Scripted Love

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Scripted Love Page 22

by Karen Frances

  I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his. “I love you, and together, we’re facing a new chapter of our lives.”

  “Well?” We both turn to see Fletcher and Jess standing in the doorway. “I take it from the tears you’re joining the fatherhood club?” Fletcher says, stepping into the office.

  I nod.

  “Ella, congratulations. This is the best news,” Jess says, tears filling her eyes. At this rate, none of us will be able to face anyone because we’re all crying.

  “Thank you, but you two are going to have to keep this to yourselves until we get a chance to tell our family. I want to tell Jack, but we should do that at home.”

  “Our lips are sealed,” Jess says. “We’ll give you a minute then you need to be back in the players’ lounge with us.”

  They leave us alone, but I know they’re waiting out in the corridor for us.

  “Are you happy?” Connor asks.

  “Yes. You have brought me so much happiness through some of the darkest times of my life, and this gift, as you put it, is my gift to you. You, Connor Andrews, are an incredible man and you will be an amazing dad. And I’ll never take you for granted. You say our love isn’t fake and I know that, but you’re wrong when you say this couldn’t be written. We have in our hands the key to our very own Hollywood blockbuster, because what we share is our happily-ever-after.”

  “This is us . . . our scripted love.”

  “MUMMY! MUMMY! DADDY AND JACK are being horrible to me,” my daughter cries, running into my bedroom. I take several deep breaths, trying to calm myself as pain shoots through me.

  “Cara, what’s wrong?” I ask, holding out my hands. She pulls her body up onto the bed beside me. I run my fingers through her curly hair before wiping away her tears. Connor better have a good reason for causing her tears.

  She takes a deep breath. “They won’t let me play football. Fletcher is out the front kicking a ball and Daddy said I’m not allowed to go.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re only four, and playing football on the road is not allowed.” I try to console her with my soothing voice, but also confirm the rule that she’s too young to play out the front. “You know you play in the back garden.”

  “But that’s not fair,” she whines. “I bet when my baby brother is here, he’ll be allowed out the front to play with Jack because he’s a boy.”

  I try not to laugh. I rub my expanding stomach. “The same rules will apply to your baby brother, and as for Jack, I’ll speak to him. It will be a long time before your baby brother can play anywhere. Now, if Mummy gets dressed, can you find my shoes? And then, how about you and Jack go over and stay with Fletcher and Jess today? That way you can play with Emily all day.”

  “Yes.” She jumps from the bed, excited, and offers me her hand to help me up. She’s so cute. I get dressed, pulling on a pair of leggings, vest top, and a cardigan. “Mummy, these ones?” she asks, holding up my favourite pair of comfortable slip on trainers.

  “Yes.” I slip my feet into them and stand, taking her hand. “Let’s go and find Daddy.”

  “Yesss!” She squeals with delight.

  We walk down the stairs and the front door is open. It’s always kept closed because Cara is forever running outside, and usually straight over to Jess and Fletcher’s house. I can hear Connor and Fletcher’s voices from outside. I pause for a moment as I breathe through another contraction. They’re coming more regularly now. I step outside, still holding Cara’s hand.

  I swear the men are worse than any of our kids.

  The two of them are kicking a football about the front drive, with Jack tackling them both. “What the hell are you playing at?” I yell.

  I never imagined staying in a small estate like this, but now I can’t imagine staying anywhere else. All our neighbours have become our friends and we’re still close enough to Callum and my dad. There’s a small community here, yet I still have the privacy that I’ve gotten used to over the years.

  Fletcher stands with the ball at his feet as Connor walks toward me. “How are my favourite people today?”

  “Not good,” I say with a frown, resting my free hand on my bump. “You’ve made Cara cry.” He bends, picking our daughter up, and gives me a kiss. “Daddy’s sorry, but you’re not allowed out front.”

  She huffs.

  “But, if Daddy and Jack are out front then Cara can play and Daddy can watch her,” I say, looking at Connor.

  “Really?” she squeals, wriggling in his arms.


  Connor stares at me. He knows I’ve won. He puts Cara down and she runs over to Fletcher. That girl is football daft and it’s all his fault.

  “Okay. You’re right, as always.”

  “I’m glad you agree.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired, and I’m more than ready to meet this little one.” I put my hands on my stomach just as our son decides to play some football of his own.

  Connor puts his hands on top of mine. His face lights up as he feels our son kicking. “Why don’t you rest? I’ll see if Jess and Fletcher don’t mind having Cara and Jack for a bit and I’ll make you something to eat, and maybe run you a bath.”

  “That sounds really nice, but I’d rather you take me to the hospital.”

  Connor’s eyes dart to my stomach and then back to my face. He attempts to speak but nothing comes out. I laugh at him. “What . . . now?” he asks, finding his voice.

  “Yes. It’s time for us to meet our son.”

  “Fletch . . . you and Jess okay to have the kids?” he calls out as Jess comes out of her front door. She already knows I’ve been having contractions; I told her earlier. I didn’t want Connor panicking like he did when I went into labour with Cara. He was a nightmare, completely fussing and not giving me a minute’s peace the whole eighteen hours.

