The Noru 2 : The Last Akon (The Noru Series, Book 2)

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The Noru 2 : The Last Akon (The Noru Series, Book 2) Page 16

by Lola StVil

“Yes, we will let you know,” I lie.

  There is no way the four elements will allow a horde of Paras into their territory; one or two maybe, but not a whole army. And I don’t trust anyone else’s team to rescue Uncle Rage but us. Looking around the room, I think the team feels the same way.

  “Randy, I hear you’ve been ill. This doesn’t have anything to do with Rage’s rescue, does it?” The Face asks.

  “No, I had the flu,” Randy replies.

  “And for that you went to Healers?” she asks.

  “Yes, we wanted to be extra careful,” I reply.

  “Why do I get the feeling there are things you and your team are hiding from me?” The Face says.

  “You know everything you need to,” I lie.

  “How in the world were you able to get the Movatu to even consider letting angels on their land?” The Face wonders.

  “We promised to ‘like’ their Facebook page,” East says.

  “However it is you managed it, good job. Let us know as soon as they make contact.”

  “Sure, can we go now?” Randy asks.

  “First I have some slightly distressing news,” she replies.

  “Naturally,” Aaden says.

  “What is it?” Swoop asks.

  “The five vials are hidden, as you know. Well, each vial has been placed with beings called Keepers. Some of them are angels, some Quo, and one’s even a human. Malakaro won’t find any of the vials unless he finds the Keepers, since the Keepers have the code needed to unlock the vials.”

  “Five vials, five keepers, five codes. Got it,” Key says.

  “There’s one being who knows the location of all five Keepers. His name is Laswell. He’s a retired Traveler angel. He no longer goes back and forth reporting the news of the day to the Council. He now lives in Florida, where he plays bingo and hits on retired flight attendants,” The Face informs us.

  “Okay, why are you telling us this?” Aaden asks suspiciously.

  “Laswell is the key to locating the vials. It is essential that Malakaro not find him.”

  “Shouldn’t hiding him be an issue for the board?” I ask.

  “Laswell was hidden very well--in plain sight.”

  “What do you mean was?” Bex asks.

  “As of this morning, Laswell is missing.”

  “Are you telling me the angel who holds the key to finding what Malakaro needs to end life as we know it, is now missing?” I reply.

  “Please calm down. The fact is, Laswell tends to go off by himself a lot. Last time he disappeared for nearly a month. We found him in Reno, buried under a stack of poker chips, surrounded by women of questionable morals.”

  “Why would you let a guy like that know the location of the Keepers?” I ask.

  “He is truly great at what he does. He created the locks on the vials. He’s brilliant. He just doesn’t do well with structure,” The Face replies.

  “So if Malakaro has him, what does that mean for us?” Randy asks.

  “We don’t know that he has Laswell. Again, Laswell tends to wander off. In any case, we will find Laswell and the Keepers of the vials will be safe,” The Face says confidently.

  “What if he does have Laswell?” Bex asks.

  “Laswell would never give up any information. He’s faithful,” The Face tells us.

  “This is such bull. If Malakaro gets to him, he’ll torture him until he talks.”

  “Mr. Case, you don’t know Laswell,” The Face counters.

  “No, but I know torture. And believe me, sooner or later, everyone breaks.”


  We head out of the office and in to the halls. Right away, we agree to put the Laswell issue aside and deal with the most pressing issue: The four elements. They now have only half an hour to contact us.

  If they do not, I have no choice but to destroy as much of their land as it takes in order to get their attention. We have to save Uncle Rage. And we won’t be stopped by four selfish entities. We will do whatever it takes.

  “We still have thirty minutes, Silver. Don’t worry,” Swoop says, wrapping her arms around him.

  However, worrying is exactly what Aaden was doing and will continue to do. The twins walk him to class and signal to me that they will keep an eye on him. I order Bex to go and try his contacts yet again. Now only East and Randy remain with me.

  “I’m gonna go to class,” Randy says.

  “Wait, talk to me. Are you worried about Laswell--because you shouldn’t be. Like The Face said, he might not even be missing,” I remind Randy.

  “Does it really matter? Honestly, Malakaro should just kill me now and put me out of my misery,” he says as he walks away.

  “Randy!” I call out, but he keeps walking.

  “He’s taking the cave thing really hard,” East says.

  “Ever since his mom left he’s been…he’s such a great guy, why doesn’t he see it?” I ask.

  “He’s not ready. You can’t push him to—Oh my Omnis,” East says suddenly.

  “Um…Pry, you know I love you, right?” East says in a panic.

  “What? Yeah, I know that. Why, what’s wrong?” I ask.

