Trial By Fire (Rainbow Cove Book 1)

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Trial By Fire (Rainbow Cove Book 1) Page 17

by Jet MacLeod

  Reagan made herself comfortable, kneeling around Gracie’s hips. Her fierce gaze was destroying every bit of resolve that Gracie was trying to maintain. Grace struggled to sit up and resituate herself, but Reagan pushed her back down on the mattress. Reagan pushed Gracie down by her shoulders but when Gracie hit the mattress, Reagan’s hands moved from Grace’s shoulders to her chest. Reagan looked down at Grace with the most carnal smile that Grace was sure she’d ever seen.


  “What?” Reagan asked.

  “What are you doing?’

  “This!” Reagan stated, leaning in and claiming Grace’s mouth.

  Grace decided that the best course of action for her was to lay back and enjoy whatever Reagan decided to give her. Grace let go of what control she thought she had. She surrendered to Reagan.

  Reagan felt Grace surrender to her. She felt the love flow out of Grace. But, for once in her carnal state, Reagan was scared. She wasn’t sure that she could please Grace the way that she wanted, the way that Grace needed it, the way that Grace deserved it.

  Grace sensed the slight uneasiness starting to rise in Reagan. She reached up and grabbed Reagan’s hands, pulling them down to her stomach. Grace held Reagan’s hands there. She was trying to make Reagan understand that if Reagan wasn’t ready, she would wait.

  “Reagan, it’s okay. You don’t have to do anything, if you aren’t ready. I’m not going to push you,” Grace told her.

  “It’s not that, Gracie, trust me.”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. I understand.”

  “Gracie…” Reagan whispered.

  It wasn’t a plea. It wasn’t a sigh. It was a quiet affirmation of love. It was the one that they both heard and understood in Reagan’s voice.

  Reagan leaned down to rest her head on Grace’s chest. Grace wrapped her arms around Reagan and held her. It was a silent affirmation of love from Grace to Reagan.

  Reagan arched up enough to kiss Grace. It wasn’t a question. It was an answer. Reagan leaned up into Grace to get better leverage to prop up over Grace to get a better angel of attack on Grace’s mouth. Reagan grinned as she descended on Grace’s mouth. Reagan let her lips do the talking for her. She didn’t know what else to say to Gracie.

  Grace allowed Reagan to deepen the kiss. Grace was lost in the taste of Reagan’s lips on her own. She enjoyed the feeling that Reagan caused inside her. Grace was lost in the passion of the moment. She pushed her hand up Reagan’s shirt, pulling Reagan more effectively onto her. Grace couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She thrust her tongue into Reagan’s mouth. They battled for control of the kiss in each other’s mouth. Grace could have sworn that she heard Reagan moan. It was what Grace was hoping for.

  Grace wanted Reagan completely. She wanted Reagan to feel loved, protected, honored and worshiped. Grace was no longer worried about what people thought about her need for Reagan. It was more complicated than Grace wanted admit.

  Grace felt Reagan surrender to her touch and mouth. She ran her hand up and down Reagan’s back, kneading her flesh. When Grace hit Reagan’s bra strap, it was deftly unsnapped with two fingers. Grace could feel Reagan’s breasts rubbing against her own chest free of one restraint. It was sudden feeling and thought before Grace realized that she was acting upon it. She had Reagan’s shirt off and the bra on the floor.

  “Oh, Grace…” Reagan moaned.

  Grace could feel the goose bumps starting to rise on Reagan’s flesh. Grace began to nuzzle Reagan’s neck. She took small nips and gave butterfly kisses to the sensitive flesh there. Reagan melted into Grace’s warmth and touch.


  “Yes, Reagan, so beautiful…”




  Grace’s head snapped up from its position at Reagan’s neck. She let her hands drop to the bed. Reagan looked into the confused eyes of the most beautiful sapphire orbs and tears began to fall from Reagan’s eyes. Grace didn’t know what to do. Grace wanted to cry. She never meant to push Reagan into something that she didn’t want.

  “Reagan?” Grace asked.

  “Just hold me, please, Grace,” Reagan begged.

