Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena's Story

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Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena's Story Page 3

by Virginia Wade

  A coy smile turned up the edges of her mouth. “They like to play with their toys for a while. You…er…might be popular.”

  That was not what I wanted to hear. “Great.”

  She patted my back. “It’s not so bad. They’re really good at what they do. You’ll be treated very well.”

  Heat tinged my cheeks, remembering how Pooky had been. I certainly hadn’t suffered at his hands, quite the contrary actually. I had enjoyed everything he had done to me, much to my mortification. We entered a large cavern with a roaring fire and pelts strewn across the floor. There were several lanterns lit.

  “Hey guys, we have a guest.”

  I had just walked into a den of beasts. The smell of gamy pelt teased my nose. Two older looking Sasquatches sat with pipes hanging out of their mouths. I had their undivided attention, which was troubling.

  A young looking Bigfoot got to his feet, his eyes flashing with curiosity. “Mamma?” He bounded over and hugged me, nearly knocking me off my feet. His nose was in my neck, sniffing.

  “Oh! Jesus!”

  “No Lendal. That’s not your mamma. She’s your mamma’s sister. Everybody meet Lena.”

  This was Lendal! I had just met my sister’s little boy. He was nearly as tall as I was! He smiled charmingly, flashing formidable looking teeth. His eyes were light brown, which was a startling contrast from the other Sasquatches.

  “You look like my mamma, but you don’t smell like her.” His speech was excellent. I gaped at him, not knowing what to say. To my astonishment, he hugged me again; his pelt felt soft against my skin. He let me go and sat next to the fire.

  An enormous looking Sasquatch grunted. He puffed furiously on the end of a long pipe. The noxious smell of marijuana lingered. The one who sat next to him stared at me; his interest was keen, yet he remained seated. These two looked older than Pooky; their features were sharper and their fur was matted and grizzled.

  I was suddenly grabbed from behind and lifted up. “Shit!”

  “Ggrrooaarrr…” It was Pooky. “My girl! Lena’s my girl!”

  This declaration was met with growls, low and deep, that sounded like a pack of lions who were about to devour their kill. The hair stood up on my arms. Were they agreeing or disagreeing with this announcement?

  “Try not to scare Lena half to death,” chided Zelda.

  “Pretty girl,” said one of the Sasquatches.

  “Let me tell you who’s who. This is Archie. He’s Kat’s son. She’s hunting with her partner, Dale, at the moment. This is Bubba, who’s our leader. Sittin’ next to him is Leonard. He’s Porsche’s man. Leslie’s in another room with her son, Wolfie. Bubba Jr.’s around here somewhere. This is Tate behind you.”

  I glanced at the furry faces, feeling overwhelmed and fearful.

  She patted my back. “You hungry? You want something to drink? You look awfully pale, honey.”

  “I-I’m good.”

  “Have a seat. Relax.”


  Pooky had collapsed on a pelt. I sat next to him, enjoying the warmth of the fire. A younger Sasquatch ran into the room, squealing. Bubba grunted, clearly displeased with the noise. This must be Bubba Jr. He took up with Lendal, and they tossed a ball back and forth, wheezing and snorting. Leonard’s hooded eyes perused me leisurely, missing nothing. So this was the ape that Porsche was in love with.

  Awkward. Weird. Ugh.

  A gorgeous looking, dark-haired woman appeared, holding a small Sasquatch, who I had to admit, looked adorable. She stopped in her tracks, staring at me. “That’s not Porsche.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “You…must be…her younger sister?” Her mouth hung open. “W-what are you doing here?”

  “I was kidnapped by this moron.” I pointed an accusing finger at Pooky. “He took me from her house.”

  She laughed, “Oh, shit.” Her gaze drifted to Leonard. “What do you think? She looks a lot like Porsche, doesn’t she?” He grunted in reply.

  “Where’s the phone?” asked Zelda. “I gotta make a call.”

  “I’ll get it,” said Leslie. “A rescue might be dicey in the winter.”

  “Well, they should know where she is at any rate.”

