had no knowledge of what she had done. The whole of all was in truth her life was a façade.

  “What are you saying? That you don’t want me to touch you? It isn’t what you were crying a moment ago,” he said. His hand traveled down her neck. Her body trembled to his touch.

  “You know what I speak. This is wrong, so wrong. I don’t blame you, Marcus. I was weak,” she said trying desperately to contain her tears. “But it changes nothing. I can’t…”

  “You don’t know me well, Hannah, if you believe I will sit back now after having you. You belong to me now, my love. If you believe I will let another touch you…love you in this manner, you are quite mistaken.
You gave yourself to me, willingly. You want me as I want you. In this you can’t deny.”

  “What do you want me to admit, Marcus? That I had need for you on this night! That I am so totally alone and reached out in a manner I should have never allowed…”

  He smiled at her, pushing hair back out of her face. “But you did and in that you won’t be able to undo.”

  She caught his hand. “What do you mean? Grandfather would never allow such!”

  He laughed a small confident laugh. “If you believe that, then you will be sadly disappointed. I believe you will find him most content with the arrangement I have offered to you. He will believe it most beneficial to him.”

  Her eyes flared. “As compensation!”

  “Unless he believes the words of which Gannon is spreading.”

  Her body tensed upon the utterance. If her grandfather thought she had spied against him, her life wouldn’t be long to be lived. She didn’t care. She leaned upward. Marcus reached across her bare shoulder and pulled her back in a manner which exposed her bare neck. He kissed her skin until he found her pulse that woke her desire once more.

  “Tell me now, Hannah, you don’t want me,” he whispered as his hands diverted her attention fanning the embers of passion within her.

  She wanted to tell him no and jerk back away from him. He was too dangerous a man. He stood between her and her mission. But he kissed her in a way that took her breath away. She gasped as he ignited a fire within her and took command of her body. She was well beyond rational thought.

  * * * *

  Hannah lay in his arms staring out into the night. She had to go back to her room suspecting he had to also. No matter his words he wouldn’t allow his actions this night to disgrace his host.

  Gently, she removed his hand from her. Moving with her, he held her long enough to kiss her and lingered long on her lips as if debating whether or not to dress. He swung around her. Their clothes were within his reach. He handed her gown and donned his own clothes.

  “I will let you return to your room first,” he said as he tied her ribbon back in place. “Remember my words, Hannah. There is no going back now. Be prepared to leave when I send word that all is arranged.”


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