Alien Forces Of Affinity: Episode Two

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Alien Forces Of Affinity: Episode Two Page 10

by Cher Hollis

  There had been no moral hesitations or logical resolves to overcome. The inborn human fear of opening oneself up to love and the possibility of getting hurt had been wiped away.

  She and Bo had been completely free, and in that staggering freedom, they’d been fearless. Cassie understood no human being had ever experienced the bliss she and Bo had shared. It was a life altering experience and even with the return to normalness, she could still feel the ecstasy of their lovemaking lingering deep inside her.

  Cassie felt Bo moving in his sleep and she raised to look down on him. She could see he was still very pale with light perspiration on his temple. Concern came crashing down on her lofty thoughts, as she realized how lucky they were to be alive.

  She pressed her palm to Bo’s forehead and found if anything it was more cool and clammy. Then she checked his pulse, which was steadier than the last time she’d checked. But she wasn’t a doctor and could only imagine what ravages had been caused by that alien and his invasive green electricity.

  Worry creased her brow as she fiercely vowed, “You will be all right. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Sure of what, angel?” Bo mumbled, with his eyelids blinking several times before they stayed open.

  Cassie smoothed his brow and smiled down at him. “That I’m going to make sure you get better.”

  His mouth lifted and he raised his hand to some hair by her ear. His fingers spread through the strands, and then he guided her face toward his. She caught his intentions, and then kissed him.

  “This doctoring of yours is promising,” he said, running his thumb across her bottom lip.

  She nuzzled his hand, then her expression turned serious. “How do you feel? You still look very pale.”

  “Weak, very weak for all my usual Variant strength, and my head and the back of my neck ache,” he said.

  “I think you should take a pain inhibitor and an antibiotic for good measure,” she said.

  “It couldn’t hurt. Maybe get relief from this ache.” His hand lifted to the back of his neck.

  “I’ll get them,” Cassie said.

  “Do you know where the IP is Cassie?” he asked, as he turned on his side to watch her.

  Cassie had reached the opposite bench seat and she turned in alarm to look at him. Her expression must have shown her thoughts.

  He quickly said, “Vytor’s gone, Cassie. I swear I would know if he was here. I only asked for the rifle out of habit. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  Cassie swallowed back feeling intensely vulnerable, and then she worked to bring it under control. She grabbed a blanket from the bench seat and wrapped it under her arms, tucking the ends down to hold it in place. That made her feel better, so she made herself continue the tasks.

  She searched the med-pack for a single dose pain inhaler and a hypo of antibiotic, while she contemplated using the med-tech on Bo. But that was for known medical issues, and what had happened to him was so unknown. Maybe she’d try it later, if he didn’t improve.

  She found a towel and the water flask and she brought it all back to him. Kneeling beside him, Cassie helped him take the medicine, then she got the towel wet. Slowly, she began washing Bo’s face as he closed his eyes.

  She washed his face and neck, then with another another end of the towel she washed his arms and chest. The feel of Bo’s skin and flexing muscle beneath her fingers formed a spark of desire that instantly surprised her. She silently reprimanded her thoughts, because she wondered how she could get aroused, when Bo laid hurt and practically an invalid.

  Bewildered, she continued to fight the arousal, until she finally gave up her attempts at nursing. Bo had fallen back to sleep, and she pulled the cover over his chest. Then she sat looking down at him, while bizarrely her arousal grew and along with it fanciful urges about pulling his blanket away. The fantasy continued with her lips tasting every inch of his well-built body.

  Lord help her, Variants were so strong and muscular.

  Her cheeks grew hot, and she whispered, “Stop this.” She closed her eyes, giving her head a shake, trying to cool the bewildering arousal. “I need to keep busy,” she said. “Very busy.”

  Cassie moved into action, and away from Bo, going first to recover the IP from behind the bench seat. She set it next to Bo, who she resolutely didn’t look at, and then she decided they needed food. She didn’t want Bo to wake up and wonder where she was so she searched for a way to leave him a message.

