Possess Me Slowly

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Possess Me Slowly Page 13

by Joya Ryan

  “I understand.”

  He kissed my left palm and placed it on his chest. Something cold slid down my ring finger. I looked down to see Preston place the blue diamond engagement ring onto my finger.

  “You, Megan, are unexpected.” He leaned in and brushed his lips across mine. “And it scares the hell out of me.”

  He kissed me hard and deep and I melted for him. This day was a rollercoaster of emotions. Feeling Preston’s honesty and warmth was all I needed. I hoisted myself up on my knees and threw my arms around him. I kissed him with everything I felt, everything that was hurting me. Everything that made me cry and everything that made me smile. I put it all into that kiss. Because he brought it all out.

  “You feel good,” he breathed against my mouth, and I wasn’t sure he even realized he spoke.

  “Missed you,” I said back.

  He nodded. This was the closeness. The connection I’d been craving. I had been spoiled and seen the side of Preston that was open and lighthearted. Attentive and consuming. Then today to be barely acknowledged was like being on the cold side of the moon. Now, tasting his lips and working each others’ clothes free, I felt alive and whole. Comforted and safe.

  I took his shirt off and he lifted my sweater over my head. All my hair fell in loose tangles and his big palms seized the sides of my face and he devoured my mouth with his. On our knees atop my bed, we kissed and laved, like we truly did miss this. Because I did.

  A little maneuvering was all it took to get both our pants off. Preston laid me down, his mouth never leaving my skin while he worked my bra and panties off, then his boxers. From my navel to the swell of my breast he kissed and licked. Not teasing, simply stating his intentions.

  “Every time,” he growled and sucked on my nipple, “you look more beautiful.”

  I arched my back and wrapped my legs around him, coaxing him up. His mouth did amazing things to my breasts, but I was so lost for him that all I wanted was to feel him inside me.

  “I need you, Preston.”

  He looked up, ensnaring my gaze, and slowly scooted up my body just enough so that his hard cock prodded my pelvis. I shifted my hips so that the crown lingered right at my opening. He braced himself on his forearms on either side of my head.

  “I need you too…” He kissed me so softly it brought tears to my already aching eyes and he sank inside of me.

  I gasped into his mouth and he breathed deep, taking all my air and robbing any kind of oxygen around me. All I felt was him. My environment, every moment surrounding me, and the world itself stopped. All that existed was him.

  For a moment, as his steady exhale fanned between my lips, his body surrounding—invading—mine, all I was, was what he allowed me to be. He was the universe I was living in and I the surface that surrounded him.

  “Megan…” He didn’t move his body from mine. With my breasts pressed against his hard chest and my legs wrapped around him, all of our skin was touching. Never withdrawing, he shifted his hips and stirred his cock deeply. The fire he coaxed had no time to flicker, it just raged hot and began splintering my nerves like dry bark in winter. I was splitting apart. Falling and breaking. The only thing holding me together was him.

  “I feel…I…” I couldn’t say it. Because nothing seemed to make sense. I shouldn’t feel the way I did. Not in that moment and not the same feeling that had been gnawing at me for the last week. But it was there. Hovering and seeping into me with every breath and thrust from Preston.


  I never knew what making love was. Because I had never experienced it. The reason I knew that was because what was happening right then was a first. I put the word to the thoughts, but couldn’t say it aloud. Not yet.

  “Take me,” I pleaded.

  With the blue diamond catching a fleck of light and winking at me as I held Preston’s face, he kissed me hard, and took me at my request.


  It was ten in the morning and I woke up in a king-sized bed surrounded by fluffy pillows and cream sheets.

  “Home,” I smiled into the pillow then sat up quickly realizing what I had just mumbled out loud.

  The word came out of nowhere and just like last night, startled me with the truth of it. I was in the penthouse. I vaguely remembered the car ride from my apartment in the wee hours of the morning after Preston and I had “made up.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” Preston said, walking into the bedroom. He was freshly shaven and in light gray suit that made his caramel skin shine and his green eyes pop. He sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers along my shoulder. “I have some meetings, but tonight, I’ve arranged for dinner. One I’m certain you’ll like more than the last few I’ve dragged you to.”

