Home > Other > CLAIMED BY THE BAD BOY_The Road Rage MC > Page 21

by Paula Cox

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Trevor Carr riding with his prize. In addition to the makeshift gag, her hands were bound with a crude length of rope, and her breasts trembled as she whipped her head wildly in every direction, her muffled screams begging for help. Trevor answered her pleas for mercy with another burst of speed, and the bound girl desperately clung to his belt buckle to keep from falling into the sand. But Trevor’s speed was too much for her tiny hands, and as Lily watched her fall to the road, a scream passed through her lips.

  “She’s down!” Lily cried. “Someone has to help her!”

  Michael followed her gaze, and when he saw the crumped girl about to be run over, he hit the brake. Lily clutched his neck to keep from meeting the same fate, and he jumped off his chopper at the same moment that Trevor came to a stop and the rest of the crew finally slowed.

  Daring to step off his bike, Lily thought again of trying to make a run for it in her ridiculously high heels, but she quickly thought better of it, knowing that she wouldn’t get very far.

  And she wanted to be sure that–

  “Stupid slut!” Trevor charged towards his fallen prize, and his hands were rough as he brought her bound and gagged form to his eyes. “What?” he spat. “Don’t want to ride with me? What do I smell bad or something?”

  The girl whimpered through her gag, and Trevor backhanded her, sending her body back to the asphalt. He kicked her side and curled his hand into a fist. But before he could land the blow, Michael wrestled him back and shoved him into his bike.

  “What the fuck his wrong with you?” Michael demanded. “You want her dead before we even get back home?”

  The girl cowered into the ground, and Trevor flashed a mouthful of bad teeth as he leered at her shaking form. “You want that, slut?” he asked. “You want to die out here in the desert?”

  The girl frantically shook her head, and Trevor got a strange look in her eye as he pulled her up by the ropes surrounding her small wrists. “No?” he asked. “Let’s put that to the test.”

  Lily watched in horror as he un-looped one strand of rope.

  “What are you–?”

  “It ain’t so far now,” Trevor said. “Let’s give this cunt a workout before I work her over.”

  Binding her to the back of his bike, he spat in her hair and started to mount. Urging the bike to attention, he moved forward a few spaces, and the weak girl stumbled to the ground in the same second that he pushed forward. Hearing her muffled cries and the fall of her body, Lily forgot her own safety, and she ran like a sprint star in her heels, gathering the girl into her arms.

  “Don’t do this to her!” Lily screamed. “Don’t–”

  Trevor pushed forward, and Lily clung to the desperate blonde as they were pulled as one through the night. They had barely moved an inch when Michael raced past them. Seizing hold of the handlebars, he wrestled the Trevor’s bike from his grasp, and Lily saw his boots dragging through the sand as he tried to bring the madman and his chopper to a stop with the sheer force of his strength. Lily’s knees hit the road, and she felt the leather tear as the road’s surface skinned her knees. But she kept her hold on the girl, and she looked up to see Michael fighting to stop Trevor from his mission of mayhem.

  “Trevor! Enough, you prick!”

  Trevor kept barreling forward, and when Michael fell to the side of the road, Lily looked back to his twisting form. Suddenly the thought of him injured tugged at her heart, but Trevor started to pick up speed, and she could do nothing but hold onto the girl as another bike raced past them and screeched to a swift stop as it barred Trevor’s way from further destruction.

  “You are done!”

  Pausing, his motor still purring, Trevor hung his head as a slim figure with gray hair dismounted and stepped closer to his side. He regarded Trevor for all of a second before he slapped his face hard with the back of his hand.

  “What the–?’

  “Act like a little bitch, and that’s what you fucking get.”

  Nursing his injured pride, Trevor hung back as the other guy stepped closer to Lily and the girl. He looked to Lily for all of a second before plucking a knife from his boot. She shuddered at the sight of it, but the man leaned down and quickly cut the weeping girl loose.

  “Hey that’s my prize!” Trevor said. “What? Just because you’re in charge, you think–?”

  “I know, Trevor. Now stand the fuck down.”

  “But what about my–?”

  “Here, you twat!” The gray-haired man flung a stack of bills in Trevor’s face, but he grinded his heel into the toe of Trevor’s boot before he could make any move to run. “I won’t see you waste a good piece just of ass just because you want a chance at the other one,” he said. “Michael outbid you fair and square, and if you won’t take proper care of your purchase, then I sure the fuck will.”

  “Really, old man?” Trevor challenged. “You gonna do all that?”

  “You best believe, fucking shit.”

  Trevor’s eyes lingered on the crying girl, and then he turned his gaze back to Lily. She didn’t like the way he looked at her, and as she turned her head, a feeling of total relief washed over her as Michael stumbled back to her side and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Take a hike,” Michael said. “Or a shit. I don’t fucking care.”

