Seeing White

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Seeing White Page 28

by Charlotte E Hart

  “They have made me who I am as much the good ones. We learn by our mistakes, do we not?” he replies, a puzzled expression forming again.

  “Yes, I suppose we do.” I still don’t understand why he’d want to remind himself, but he has a point of sorts.

  “You know meeting you is of significance to me. You have no idea how precious you are. You seem to linger inside me with some sense of new meaning I didn’t believe possible.”

  I look down towards his stomach muscles. I don’t really know how to react to what he’s said, wonderful as it is. Is he really putting me on such a pedestal?

  “Elizabeth, what’s wrong? I was hoping that would go down a little better than it has,” he says softly, tipping my chin back up.

  “No. God, Alex, you’ve done nothing wrong. Those words were wonderful, beautiful even. I just don’t know what to say. I don’t want you to think I’m something I’m not. Whatever it is that you see in me, I don’t understand it. You could have any desirable woman you want and I just don’t get why you think that I’m something special. I’m not. Really. I’m just Beth Scott.”

  He lifts himself up to me and wraps his arms around my back, kissing my lips softly and pushing my head upright with his mouth. When he looks into my eyes, I see warm blue oceans gazing at me adorably with a smirking mouth. More bloody laughing? Great.

  “Elizabeth Scott, don’t you see? You’re achingly beautiful, funny, intelligent, and you challenge everything I’ve ever known. You have no idea how mesmerizing that is for me or what it means. If I can even dare to hope that I deserve some small part of you then that is worth everything I have,” he says, stroking my face and pulling my lips to him again. His passion pours into me through a scorching kiss and my emotions flow back towards him. I’m feeling so lost in the moment that I’m barely containing the tears that are threatening to fall from his declaration of something more, and as he moves his hands to my waist and splays his hands over my ribcage, I sense the word love enter my brain. “I had no idea you would captivate me so,” he whispers in my ear.

  I run my fingers through his hair and pull his head to my chest and there we rock for a while, just holding each other while I try to find something as beautiful to say in return and control my tears. There’s nothing in my head that comes anywhere close so I just hold on and let him breathe into me quietly until suddenly he pulls back and stares at me with narrowed eyes.

  “You lied to me and I didn’t punish you,” he says, smirking. Okay, moment gone, obviously.

  “What? When?” I reply hesitantly, still not comfortable with this punishment thing.

  “Where did you learn to play chess? You’re really very good,” he asks, releasing a beaming smile. My core almost combusts in response as for some unfathomable reason I imagine more ropes.

  “Oh, my dad. He used to compete a bit. I started learning when I was about five. Belle never got the bug. He plays a lot like you but a little more defensively.” I giggle at the thought of a defensive Alex. Probably not going to see that in a hurry. “He’d like you. You’re just his type of opponent,” I reply.

  “Well, I’ll have to thank Mr. Scott when I meet him,” he says nonchalantly as he brushes hair off my face and twirls it in his fingers.

  “What?” I very nearly shout, open-mouthed. The thought is a little worrying to me.

  He chuckles at me. “Only when you think it’s appropriate, baby, but I’d like to meet your family. Although, I hope they’re not all as hostile as your sister,” he says, frowning. It’s my turn to smirk.

  “She’s just protective. She loves me,” I whisper, rubbing my hands across the bumps and ridges on his stomach.

  “It’s not hard to see why. Who wouldn’t?” he mumbles. My eyebrows shoot up. Is he suggesting he does? “Come on. Let’s get showered and dressed. We’ve got to get to the apartment and I’ve booked the opera for this evening. Do you have anything to wear or do we need to go shopping?” I dismiss the stupid thoughts of love and think of my suitcase instead.

  “The opera? Wow. God, I don’t know. What does a girl wear to the opera? I’ve never been before.”

  “Well then we should definitely go shopping. I want you to feel comfortable if it’s your first time. It can be very intense.” He frowns slightly. “Now, about that punishment, young lady.”