  During her search of the flight deck for a text cubit, she looked over the wreckage of the communications post. She thought maybe with the right tools and bits and pieces taken from other parts of the ship she might be able to repair it. She set that thought away to tell Bo about when he was feeling better.

  Cassie finally found a simple text cubit by the stations used for the ships mining equipment. She entered a note “Gone in search of food.” Then she added, “Love you, Cassie.”

  That small declaration made her happy and she set the cubit by Bo’s right hand, hoping if he woke he would see it.

  She went and got the motion boots, pulling them on, and then she left the alcove to begin her search. Knowing the Variant kidnappers were in the main galley on the lower level, she hoped she could find a smaller galley on the upper level.

  The first thing she found was the captain’s quarters; it was on the right after leaving the flight deck. It was a larger area than the crew’s quarters she’d been in earlier and it had a partitioned office, bedroom area, and finally a bathroom with shower. All the furniture had been bolted down so the wreck had only tossed loose personal items onto the deck.

  Right away, Cassie checked the reclamation shower and found it was full of hot water. “Now, I can take a shower,” she said, feeling relief over the idea of such a simple pleasure.

  She started picking things up off the deck and found an old-fashioned shaving kit, brush, mirror, and a bar of soap. There were men’s under shirts, underwear, and even a couple pair of loose sweatpants, which she stuffed back into the cabinets where she found more towels and sheets that hadn’t fallen out.

  “This will be perfect.”

  She thought it was close enough, that with her help, Bo could manage to make it there. After straightening up, Cassie went back to check on Bo and found him still sleeping. She tried to feel reassured that it was good for him to sleep, then she thought that she’d better find food for when he woke up.

  Continuing her journey to find food, she saw there were four more cabins on the upper level, two were control rooms, one was a small laboratory, and the last housed a portable galley.

  She felt as if she’d hit the jackpot, finding that galley, where she saw it held what she would consider some real food. There were instant soups, reclaimated vegetables, and even several full-fare instant meals. There were powdered juice derivatives and an assortment of candy bar foils.

  “So much for Bo’s theory on real food in space,” Cassie said, thinking it had to be the difference between military and non-military.

  The portable galley also had standard rations and Cassie debated on which she should take to Bo. She finally decided on a small assortment topped off with two steaming mugs of coffee. She arranged everything on a tray and made her way carefully back to Bo.

  His eyes were closed when she turned the corner, but they instantly opened at hearing her arrival. Cassie noticed he held the cubit in his hand, which meant he’d read her message.

  “I hope you are hungry,” she said with a smile, setting the tray on the bench beside him. She moved quickly to help him sit up, which he was trying to do with difficulty.

  “I’m hungry, and that coffee smells good,” Bo said.

  Cassie helped him to sit, propped back against the bench. Then she rearranged the blanket around him. He still looked pale and there was a fine film of perspiration covering his forehead.

  “How’s your headache?” she asked, handing him the mug of coffee. She saw the tremor in his hand when he took the mug and h
e quickly used his other hand to steady it.

  “Still there. But I couldn’t sit up earlier so I have to be getting stronger.”

  Cassie tried not to let Bo’s condition worry her, thinking the food would help. Then she had to keep from smiling when he picked the aromatic beef vegetable soup. Unfortunately, she couldn’t keep the amusement from her eyes, and he caught it.

  “I might have overstated the case on space rations,” he said.

  Cassie’s smile got bigger, as she said, “You should see your face. You look like a guy who got his hand caught in the cookie dispenser.”

  “And you’re enjoying catching him,” Bo said, with a smile.

  “Now I don’t feel so bad about how much I’m going to enjoy this real beef stew and later that real chocolate candy,” Cassie said.

  Then they both ate, and Cassie was extremely glad to see Bo had a good appetite.

  “I found the captain’s quarters, Bo,” she said. “It’s only about thirty steps down the corridor. Later, if you feel up to it, maybe I could help you get there.”

  Cassie watched him to judge his reaction. She didn’t want to push him too far too fast. And he did look worried, then frustrated, so she quickly said, “It’s too soon, Bo. I can make you comfortable here.”