  “Oh yeah?” I reached and straightened the black pocket square in his jacket.

  “Yeah.” He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “Kate, Adam and Emma are meeting us.”

  I shot up to my knees. “Really?”

  He smiled and nodded. “I’ve spoken with Adam and he and Kate are flying in for a few days to spend time with you, then they’ll be back in a couple weeks for the wedding.”

  I flung my arms around him and about knocked him off the bed. His chest rumbled with a low laugh and he hugged me tight and laid me back on the bed, following down.

  “Have I told you how good you look in my shirt?” In bed with only Preston’s white tee on and him fully dressed between my thighs was an erotic image. If he commanded me to stay here and wait his return in the sternest caveman voice, I just might do it.

  “Thank you. So, so much.” I kissed him and he returned my intentions. “I wish you could stay,” I murmured between bites of his bottom lip.

  “Done,” he said, and took off his jacket while keeping most of his weight over me.


  “You want me to stay?” He threw the coat on the floor. “I stay.”

  A giddy laugh bounced out. “No, no. You’re an important man with meetings.”

  “Megan.” His big palms clasped my neck and my gaze locked to his. “You are important.”

  My heart lurched and the weighty blue diamond on my finger felt warmer. Realer.

  “Well, I’d feel guilty if you missed work. How do you feel about a quicky?”

  He grinned and kissed my lips.

  “Your wish is my command.”


  After a not-so-quick quickie, Preston reluctantly left to attend business, leaving me fully sated and grinning like a moron in bed. The man never did anything halfway, that was for sure.

  I smiled, grabbed my cell off the nightstand and dialed my mother.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, honey. You sound much better than you did last night.”

  “Yeah. Today is a good day. I wanted to tell you something. Is Daddy…okay to talk?”

  “He ah, it’s a rough day for him today.”

  “Oh.” My shoulders slumped. I knew this was a possibility. Knew that every time I called it was a gamble and the odds weren’t in my favor.

  “But I’d love to hear what you have to say.” My mother was chipper. “I can tell him when he’s having a good day, or have him call you back?”

  “Thanks, Mom. But I want to tell you.”

  “Everything okay?”

  I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, actually everything is better than okay. I’m getting married.”

  “What!” Her happy shriek vibrated the entire phone. “Oh, honey, this is wonderful! I’m so sorry with everything going on with your dad I haven’t asked much about you. I should have known someone had snatched up my smart pretty girl.”

  Heat stained my cheeks and my eyes felt heavy with happy tears.

  “Tell me all about this young man I’m going to call son.”

  “His name is Preston and I,” I sighed, “Mom, I am so in love with him it kind of hurts.”

  “Oh, honey.” A tissue rustled over the line and between the sound and my mother’s sniffles, I kne
w she was crying. “That’s the best kind.”

  Running fingers through my hair I took in every elated pitch of my mother’s tone and it blanketed me with comfort. And it felt good telling her. Because it was the truth.

  “The wedding is actually happening pretty soon, so I was hoping to chat with you about the details of getting you and Daddy here.”

  “Whatever it takes, Megan. Whenever it is, we’ll be there.”

  I couldn’t hold back the warmth and happiness flooding me. For the first time, the world around me looked a bit brighter and if I wasn’t careful, I just may start believing that this fairytale I was in was real.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Smells amazing, sweetheart,” Preston said, and came to stand behind me. He looked over my shoulder at the stovetop I was working over. “Lasagna?”

  “My famous lasagna,” I said with a smile.

  “Can’t wait.” He kissed my neck and backed away. “Everyone should be showing up in about an hour.”

  I turned to face him. “Thank you for this Preston. All of this.”

  Stuffing his hand in his pockets, he glanced at the floor. “Just seemed like this was the kind of thing you needed.”