  Leaving Lily on the ground, he got right up in Trevor’s face, spitting through his gritted teeth as he glared into the bald man’s eyes.

  “But you don’t touch my girl. And it looks like old Ken bought yours right out from under you.”

  No one moved; they barely breathed. Lily could sense that Trevor was ready for another fight, but when the rest of the gang surrounded him where he stood, he simply pocketed Ken’s bills and stepped back to his bike. Before he turned his head, he focused on the other girl with a wink. “Whatever. Not the one I really wanted anyway, but you best keep an eye out for me, Michael.”

  He glared at Trevor as he mounted his chopper. “Like you’ll know what to do with her.”

  Lily relaxed some as Trevor sped off, and she pressed the crying girl close until Ken stepped closer and offered his hand. “Come on now,” he said quietly.

  Pulling her from Lily’s grasp, he stood the girl up straight and lowered her gag. She sputtered and sobbed, and Ken removed his jacket. Draping the leather around her shoulders, he asked her for her name.

  “I’m… I’m Sally,” she finally said.

  Ken’s face softened, and he pushed her under his shoulder as he shifted his focus to Michael. “Let’s head back to camp,” Ken said. “And no more surprises. You got that?”

  Michael nodded as Ken led Sally away. Lily started to call after her when Michael pulled her up and waved his finger in her face.

  “Come on,” he ordered. “We have to keep moving.”

  “Why?” Lily asked. “You gonna tie me up for a wild ride if I say no?”

  His silence made her uneasy, but he grabbed her hand and gave her skin a quick tug. “Wouldn’t you like to find out?”

  Scared as she still was, Lily knew that he was putting her on and when she looked back and saw Sally settled on the back of Ken’s chopper, she followed him to the back of his without resisting.

  “Just hold on,” he said as he swung his limbs against the handlebars. “We’re almost there.”

  And suddenly Lily had no idea if that was something she desired or something she should fear and risk the chance of rope burns and the feel of her body being pulled through the desert.

  CHAPTER NINE They arrived.

  Camp, home, whatever they wanted to call it, was little more than a series of shacks and tents concealed by tall craggy mountains. Lily had no idea how far she had travelled from her breakdown to this point, but the way back seemed too long to even consider at such a late hour, and as Michael pulled her body from his bike, she felt exhaustion creeping though her veins.

  “What’s that about?” Michael asked.

  Without wanting
to, her head fell to his shoulder, and his arms surrounded her shoulders as he started to lead her away from the rest of the group. Like her, Sally seemed numb as Ken managed to lift her into his arms, and he carried her towards a shack far larger than the others. Despite his gray hair and the deceptive lines crisscrossing his face, Lily feared for the girl that had nearly been dragged to her death, and she struggled against Michael as he hauled her off in the opposite direction.

  “You’re coming with me now,” he said. “No more fucking distractions.”

  Lily could almost do with another if it meant a chance of getting away from whatever awaited her in his shack, but Trevor didn’t pop up. Sally didn’t scream. And she was led into Michael’s shack with only the slightest struggle.

  The room contained nothing but a full-sized bed, a battered desk and chair, and a few piles of unlaundered clothes. Surveying the scene, Lily smirked as she glanced over her shoulder.

  “Couldn’t even clean up a little for me?” she asked.

  “Didn’t exactly know you were coming,” Michael said. “So there’s that.”

  Stretching to her full height in her whore’s costume, Lily found the strength to press her hands to her leather-clad hips, her eyes blazing as she drank in the sight of him removing his jacket. “That’s a lot of ink,” she murmured as her eyes focused on his arms.

  “What’s it to you?” he asked as he tossed his leather jacket to the floor.

  “Nothing,” I said. “But I bet there are a lot of stories behind each tat.”

  Pulling off his shirt, Michael turned to a small fridge and cracked open a beer. But the sound seemed to fade into the distance as she saw the scars crossing his back. Unable to suppress a gasp, she watched with wild eyes as he faced her again.

  “You want to hear the stories behind these?” he asked.

  “I… no…”

  Lily fell back to the bed, and in a split second, Michael was before her, on top of her, and he gripped her arms as he peered into her watering eyes.

  “Let me fill you in, sweetheart,” he said. “I’ve got blood on my hands and the scars to prove it. So don’t think that you can scare me.”

  As she trembled, that seemed almost impossible, and Lily was still as he stroked her face. “But I think I do,” Lily whispered.

  Michael pulled back, his hand still on her face, and he laughed as he shook his head. “Why? Because you tried to help the other one?” he asked. “Ken had her back.”

  “What’s he doing to her now?” Lily asked.

  Michael stood slowly, and she winced when he undid his belt. His jeans fell to the floor with a light thud, and as he kicked off his boots, he pulled a battered chair from its lonely corner and sat slowly, his pulsing cock throbbing between his fingers.

