Rules of Payne (Cake Love Book 1)

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Rules of Payne (Cake Love Book 1) Page 5

by Elizabeth Lynx

  “How was that a joke or relevant in any way, Aria?”

  “I just thought it was interesting. Plus, it helped take your mind off of Mr. Payne for a moment.”

  I smiled at that. Aria was anything but a conventional best friend. She knew what to say to help me, even if I didn’t. And sometimes there was nothing to say but random facts about penises.

  We joked with each other for a minute, forgetting who was outside the safe, if not smelly, world of the bathroom. Until we heard a knock at the door.

  “Ms. Drake I need to speak with you.”

  Henrik Payne’s voice, so deep it rumbled, usually excited me but today it made my heart drop.

  Aria came over and bent in front of me. She loosened a few buttons to my pink cardigan before winking, “You have to show him what he’s missing, Morgana.”

  I took a deep breath and prepared myself as she opened the door. Henrik stood there, in his gray sweater and dark jeans looking amazing. I thought he wouldn’t look good in anything other than a suit, but I was mistaken.

  “She’s all yours. Oh, and my father is a lawyer. So, fuck with her and I will lawyer the crap out of all of this,” Aria said as she waved her hands around Henrik’s body.

  Her father was a lawyer, that was true. But, she hadn’t spoken to her dad in years. Despite that, my heart warmed at the lie Aria told him. It was nice to know there were some people I could count on to have my back.

  After Mr. Payne shut the door once Aria left, he turned to face me. I didn’t want to look at him but there was something about this man that drew my eyes to his. That caused my skin to turn to goose flesh in his presence. It was as if he held this magnet to something deep inside me, always pulling me closer.

  But despite the pull, I was hurt. I narrowed my eyes and pointed at his black heart. “Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend? She might get jealous.”

  He held his hands up like a thief. “Look Ms. Drake, my personal life is any of your business.”

  That caused me to stand. I could care less about whatever voodoo magic that caused me to lust after him. How could I believe he cared for me in anyway?

  “Really? Really? Really? Uh . . .really? Because last I checked you shoved your hand in my crotch not once but twice in the last month, so I’m thinking you having a girlfriend is my business.”

  Henrik leaned against the wall, almost melting into it as I stiffened. My heart beat so fast I thought it was going to punch him in the face. He tried to seem aloof, even sexy in a smoldering way by tilting his head back and groaning. But I wasn’t going to fall for it.

  Please, vagina, don’t you dare—

  “Morgana, what his girlfriend doesn’t know won’t hurt you.” Vagina bit her bottom lip setting her sights on his Adam’s apple.

  “Morgana it’s just a bit more complicated than that. She isn’t my girlfriend in that way. She’s much more to me,” Henrik said.

  At least he had the courtesy to wince after he spoke this time.

  “Oh that makes it so much better! You are a real piece of work you know that? Must be nice living all rich, having one girl at home and another at work. No one to say no to you and all your desires. Now you even have one running your errands. Must be awesome having your life. Awesome!”

  I tried to edge past him as I felt my eyes beginning to burn. He didn’t deserve to see me cry. To know how much he hurt me.

  Despite the cramped space, I pushed with all my might but he trapped me. His hands landed on either side of me, gripping the edge of the porcelain sink.

  Heat rolled off his body. The more I resisted, the deeper I sank. Perhaps it was his mouthwatering cologne or the way his breath fell just right on my neck to wake my skin. Or, maybe, it’s that I could hear him. Hear his heartbeat pick up the more I wiggled against his hard body.

  No, it was none of those things. I know what caused me to relax into his grip and made my panties become soaked.

  The hard-on in his pants.

  “Morgana, it’s just not what you think it is. I have never even kissed Tiffany.” His voice rumbled as he nuzzled into my neck.

  He’s never kissed her? Maybe they just started dating. Perhaps this thing with me started just as he started with her.

  I didn’t know. My vagina was clouding my judgment.

  Thanks, vagina.