  With that, he rolls me over onto my back and nibbles at my neck as he grinds his hips into me. I’m instantly horny again. It’s ridiculous.

  “I thought we were going to shower,” I say with a smile as he makes heavier contact with me and pulls a nipple into his mouth. Clearly not then.

  “Mmm...” he replies, reaching out to the bedside table and pressing a button on the panel.

  “Phillip,” he barks. I giggle. It’s so unlike the voice I heard a few seconds ago. He holds a finger to his lips to silence me. It doesn’t work and I continue as he tries to hold a straight face.

  “Yes, sir?” My giggling escalates and his hand clamps over my mouth.

  “Circle again would you?” He grins wickedly at me and licks his lips, beginning to tickle me, so I scream into his hand as he kicks the covers to the floor and watches me squirming beneath him.

  “No problem, sir.”

  Growling, he makes his way down my body, pushing my legs apart roughly and mumbling something to himself about devils and angels. I can’t contain my giggling fit but as his hands suddenly grab my hips and yank me down the bed to him, I somehow manage to restrain myself.

  “You won’t be laughing in a minute, Elizabeth,” he says as his teeth connect with my thigh.

  Good god!


  Rome traffic is unbelievable. The limousine that collected us from the airport was, of course, the ultimate in luxury, which is something I’m coming to expect from everything concerning Mr. White. But driving in Rome is a little more dramatic than anywhere else on the planet. The car hurtles around every bend, honking its horn constantly, and before I’m aware what’s happening, Alex has dragged me onto his lap, holding me in a protective clasp against him.

  The Colosseum comes into view and I stare in awe at its magnificence while we wait in traffic.

  “It’s stunning,” I remark. It’s really all that needs to be said about something so ancient and big. It’s very big. How did they even make that back then?

  “Yes, I always smile when I see it. It can’t lie about itself or deceive you about what it was made for. For a city that thrived on the politics of the people, it seems amusing that it also delighted in the death of the people,” he muses, laughing to himself.

  “I’m not sure the death of people is something to be laughed about, Alex,” I reply, digging him in the ribs and chuckling at his mock pain.

  “Death is what made Rome what it is or what it was. The Emperors and senate unleashed more death than the world had ever seen before. With that death came order, enormous wealth and unlimited control,” he states with a small shrug as he gazes out of the window.“I have a home here because of the historic nature of the city and its influence. It’s how I do business.”

  “Your business deals with death?” I question, in astonishment.

  “In a manner of speaking, yes, I suppose it does. I buy companies that are failing slightly or are simply available, destroy the worst parts of them and then sell sections of them on for profit. If something appeals enough, I keep it and turn it around into something more enterprising, but otherwise, I act only with regard to the balance sheet.”

  “Don’t you feel morally obligated to help them out at all?”

  “Why would I do that? Moral obligations have no place in business. Neither does guilt by association.” He stares at me expectantly.

  “Well surely with your guidance and backing, companies that were failing could start to succeed again,” I state, feeling slightly angry that someone could be so harsh and remorseless, but then he’s already shown me that with Tara, hasn’t he?

  Christ, I might be falling for an utter bastard

  “Elizabeth, the world just doesn’t work that way. Would you have me make less money and aid unprincipled people to continue to make more? I give plenty of money to deserving charitable concerns. Please don’t ask me to become yielding with regard to arseholes who couldn’t give a damn about their responsibilities or civic duties.”

  “I suppose I see your point. But I’m not sure how you sleep at night when your job consists of so much negativity.” I feel myself huff a little at his attitude as he pulls me tighter and strokes my hair soothingly, tucking my head under his chin.

  “No sleep for the wicked,” he mutters into my hair. I can hear his frown and wonder what makes him think he’s so bad. Maybe he is. What would I know?