  Grace didn’t need to hear Reagan say it again. She gathered Reagan’s half naked body into hers. She held Reagan tightly to her.

  “Oh, honey, I’m sorry.”

  “Gracie…it isn’t your fault. It’s mine. I’ve too much on my mind.”

  “It’s okay, honey.”

  “Grace, I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing. There is nothing to forgive. I pushed you.”

  “Oh, Grace, if that were only true,” Reagan said, through the tears.

  Reagan shook. Grace held her tighter. Grace whispered that everything would be okay. Reagan knew it would be all better when she told Grace everything.

  “Grace, we really need to talk,” Reagan started.

  “I know we do, but not right, now.”

  “Gracie Lynn, I mean it.”

  “I do, too. Reagan, what we need right now is sleep. It can keep until tomorrow.”

  “Promise?” Reagan questioned.

  “Promise, Little Bit.”

  “Good,” Reagan said.

  “I have an idea. Tomorrow after work, we’ll go to dinner and then, we’ll come back here. We can go for a walk by the lake or take the boat out on the water for a little while. And, while we do that, we can talk about whatever it is we need to talk about,” Grace offered.

  “Okay, baby,” Reagan agreed, half-asleep or she wouldn’t have called Grace “baby.”

  Grace felt the wait of Reagan change against her as Reagan fell asleep. She just held Reagan’s slumbering form. Grace felt her heightened libido begin to ebb. She couldn’t imagine what had pushed Reagan so far in one direction and then completely in another. Grace lay there, staring at the ceiling, pondering the wiles and reasoning of the small woman in her arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  They were heading back form dinner. They were lost in their own thoughts about the events that had transpired over the last few weeks. Reagan stole a glance at Gracie, who was lost in thought as her F150 was barreling down I-20. They were both confused about it all.

  Grace was brought out of her pensive stupor when her cell phone rang. She reached over to the cup holder and picked it up. She glanced at the caller ID and knew that she had to answer it. Grace could only hope that she would be able to have peace, but she knew that as a cop and as a detective with the SVU that she was always on call.

  “O’Shea…yeah, hey, Cap, what’s up?...I was kinda busy…Yeah, I understand that, but I was off, so…I know that doesn’t mean anything…Where?...Uh, huh, I got it…What about French?...He’s already on the way…Ok, but I got to stop and get some stuff…No, I didn’t take it with me…I know I have a permit, but it just didn’t…I understand that Cap, but…yeah, I got it…But, Danica…Hold, on, just a sec…I was not…I understand that…I am going, aren’t I?...I just have to make a stop before I get there…I am like thirty minutes away…I am going. I am going…Yeah, I left one at my parents, it is on the way…Yeah, I got that…It is in my wallet…Ok, Danica, but you owe me for this…I don’t care about Gregor and Smith, you owe me…This was supposed to be my day off…Yeah, I know that…hey, wait…It won’t be my service but it is registered…yeah, it’s a forty-five…Glock…I’ll bring it in soon…yeah to have it put in the system…yeah…yeah…okay…okay…I am going…Give me the address…okay, where is that?...Tell me your joking…You’re serious, like as in a heart attack…Gotcha…I’ll be there soon, tell French not to start anything until I get there,” Grace said and then hung up the phone and put it back in the cup holder.

  “Change of plans?” Reagan asked.

  “Yeah, sorry. Sometimes, I hate my job,” Grace stated, “I am going to drop you off at my parents. It is on the way to the scene.”

  “Oh, will they mind?” she asked.

  “I doubt it,” Grace answered, “Besides, I have to go by there and pick up my back up Glock, since my service weapon is at the lake house.”

  “If that is easier for you,” Reagan stated.

  “Well, it isn’t easier or better, but it would make me feel better if you were there. I would think that you were safer there then going with me,” Grace answered.

  “I don’t understand,” Reagan replied.

  “There has been another rape at the Lake. I don’t want to take you there, especially after the other night,” Grace answered, as she sped down the highway.

  “Oh, I understand,” Reagan responded.