  “Anytime, Morgana.” Vagina winked at me.

  Henrik’s hand landed on my hip and as his fingers curled into me I fell even deeper. I let my head fall back as his lips and teeth worked my neck.

  This felt so good. He felt incredible but as much as I wanted to unbutton everything and pull our clothes away, I knew where we were.

  In a bathroom in a crappy diner.

  With his girlfriend, right outside. And that realization stopped my fall. He may be okay with doing that to someone he cared about, but I wasn’t.

  Pushing him off me I opened the door before turning to him. His eyes glazed and lips swollen with a confused look on his face. Any other time before today I would race back in his arms but not now.

  Not after I found out about Tiffany.

  “This is not okay.” I waved my hand between us before turning to go.

  It wasn’t okay. Whatever attraction we had needed to stop. Not just for our job but for the people it could hurt.


  Payne’s Rule

  Just keep your dick in your pants.

  Things were good.

  Some would say perfect.

  I smiled making my way down the city street to work as the diner debacle from two weeks ago was like a distant memory. Morgana had been working right outside my door at her desk since then, and nothing bad had happened.

  This was under control. Having her as my assistant at her desk was easier than I thought. What was I worried about? That my penis would accidentally fall inside her? Come on, that could never happen.

  Sure she was gorgeous, and she was more adept than any assistant I had ever worked with. This thought liked to play tag with my cock, but I had come up with a solution that worked.

  Never be in the same room as Morgana Drake.

  See? Perfect.

  This was how it worked, I hovered by the door and waited to hear her leave before exiting my office. I communicated with her via pink sticky notes or through the speakerphone. It’s difficult when I have to use the restroom, but my bladder was strong.

  Even when I ran into her in the hallway, I just turned my back so I didn’t have to look at her.


  I’m an asshole.

  It’s not all me, though. She had been breaking the rules of our agreement by wearing her glasses every day. I can’t be certain, but I believe she could be wearing low cut blouses and tight fuzzy sweaters just to mess with me.

  Oh, and she fingered them only when I was around. I know this because I spied on her once while she talked to Grace in the kitchen. She didn’t touch her glasses at any time during that conversation. But when I was near, suddenly the glasses were made of magnets and her hands were metal.

  That wasn’t even the worst part of everything. She was good. Ms. Drake would stay late even if I didn’t ask her too. She also found errors in my work.

  I rarely made mistakes, but when I did no one called me on them because they feared me. There was a purpose to my meanness. Emotions were a problem. They clouded judgment. They caused anxiety. I didn’t have time for that.

  I had spent so much time pushing people away that no one was there to catch me when I fell. Until Morgana Drake became my assistant.

  I frowned as I pushed through the turnstile door to the Mimir building. The salt-caked sidewalk of Michigan Avenue crackled beneath my feet as I exited the blistering cold to the static warmth of the building.

  My meetings for the afternoon had been canceled so I decided to head into the office. As I rode the elevator to the twenty-eighth floor, I pondered how I would make it through the day with Ms. Drake without accidentally fondling her.

aps a sacrifice of my cock before I go in my office might be in order. That should help me get through the day.

  Once I was out of the elevator, I headed straight into the bathroom and noticed Ms. Drake was not at her desk.

  I checked my watch and noted the time, ten minutes until eleven o’clock. I had just enough time to give my cock a good spanking before Ken Brooks, the CFO, used the restroom for his daily shit storm. I’m sure Ms. Drake had learned by now to stay away from her desk when Brooks used the bathroom.

  My orgasm was quick due to the use of one of my top fantasies about Ms. Drake. I had about ten different fantasy scenarios of her I used when I masturbated, and they were ranked by length of orgasm and time it took to hit the big O. Most of them involved her drooling over my cock.

  I cleaned up, flushed, and then ran into Brooks just as I was washing my hands. He was boring as usual. He always discussed the weather. It’s cold. Bitterly cold. Chicago in the winter was frigid, everyone knew that. Why talk about it? He mentioned the sun and I didn’t care.