  We sit silently for a while as I watch the visions of Rome all around me. Alex continues to stroke my hair and stares impassively out of the window. All the time he’s seemingly lulling me back into his charms effortlessly, and I feel my body relaxing into his breathing, as he kisses the top of my head. How could I be mad with a man as beautiful as him? He tightens his hold and I tilt my mouth up to him and let my lips meet his with everything I have.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I move to straddle him and I feel him stirring beneath me deliciously. He moves his hands to my backside and pulls me forward onto him with force, pushing himself into me and grinding slowly. The contact immediately sends shivers along my spine and I moan out his name as my brain negotiates just getting him out and doing it in the car.

  “So eager, young lady.” He chuckles. “I assume you’re not mad anymore.” His eyes darken and he starts to kiss my neck. Pulling my jumper out of the way, he nibbles his way to my nipple and lavishes it with attention.

  “Oh, Alex, please...” I’m practically begging him, again. It’s getting ridiculous. Get a grip, girl.

  “You’ll have to wait, Elizabeth. We are almost here,” he rasps, still sucking at me. “Besides, a little waiting will do you good. Just keep thinking of all the things I’ll do to you later.”

  “Mmm...” I can’t think. All I can feel is the delectable tingling in my core as he continues to rub against me and I let the tension increase.

  He abruptly lifts me off him and dumps me ungraciously on the other seat as the car glides to a stop, grinning at me in obvious delight at the effect he’s had on me. Bastard.

  “Honey, we’re home,” he sings, jumping out of the door like a bouncing schoolboy.

  Well, this is a new version of Alex. I watch him hurry around the car, leaving his more severe presence behind as that open smile hits the Italian air. I smile. He really does look relaxed.

  “Welcome to Rome, baby,” he says, opening my door and helping me out. Quick as a flash, he lifts me into his arms and starts striding towards a large set of wooden doors. “I love it here. It’s my place to relax and just be me.” I wrap my arms around his neck and smile at him some more, love swelling inside me. I am in so much trouble. The man is seriously a magnet for my heart.

  He puts me down on the floor about a foot from the door and opens it wide. Gasping, I step inside. The most charming courtyard I had ever seen twinkles in front of me. Abundant flowers of all colours litter the walls and a large fountain bubbles delightfully in the corner. The sounds of the busy traffic and street outside are instantly dulled as he pulls the heavy door closed behind us, and I watch the driver take our bags into a doorway. I stand for a moment and gaze around at the utterly enchanting scene in front of me. A large terrace with an elegant table and eight chairs stands underneath a canopy of vivid red flowers, and the sound of the water cascading from the fountain creates a magical feeling inside of me.

  “It’s breathtaking, Alex,” I whisper, wandering toward a purple flowering plant and fingering its soft petals.

  “It is, isn’t it?”

  He folds his arms around my waist and we both stare at it for a while longer. I can feel him smiling into my hair as he kisses my neck softly and reaches toward the plant. He plucks a flower and tucks it behind my ear. “Although I think it is more so now that you’re here.” I turn in his arms and run my fingers along his jaw. He’s still the most appealing thing in here, regardless of the fairy tale world around me.

  He takes my hand and leads me towards the open door to the right of the table and we walk into a large, marble covered kitchen area and through to a lounge. The stylish ambience is oozing with Alex and it’s obvious he’s poured his heart into the place. It’s nothing like his London apartment or his house, though. It’s lighter somehow and has a breezy feeling to it that shows the carefree side of him. I exhale at the thought of a less intense man. Gone is the modernity of the apartment or the heavy masculinity of his house. This space feels elegant and charming, with a certain relaxed and cheerful manner. Pale greens and creams dominate the interior. Luxurious throws and cushions blend effortlessly with the antique furniture and artwork hanging, all of which have that timeless European feel that welcomes you without dazzling too much. I’m still gazing around when the air is devastatingly shattered.

  “For fuck’s sake, you piece of fucking shit. Jesus fucking Christ! I will not let her beat me,” comes bellowing around the corner, and then we hear an almighty smashing sound down the corridor somewhere. I gasp and scuttle towards Alex. He simply looks to me and smirks. It seems he knows something I don’t.

  “I think someone’s a little pissed off.” His brows rise as he inclines his head to the doorway.

  “What? Who’s here?” I ask, smiling in relief that it isn’t a burglar or something.