  Jess stands with me as our daughters play with Fletcher and Jack, and Connor runs in and out of our house, looking for God knows what.

  “You’ll be fine,” Jess says. “I’ll call your dad because I’m sure Connor’s going to forget.” We both laugh, knowing what he’s going to be like. Although, if he doesn’t get a move on, I’ll be delivering our son in the middle of our driveway.

  He rushes to my side and takes my hands. “Your bag is in the car, isn’t it?”


  “So, you two are having a right old laugh at me?”

  “Us? Never. Cara, Jack,” I call over. “Come here a minute.” Cara runs over, full of energy. “You be a good girl for Jess today,” I tell Cara. “And as for you, don’t cause too much trouble,” I say to Jack laughing. For a lad his age, he hasn’t given us any problems over the years. He’s a brilliant kid and a great big brother to Cara.

  “Don’t you mean be nice to Fletcher?” She is so funny. “Of course I’ll be good for Jess and I’ll be nice to Fletcher. I won’t kick him when we play football.”

  I bend and give her a kiss because I have no answer to that.

  “I’ll be good, but I won’t promise not to kick Fletcher playing football.” I laugh at Jack’s honesty. What a boy. When it comes to football, he doesn’t allow anything to get in his way. Even Fletcher. “Mum, we’ll be fine. I’ll look after Cara.” Jack gives me a kiss and runs off. Tears fill my eyes at how grown up he is now. Connor gives Cara a kiss then she runs back and starts playing with Jack, Emily, and Fletcher.

  “Ella.” Connor’s voices startles me.

  “I’m sure it was just a slip,” I say.

  “No. He asked me last night if I thought it would be okay if he called you mum,” Connor tells me. “Ella, you are his mum in every way possible and I’m sure his mum is watching over you, over us, and thanking God that he’s okay.”

  “You two need to go,” Jess says. “The kids will be fine. Get to the hospital, before you have this baby here.”

  Connor keeps my hand in his as we walk toward the car, but I have to stop as a strong contraction rips through me. �

  “I’m fine, honest, just excited about meeting our boy.” He opens the car door and I pause, looking at him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m just thinking I’m really lucky.” I lift my hand to his face, feeling his five o’clock shadow.

  “I’m the lucky one.”

  “We’re both lucky,” I say, pressing my lips to his. My body quivers at the sweet tenderness of our kiss. The gentle massage of his lips against mine sends currents of desire through my body.

  “A simple kiss is never that between us,” he says, adjusting his trousers. “Ella, it’s not funny. You’re in labour.”

  “Well, at least I know I still turn you on.”

  “As if there was ever any doubt about that.” I climb into the car and wait for him to close the door, but he doesn’t. Instead, he kneels down and takes my hand in his again. “Ella, I just want you to know that everything in my life has been worth waiting for. You are worth it and don’t ever forget it. I love our scripted love.”

  I smile with tears filling my eyes because he’s using the very same words I said almost five years ago.

  “I love you.”

  The End xx


  I’M DISCOVERING TODAY THAT I don’t have a lot of patience. Which is funny, because I’ve waited five years for Ella to be mine, but she isn’t mine. Not really. Not yet. I’ve battled with my decision since I woke up. There’s been plenty of reasons for and not so many against.

  I’ve had to wait all day long until she and Jack left to go to the shelter before I could come here. And now that I’m getting out of the car, my nerves have kicked in.

  I know that in today’s society, I don’t even need to do this, but I have to. Call me old-fashioned, but I have too much respect for Archie not to give him his place.

  I walk to the front door, ring the doorbell, and open the door. “Archie,” I call out.

  “I’m in the kitchen,” he replies.

  As I walk through the hallway, I can’t help but smile at the family pictures on the walls. Ella and Callum are in most of them. Both always smiling and happy. That was what drew me to Ella when I first met her; her gorgeous smile. It could light up a darkened room.

  I pause in front of a family picture by the seaside. I wish I had known Sheena for longer. She and Ella had such a close relationship, and even in this picture, Ella must only be about six, I can see the bond between them. I hope our kids have that with Ella.

  I’m jumping the gun a bit.

  “What are you doing?” Archie’s voice startles me and I turn toward him.

  “Just looking at this picture.”

  “This is one of my favourites. Come on through. I’ve made tea.” I follow him into the kitchen. “So, what brings you here tonight?” he asks, pouring tea into two cups.

  I ponder his question and try to think of the right words to say, but come up blank. “Archie, you know how much Ella means to me. I love her. Always have and I always will. I’d like your permission to ask for her hand in marriage,” I blurt out nervously.

  Archie smiles and gives a low chuckle. “Son, do I make you that nervous?”

  “No, sir. But this is a big ask.”

  “Less of the sir. You’ve already been family to me for a number of years. So, I’ll give you my blessing on one condition.”

  I smile, thrilled that I have his blessing, because it makes life easier, although I would still be asking her even if I didn’t have it. “What’s the condition?”

  “That you treat Ella with the respect she deserves. She’s an amazing young woman, very like her mother. If you treat her right, she’ll be your best friend, your lover, and companion for life. But fuck up, and you’ll be the one paying the price.”

