Home > Other > CLAIMED BY THE BAD BOY_The Road Rage MC > Page 27

by Paula Cox

  “You’re coming with me,” he said. “Time for you to have some real fun.”

  Lily went limp as he dragged her back to his bike. When he pushed her against the handlebars, Lily tensed and tried to will her body to be anywhere else.

  “Trevor said he fought hard for you,” the biker said. “Want to give me a show before I get you where you need to go?”

  He kept the knife to her throat as his free hand reached under her skirt. Deprived of her panties, Lily cringed when he fingered the space that Michael had so recently sanctified.

  “Tight,” the biker hissed. “Feels like you’ll be a hell of a fuck.”

  Lily whimpered as he touched her. Despite knife and the fear that he would slash her neck from ear-to-ear, a voice from the pit of her soul struggled to work its way across her tongue. If Michael heard her, he would come.

  “Leave me…!”

  He hit her gut hard, and Lily slumped into his cold arms.

  “Mighty fine,” the biker hissed. He curled his other arm around in her quivering middle, his fingers kneading through the thin fabric of her dress. The man moaned into her neck, and Lily stayed still as the blade drifted towards her neck. Would he cut her there? She could already feel the blood pouring from her body, but she felt certain that she would survive. She slowly raised her leg and slammed her heel into his shin. The biker fell away from her, crying out in pain. Taking a few steps forward, she started to call out Michael’s name when she felt hard hands tugging at her hair.

  “Fucking bitch!”

  Lily groaned as the man whipped her around, and before she could scream, a fist slammed into her face.

  And everything went black.

  CHAPTER SIXTEEN Lily’s eyes fluttered open as a motor roared under her legs and the desert sand swirled around her ankles. The road ahead was dark and cold, but as the memory of what had happened to her flooded back in full force, she imagined Michael somehow hearing her cry, racing to her rescue, and bringing her back to camp. The thought brought a small smile to her lips, but as she leaned back and felt a pair of slimy lips pressing into her neck, she knew that she still wasn’t safe.

  “Someone’s up,” the biker said as he pulled her closer and buried his nose in her windswept hair.

  “Let me go!” Lily cried as she squirmed in his hold. “Get off of me you son of a—”

  “Hey!” the biker ordered as his hold tightened, and his teeth met her ear.

  “I can let you go,” he hissed. “Drop your ass right here and now. At this speed, bet you’ll get pretty banged up.”

  Lily lowered his eyes to the ground racing beneath her feet. Her abductor had a point, but the thought of a few bruises was preferable to staying in his vile arms.

  “Do it,” Lily whispered.

  The biker tossed his head back with a cruel laugh and howled into the night air.

  “Not when I back up and run my wheels over your skank ass,” he said. “Think you’ll walk away from that, cunt?”

  His threat cut her to the core, and Lily reluctantly went limp in his arms. If she was going to get out of this, she had to play along, see where he was taking her.

  And look for a way out at the first chance.

  “That’s better, bitch,” he said. “Now sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  The bike accelerated, and Lily closed her eyes tightly as the cold air pierced her cheeks. Michael had to have made his way back to his bed by now. When he saw her gone, she pictured him springing into immediate action, rounding up his boys, and taking off in hot pursuit. Would he see the tracks that this maniac was tearing into the sand? She strained her ears for the sound of revving motors in the distance, moving closer even as this monster tried to carry her away from his side. Thinking, believing that she could truly hear him coming for her, Lily dared to shift her head past the biker’s brutal arm, looking back, her eyes wide and her heart full of weak hope.

  Please, Michael. Please…

  Nothing. No one. He wasn’t coming.

  “Eyes front!” the biker barked as he jerked her head forward. Lily had no choice to obey the force of his hand, and she hung her head as she struggled to catch her breath.

  “Don’t worry, honey,” he biker said. “Whatever he’s been doing to you, I’ll do you to ten better.”

  He pressed his free hand to her flesh and fingered her cunt. The feel of his hands on her body made her want to wretch, and Lily longed to find the power to tear his heart out, push him off the bike. Given the chance, she would follow through on his threat and mow him into the sand. But she kept still as he fondled her roughly, his rank breath pouring down the back of her neck.

  “You, me, and the boys,” he hissed.

  As her mind flashed back to the emblem on his jacket, the bike made a sharp turn, and Lily sat up straighter, hating the feel of falling closer to his chest. The biker laughed again and touched his filthy fingers to her lips.

  “Get ‘em ready, cunt,” he said. “Your hot little mouth’s gonna be working overtime.”

  His hands moved under her skirt again, and Lily moaned as his fingers grazed against her slit.

  “Other parts of you, too,” he said. “Fun’s about to start right now.”

  The bike came to a slow stop, and Lily squinted at the sight of a rundown metal shed surrounded by a fleet of choppers. Had Trevor won her at the auction, had Ken kicked him a curb without giving her a second thought, this was where she would have languished in a far darker captivity than what she had known with Michael.