  “It is.”

  He nodded. “I’m going to change then I’ll come help.”

  “Okay.” A smile crept over my face and it had to be the millionth one today. Starting with Preston in bed, a great chat with my mother, and the truth of my feelings being out, I was so excited to end with my best friends coming over and hanging out at the place I had come to call home.

  Preston offered to order food so I wouldn’t have to cook but I was happy to take on the task. And he was right. I needed this. It felt right. My friends, my family, my life…all on the same page as Preston.

  I was an hour and a few layers of noodles, cheese and sauce away from operation Total Integration.


  “God, I’ve missed you!” Kate said and wrapped me in a hug, which was a bit surprising because she wasn’t a hugger. In fact, Adam was the only one I’ve ever seen touch her regularly. But I was so happy for the embrace and clutched her close.

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  She released me and damn it, I wanted to cry again. For some reason I had been doing that a lot the past few weeks. My emotions were unbalanced and I decided to blame the craziness of the wedding and, well, life.

  “Hi, Megan,” Adam said with a smile and kissed my cheek. “We brought wine.” He handed it to me.

  “Thanks. Adam, Kate, this is my fiancé Preston Strauss.” Preston stepped from behind me and shook both their hands.

  “We’ve talked on the phone but it’s so nice to finally meet you in person.” Kate smiled. Adam and Preston instantly started talking and Kate elbowed my side gently. “I see the appeal.” She winked and I laughed.

  “Let’s get this open.” We headed for the kitchen while the boys went into the living room. “I thought Emma was coming with you?”

  “So did I,” Kate said taking a deep appreciative inhale of the lasagna cooling on the counter. “But she said she didn’t want us to pick her up and would meet us here. Guess she had something to do.”

  “Yeah, I think she’s been out of town the last few days, or staying somewhere else.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Far as I know. She travels for work so I assume that’s it.”

  “Emma’s never been overly open about things so you’re probably right.”

  I got out four glasses and poured the wine. “This will be Emma’s.” I scooted the glass back a bit.

  “You’re not having any?”

  I shook my head. “My stomach has been kind of finicky lately.”

  “You sick?”

  “Must be, I’ve been battling a bug for the last few weeks. It’s all the stress, I’m sure. But!” I handed Kate her glass. “Enough about that. Tell me all about what you and Adam have been up to.”

  “Oh, you know, just trying to get her to marry me, no big deal,” Adam called from the living room. Both Kate and I laughed.

  “I told you he’d get grouchy,” I whispered.

  We took the wine out to the guys. Kate sat next to Adam on the couch. A knock sounded at the door.

  “I’ll get it,” I said.

  “Hey,” Emma said, walking through the door. “I brought tequila!” She hugged me quickly and I was shocked at how cold she was.

  “Did you walk here?”

  “Not far,” she shrugged and we headed for the living room.

  “Emma, nice to finally see you,” Adam said gruffly.

  “Oh, stop moping, I’m here and I’ve missed you too, so don’t go all big brother ball buster on me.” She put the liquor on the coffee table and hugged Adam, then Kate and Preston. “I was just telling Preston about the time you took me dress shopping, Em,” Kate said. “She’s great at picking stuff out.”

  Kate had come out of her shell so much since I saw her last. And I knew Adam was a credit to that. She was never an overly girly type of girl. Simple, plain and functional was her main criteria for most fashion. But just the fact that her hair was pinned back was a huge step of improvement. She always wore her long red mane completely down to cover the scars running from her jaw to her neck. Seeing the glow on her skin and happiness in her eyes, I wanted to hug Adam all over again for supporting Kate the way he has.

  “Which reminds me, we have to go dress shopping for your bridesmaids’ gowns.”

  Emma smiled. “Glad I brought the tequila then.”

  “It won’t be that bad,” I smiled. Emma may be a tough chick, but she had a frilly side—so long as it wasn’t overdone. So naturally I had to mess with her a little. “I was thinking ‘Gone With The Wind’ theme. Head-to-toe lace and corsets.”