  “I forgot to tell you. Conner’s here,” he says, chuckling as he links his fingers with mine. “Shall we go and investigate?”

  We head toward the noise, around two corners and then peer around the entrance of what is clearly Alex’s study. The sight of a very red-faced Conner banging his head against one of those rolling ladders - the ones they use for high bookcases - greets us. Looking at his very smashed up laptop on the floor, I’m giggling instantly, but as he swings his head round and growls at me, I recoil, having never seen a look so feral from him before. I honestly feel my legs buckle a bit and try to hide behind Alex.

  “Any reason why you’re throwing your piece of shit laptop at my very expensive books?” Alex says, trying very hard to control his laughter.

  “Fuck off!” Conner seethes, taking a step toward him in a very intimidating prowl.

  Alex holds his hands up in defence. “Calm the fuck down, Conner. There are ladies present and I don’t want to have to drop you on your arse before I’ve at least said hello and had a drink. And by the way, this is actually my house.” His demeanour seems to change a bit as he stiffens and pushes me further behind him. Is he really nervous? I am.

  Conner glares at him ferociously and then glances down at me as I peek around at Alex. His eyes soften a little as he steps forward, but that irritation still seems very firmly etched in to me. Alex pushes us back a little out of the doorway.

  “Are you calm?” Alex questions, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his back protectively.

  Conner shakes his head and reaches up to his neck, clicking it from side to side, and then takes another step forward as his eyes change and his stance softens. Alex immediately lets go of me and moves forward. God, what is it with these men and their instant mood changes?

  “Yeah, man, I’m cool. Beth, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you. Alex knows this shit. You shouldn’t have had to see that. I’m sorry. I’m just a bit... frustrated.”

  “Lovely to see you too, Conner.” I beam around Alex’s shoulder. “And here was I singing your praises to my sister. I may have to rethink that having seen your temper.” I continue my giggling again.

  “Dude, get out of the way. I need the squeeze of a good woman,” he says, pushing Alex aside and swinging me around. I actually see Alex smiling and heading back into the lounge as Conner carries me toward him and dumps me on the sofa. Obviously Conner’s allowed to touch me then.

  “I thin
k I need a drink or six,” he states, walking to Alex and hugging him.

  “I think coffee’s in order first. Then you can tell me what that was about. I haven’t seen you that worked up for a few years. Elizabeth, what do you want?” He lifts that bloody eyebrow and I can’t help laughing at the innuendo flowing from those sexy lips. Coffee is not the first thing on my mind, if I’m honest, but nodding at the machine, I sit back and watch them interacting.

  They’re like brothers moving around each other. Alex seems completely relaxed and stands leaning against the worktop listening intently as Conner relays his irritation at some new female employee who has sent him a program that he can’t access. He’s had to lie to the woman to save face. My giggles burst to the surface again. It gains me another Conner glare.

  Looking at Alex sends a warm swathe of pure heaven through me as I gaze at the gorgeousness of him. His lean muscular thighs attaching themselves to that rather glorious arse, his fitted shirt rolled up at the sleeves to expose his muscular arms. Broad shoulders leading up to the most beautiful and somehow boyish smile. His jovial nature and huge grin at his friend’s misfortune is an aphrodisiac that I am failing to dampen in myself. Mind you, any of the versions of Alex seem to bring on the threat of an orgasm. I don’t know why I am surprised.

  I saunter into the kitchen area to retrieve my coffee and head toward the courtyard.

  “Am I to assume from that conversation that you have been beaten by a woman, Mr. Avery?” I chuckle walking past him.

  “Beaten? Absolutely not. Just delayed slightly. But Jesus, her work is out of this world. I have never seen anything so... So... I don’t even have the right words for it.” He huffs as he kicks the cabinet in clear frustration. Alex grabs at me and pulls my back to his chest.

  “Well, looks like we all need to go shopping. You need a new laptop and you need a new dress. Do you want to get changed or are you ready to go?” he says suggestively as he pushes into my arse.


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