  What she loved with Michael.

  “Home sweet home,” the biker hissed as he pulled her off his bike. Wrenching her arms behind her back, he started pushing her closer towards the door. He kicked the heel of his boot to the surface and let loose a shrill whistle.

  “Party’s here!” he cried.

  The door was flung open, and Lily gasped at the sight of Trevor Carr glaring over a smirk.

  CHAPTER SEVENTEEN “Long time no see,” Trevor said. “Have fun with Randy here?”

  Randy nodded as he groaned into her neck.

  “She’s a little hellcat,” Randy said. “Can’t wait to break her in proper.”

  The light in Trevor’s eyes suggested that he was on the same page, but he cracked his knuckles and curled his hands behind his head. Looking past her, he focused on his fellow crew member.

  “Any trouble getting her out of camp?” Trevor asked.

  “No sweat,” Randy said. “Found her out for a little moonlight stroll.”

  Trevor cocked his head.

  “Getting bored, princess?” Trevor curled his finger under her chin.

  Fighting to ignore the fingers pressing into her arms, she stared hard at Trevor and spit in his face.

  “Easy, bitch!” Randy said as he gripped her arms tighter. Lily winced, but she held her ground as Trevor wiped his damp face with the back of his hand and stretched closer to her flushed face.

  “Guess Michael isn’t teaching you a hell of a lot,” Trevor said. “We’ll have to work of fixing that. Come on in, little girl.”

  Lily gritted he teeth as she was pressed deeper into the dark building. Her eyes darted in every direction as the narrow walls of the corridor closed in around her like a coffin, and she fought to calm her frantic breath with every step into the unknown. Trevor pushed open another door, and pushed her to the rough, concrete floor. Her palms ached on impact, and she struggled to lift her head.

  “This her?” a cold whisper asked.

  “Yeah,” Trevor said. “This is Michael’s bitch.”

  Pushing her fallen hair from her face, Lily saw a mustachioed man with wavy hair staring down at her with expressionless eyes. A crew of ten men flanked his sides, and as Lily’s eyes shifted from one leering face to another. She stopped at the sight of a man with long blonde hair. His sneer rivaled the others, and Lily fell back on her elbows and tried to crawl away from his harsh eyes.

  “No,” Trevor said as he reached down and hauled her to her feet. “Didn�
��t bring you all this way so you could just turn around and leave us hanging.”

  “Amen to that,” Randy said. “I can’t wait to—”


  The blonde stepped forward, as Randy’s hands were already at his belt. He stopped and Lily cowered as the blonde circled her fallen form, his eyes never leaving her body as he kept turning around her.

  “Hear Michael Roberson killed someone for you,” the man started. “Truth to that?”

  Lily held her tongue. If they were going to hang Michael, she might not be able to stop it. But there was no way that she was going to provide them the rope to hang her with.

  The man stamped his boot to the floor. Lily shuddered as she stared up at him. His green eyes narrowed on her, and he crouched down to touch her face.

  “I asked you a question.” he said.

  When Lily stayed silent, he brought his hand back, ready to strike. She hid her face in her hands as Trevor plowed forward and pulled the blonde from her side.

  “I already told you what happened!” Trevor bellowed. “And now I’ve made good on it. You want revenge, here she is, Bruce.”

  Lily ‘s heart thudded in her chest as Bruce leered at her, and even as Trevor held him back, she felt the blonde ready to kill if given the chance.

  “I wanted Roberson,” Bruce said. “Not whatever wet hole he wants to bury his dick in—”

  “This’ll get him where it hurts,” Trevor promised. “Prick loves his fuck toys, and she’s his flavor of the month.”

  Bruce shrugged Trevor off and glared down at her again.

  “Hardly blood for blood,” Bruce said.

  “Think about it,” Trevor said as he grabbed the blonde’s arm. “Fuck her bloody, then dump her at the side of their camp. Total lesson.”

  Lily watched in total terror as Bruce’s dark gaze fixed on hers as he tilted his head to the side. A feeling of doom and despair crawled across her heart, and she held herself close in an effort to stop the trembles consuming her flesh.

  “Might start a war.”

  All eyes, Lily’s included, turned to the mustachioed man. He sauntered forward, and Lily still could not read his eyes as he peered down at her.

  “Noel, I—”

  “That’s enough out of you, Trevor.”

  Trevor fell quiet. Noel moved to Bruce’s side and clasped his shoulders. “But you want a war, right?” he whispered.

  Bruce nodded wildly, as Lily crawled back a few inches. She should have tried to run sooner. She should have gone as soon as Michael had fresh blood on her hands.

  “Right?” Noel asked again.

  “No doubt,” Bruce hissed.

  Noel slapped his back and stepped closer to Lily.