  “It is just that…I don’t want you to see that again. I don’t want you to have to deal with that. I would feel better if you weren’t at your house right now. This is the third rape in the Lake in under a week. This guy has to be stopped or killed. Right now, I don’t care which, but I don’t want you there,” Grace explained.

  “I understand. But, what about work in the morning? What will I do about that?” Reagan asked.

  “I’ll come get you. I’ll take care of that,” Grace stated.

  “What if you don’t get done until late?” Reagan inquired.

  “Then, you’ll just have to call in. I mean: don’t you own the place, so you could just take a day. I am sure that it will run fine without you there. If they need you that bad, they can call you cell phone,” Gracie answered.

  “Well, I guess that is settled then, isn’t it?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” Grace replied.

  “I know that, but sometimes you try to be in control too much. Calm down, I understand your reasoning and I am glad that you were thinking of me. I’ll stay with your parents. I would feel safer there. I’ll call in when I get there and then, I’ll just wait for you at your parent’s house. Don’t worry about me, take care of the victim,” Reagan said, as she took one of Grace’s hands.

  Grace stole a quick glance at Reagan and quickly replaced her eyes on the road. She had to admit to herself that she was happy that Reagan understood what she was doing. Grace didn’t feel like getting into a fight with Reagan about something like her own safety.

  “Just do me a favor,” Reagan told her.

  “What’s that?” Grace asked.

  “Promise me that you will come back to your parents’ house, no matter what time it is and get me. And, be careful, I won’t be able to sleep if you don’t,” Reagan explained to Grace, as she rubbed her thumb over Grace’s hand.

  “I’ll do it. Don’t worry,” Grace answered.

  Grace pulled up into her parents drive at their “manor” in Irmo. She disembarked the vehicle and was in the house and up the stairs to her room before Reagan made it in the front door. Grace’s mother, Brianna, was at the foot of the stairs waiting for an explanation. She stared at Reagan, glanced up the stairs to all the noise that was coming from Grace’s room, and then looked back at Reagan.

  “Are you going to tell me what this is about, or am I going to have to go up there and ask her?” Brianna asked.

  “She got a call. She didn’t have time to go home and get her weapon so, she came here to get the one that she keeps in her room,” Reagan answered.

  “Weapon? You mean a gun? You mean that she has a gun stashed up there?” Grace’s mother inquired.

  “Yea, ma’am, she does. That is why she is here,” Reagan replied.

  “Well, I never,” her mother started.

  “Got it,” Grace stated coming down the stairs.

  She looked out the storm door at her truck and the angry sky. Grace didn’t like the way it looked because she knew that if they didn’t get what evidence they could from outside the home before it rained that they never would. Grace looked at the look on her mother’s face and then the look that Reagan was giving her. She knew that she didn’t have time to explain anything, but she would have to give her mother something.

  “I can’t stay long, Mum, I have a case to deal with,” she said with a sense of urgency.

  “I see. I guess that we will discuss this when you get back, tonight, then,” her mother stated.

  “We can talk about it, later, yes. I can’t say when later will be, but until then, I would like it if you would take care of Reagan. I’ll be back for her as soon as I can,” Grace said, heading out the door, “Hopefully, it won’t be too long. I am sorry, Reagan.”

  “Don’t worry ‘bout it. Just catch the bastard,” Reagan replied.

  They both seemed oblivious to Brianna, who stood and watched them. Grace leaned back in the storm door and gave Reagan a kiss. Her eyes told her Brianna how much she didn’t want to leave Reagan and go to work, but Reagan’s posture answered all the questions that Brianna had about them being together. Grace, again, apologized for the interruption to both her mother’s and Reagan’s evening. She ran to the truck, flipped the switch to her blue light, which she finally got installed, and sped off. The last thing that Reagan and Brianna saw was the flashing white and blue taillights of the truck.

  “So,” Brianna started.

  Reagan turned around and realized what Brianna had witnessed. She wasn’t sure how Grace’s mother would react to them being together. Honestly, neither one of them even bothered to wonder about it. Reagan looked at Brianna like a kid that got caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar.

  “What kind of case is she working on?” Brianna asked, breaking the awkward silence between them.

