The Blackstone Bear: Blackstone Mountain Book 3

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The Blackstone Bear: Blackstone Mountain Book 3 Page 9

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Yeah.” Penny fidgeted with the bottom of her shirt. Dutchy looked so elegant in her vintage dress and sandals. She wished she had thrown on something more stylish than a shirt and jeans. “Kate said you’d let me borrow a dress?”

  “That's the plan.”

  “But,” she looked around at the beautiful dresses on the mannequins, “all your dresses are gorgeous. And probably expensive.”

  “Oh, don’t worry.” Dutchy put her hands over Penny’s. “You’ll be doing me a favor if you wear one of my designs to the biggest social event in Blackstone.”

  “You’ll be a walking billboard,” Kate said.

  “But more elegant,” Sybil added. “Just give people Dutchy’s name when they ask about your dress.”

  “Oh, I can do that,” Penny said, nodding her head excitedly.

  “Great. It's settled then,” Dutchy said. “I think I know the perfect one. It’s an earlier work of mine, but it should still be in good condition. Give me a second.” She disappeared into another section of the house and came back with a garment bag. “Here.” She handed it to Penny. “Come with me."

  Penny followed Dutchy to another room. She hung the dress on a coat rack in the corner. When she unzipped it, she let out a gasp. The dress was gorgeous. It had a navy blue satin corseted bodice with a sweetheart neckline. The skirt was made of layers of dark blue tulle covered in gold specks, like the night sky filled with stars. The fabric was delicate to the touch, and she ran her hands over it lovingly.

  “Do you like it?” Dutchy asked.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  She gave Penny a warm smile. “Try it on then.”

  Penny nodded and took off her clothes. She slid the blue dress over her body and when Dutchy came forward to zip her up, another gasp left her mouth.

  “Perfect fit,” Dutchy said.

  It really was. She could breathe in the dress and it didn’t pinch or bunch anywhere.

  “Let’s get a better look outside.”

  She left the room, lifting the skirt as she walked. This was the fanciest dress she’d ever worn, and she didn’t want to ruin it by tripping all over herself. “Well?” she asked Kate and Sybil when she stood in the middle of the living room.

  Kate’s eyes were wide and her mouth open. For once, she was actually speechless.

  “Oh Penny, you look gorgeous!” Sybil said, clapping her hands together. “You’ll be the most beautiful girl there.”

  “Aside from the bride,” Penny joked.

  “Seriously, Penny, you are fine,” Kate said. “And I mean fiiiiiine. All the girls will be jealous when you show up on Ben’s arm. He cleans up nice too, ya know?”

  “And you’ll be meeting his parents,” Sybil added. “But don’t be nervous or anything. Aunt Laura and Uncle James are the sweetest.”

  Penny thought for a moment. Meeting’s Ben’s parents would be big. Like, humongous. And though she was nervous, she’d be a liar if she said she didn’t want it to happen.

  “Don’t worry, they’ll love you,” Kate assured her. “Especially since you’re his mate and all.”

  Penny felt her cheeks grow hot. “He … he … told you?”

  Kate grinned. “More like, I twisted his arm at work this morning until he told me why he looked like someone had kicked his pet cat or something.”

  “She probably literally did,” Sybil added.

  “Pshaw, I did that to him all the time when we were kids. Anyway,” she turned back to Penny. “He really wants you to come. They’ll be so thrilled you’ll be giving them grandkids soon.”

  “Yeah, well that means Ben has to have sex with me first.” Penny was pretty sure she had said that in her head, not out loud. But from the shocked looks on the three other women’s faces, she knew they had heard every word. Damn word vomit! She cringed and covered her mouth with her hands.

  The silence in the room was deafening. Sybil shifted uncomfortably beside her, while Dutchy stood off to the side trying not to look at her. Of course, Kate could only stare, her mouth open.

  “What?” Kate finally said. “Ben hasn’t been all over that?”

  Penny shook her head.


  “Er ….”

  Kate got to her feet, throwing her hands in the air. “And why haven’t you been all over him? I mean—excuse me while I push the bile down my throat because he’s like a brother to me but—Ben is a smokin’ specimen! You need to climb that man bear like a tree!”