  “And the rest of you?” Noel asked his crew as he kept his blank gaze on his new captive. “Say we just have our way with her and whatever?”

  An affirmative chorus rang through the air.

  “So be it then,” Noel said.

  Randy’s hands moved his to his belt again, but now Trevor and the others started to unspool the leather around their waists. The thought of a dozen cocks slamming into her filled her with fear. And if Michael wasn’t coming, she had to fight her way out on her own.

  “No!” she screamed.

  Scampering to her feet, she charged forward and raced for the door.

  “Hold her!”

  At the sound of Noel’s voice, Trevor and Randy grabbed her, their brutal arms trying to wrestle her to the ground.

  “Get away from me, you fuckers!” Lily screamed.

  She kicked their shins and clawed at their leering faces. As Trevor’s jacket started to fall away from his chest, she spied his gun poking out of its holster.

  This is my chance. My only chance.

  Reaching forward, she got her hands on the gun and pulled it from his side. Her fingers fumbled around the butt for a few seconds, but when Randy started to lunge at her, she took aim and gritted her teeth.

  “I’ll blow all your head off if you take one more step!” Lily screamed.

  The feel of a trigger under her finger was foreign, but Lily felt sure that she could fire if she had to.

  “Maybe Michael did teach you something,” Trevor teased as he straightened up. Despite his playful tone, she could see the rage in his eyes at the fact that she had gotten the best of him once again.

  “He taught me lots of things,” Lily said. “I’m his girl. And you won’t have a war if you hurt me. It’ll be the end of all of you.”

  The Mad Angels laughed as Trevor fumed and Bruce glowered. But Noel took a step forward and pressed his hand to the air, silencing his men.

  “You talk a good game,” Noel said.

  Even as her hands shook, she took aim at his chest as he drew closer.

  “I can do more than talk,” Lily said.

  What if I really have to shoot him? What will it feel like? Can I really—?

  “Fair enough,” Noel said as he shrugged his shoulders. “But would you be so kind as to give your boy a message from us with those pretty lips of yours?”

  Lily was almost at the door when she stopped where she stood and nodded slowly, the gun still in her hands. As she waited for Noel to speak again, he suddenly lunged, his eyes finally flashing a million emotions. His hands seized her wrists, and even as she tried to keep the gun in her hands, he turned her back to his chest and got the gun from her grip. Trevor and Randy cheered as Bruce snarled, and Lily moaned and kicked, her thrashing only stopping when Noel pressed the gun to her temple.

  “Tell him that he’s fucked up for the last time,” Noel said. “Too bad for him. Worse for you.”

  Noel pushed her into Bruce’s arms, and Lily screamed as he held her in his grip.

  “Much worse,” Bruce said. “You really his girl?”

  Lily managed to nod, and Bruce scoffed as he dragged her towards a dark corner. At the sound of his belt coming loose, her body tensed at the thought that he would take her with force, and she instinctively clenched her muscles in the hope of fighting back the impending assault.

  “Wait!” she screamed. “What are you—?”

  He shackled her hands to a hook hanging from the ceiling, and Sophia’s voice echoed in her brain.

  Got their rocks off by cutting into their girls’ skin with razors. Kind of makes you wish for a tap and just be done with it.

  “No!” Lily screamed. “Don’t cut me! Don’t—!”

  She was silent as his belt curled around her throat, and she gasped for air.

  “Knife not good enough for you,” he said. “Know those scars on your boy’s back?”

  Lily nodded through the tears forming in her eyes, and Bruce released her neck as he slapped his buckle to the hard floor.

  “Gonna give you a matching set,” Bruce promised.

  Struggling to free her wrists from the metal keeping her bound in place, her chest heaving as he tore her dress down the back. Her back tensed as the cold air hit her back, and she slammed her eyes shut, fearing the coming pain when a crash of footsteps and shouts burst into the room. Lily couldn’t look. It had to be another dream, and she couldn’t stand another—

  “Cut her down.”


  CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Daring to look, Lily’s heart lightened when she saw Michael bare-chested, the leather covering his arms as his limbs rested in tight jeans. His gun was drawn, and Ken and the Diesel Devils were at his back as the club spread out and pointed their guns at every enemy they could find. Lily’s eyes briefly met Michael’s, and she thought she saw the fury in his eyes mingling with desperate concern. She tried to smile, tried to tell him that she was really alright.

  But Michael shifted his gaze to Bruce and the belt still in his hands.

  “Drop it,” Michael said, his voice hard and thick.

  “Why?” Bruce challenged as he left Lily’s side. “You gonna do me like you did my brother?”

  Michael cocked his gun.

  “I might.” Michael said

  Bruce showed no sign of fear as he crushed the buckle of his belt to the ground again, and Lily bit down on her lip in fear of the impending blows. She pictured the skin peeling from her flesh in sharp slices, and Bruce’s breath was on her back again when he stopped.


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