  “I won’t fuck up. I love and care for her too deeply.”

  “I know you do. Even Sheena knew you two would end up together. How she knew that all those years ago is beyond me. I wish she was here to see it. Ella finally with the man Sheena believed was worthy of her.”

  “I was thinking that too as I stood looking at the picture in the hallway. I hope our children have the relationship Ella has with you and had with her mum.”

  “You got something else you want to tell me?”

  I think about his words. “God, no. Not yet.” I’m not telling him I’m hoping for children in our near future.

  “I’m teasing. The day either of my children tells me I’m going to be a granddad, I’ll be a happy man. So, when are you going to propose?”

  “As soon as possible. I’ve waited a long time to have her in my life and I would’ve asked her that very first day I arrived back here.”

  “So, now you’ve done what you came here to do, what are your plans for the rest of the evening?”

  “I think I’ll go and help out at the shelter. I know Mack and Jack will be there.”

  “So neither of them are sleeping on the streets now?”

  “No. They have a bed every night in the new shelter, until . . . There’s still a lot of work to be done to bring it up to standards, but it’s dry with running water, heating, and lights.”

  “It sounds like everything is going to plan.”

  “Yes. I’m proud of what Ella’s helped to achieve in a short period of time.”

  “Me too. Me too. Finish your tea and go to her.”

  I lean against the doorframe and watch as Ella and Michelle organise everyone and everything in this room. Mesmerised. She’s completely unaware of my presence and that means I get to watch her. Everyone she was talking to was captivated by her words. She’s always been able to do that, my Ella; hold the attention of an entire room of people, even when she’s unaware she’s doing it.

  I’m completely and utterly hopelessly in love with Ella McGregor.

  Always have been. And sure as hell always will be.

  Tonight is the first time this room will be used. I know she’s anxious about everything going or not going to plan, but she doesn’t need to worry. Every single volunteer here tonight wants the same thing. They all have the same objectives. The charity purchased this old building and is slowly transforming it. The room before me is like a huge games room; pool tables, sofas, a TV. Everything in this room is brand new; nothing but the best. Ella approached Alex about looking for other companies that would be willing to make donations. He not only got her the donations she was looking for, but he managed to get companies to donate their time as well, from decorators to kitchen fitters. There has been a lot more interest in the charity since the ad with Ella went live. Only last week, she had a meeting with MPs and the Scottish first minister about the homeless problem in Scotland. I know I said jokingly to her about being an MP, but she could be and she’d be a damn good one.

  Mack is moving some furniture and he looks to be struggling. I step toward him. “Here, let me help.”

  “Thanks, Connor.” The two of us position the table where it’s meant to be. “Ella didn’t mention you’d be here tonight.”

  “No. I thought I’d surprise her.”

  He casts his eyes to her and back to me. “I’m glad you’re here. She and Michelle both seem stressed. Tom is sick so he couldn’t make it tonight.”

  “Well then, I’d better roll my sleeves up and go and see what needs to be done. What about you? Are you happy to be working?” Michelle has given Mack a job here as an odd job man. He can turn his hand to almost anything.

  “You know what? I am. And I’m grateful to your Ella. She’s a keeper.”

  “She is.”

  “You had better look after her, because if you don’t, there will be a lot of people hunting you down, including Jack. He adores her and you, but mostly Ella.”

  “I hear you. You’re the second person to tell me this tonight I’d better look after her.”

  “Her dad?” I nod. “Well, then you know what you have to do.”

  “Yes, and there’s no time like the present.”

  I leave Mack and sear
ch the room, finding her after a few moments. She is it for me. Always has been and always will be, no matter what life throws our way. Her eyes lift and she sees me for the first time since I arrived. We hold each other’s gaze for a moment. I inhale deeply. ‘I love you,” she mouths as I walk toward her. Her gorgeous smile as she watches me walking closer sets my insides alight.

  “Hi! I didn’t expect to see you.”

  “Well, tonight’s a big night and I couldn’t not be here to help you,” I say, pressing a kiss softly on her lips. My heart swells. Her hair is tied back, her t-shirt is dirty, and she looks tired. But, by God, does she look perfect to me.

  “Are you here to help or just gawk at me?” I could and would do that all day long given half the chance, because to me, she’s perfection.

  “Help and gawk, because, let’s face it, there’s not a man on the planet who wouldn’t want to trade places with me and be able to look at you all day long every day of his life.”

  “Have you and my brother been out drinking?”

  I laugh at her. Michelle finishes her speech and turns to Ella, thanking her for everything she’s done. They talk for a few minutes, and I’m suddenly feeling nervous as I wait. After a what feel’s like forever, Michelle leaves Ella’s side.

  It’s now or never.

  I take the box from my pocket, open it, and drop to my knee, keeping her hand in my mine. She gasps and I’m certain everyone in the room stops and is watching us. “There’s only one woman in the world I want and she brings me to my knees on a daily basis. She’s talented and beautiful. Loving and caring. She’s funny and smart. Passionate and loyal. Ella McGregor, will you do me the greatest honour and become my wife?”


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