  “I don’t know how! I’ve never had sex before.” Oh hell, not again. Her face felt like a three-alarm fire.

  This time, Kate’s head swung back and forth between Penny and Sybil, then she burst out laughing as she fell back on the couch, clutching her stomach. “Oh. My. God!”

  Sybil let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “Isn’t this getting old yet?”

  Kate waved at them. “You guys should form the Blackstone Virgins Club or something.”

  Sybil rolled her eyes and looked at Penny. “Sorry, my virginity’s a running joke with her. Kate, will you stop!” Sybil said. “Penny’s obviously embarrassed.”

  “S-s-sorry,” Kate said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. She cleared her throat. “Sybil’s been my friend since we were in diapers, so I can joke with her like that. I didn’t mean to make fun of you.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “But … really?”

  Penny bit her lip. “It’s not that I didn’t want to or tried.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m just … something happened when I was younger and since then I just ….”

  Sybil put an arm around her. “Penny, I had no idea.”

  “Jesus.” Kate was gritting her teeth. “I’m sorry.”

  She straightened her shoulders. “It’s not that I can’t or don’t want to. No one felt right, that’s all. No one until Ben. And he won’t even … he thinks he’s doing the right thing. I mean, obviously he is, but he’s so nice. I just don’t know what to do or what to tell him! Am I supposed to wave a flag? Take an ad out in the paper?”

  “Screw Me Silly, Ben Walker!” Kate waved her hand in the air like she was reading a big headline. Even Sybil guffawed. “Aww, Penny, my girl.” Kate put an arm around her. “Look, it’s no big deal. You’re his mate. He can only resist you for so long. It’ll happen for you.”

  “Do you think it’ll happen before the next ice age?” Penny asked wryly. “But seriously. Do you think he’s turned off by the fact that I’m a virgin?”

  “What? No!” Kate protested. “No way. I know Ben. I mean, not about his sex life or anything, but he’s the type of person who will do the right thing. He’s always been there, looking out for us and taking care of us like a big brother. He’s a nice guy. And because he’s a nice guy, he’s going to do everything to put you first. Even if it means blue balls for the rest of his life.”

  Sybil swatted her on the shoulder. “Kate!”

  “Ugh, c’mon, we’re all adults,” Kate said.

  Penny sighed, her shoulders sinking low. “I don’t know what to do. I like him so much.”

  “You have to seduce him,” Dutchy said matter-of-factly. “And I know how.” She disappeared into the other room again, then came back with something lacy and satiny in her hands. “Here.” She held it up. It was a light pink corset and garter belt set.

  “Holy. Shit.” Kate exclaimed. “Ben’s going to cream his pants when he sees you in that.”

  “It’s the same size as the dress so it should fit you,” Dutchy said. “Go ahead,” she held it out to Penny. “It’s yours.”

  “What? No, I can’t take that! You’re already letting me borrow your dress!”

  “And you’re giving me free advertisement. Please, just take it. It’s a gift. Besides, I can’t take it back after you wear it.”

  “Yeah, there might not be anything left,” Kate said.

  Penny took it gratefully. “But, so, what do I do? We’re going out to dinner tonight, and he usually takes me straight home

  “Just give him a peek of what you’re wearing,” Dutchy said. “Put on something really sweet and innocent on top. Then, when you’re all alone, give him a preview.”

  Penny flushed. Could she really do that?

  “And then you know what happens after, right?” Kate asked.

  “Kate, I’m sure Penny knows the mechanics,” Sybil said.

  “Excuse me, Miss Sybil Lennox, but you’ve never had a first time! Penny needs to know what she’s in for. Especially with Ben.” Kate put her palms together and then pulled them apart in an exaggerated manner.

  “Ew! Kate!” Sybil lobbed a throw pillow at her.

  Kate ducked. “What? He’s a shifter, so you know he’s gifted in the size department!” She turned to Penny. “Seriously, you have to set the pace. Tell him to go slow. He can’t go wailing on your vagina like the guitar solo from Sweet Child O’ Mine.”