  “It is a rape case,” Reagan answered.

  “A rape case? Why is she working on a rape case? I thought that she was working narcotics,” Brianna stated.

  “She did, I guess, when she lived in Atlanta. She decided she wanted something else, when she got here. Danica gave her a choice and in the end, Danica is the one that put her on the SVU squad. She hates the crimes that she has to deal with in the SVU, but she likes nailing the bad guy. She is extremely good,” Reagan told her.

  “I now that. She is an O’Shea. They are naturally inquisitive. Seven of her nine cousins are policemen in New York,” Brianna replied.

  “Ah, so I guess it runs in the family,” Reagan added.

  “Yeah, Padrick’s Da was a Bobby in Dublin. He didn’t want that life for his eldest son, so he sent him to school. Lot of good that did him. It just made Padrick a better business man, God bless him,” Brianna stated.

  “Well, I’ll have to admit that I have learned a few lessons from him when it came to business and I would have to thank his father for his education. It certainly has helped my business prosper,” Reagan replied.

  “Well, I am sure you could tell him that yourself. Padrick is in the other room. He’ll want to know why we are entertaining ya, especially when finds out why you are here alone and without Gracie,” Brianna told her, “Sometimes I think that old Irishman has something up his sleeves when it comes to our daughter. I don’t know what happened between them after that night of the dinner, with you two, but he seems a little more relaxed with our daughter’s choices. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

  “No, ma’am, not a clue,” Reagan lied.

  “Well, you can’t fault me for trying,” Brianna stated, ushering her into the living room.

  Reagan sat down on the couch and stared out the giant picture windows that over looked the back yard. She vaguely remembered doing almost the same thing that night months ago, when Padrick had set both Reagan and Grace up and at his own table, no less. She shook her head and watched the thunderhead moving in. She hoped in the back of her mind that Grace was alright and that would get some clue that would lead them to the perpetrator, before the rain washed everything away.

  Padrick came in from another room and sat in the EZ chair near the couch. He looked over at Reagan, puzzled, but didn’t really seem to question the fact that she was there. When he looked at his wife, Brianna, and saw that Grace wasn’t joining them as well, this is when he started to question Reagan’s presence in his home.

>   “What happened?” he asked her in his thick Irish lilt.

  “She got called on a case,” Reagan answered.

  “She didn’t have time to take you home?” he inquired, “You would think that she would have taken you home. Why didn’t she take you home, dear?”

  “That might be a long story,” Reagan replied.

  “Go ahead, Rae, it looks like we might have all night for you to tell it,” he told her.

  “You might be right, Paddy, but I am not sure that I am in the mood to rehash such things at the moment. Could I have a drink first?” Reagan asked.

  “Ah, yes, where are my manners? What would you like? Scotch? Whiskey? Something stronger?” he asked.

  “Whatever, I don’t really care at the moment,” she answered, honestly.

  “Fine, then, I will get ya something,” he said, rising from his chair to cross the room. He positioned himself behind the bar and poured two identical drinks. When he was done, he replace the bottle behind the bar and came back to sit in the EZ chair next to Reagan.

  “Here,” he said, handing her a glass, “This might help you, some.”

  “Thank you,” Reagan replied, taking the glass.

  She drank the stiff drink in one gulp. She had to admit to herself that she was glad that Padrick was home. She didn’t know how she would be able to deal with just Brianna by herself. She glanced back at Padrick and gave him an approving nod.

  “Brianna, why don’t you bring her something to eat,” Padrick started.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Reagan said, “We were on our way back from dinner when she got the call.”

  “Oh, so you’ve eaten. Good then,” Padrick stated.

  “Yes, sir,” Reagan answered dumbly.

  “Well, it is a good thing that my girl is thoughtful or I would have to say something to her about it. I see you two have become friends since the little incident that night in the bar. She really hated you for that, you know?” Brianna told Reagan.

  “I can imagine. I would have hated me, too. But, I thought that something needed to be done. I was tired of watching her go through a bottle a night. She was wasted and if my friend Leigh hadn’t clued me in, I am not sure how she would have made it home that night,” Reagan said.


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