Naughty Santa

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Naughty Santa Page 3

by Janelle Denison

  I don’t have a very good feeling about this, Angie said, wringing her hands anxiously in her lap.

  Stop being such a worrywart. Desiree scowled at her nemesis for putting a damper on the fun. Christian loved the gift and sexy note. Now, if only Amanda had the nerve to follow through on that little fantasy of hers, she’d be one happy and very satisfied woman, I’m sure.

  Annoyed with the bickering, Amanda shook her head as she turned off the faucet, then grabbed a towel to dry her hands. “Go away. The two of you are driving me crazy.”

  “Who is driving you crazy?”

  Startled by the sound of Christian’s voice behind her—the second time in the same day, no less—Amanda spun around to face him. He stood just inside the break room, looking gorgeous as always with his tousled hair, intense blue eyes and lean, honed body she’d imagined naked far too many times. A small frown creased his dark brows as he waited for her to answer his question.

  God, he’s so hot. Desiree sighed and fanned herself with her hand. If you’re not going to take advantage of all that studliness, introduce me and I’ll do it for you.

  If Amanda had the ability to knock the cheeky devil off her shoulder, she would have. Instead, she ignored Desiree and her outrageous request. “Uh, nobody. I was, uh, just talking to myself.”

  “Oh.” He pushed his fingers through his already disheveled hair, his expression troubled, which wasn’t something she’d ever associated with Christian, who was always the epitome of self-confidence. “Look, I need to talk to you.”

  That doesn’t sound good at all, Angie said, much too nervously for Amanda’s liking. I warned you that sending him that gift wasn’t a good idea!

  Amanda pushed Angie and her ominous words out of her head, refusing to allow her guardian angel’s apprehension to become her own. Placing the terry towel on the counter, she smiled at Christian as if nothing was wrong. “Sure. What’s up?”

  He released a tension-filled breath. “I need to see the Secret Santa list.”

  Uh-oh, Angie muttered.

  Amanda kept her outward composure cool and calm, but inside she had to admit to her first little niggle of uneasiness. “Christian, you know I can’t show you the list.”

  His lean jaw clenched. “Then I need to know who had my name.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t tell you that, either.”

  Gaze narrowed, he walked across the break room, slowly closing the distance between them. “Yes, you can.”

  “No, I can’t.” She took a step back and let out a small squeak of surprise when her back connected with the edge of the counter behind her.

  Finally, he stopped in front of her—a respectable distance away for two colleagues engaging in a discussion, but his nearness affected Amanda on too many levels anyways. She could smell the warm, male scent of his cologne and feel the heat emanating from him. Her keen awareness of him as a man, not to mention those sensual lips of his, did crazy things to her hormones and made her weak in the knees.

  Thinking fast, she changed the direction of the conversation. “Is there a problem with your tie? Because I can ask the person who gave it to you for a gift receipt so you can exchange it for something else.”

  “No, the tie itself is fine.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” she asked, but knew exactly what had set him off—her written fantasy.

  He hesitated a moment, then shoved his hands into the front pockets of his trousers before saying, “There was a note that came with the gift, and I need to know who wrote it.”

  Her heart beat so hard and fast in her chest, she was surprised it didn’t show against her sweater. “Was the note offensive?” It was hard to believe that an experienced guy like Christian would be repulsed by the provocative message she’d penned for him, so she was guessing that he was just out to appease his curiosity.

  But how far would he go to satisfy his need to know? she wondered, and felt a tiny shiver course down her spine.

  “It all depends on who wrote it,” he said, frustration deepening the tone of his voice. “There are two people who seem the most likely, and well, let’s just say that if I know who sent me that note I can at least watch my back.”

  The innuendo in his comment, along with the slight bit of humor curving the corner of his mouth told Amanda that one of those people he suspected of writing the note was Drew. And, undoubtedly, the other was Stacey because the office bimbo had made her interest in Christian openly obvious over the past few months.

  Laughter and voices traveled into the break room from the reception area, and Christian cast a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure they were still alone before returning his attention back to Amanda. He leaned close, his gaze holding a hint of desperation as he pressed his advantage in low, urgent tones. “I swear, if you tell me who my Secret Santa is, I’ll keep the information to myself. No one will ever know that you told me anything.”

  She really had shaken him up with that note, more than Amanda had ever believed was possible. Now, it was more imperative than ever that he never find out that she was the one who’d penned the fantasy because it could make things awkward between them and ultimately change the dynamics of their working relationship.

  I hate to tell you that I told you so, Angie whispered in her ear, but I did tell you so!

  Feeling trapped between the counter, Christian’s gorgeous body and her own deceit, Amanda felt the overwhelming need for space and breathing room. Forcing her feet to move, she stepped around the man in front of her.

  “I’m really sorry, Christian. Everyone trusts me with that list, and it’s up to each individual person to decide whether or not they want their recipient to know they were their Secret Santa.” She gave him her best apologetic look. “I just can’t break confidence that way.”

  As if finally accepting that she wasn’t going to cave to his request, he exhaled a deep breath and gave up the fight. “Fine.” The one word was rife with exasperation, but there was a determination burning in his gaze that contradicted his acquiescence.