  He shook his head. “No I want to try, angel. I’m just not used to feeling as damn helpless and weak. But more than that, I don’t want to hurt you with my weight.”

  Cassie leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “We’ll take it slow. And if you can’t, then we will wait until you can.”

  “That’s a deal, baby. I do feel better after eating,” he said, but his hand went back to rub his neck.

  Cassie set down her coffee mug and she stood, saying, “I have an idea.”

  Then she hiked up the blanket she wore to her thighs and she stepped around Bo’s back, where he was leaning on the bench, and she sat down behind him.

  “What’s this?” he asked.

  “Relax,” she instructed, and she began to massage his neck and shoulders.

  Bo set his empty coffee mug down and leaned into her massage with a sigh. “Oh, baby,” was all he managed to say, as she kneaded his tight muscles.

  She spent a long time on his neck then went to his temple, and she thought he might have fallen asleep, even sitting up, as she continued massaging. She finally stopped, and quietly let his head recline against her, thinking he was asleep.

  “I’d like to try the move now,” he said, and it startled her.

  Cassie squeezed Bo’s shoulder and she kissed him from behind. “Tell me what you want to do,” she said, lifting her legs from around him to kneel at his side.

  “Promise you’ll stop, if I’m hurting you,” he ordered.

  “I will, Bo. But I’m stronger than I look.”

  “I know, angel, but I am six three and two hundred pounds.” He dropped a lean finger to the tip of her nose with a tap.

  “I’m at your command, Colonel,” she quipped, with a smile.

  “I’ll like that soon, when I can take up that command again,” he said.

  Cassie wrapped the blanket tighter around his waist and tucked an edge, hoping it would hold up when he stood. She tried sidestepping the heated tingle she experienced when she felt the taut muscles of his belly beneath her fingertips. Then she wondered about her new inability to control her arousal where Bo was concerned. But she pushed those thoughts aside.

  “Can you get the IR I dropped at the landing to the stepladder. I can use it as a crutch,” Bo said.

  Cassie retrieved the IR, which she found easily, bringing its weighty length back to Bo. She watched as he checked the settings.

  “There. Shut down, safety engaged.”

  Cassie got under Bo’s right arm as he used the butt of the IR on the deck for support with his left hand. Soon she realized how weak he was as she struggled to keep him upright. She’d felt Bo begin to shake as soon as he’d stood up, and by the time they’d managed to hobble halfway, he was perspiring. She regretted suggesting they try it.

  “Maybe we should stop here, Bo. I’m fine, but it might be too much for you,” she said.

  “I’ll make it,” he muttered through gritted teeth. “Long as I’m not hurting you.”

  “No, I’m fine,” she answered quickly, helping him to take another determined step.

  They made it all the way inside the captain’s quarters and to the bed, but Cassie felt sure one more step would have done them in. As it was, Bo fell heavily on the bed, and she had to lift his feet up on it.

  Bo grabbed his forehead and groaned.

  “I’ll get you another pain inhibitor, Bo,” she exclaimed, and then she raced from the captain’s quarters to grab the med-pack.

  Cassie cursed the alien Vytor and vowed a slow death on him in her imagination.

  “Here, inhale,” Cassie said, putting a single shot pain inhaler into Bo’s mouth. After he’d taken the vapor, she raised his head to give him a drink of water.

  Then she began massaging his temples and she got a releasing sigh from him. She worked over him for a good thirty minutes, until he finally fell asleep. The seriousness of his condition left her shaken and she wondered what in the world she could do.

  “He needs professional medical attention,” she whispered in frustration. For a split second, she wondered if any of the Variant kidnappers might have medical experience.

  “Desperate stupidity,” she finally admonished.

  In the end, she had no choice but to keep him as comfortable as possible. So she used hot water from the reclamation shower and washed him. He mumbled and said her name once, but otherwise stayed asleep. Then she got a pair of sweatpants and steadily pulled them up to his waist with an inch-by-inch tugging method. She even found some socks, which she pulled on his feet, then covering him with two blankets.