  “Ooh! And a mini-umbrella thing! What are those called?” Kate asked.

  “Parasols,” Emma grumbled.

  “Yes! Those things are adorable.” Kate said.

  I laughed and Preston leaned over to say to Adam, “This is what you’re in for, my friend.”

  Adam nodded. “I just need my fiancé to set a date. How did you get Megan on board so quick?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Oh my goodness!” Kate clamped her hand over her mouth. “Megan…you look so…”

  I glanced down the front of me, then back at my best friends. Kate and Emma were sitting on two chairs facing me.

  After lasagna night a couple weeks ago, Adam and Kate had headed back to Chicago and Emma had been scarce herself lately. We three girls hadn’t got a chance to really catch up for a while.

  Spot lighting drenched me in a soft yellow glow and I looked over my shoulder at the wall-sized mirror behind me. The seamstress fussed with the back of my dress as I stood there before the girls, waiting for their thoughts.

  Kate fanned her eyes and Emma smiled wide.

  “You look amazing, Megan!” Emma said, nearly bouncing out of her seat.

  “It’s perfect, Meg,” Kate said, choking back a sob.

  “Don’t do that.” I pointed at her. “Because you’re going to make me cry if you start crying.”

  “I can’t help it, I just…I’m just so happy for you.”

  The seamstress tugged on the dress, wrenching the breath from my chest. It was two days before the wedding and this was the final fitting. I swear this dress felt tighter than it did a few weeks ago.

  “I’m sorry your mom can’t be here,” Kate said. She held up her cell phone and clicked a photo.

  “Yeah, my dad isn’t doing so well so they’re coming in tomorrow for just the party and wedding.”

  “Is the new live-in nurse helping?” Emma asked.

  I nodded. “So much. My mom said my dad is acclimating well with her and the help is wonderful.”

  “That’s great!” Kate said.

  The seamstress tugged again and an agonized groan pieced my lips. I sucked in harder, hoping this damn thing would fit.

  “Did every
thing finally get squared away with Simon? Do you have custody?”

  Kate sighed. “Not yet. His grandparents still legally have him but we get to see him all the time. Most of the week he stays at our place. I just want Tim to sign the damn papers.”

  “That guy is an ass-hat,” Emma said, leaning back in her chair.

  “Total ass-hat,” Kate agreed. “Even in jail he has parental rights and is throwing fits about wanting his parents to take Simon. It’s not that they don’t want to, they are just getting older and it’s hard chasing a little boy around. I’ve spoke with them and they aren’t going to fight me trying to get full custody.”

  I nodded. “Well, Simon wants to be with you anyway, right?”

  “Yeah.” Kate looked down at her hands. “I want him so much. Adam is amazing with him and Simon just loves him to death. I just can’t wait for this to really be over.”

  Emma patted Kate’s shoulder.

  “Things will work out,” Kate affirmed, as if giving herself a mental pep talk. She ran her gaze along my dress again and smiled at me. “You look really happy, Megan. After everything that’s happened…” she trailed off and I knew where she was going with it.

  “I am happy.” And that was the truth. What started out as a contract ended up being more. A small grin tugged at my lips when I recited the same thought I’d been having for over a month: I was in love with John Preston Strauss.

  Though I hadn’t said it to him yet, I was confident the rules of the game had changed that night he came for me in my apartment. Every day he opened up a bit more. Between planning the wedding and a nearly insatiable fiancé, my days and nights had been pretty booked, but I was so glad I finally had my two friends in the same room, and that this wedding was actually happening.

  “Well, anyone can see how much he adores you,” Emma said. We had all spent the last couple days together. Both Adam and Kate were in a suite at the hotel. We’d all been nearly inseparable. Dinners and lunches. Planning the final touches on the wedding. I was so grateful that Adam and Kate were able to fly in a few days early.

  “Well, I swear Adam has a man crush on Preston, he won’t shut up about him,” Kate said.


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