  Leslie dug through a backpack, retrieving a black and gray phone that lit up green after she pressed a button. “Gotta go outside for this. Let’s see if Dr. Haynes picks up. I’ll probably get the answering service.” In a flash of movement, Pookie jumped to his feet and snatched it from her, flinging the item into the fire. “You idiot! We need that! Oh, my fucking God.” She smacked him over the head, and he grunted. “We’re so screwed!” She hit him again. He didn’t seem to mind the abuse. “I’m so pissed! What if we have a medical emergency?” The baby cried out, frightened by his mother’s anger.

  “Leslie!” barked Bubba. “You stop the noise! Come here.”

  “He broke the fucking phone.”

  I stared into the fire. “So much for that,” I muttered.

  Leslie sat next to the enormous ape, and he touched her face. “She’s Pooky’s girl. She stay here. She no go home.”

  She glanced at me. “They’ll know where you are, Lena. Try not to panic. You’re gonna have to sit tight for a bit. We’re expecting a storm. When it’s over, they’ll send help.”

  I was grabbed and dragged onto Pooky’s lap. I fought for a moment, but steely arms went around me. Exhausted, I leaned against him, staring at the fire, feeling a sense of helplessness. “Whatever.” I sounded defeated.

  “These guys aren’t so bad. You might even like it.” She smiled slightly.

  “You and my sister have been ape-brainwashed.”

  “Probably,” she laughed.

  Pooky’s nose was in my neck. “Stop that!”

  There was a commotion at the back of the cave, and two more Sasquatches appeared. They each held several good-sized fish. Zelda stepped forward. “I’ll take those. Thanks, guys. You wanna help me with dinner, Leslie?”

  She handed the baby to Bubba and got to her feet. “Sure. How about you, Lena? Can you lend a hand?”

  The new Sasquatches eyed me with interest. I pushed against Pooky, freeing myself. “Yes, please. I’d love to.”

  “What size do you wear?” asked Leslie. “You need boots.”

  “A seven and a half.”

  “We got some eights. They’re BearPaws. They’re like UGG’s.”

  “I love UGG’s.”

  I followed them into the next cavern, where a rough looking table filled the space. I helped gut the fish, which was disgusting. There were buckets for washing dishes, clothing, and composting waste. Crates filled with supplies graced the back wall. A pile of animal hides gave off a pungent leather smell. The new boots were a little too big, but they were incredibly comfortable. Zelda had given me a clean pair of socks. I wore a gray jacket, which helped ward off the chill. The three of us made dinner, chatting and laughing. Zelda prepared the rice, and I seasoned the fish. There were cans of fruit and vegetables, which had been dropped off by a supply helicopter. The Fallen Institute made sure the tribe was well taken care of.

  When the fish were ready to be grilled, we brought the food into the communal cavern. Dale and Kat placed the meat on a metal grate, which sat over the flames. Zelda made a delicious tasting tea, and I sipped it, sitting with Pooky. He snored loudly, his belly rising and falling with his breathing. The grilled fish smelled delicious, making my mouth water. There were rustic wooden plates and forks. Lendal took his food and scooted next to me, his thigh touching my leg. He ate, grunting with approval, enjoying the meal.

  Leslie held her baby, the infant suckling from an exposed nipple. She was incredible looking, with strong cheekbones and shiny, dark hair that fell to her stomach. Bubba’s hands rested on her shoulders, where he gently rubbed her. Kat and Dale sat together, speaking in a strange sounding, guttural language. They moved their fingers, using a type of sign language. The vibe was relaxed and pleasant; the apes and humans were content i
n each other’s company.

  After Lendal had eaten, he lay back and patted his tummy. “I’m so full,” he said huskily.

  “You and Bubba Jr. are taking a bath,” said Zelda. “Come on squirts. Up you go. Let’s leave the grown-ups to their fun.”

  Leslie got to her feet. “I’m putting Wolfie down. He’s out. Be back in a sec.”

  Pooky had roused from his nap, having slept through dinner. He sat, and sniffed the air. Then he grabbed me. “Stop.” I pushed against him.


  “Looks like you’re dessert,” said Kat, the female Sasquatch, in a slightly raspy voice.

  My stomach dropped. Oh, no.

  Chapter Five

  I had a feeling a naughty orgy was about to commence. Porsche alluded to them, but she hadn’t gone into detail. Leslie returned and sat between Bubba and Leonard. The older apes seemed to hold court on the other side of the fire, the smoke from their pipes drifting to the ceiling. Leonard’s lengthy cock sprung from tufts of brown fur. I didn’t want to stare at it, but, as Leslie closed her hand around it, I was hard-pressed to look away.