  Oh God, she hadn’t even thought of that.

  Dutchy laughed. “Well ladies, I think Penny’s embarrassed enough. Her face is about as red as her hair.”

  Penny shot Dutchy a grateful look, glad that the other woman put a stop to the teasing. She was nervous enough.

  They chatted for a few more minutes, and Penny exchanged numbers with Dutchy so they could arrange for her to pick up the dress after some minor adjustments. They said their goodbyes, and the three women left.

  Chapter 10

  After they dropped off Sybil at work, Kate drove Penny back home and then proceeded to help—meaning bully—her into picking out an outfit for her date with Ben. She didn’t have a lot of clothes, but they ended up picking something innocent and sweet as Dutchy suggested—a white blouse and a black pencil-cut skirt.

  “You look like a librarian,” Kate said.

  “Is that good?” Penny asked.

  “He was a teenage boy. Of course it is,” Kate answered.

  Penny showered, and then Kate helped her into the corset. “Oh boy, I don’t know how you’re going to get out of this thing without Ben ripping it apart.”

  Her face went hot, thinking about being with Ben. Would this really work? She didn’t know what she’d do if he rejected her. But Kate had said she was irresistible to him as his mate.

  “Okay, Penny,” Kate said, picking up her purse. “Ben should be here any minute. Put on your librarian outfit and go and get our boy!”

  Penny giggled. “Thanks Kate, for everything.”

  They said their goodbyes and soon she was alone again. Penny finished dressing and put on her only high-heeled shoes. She was used to wearing comfy flats and sneakers because of her job, but she couldn’t resist this particular pair when she was out shopping one day. They were black with skinny heels and had crisscross straps across the front. She’d never had any occasion to wear them until now. When she stood up from her bedroom to walk to the living area, she wobbled. As she crossed the room, she nearly tumbled before she reached the couch.

  “Maybe I should have practiced beforehand,” she said aloud. “This might not be a good idea.” As she reached down to take the strap off a shoe, she heard the familiar knock. “Eeep!” Penny shot up and bolted to the door, opening it quickly. “Ben!” she said in a breathless voice.

  “Hey, Penny.” He flashed her a megawatt smile and held out a bunch of flowers. “Are you ready? Did you have a job interview or something?”

  “Huh?” She looked down at her outfit. “Uhm … no, I just wanted to look nice.” She realized she did look like she worked as a secretary at an office.

  “Oh. Yeah, you do.”

  “Let me put those in water.” As she stepped forward to grab the flowers, she forgot about the shoes and toppled forward. A soft cry escaped her mouth as she waved her arms, trying to maintain balance, but to no avail; she went crashing straight into Ben’s arms.

  “Whoah! You okay?” he asked as he righted her, his blue eyes staring down at her.

  “Uh, yeah.” She let out a giggle that sounded forced to her ears and then kicked herself mentally. “I should change my shoes.”

  “No!” he said. “I mean, yeah, if you’re not comfortable.”

  “It’s fine.” She turned around, hoping to hide the embarrassment on her face, and walked over to the bedroom where she changed into her more sensible flats.

  “Ready?” he asked.


  Her first attempt at being sexy was a bust, so she only hoped the rest of this scheme would turn out better.

  When they entered the cafe, they didn’t even bother to wait for Rosie to bring them to a booth, but instead automatically walked to the one they always sat in. Ben usually sat on the right, facing the dining room, while she sat across from him. This time, Penny thought it would be nice to sit together, so she sat on his side.

  “Did you want to switch?” Ben asked. “I guess I’m always the one looking out.”

  “Uhm, no, it’s fine.“ Oh God, should she say something about wanting to sit next to him? Maybe she should have asked. What if he liked his own space? “I mean, yes! I just wanted to switch it up.”

  “Okay.” Ben slid into the seat across from her.

  Rosie came over and instead of asking them what they wanted, she just said, “The usual?”

  “Yes,” both of them said at the same time. Rosie nodded, but as she walked away, she winked at Penny. Did she somehow know ... Maybe Kate told her?

  “Are you okay Penny? Your face just went red.”