  Once I was in my office, I opened my laptop and began checking my emails. One was marked urgent about the new Denton account. I realized I was going to need Ms. Drake to help me.

  Having just orgasmed, being in the same room as Ms. Drake shouldn’t cause any problems. I got up and opened the door to find her with her head on her desk.

  “Ms. Drake.”

  She popped up and stared at me. Those greenish eyes turned golden as they enlarged.

  Here I was boasting about what a hard worker she was, and now she’s lying down on the job.

  “Is this how you spend your day when you think I am not in the office? Just lying around.”

  She opened and closed her mouth a few times before finally shaking her head at me.

  “The meetings for today got canceled, so it looks like I’m going to be here the rest of the day. Come inside my office; I need to go over some things with you.”

  She mumbled something just as I turned to go back inside. The words “come” and “bathroom” were the only ones I caught.

  I turned back. “What did you say?”

  Her eyes darted around. “Uh, let me just run to the bathroom first.”

  I nodded my head. “Okay.”

  After a few minutes, she strolled into my office. Over the last few weeks, I had become accustomed to Ms. Drake’s stride. It’s average but with a little more swing in her hips and at times, bouncy. Perhaps that was why she tripped more often than others.

  But right now, her walk was cat-like, stealthy, with a heaping dose of confidence and cleavage. As she took her seat, her fingers tugged at her blouse, bringing my eyes down to her chest where they remained.

  I hated it when she did that.

  Forcing my gaze back to her face I wondered what I missed. Something was happening and I wondered for a moment if it involved me.

  “Are you feeling all right, Ms. Drake? You look pale and you have a funny expression on your face.”

  Her fingers continued to fondle her top but her eyes narrowed at me. “Oh, I’m fine, Mr. Payne. One hundred percent, grade-A beef, fine. In fact, I think I’m a little hot. Do I look hot to you, Mr. Payne?”

  One button. Pop.

  Another button. Pop.

  She shimmied slightly but enough to reveal a slip of green lace.

  I swallowed. Hard.

  “Ms. Drake, what are you doing?”

  Her lips curved as if she was waiting for those exact words to tumble out of my mouth. I got the feeling she wanted something. I also got the feeling I would give it to her. My hand slipped to my lap as I adjusted my cock already stirring from his earlier binge.

  He was insatiable.

  “I was in the bathroom a little while ago.”

  I nodded. “I know you asked to use it before we had this meeting.”

  Did I drop something in there? Maybe she heard me talking to Brooks and wants in on that top-secret conversation about the sunny sky in winter.

  I tried to hide my laughter.

  “No, before.”

  What was she talking about? This woman was sexy and smart, but right now she might as well have been . . . wait, I think I got her meaning.

  “The women’s bathroom you mean, right, Ms. Drake?” My eyes pleaded with her to open her mouth and say, “yes, the women’s bathroom.” Why would she not use the women’s restroom? That would be ridiculous, especially so close to Brooks’ time.

  Her head turned slowly from side to side in a tormenting no. “No, the men’s. The woman’s restroom was being cleaned so I had to use the men’s. You know, the one where you wanted me to take all of your cock.”

  I swallowed. Fuck.

  I couldn’t even look at her so I stared at the wall as I figured out how I would get myself out of this one. My stomach began to roll at all the possibilities she had to ruin me. No wonder she walked in my office like the Queen of England. She was going to have me fired. There was no coming back from getting caught jerking off on office property, especially when I was doing it imagining my assistant.

  That was why she had her head down at her desk. Ms. Drake was so repulsed by my actions she felt ill.

  There was no spinning this. The only thing I could hope for was her not telling anyone.

  Oh no. Bechmann.

  Bechmann was going to have a field day with this. Now that Ms. Drake and Bechmann were friends, she was bound to tell her.

  I hated that they were friends.

  Maybe I was a little bored with my job but I didn’t want to get fired, especially in that way. I needed to salvage this as soon as possible.