  Without another word, he turned and left the break room, and that uneasy feeling in the pit of her belly grew.

  Wow, you really did a number on him, Desiree said with a proud smile on her red lips. I didn’t think you had it in you. I’m very proud of you, girl.

  Amanda placed a hand on her churning stomach, trying without success to calm that unsettling sensation spreading through her. She’d wanted a reaction out of him, and she’d gotten that, and probably a whole lot more than she’d bargained for. Lord help her if Christian ever discovered that she was the one responsible for the gift he’d received and the tantalizing note that had piqued more than just his curiosity.

  The Lord has nothing to do with this mess you and Desiree made of things, Angie said primly as her halo gleamed a bright, shiny gold over her head. I really do think you’re on your own with this one.

  Amanda was afraid that Angie was right.

  * * *

  Christian was beginning to think that Amanda wasn’t ever going to leave for the evening, and he was starting to feel like a stalker considering the way he was staking out her office from the meeting room across the way. The light was off in the room he was in, and he was able to remain out of sight while keeping an eye on Amanda through the glass partition. Still, he’d been in there for an hour, and he was quickly growing impatient and restless.

  However, he had to admit that he was enjoying being able to watch Amanda on the sly. Believing she was completely alone in the office after six o’clock on a Friday night of a holiday weekend, she was very relaxed and at ease. The reserve and poise that surrounded her during business hours was now stripped away, revealing a woman who was much softer and more laid-back than she let anyone at the office see.

  As executive editor and the daughter of a publishing mogul, she had to keep up a strong and competent front with her co-workers, to prove she could handle the pressures and stress of the job, as well as everyone else. And she managed t
he feat quite well because no one ever questioned her dedication, or the fact that she deserved to follow in her father’s footsteps. Her commitment and loyalty, as well as her ability to handle any crises with finesse, spoke for itself.

  But as she moved around her desk with a natural grace, he had to admit that this open, unconstrained side to Amanda tempted him. As did the stunningly sensual curves of her body, and that rich, brown hair that looked so soft and inviting beneath the lights in her office. When she absently ran her tongue across her bottom lip, his mind veered off on a tangent of its own, imagining that sweet mouth beneath his, all hot and damp and eager just for him.

  From there, the scenario spun out of control, taking him places he had no business traveling with Amanda, even if it was all in his mind. Places like his bed, and having her gloriously naked and wonderfully wanton in it. With him restrained by a blue-and-gray striped tie and Amanda teasing him, pleasing him and making him lose control…

  The words from the note he’d received with his gift earlier today played into his fantasy, giving him a much needed jolt of reality and reminding him why he was hiding out in the meeting room. And it wasn’t because he’d suddenly become a voyeur, though the erection straining against the fly of his slacks begged to differ.

  After confronting Amanda in the break room and getting nothing for his efforts, he’d decided that there was only one thing left for him to do. Sneak into her office after everyone was gone for the night and find that damnable Secret Santa list.

  Jesus, he was so pathetic. And desperate to discover who was yanking his chain with that provocative note.

  Forever seemed to pass before Amanda finally tossed a few things into her briefcase, snapped it closed, then put on her black wool coat, leaving it unbuttoned despite the evening chill awaiting her. Grabbing her purse and briefcase, she locked her office door, switched off the main lights, then headed for the elevator that would take her down to the private garage where she parked her car.

  As soon as the elevator door closed behind Amanda, Christian made his move. Jimmying her office door open was ridiculously easy since it wasn’t a bolt lock. A slow, careful slide of a thin credit card released the latch, and that easily, he was in.

  He turned the light back on and began searching her desk for the list, feeling a tad guilty for breaking and entering, not to mention shuffling through Amanda’s things. To ease his conscience, he didn’t linger on any one thing and kept his focus on his search.

  Everything was neat and tidy, like the woman herself, making the task of looking for the list a quick process. Unfortunately, what he was looking for wasn’t to be found in her desk drawers. Frustration got the best of him, and he swore out loud, refusing to admit defeat just yet.

  Hands on his hips, he glanced around the office, and his gaze came to a stop on the filing cabinets. Figuring it was worth a look, he checked the private files under S for Secret Santa, and laughed out loud when he found one labeled with that exact title. Leave it to Amanda to be so predictable.

  Tucked inside was the handwritten list he’d been after. Feeling triumphant, he withdrew the paper and his gaze immediately zeroed in on his name, which was right beside the name of the one person he never would have suspected of doing something so bold.

  Amanda Creighton.

  “Jees-uz,” he muttered beneath his breath, unable to believe that Miss Prim and Proper had penned such an arousing and seductive fantasy—to him. Knowingly. Deliberately. And with the certainty that he’d never discover the truth. Was it no wonder that she wouldn’t let him take a peek?

  Now he understood why, and her involvement certainly put an interesting and unexpected twist on things. It also made his attraction to her very real because the desire was obviously reciprocated on her end, as well. Try as he might, he couldn’t ignore the warm flare of arousal that had begun to radiate through him at the mental image of Amanda tying him up for their mutual pleasure and satisfaction.