  She was hot and tired by the time she’d finished. She so wanted to take a shower, but she was worried about leaving Bo alone for any length of time. Finally, reason overcame worry and she went ahead and took a quick shower, even keeping the shower door open in case he called out to her.

  Afterward, she dressed in another oversized man’s undershirt with a pair of sweatpants that she had to tie at her waist to keep from falling down. She put on a pair of socks, and then went to lie down next to Bo.

  He was mumbling. “No, I don’t want—” then he muttered, “—not, Cassie.”

  Cassie caressed his cheek and whispered in his ear, “You’re safe, Bo, everything’s all right.”

  He seemed to quiet with her words and she curled up next to him. She kept one arm hugged around Bo’s waist as she laid her head on his shoulder. She struggled with tears of worry, and she wasn’t certain when she fell asleep.

  “Cassie! Cassie,” Bo called insistently, until she’d finally opened her eyes. “You must listen to this, because I’m forgetting it all so fast!”

  “Forgetting what, Bo?” Cassie asked, trying to clear the cobwebs of sleep from her mind.

  They were still lying in the bed in the captain’s quarters. Cassie had no idea how long they’d slept, but the automatic lighting system had dimmed so she thought it had been a while.

  “Forgetting all the information Vytor left me! Some of it is very strategically important, Cassie. I need to tell you so you can help me remember,” he said, sounding urgent and upset.

  Cassie rose to sit next to him. “Calm down, Bo. I’ll listen to all of it, but you were very sick not long ago. Remember?” she asked.

  His eyes were bright as if feverish, and Cassie checked his forehead, finding it cool to the touch.

  “I need to tell you, baby,” he persisted, trying to rise, but falling back.

  “Stay still. I’ll listen, just calm down,” Cassie said, wondering why he was so agitated. She took his hand and held it with hers against his chest. “Tell me.”

  Then he started blurting things, as if reciting a report.

  “Vytor is from a race called Makkars. Ma
kkars created Esa warriors. The Esa are the aliens attacking us. Esa must have Talis! Which is what Vytor projected into my mind at first, when I tried to force you.”

  Cassie suppressed her shock, wondering if that green light was Talis. It had tried to take over her mind, then it had changed and it was as if it had enhanced everything twentyfold, like love and arousal.

  In as calm a voice as she could, she said, “I’m not sure this makes any sense, Bo.”

  He opened his eyes, which were blazing dark blue, and he squeezed her hand, as he urgently said, “We will make sense of it later, Cassie. I have to say it now, because there are already so many important holes in it.”

  “Calm down,” she whispered. “I won’t interrupt again.”

  Bo closed his eyes, and then he recited, “The Esa are created in laboratories much like Variants. Vytor knows all this because he bonded with Ramon. Ramon is now part of Vytor’s Circle Generation. But Korpal violently kidnapped Ramon.”

  Cassie sucked in a harsh breath at hearing that name, but she otherwise managed to stay quiet.

  Bo was apparently unaware of whose name he’d used, as he continued, “It’s Korpal who incited the Esa to conquer earth. Korpal promised the Esa unlimited Talis. Vytor came to see you, to seek help to free Ramon. There were four Esa aboard that alien ship which the Miner rammed. All four are dead. Vytor sensed they killed themselves for an important mission. The planet Duvall is important.”

  Bo stopped delivering information, breathing heavily as if he’d run a race. He was holding her hand so tight it nearly hurt, and she laid her cheek on top of their hands gripped together on his chest. She was speechless with the horrifying name “Korpal” ringing in her ears.

  “That’s it, damn it ... I just can’t remember anymore,” Bo muttered, sounding angry. “There is only this gnawing ache left behind that I knew it all, but now it’s gone.”

  “Bo, you have to get well, you just have to,” Cassie whispered.

  She tried not to buckle under the pressure of emotions attacking her. She struggled to contain them, while clinging to the one thought that made sense to her; Bo needed her.


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