  “What? Oh no, it’s just too hot in here.” She fanned herself with her hand.

  “Weather’s warming up. Looks like spring’s finally coming,” Ben said.

  “Yeah, I’m just about done with winter,” she said. “So, what do you like to do when the weather gets warm?”

  “Well, I like the outdoors, so I do some fishing ….”

  Penny nodded and pretended to listen, but she was really trying to figure out her next move in this whole seduction thing. She was getting antsy. Maybe she should have asked the girls for more advice. They made seducing Ben sound easier than it was. Like, all she had to do was whip off her clothes. But where was she supposed to do that? In the middle of the cafe?

  She’d seen some movies and read in her books about playing footsie under the table. Maybe that might work? She slipped her foot out of her shoe and stretched it toward him, hoping to brush it against his calf. But she forgot how tall he was and how long his legs were, so she ended up smacking him on the knee with her foot.

  “… and then when—what the fuck?” Ben nearly jumped off his seat. “There’s something under there!” He ducked his head down to try and look under the table.

  Penny wanted the earth to swallow her up right then and there. Embarrassment burned her face like the heat of a thousand suns. “Sorry!” she squeaked, pulling her foot back. “I was, uh, stretching. I had a cramp in my foot.”

  “You should have that looked at,” he said. “Those hours on your feet at your job probably aren’t good for you.”


  Rosie’s arrival with their drinks and food saved her from further mortification. They thanked Rosie, and Penny thanked God that Ben was distracted by the food.

  “Penny? Everything okay?” Ben asked as he finished the last of his chicken pot pie.

  “Huh?” She was probably staring off into the distance.

  “Are you not hungry? Is the pie not good?”

  She looked down at her half-eaten pie. She was too nervous to eat, not to mention the corset pushed her stomach in so tight, she was afraid it'd burst open if she had anything more than a bite. Kate had helped her put it on, and when Penny protested at the tightness, Kate said this was how it was supposed to fit.

  “Um, no, it’s fine!” She gave a nervous laugh. “Yeah, I’m just not hungry is all. Do you want my pie?” She winced at her choice of words.

  “Really? Yeah, sure!” Ben said in an excited voice as he grabbed her plate.

  Penny sighed. Maybe I should give up. But she alm
ost heard Kate’s voice in her head, telling her she better climb that man bear. So, she mentally squared her shoulders. “Ben?”

  He looked up from the plate. “Yeah?”

  “Would you mind if … I mean.” She stood up and then slid into his side of the booth. He looked at her curiously. “I was thinking ….” She reached toward him to touch his arm, but he raised his hand at the same time and ended up knocking his glass of water all over her. She let out a shriek as the cold water splashed over the front of her shirt.

  “Penny! I’m sorry!”

  “I’m fine!” She slid off the seat and turned around.


  “I said, I’m fine,” she snapped and marched toward the bathroom, flinging the door open and walking inside. She braced herself on the sink and looked at herself in the mirror as she wiped the drops of water from her face.

  Maybe I should give up. Ben probably changed his mind about me when he had more chances to think about it. Maybe he thinks I’m not worth the trouble but is too polite to break things off.

  The door to the bathroom flew open, and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Penny, what’s—”

  Ben’s eyes bulged, and his nostrils flared. “Penny.” His voice went hoarse.


  He stepped forward, and his large frame made the small room feel even tinier. As he moved toward her, Penny found herself stepping back until she hit the tile wall behind her. His eyes darkened to a stormy blue and made a thrill rush down her spine, straight into her gut. She lowered her lashes.

  “What are you wearing?” he asked.

  “Huh?” She whipped her head up. His jaw was tense and his face inscrutable.

  “Under your shirt.” His gaze drifted below her chin.

  Penny looked down. The water made the white shirt transparent and caused it to stick to her chest. The pink and black lace was evident underneath as were the curves of her breasts thrusting up.

  He let out a small growl, and another shiver went through her. But instead of feeling embarrassed, she was emboldened. Her heart pounded in her chest and her fingers trembled as she began to unbutton the blouse. The damp fabric fell from her shoulders, revealing the corset underneath.


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