  “The girl coming towards us. I know her,” he says.

  “You know every girl,” I tease.

  “Seriously, Pry. This is bad. This is bad.”

  I look towards the direction East is pointing and see a girl talking to a teacher a few yards away. She’s about my height, has brown curly hair with blondish highlights and pretty caramel colored skin.

  “East, we only have twenty minutes to hear from the four elements. I don’t have time for this. If she sees you, just say you’re sorry for not calling her after whatever ‘wild’ night you two had and be done with it,” I reply.

  “We never slept together,” he says.

  “Then what is it?”

  “The girl, she’s human. Her name is Marisol Ramos,” he says.



  “East, what the hell is it?” I ask.

  “East, hi!” Marisol says once she spots us.

  “Hey,” East says, clearly uncomfortable.

  She runs up to us, excited and smiling.

  “Hi, I’m Marisol,” she says with an adorable Spanish accent.

  “Hey, I’m Pryor.”

  “Marisol, I didn’t know you went to this school,” East says awkwardly.

  “I just transferred. I can’t believe we’re in the same school,” she says.

  “How do you guys know each other?” I ask suspiciously.

  “Marisol and I were volunteering at the same place a few weeks ago,” East says with a forced smile.

  Doing charity work is important for us. It allows us a chance to get close to the humans and help in a more hands-on way. With everything that’s happened, we haven’t had a chance to do as much as we should. I’m glad East was able to find the time to help out, but seriously, why is he being so strange?”

  “I’m sorry, Marisol, but Pry and I have to go. We can chat later,” he says as he practically drags me down the hallway.

  “Bye, Marisol, it was nice meeting you,” I say over my shoulder.

  “Thanks, nice to meet you too.”

  “Oh, and I love your hair,” I reply.

  She shouts back to us just as we disappear around the corner.

  “Thanks; I love your wings.”


  “Talk fast.” I order East after gathering everyone on the team into the empty science lab.

  “Okay Pry but I just want to remind you about how much you love me and how adorable I look in skinny jeans.” East says.

  We all look back at him with serious, dark expressions. He clears his throat and tries to explain himself.

  “A few weeks back I was doing some volunteering at a woman’s shelter on Fourteenth Street. That’s where I met Marisol and we started getting to know each other. She loves murder mysteries, she plays a wicked game of chess and she�
�s taking all advanced classes. She collects angel figurines and tells the best dirty jokes. Oh and she’s really into helping people and wants to go into nursing when she graduates.” East tells us.

  “Let’s skip her Bio and get to the part where you break a cardinal rule by telling her who we are.” Bex says.

  “She’s also really great with a basketball. We played one on one and man she has some serious skills.”

  “Damn it Easton get to the point.” I yell.

  “Okay, okay. The whole time we were getting to know each other she neglected to tell me that she had a crazy ex boyfriend, Zack. Then one night after I dropped her off at home, I was about to take off on my Port then I heard screaming. I went back to the house and Zack was standing above her, kicking the hell out of her. I didn’t really have time to think I just reacted.”

  “You used your powers on a human?” Swoop asks.

  “He nearly stomped her to death because she refused to take him back.” East replies.

  “Then what happened?” I ask.

  “After I knocked him out, Marisol was in so much shock from the attack; she just kept shaking and crying. She was like a puppy at the center of a hurricane. I had to get her out of that house. So I took her onto my Port and we disappeared.”

  “East, I get that you saved her and I’m so glad you were there. But why didn’t you mind wipe her? Why does she still know about us?” I ask.

  “After she calmed down, I explained who we were thinking I would just wipe her mind afterwards. But when she found out that angels were real it brought her hope; hope that that asshole Zack had taken from her. I couldn’t take that away.” East says.

  “I know you care about this girl but she can’t know about us. You saved her East, you should be very proud of that. But now you need to wipe her mind.” I tell him.

  “That jerk Zack beat on her for two years. It took her two years to figure out she could do better. The reason she came to that conclusion was because she knew there were angels out there in the world that care; knowing angels are real gave her the strength to walk away from her abuser. How can I take that away?”

  “East, we get it. We really do. But it’s dangerous not just for us but for her. Do you really want her mixed up in angel affairs? Has that ever worked out in the end?” Key says.

  “My sister is right, East. You have to wipe her.”

  “Knowing we exist gave her peace; I’m sorry but I’m not taking that away.” East replies with certainty.

  “I don’t want to make this an order Easton.” I reply with a serious tone.

  “Then don’t Pry. Don’t make me do this.” East pleads.

  “I’m sorry, I really am but this is no longer up for debate. Find her and clear her mind; now.” I order. Before East can reply, Key makes an announcement.