  The big question was, what was he going to do about the incriminating information he’d just uncovered, as well as the tie and brazen note she’d given him? If he was a smart man, he’d slip the Secret Santa file right back into the cabinet, pretend he never saw that list, and forget about Amanda and her erotic, mind-blowing fantasy involving him.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  The sound of Amanda’s indignant question jarred Christian out of his thoughts and made him jump from her unexpected presence. Still holding the list in his hand, he turned around to face the woman standing in the doorway of her office. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him, and the flush sweeping across her complexion combined shock, panic…and a flash of guilt.

  So much for being a smart man and getting out while the getting had been good. Now, he didn’t have that option. Caught red-handed with no escape, Christian figured there was only one thing left for him to do—confront Amanda with the evidence he’d unearthed and teach her a little lesson about what could happen when you teased a man beyond his limits.

  * * *

  Oh, yeah, now this is getting good! From Amanda’s left shoulder, Desiree rubbed her hands together and her eyes sparkled with anticipation, taking obvious delight in the recent turn of events.

  Amanda, on the other hand, was mortified to find Christian in her office—the Secret Santa list clutched between his long fingers. She’d definitely startled him, but he didn’t look at all worried about being caught in the act. In fact, there was a certain smugness about him that caused a frisson of awareness to take hold.

  And judging by the satisfied look in his eyes, there was no doubt in her mind that he was now well aware that she’d given him that very intimate note.

  What did you expect? Angie scolded, like the mother Amanda had lost at such a young age. When you play with fire you’re bound to get burned.

  If that’s the case, then burn me, baby, Desiree said in a low, sultry purr that was directed Christian’s way.

  Ha! Angie crossed her arms over her chest. You’re so used to the heat, you have no idea what it’s like to be burned!

  You’re just jealous that I like it hot. Desiree smirked.

  Stop, both of you! Amanda gave her head a hard shake. I can’t think straight with the two of you squabbling in my mind!

  The voices went quiet, but Amanda knew the reprieve was only temporary. Neither Angie nor Desiree was about to miss this showdown between her and Christian.

  When Amanda had gotten down to her car and realized she’d forgotten a file for an article she planned on editing over the holiday weekend, she’d never have imagined that a quick trip back up to her office would turn into a confrontation she had no wish to have with Christian. But other than ignoring the fact that he’d broken into her office and gone through her personal files, she didn’t have much choice.

  She just hoped and prayed that she’d be able to get out of this very awkward situation with her pride intact.

  “I asked you what you were doing in here,” she said, lifting her chin in a show of authority.

  “Well, now, that should be obvious,” he said in a slow, lazy drawl that had way too much of an effect on Amanda’s sorely neglected libido. “I’m getting the answer that you weren’t willing to give me earlier in the break room. With good reason, it seems, considering you’re my Secret Santa.”

  Despite that truth, there was no way she was going to let him get the upper hand. Squaring her shoulders, she strode into the room and right up to Christian, focusing on a more condemning issue that involved him. “You broke into my office. I could have you written up for that, or even fired.”

  An infuriatingly sexy smile curved up the corner of his lips. “But you won’t do either.”

  She arched a brow. “And what makes you so sure about that?”

  He leaned a shoulder against her file cabinets, making himself comfortable. “For starters, I have a list right here in my hand showing that you’re my Secret Santa.”

  Unimpressed, she shrugged. “So?�

  “I also have a very suggestive note from you, which if brought to light, could be misconstrued in many ways.”

  Hearing the idle threat in his words, she narrowed her gaze. “Such as?”

  “Let’s see,” he said, taking a moment to think as his eyes glimmered with amusement. “There’s always sexual harassment.”

  She opened her mouth, then snapped it shut again. He was toying with her, just as she’d toyed with him. And he was enjoying every minute of it. “Oh, that’s a rich claim, coming from the office bad boy.”

  “Hey, I’ve been a very good boy for months now,” he said, affecting a virtuous look that would have made Angie proud. “And I’m quite sure that your father would be absolutely appalled to find out his daughter wrote such a naughty letter to me.”

  “Ohhhh, you’re a rat!” Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, even though she knew that she was to blame for riling him in the first place with that tie and note. This whole entire mess was her fault, but that didn’t mean she was going to let Christian have any kind of advantage over her.

  “Give me that list.” She held out her hand.

  “Nope.” He folded the piece of paper in half, then in another half, making a tidy square. “It’s my security deposit. You get me for breaking and entering, and I have the Secret Santa list and a very sexy note to go with it.”

  She gasped in shock. “That’s blackmail.”

  “Hmmm.” He grinned shamelessly and winked at her, exuding way too much charm for her peace of mind. “Sure, if that’s what you want to call it.”

  She made a quick grab for the folded paper, but he was quicker. He held it just out of her grasp, and unless she wanted to plaster her body against his to reach the list, she was out of luck. It was an appealing thought, but she didn’t want to end up in a wrestling match with him, no matter how much Desiree would enjoy being a spectator to that sport.

  “Give it back, Christian.” She used a firm, no-nonsense tone that usually got her exactly what she wanted.


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