  Pooky had taken my jacket off. He pulled on my sweater, and I tried to fight him, but he whipped it over my head, exposing my bra. I crossed my arms over my chest. “Don’t touch me!”

  “You like me,” he rasped.

  I gasped. “I do not. Don’t flatter yourself, you walking carpet.”

  Dale and Kat were kissing, which was disturbing. Seeing two animals with their tongues in each other’s mouths was like a circus show on acid. Disgusting! I’d have to go to therapy now, if I ever got out of here. Either that or I needed to rinse my brain with bleach. This kidnapping had exposed me to things I just didn’t want to know about.

  Pooky unclasped my bra. “What? Oh, come on. How do you know how to do that?”

  “They’re pretty skillful when it comes to underwear,” murmured Leslie. “And other things.” Bubba’s cock was in her other hand, and she massaged both, wetting the rounded tips with clear-like fluid. “These boys are a lot of hard work...” She bent to lick across the crown of Bubba’s shaft, which produced a guttural groan from him. The same attention was given to Leonard. She got on her knees, administering to one and then the other, while Leonard ran his hand beneath her sweater, feeling her back.


  I made the mistake of looking in Kat’s direction, only to find her on her knees with Dale behind her. “Ugh. That’s gross.” A warm mouth closed around my nipple, sending a shockwave of sensation into the pit of my stomach, where the feeling began to buzz. “Don’t!” To add to my dismay, Archie closed his lips around the other one. Both nipples were suckled, leaving me tingling all the way to my toes.

  Eager hands were on me, unbuttoning my pants, pulling off my boots, and basically disrobing me in public. The others were blissfully occupied in their naughty activities; Leslie had Leonard behind her, bending low to lap at her pussy. My breath caught in my throat at the sight, imagining how slinky wet something like that would feel. Pooky’s tongue in mine last night had been one of the most intense experiences of my life. Now I had two horny and determined Sasquatches who wanted to get their paws on me.

  “Omigod! Leonard,” uttered Leslie. “That’s so nice.”

  Monsters were fondling me and I was...enjoying it. How could I ever look at myself in a mirror again? One set of lips was on my throat, gently sucking at the skin, while the other was attached to my breast, working the nipple like a baby drawing out milk. The attention I received was utterly divine. A hand drifted between my legs.

  “Oh, no.” The protest seemed weak.


  The sound tore through the cave, echoing in the hollowed space. I didn’t know which creature had made the utterance, and, perhaps, it didn’t matter. I was pressed to the pelt, while an abrasive tongue licked my tummy. Archie was between my legs, nearing his destination, while heated breath fanned out over me.

  “Oh, no…you shouldn’t. Really…Oh…sh—”

  Pooky pressed his cock to my mouth, which was a surprise. Wetness dripped down the side of my face. I didn’t want to, but I flicked my tongue out licking it. Perhaps, it was an unconscious response. He knelt close, holding himself over my face, waiting for me to suck him.

  “Dale!” shouted Kat. “Ooohh…more! Do it more!”

  The sounds of sex came from every direction. Through a haze of marijuana smoke and the crackling of a fire, creatures were engaged in carnal activity. Leslie had Leonard behind her, gripping her hips and plunging with solid thrusts. The entire length of him wasn’t able to penetrate her, but a good portion worked its magic. She certainly didn’t seem to mind at all. Bubba reclined, with the pipe hanging out of his mouth, while his woman serviced him, sucking his cock thoroughly. Grunts and moans permeated my brain, drowning out the voice of reason that told me that this was disgusting and shameful. What was happening was primitive and natural, a practice the Sasquatches had engaged in since the dawn of time.

  Archie slid his tongue from my needy portal all the way to my clit, stopping to flick at the little nub, which had swollen substantially. I moaned with Pooky’s cock in my mouth, astounded at how good it felt. He dipped into my wetness again, only to tease it briefly, laving his way to my nub. Over and over he worked me, never once entering more than the tip of his tongue. This, in combination with the penis in my mouth, sent lustful spasms into my tummy, forcing the muscles to contract and release. My body knew what was coming, my mind could process that he would enter me fully at any second, and the anticipation had me thrusting my pelvis off the floor, wanting it to happen, needing it right now! Sensing the gravity of the situation, he gave me every inch of his thick, roughly textured tongue, plunging it in so deeply, I could feel it wigging in my tummy.