  “East will have to wait on the mind wipe; the Movatu are here.”


  All of us walk over to the window and see four Phantom white Rolls Royce pull up to the front of the school at the same time like a well-choreographed dance. Four drivers step out of the cars and open the door for their VIP clients: The Four Elements. Also known as Enessa, Payton, Harlow, and the only male Element, Fain.

  Like the rest of the students, the sight of four impossibly beautiful beings captivates Randy. He is brimming with questions but he has not yet found the words. I can’t blame him. Even to an angel the Four Elements are an awe-inspiring sight.

  The first one to emerge from her car is Enessa. She is a statuesque 5’11 with pale skin and stark blonde hair swept up in a high ponytail with a row of intercut braids on either side. Her “Jedi Couture” clothes are winter white and add to her otherworldly mystique.

  The moment Enessa steps out of the car, the vines from the surrounding trees and plants ban together to form a complex patterned walkway, several feet in the air.

  “That’s Enessa. She’s Earth. She really hates humans.” I tell Randy.

  “She’s breathtaking.” Randy gasps.

  The second Element comes out of the car. Like Enessa she is tall, pale skinned, and gorgeous. But her stark white hair is cut in a chic windswept bob. When she steps out, a gust of wind gently gathers underneath her feet and carries her into the air.

  “That’s Payton. She’s air; very powerful and from what I hear very unforgiving.”

  The third Element has silver flowing hair with sparkling grey colored lipstick and dazzling silver eye shadow. She makes her debut from the car by holding out her palm. There’s a tennis ball size water orb circling in her palm. She gives the orb a command and suddenly the orb forms a liquid waterway. She is literally walking on water.

  “Before you ask, that’s Harlow. She’s unpredictable, strong and has no morals what so ever.” Bex supplies.

  The fourth and last Element is male. He has the same brilliant features and sparkling eyes as the others. But he also has a devilishly sexy crooked smile, and makes a walkway of flames as he comes towards us.

  “That’s Fain. He’s hot. He’s powerful and according to everyone who’s met him, he’s a complete douche.”

  All four walkways lead them to the science lab we are in. The students are both scared and dazzled by what they see. Some are running away screaming and others are frozen from shock. The noise level is out of control. The school is in complete pandemonium.

  “Can you do something about that?” Fain asks the other elements in a disinterested tone.

  “Why don’t you do something about it?” Payton says with an attitude.

  “I can but the humans won’t like it.” Fain cautions.

  He waves his arm out and prepares to fire into the crowd of humans.

  “No! You are not supposed to hurt them. You know that.” I warn Fain.

  “The Noru is right. Enessa, some privacy please?” Harlow says.

  “Fain would only be killing a few dozen humans.” Enessa replies.

  “Enessa” Harlow warns.

  “Fine” She says as she waves her hands allowing for vines to circle and build a cocoon around us. We now hear where we are sheltered from the noise of the students in the halls. We have complete silence.

  “They came out in the open, won’t they be exposed?” Randy asks me.

  “No, their powers have a signature. Whenever it’s used around humans they forget within moments they ever witness what they witnessed.” Key says.

  “Who is the human and why is he here with us?” Enessa asks.

  “He’s a part of my team.” I reply.

  “He has no powers.” Harlow says as she carefully scans Randy.

  “He’s very…ordinary.” Fain says.

  “Well he’s not. He can do something you can’t: He can love.” I challenge.

  “Very well, let us get to the business at hand.” Payton says levitating around us.

  “We heard about your father being in the Forest of Remains. The chance that you can rescue him is slim. Even if we allow you access.” Harlow says as she plays with her water based orbs by manipulating it into many different shapes.

  “Don’t worry about that; just fulfill your end of the deal.” Aaden warns.

  “Certainly. Let’s see it.” Fain says.

  Aaden takes out the dagger and holds it before them.

  They study the dagger and its engraved patterns. For the first time since they’ve been here, they are actually rendered silent. They look upon the dagger as if it were a lost treasure they have sought for centuries.

  They exchange a look of awe between them. They each place a hand on the dagger and slowly close their eyes. At first, nothing happens. But then the Elements begin to generate a glow that spreads from their bodies to the dagger.

  Soon the dagger is lifted high and illuminates a brilliant light. The elements hold on tightly as the dagger raises them up off the ground. It lifts them a few feet in the air, then the glow stops. They are back on the ground.

  “That’s it?” Enessa says, pissed as she opens her eyes.

bsp; “What the hell are you trying to pull Noru?” Fain accuses.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “This dagger is worthless!” Payton says.

  “It doesn’t allow us to go deep enough. We have barley begun to absorb the nature of love and your little trinket fades.” Harlow spits.


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