  “He’ll take care of her,” Michael said. “You want me to do that, too?”

  Starting to her feet, Lily focused on the door and thought about trying to make another break for it.

  “That’s not happening.” Michael seemed to read her mind, and his hold tightened around her wrist as he pulled her close.

  She couldn’t help but gaze down at the firm length of his cock. What would that feel like if he pushed it inside her? Probably more than Dan could ever imagine, and she started to sink to her knees when Michael snapped his fingers and kept her at attention.

  “Strip,” he ordered. He pushed her away, and Lily suddenly felt a strange attachment to her whore’s costume.

  “But you wanted me to wear---”

  “And now I want you in nothing,” Michael said.

  Lily started to pull the red top over her head, but when she hesitated with falling hands, Michael stood and grabbed her arms.

  “You’re still bought and paid for,” he said. “And I need you to follow my orders.”

  She felt his hand pulling at her shirt, but before her bare breasts hit the dim light, Lily seized his wrist, and she stared into his eyes. “Like you can make me,” Lily said.

  “I can make you do anything that I need you to do.”

  Michael’s breath hit her mouth, and Lily nearly swooned when he brought his kiss to her lips. The feel of his mouth on hers was softer than she would have imagined, and she started to sink into the sensation when she saw his eyes, so sure that she was beaten. But he didn’t…


  Lily dared to push him away, and she watched him totter and hold his ground as looked up into her eyes.

  “No way you can make me do anything without my consent.”

  “Seriously?” he asked.


  Michael paused before taking her hair in his hand. She cried out, but his tug lasted for only a moment before he flung her from the bed to her knees. Looking up from the floor, she recovered her strength and smoothed her hands through her hair.

  “Strip,” he said.

  “I already told you–”

  “Equal playing field,” Michael said. “And then… then we’ll see”

  “Okay. Fine!”

  Standing tall, Lily removed her red top, and she peeled the leather slacks from her trembling thighs, the heeled boots going right along with them.

  “That’s better,” Michael whispered.

  Naked under his eyes, she told herself that she could hold this stance without a second thought. Nakedness was nothing. She’d seen Dan bare more than enough times to know that flesh was just that. That it was just…

  “What… what are you doing?”

  Michael fell silent, and Lily did not flinch as his hand curled around her thigh.

  Nothing. Just a touch. I can move past it. I…

  A small sigh passed through her lips as Michael made his next move. Slipping his hand between her legs, he fingered her cunt, and he probed her soft folds, his finger threatening, promising to push inside her. But every time she was ready to encase him with the power of her pussy, Michael pulled away and simply grazed her sensitive flesh, his eyes fixed on her face until she looked at him again.

  “Fuck consent,” he said. “I know you need this.”

  She didn’t want to; she should be stronger. But when Michael ran his finger from the walls of her cunt to the quivering crack of her ass, Lily moaned around him. “It’s… it’s not fair,” Lily whispered.

  “Why not?” Michael asked. “Neither one of us have anything to hide.”

  That much was true, and she felt as if she was drugged as she slipped closer to his broad chest, her lips pursed and ready to taste his flesh. Michael permitted her to explore his frame with her lips, her hands, but when she tried to bring his face closer to hers, he seized her wrists and pushed her back to the bed.

  “What are you–?”

  “What I want to do.”

  Michael laid her out slowly, and he lifted her arms over her head. Twirling her fingers together, Lily expected rope to rival Sally’s, but Michael did not tie her down. He simply pressed one finger to her parched lips, and he breathed into her shoulder. “I’m going to make you forget where you came from,” he started. “I’m going to make you wish that you’d been with me forever.”

  Thoughts of Dan poked through her brain, and Lily stretched up, wriggling under his hold. “I don’t think so,” she said. “I–”

  “I do. I know.” Pushing her back to the bed, Michael gripped her hands tight, and he pushed his knees into her thighs as he hovered above her. “I know that there’s no chance of you leaving this place,” he continued. “And I know that you don’t want to–”

  “Don’t I?” Lily asked.

  He hesitated, and his fingers ran down her arms until he touched her middle, his palm relaxing into the rise and fall of her breath.

  “I think you want me to take you,” Michael said. “I… I know that you want…”

  Struggling to sit up, Lily felt him moving with her, and when she was able to see his eyes clearly, she dared to touch his face and bring his gaze closer to hers. “You really think so?” Lily asked.

  Michael’s sudden
stare was more of a challenge than any words could ever be, and yet she leaned forward to kiss his lips when he flipped Lily to my back and captured her wrists in his hands.

  “What are you doing?” Lily asked, begged.

  “Getting my money’s worth,” he said. “Stop talking.”

  Michael did not gag her, but Lily fell silent as he pushed her into the bed and brought his lips to her ear. “I want you to wait,” he started. “You won’t scream, and you won’t cry. Understand?”


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