  I moaned with Pooky in my mouth. I had swallowed a copious amount of pre-cum, the salty concoction running down my throat. I didn’t seem to mind at all when he pushed a little harder, driving in more of the shaft. The tongue in my cunt had me squirming on the pelt, grasping at the ape’s scalp, feeling the rough and soft strands of his fur. He seized my thighs, lifting them, pushing against the backs of them to expose me thoroughly. Whatever embarrassment I would have felt melted, when he plundered my honey walls. His saliva dribbled down my buttcrack, while he worked me ruthlessly.

  “Oh, my God!” I had no idea what the others were doing, and I didn’t care. Beastly roars were punctuated by moans and screams, but it didn’t matter. I was lost in lust. “Nooo…ooohhh…nooo…”

  Pooky pulled himself free, splashing my face with clear juice. He said something to Archie in a language I didn’t understand. He removed himself, leaving a drenching wetness. Pooky grabbed me, forcing me to straddle him. I grasped clumps of silky-rough fur that coated his abdomen and held on for dear life. He entered me with one push; his cock stretched the walls of my pussy wide.

  “Oh, shit!”

  He commandeered my hips, moving me over him in a rhythmic fashion, while his thumb grazed my clit. Not to be left out, Archie spread apart my cheeks, exposing the tiny hole of my anus. If I hadn’t been so thoroughly seduced, I might have felt a twinge of fear at what this Bigfoot intended. As it was, a substantial orgasm threatened, the pleasurable edges closing in from a short distance. The naughty ape ran his tongue over the bumpy ridges of my butt, making me gasp.

  “What the hell!”

  “They like anal sex,” said Leslie. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “Y…you guys are crazy!” I sounded breathless, but something wicked was happening to me. It had felt so good having a finger in my bottom last night. It was strange at first, and entirely invasive, but the orgasm had been shattering. “Oh, my…holy…shit!” His finger toyed at the entrance. I felt fluid on my back, and, glancing over my shoulder, I saw Archie holding himself, dripping pre-cum for lubrication. He pushed his cock against the outer ring of my muscles. “Oh, ouch! No
! Oh, no. You fucking beasts are crazy.” I could barely accommodate the one in my pussy. They would rip me in half!


  It was Porsche’s lover, finding fulfillment in Leslie. I didn’t even want to look at them. I was too wrapped up in what was happening to me, as the expansive tip of a huge phallus gently opened the constricted bands of my anus. I gasped in the agony and the ecstasy of the ordeal, burying my face in Pooky’s neck.


  The sensation was incredible, as I withstood being penetrated by two horny beasts. Pooky worked me from below, driving in as deep as he could. There was hardly any room for his cock, especially with Archie’s fighting its way in. I had never felt anything like it before in my entire life. I thought I would scream in pain, but he eased in ever so slightly, pushing and retreating slowly, lubricating me with pre-cum. The orgasm that had been threatening receded for the moment, but it still hung around the edges, waiting to unleash its blissful rage.

  “Oh…you…dirty beasts.”

  “Good girl, Lena,” moaned Pooky. “You feel nice.”


  Archie had embedded fully, driving back and forth. Pricks of discomfort registered, but they were quickly replaced by the inklings of pleasure, which enticed me with the promise of an enormous orgasm. The apes groaned, straining to fill my holes with their monster cocks. Pooky’s ragged breathing resounded off the cave walls, while Archie rasped and wheezed, thrusting even deeper. I could feel his huge balls slapping against my pussy. Once or twice they even hit my inner thighs.


  Pooky stiffened, a look of pain transformed his face, and then a torrent of fluid gushed, filling me to capacity. The rest poured out, dousing him thoroughly. He was buried deep, his cock slowly diminishing. This, coupled with Archie’s efforts, sent me over the edge, trembling from the onslaught of hundreds of mini convulsions.

  “Oooohhhh…shit…” The orgasm took over my entire pelvic region, which tingled with pleasure. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God.” I collapsed on top of Pooky, feeling his heart pounding against my chest.


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