  Turning back to her, I tried to muster the courage to hold her gaze. “I’m sorry, Ms. Drake. That should never have happened.”

  Her eyes bulged. “That’s it? Just sorry. No explanation, no anything at all?”

  My head pounded. The heel of my hand worked my forehead to ease away the pathetic creature I had become. “What do you want me to say?”

  She got up and came around to my side of the desk to face me. I tried to get up but she pushed me back down. Before I had a chance to protest, her finger dug into my chest as her hot breath billowed over my cheeks. “That you want me. That you need to break up with your girlfriend or whatever she is to you. I want you to stop fucking with me.”

  I stared at the slight upturn at the end of her eyes. I thought it was makeup but it was the natural shape of her eyes. While I was focused on a light brown freckle near the end of her left eye, I inhaled. Morgana had a floral scent, but she had also been sweating. That mix of sweet and spicy was too much for me to bear, and I did something I really shouldn’t have.

  I grabbed her finger and pulled.


  Morgana’s Problem

  Henrik’s Hand

  I was angry.

  Henrik pulled my finger and I fell.

  Now I was embarrassed. I tried to tell my boss off for his hot and cold behavior toward me, but now my ass was in the air.

  Knowing my luck, I would probably fart right now. The perfect cherry on top of the ridiculous Morgana sundae that is my life.

  I could hear him groan. Cringing, I wanted to bury my head into his thick, hard thigh. Everything smelled like him down here. Spicy, manly and I was beginning to drool a bit.

  Henrik grabbed my skirt and I wondered for a second if it had ridden up. That’s even more humiliating. Now he had to pull it down. How was I going to look him in the face when I stood?

  But then I realized Henrik wasn’t pulling it down. His fingers were tugging at the black thick wool of my hem. He was inching the fabric up and exposing more of my thigh.

  Whatever anger or humiliation I felt these past few minutes devolved ardently with each quickening beat of my heart. My skin tingled and every pore wept with wonder at what he would do.

  I knew he could see my panties. I knew because as his palm smoothed over my thigh his fingertips brushed the edges of green lace from them.

  His hand
was warm and I couldn’t help myself. I wanted more. More touching, more of anything he could give me. I arched my back and pushed my thighs into his hand.

  “Yes, I want you, Morgana. No, I don’t need to break up with anyone since I am not in a steady relationship. As for fucking you, well . . .”

  The pain was swift, stinging but melted quickly into warmth. Flooding my core with the desire for more. I couldn’t help but gasp as he spanked my ass.

  I also couldn’t help grinding into his thigh after he did it.

  “You like that, my dirty girl? You want more, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I said, my voice breathy.

  I wanted everything. My body buzzed with anticipation of what he could do to me.

  In rapid succession, Henrik gave me what I never knew I wanted. As he slapped my ass cheeks I wondered if I could come from just his hand on me. My panties must have been soaked by now.

  But then he stopped. My heart sunk as I questioned if he was teasing me again. Henrik seemed to love to turn me on and then walk away. Was that what this was?

  Our truce popped into my head and maybe it was taking root in his too. Anyone could walk in and we would both lose our jobs.

  Was risking my job, at the company I had dreamed of working for, worth fooling around with Henrik?

  My vagina was making it real hard to answer that question. But my brain made it through the thick sex fog and shook her head. Brain was right, losing my job over this wasn’t a good idea.

  But just as I was about to get up Henrik pushed his fingers past the edge of my panties. “Fucking Christ, Morgana, you are so wet.”

  Breath exited my lungs, not from what he did but what he said. I knew from before, from the almost orgasm of two weeks ago that he was a dirty talker. But that didn’t mean I was used to it.

  And just because I wasn’t used to it, didn’t mean I was opposed to it either. It did something to me. How he reacted to me was unlike any guy I had ever been with.

  “Taste how stunning you are.”

  I tried to moan but the sound was muffled as he removed his fingers from between my legs and slipped them inside my mouth. It wasn’t so much the taste I was after as I lapped up his fingers, it was the fact he wanted me to taste myself.


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