Rules of Payne (Cake Love Book 1)

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Rules of Payne (Cake Love Book 1) Page 12

by Elizabeth Lynx

  Sitting up I saw beige, lots of beige, and seats next to tiny windows. I was on a plane. The thing breathing on my hair was not my dinner but Henrik. I fell asleep on him once the plane took off for London and based on the wet stain on his shoulder, I had been asleep for a while.

  Yawning, I did my best wiping at the drool that was still seeping down my chin when my ears popped.

  “How long was I out?”

  The silver covered dishes of food on the seat tray in front of me had me sitting up straighter. My stomach began to yelp for what was on that plate.

  Turning to glance at Henrik, I saw his eyes weren’t on his food but were turned directly to my chest.

  “Huh?” His caveman grunt was a simple reflex to any human voice so I snapped my fingers. Those eyes that matched the airplane window across the aisle behind him lifted in surprise to find a head was attached to my body.

  “Up here, Henrik. I asked how long I’ve been asleep.”

  “A few hours maybe.” His cheeks flushed as he turned to cut into his steak. I was starting to like I had put that color on his face.

  Henrik had been blushing quite a bit on this trip. When I came up beside him once I boarded the plane and he saw I was sitting next to him on the plane, he turned as red as the center of my steak.

  How were we going to handle a week in London together? Was he going to shower me with more sticky notes?

  After my first bite of the meat, I lost all thought of Henrik as the steak melted in my mouth.

  “My God, this is so good. Who knew airline food could actually be flavorful. Eeek. There’s strawberry shortcake for dessert. I am flying in the clouds, so this must be Heaven.”

  I laughed, but due to the cabin pressure it came out as a snort.

  At that moment, I forgot that I was mad at Henrik. His need to kick me out after we had sex had fueled my anger on this trip. But the good food and hearty laugh loosened my tightly wound heart a little.

  “You are a goof.” He said.

  “Whatever, Hi! At least I’m not a horn-dog who can’t wait to get into the restroom to masturbate about my super fine secretary.”

  “You caught me once doing that.”

  This was how he got me to smile and melt a little, his grin, his laughter, even his jokes. The cold granite Payne melted into a pleasing Henrik, and it was hard to stay mad. I’m pathetic.

  “Look, Henrik, you didn’t give me a chance to apologize. I didn’t mean that nobody wanted to be friends with you.”

  He shook his head putting down his fork. “You were right. I know it’s hard to get to know me. I’m not the fun, lovable boss.”

  I snorted again. “No, you are not.”

  His shoulders eased. “Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t put so much value on people based only on their work. I should want to know them, be nice to them because they are interesting or I have something in common or—”

  “They have a sexy rack?” I smirked.

  A faint hitch at the corner of his lip wasn’t surprising but his hand reaching over to cup my chin was. “More like because they are smart and make me laugh and like to tease me when possible.”

  Red alert.

  Brain, I have no idea what to do with this Henrik.

  “Calm down, Morgana. He is different. Maybe the cabin pressure is affecting his brain, making him not think straight.” Brain rubbed her squiggly chin lost in thought.

  But I like how he’s acting. He’s being sweet and vulnerable. Maybe I should have the cabin pressure device installed in his office.

  Brain was shaking her head. “That would be dangerous, Morgana, and could kill him. I am afraid that when he leaves this plane, he might turn back into the asshole you have grown to, uh, well you seem to, um—”

  What are you trying to say, Brain?

  “You two seem to only be happy when you are having sex with each other. As much as I warned you away from that before, Morgana, maybe that’s the best way to keep this relationship, well, normal. Thriving.”

  She had a good point, and I really wouldn’t mind having sex with him again. Especially as he was being sweet. Perhaps that should be our relationship, just sex and work. That’s it.

  I wouldn’t mind that. No strings attached. That way I can’t get hurt when he walks away or find out he filmed us having sex and posted it online. Damn you, Trevor.

  “I’m sorry too, Morgana. I shouldn’t have walked out on you earlier,” he leaned closer until his nose was brushing the tip of my ear, “especially after sex that was better than anything I have ever had.”

  I was blushing again. “It was good, wasn’t it?”

  He pulled away and his eyes darted to the front of the cabin.

  “I’ve been thinking we need to have a meeting. But we need some privacy.”

  Could he be any more obvious?

  “Airplane sex. Just say it, Henrik. You want airplane sex.”

  His eyes narrowed, jaw tightening.

  I laughed. “Get over yourself, Henrik. Lots of people do that.”

  “Well, I haven’t.”

  “I guess it’s time to pop your cherry.” My voice deepened as I leaned toward him.

  For a moment, I thought Henrik was going to faint. He closed his eyes as his body swayed, but after a second they burst open full of excitement.

  “Take off your panties and give them to me. Then head into the bathroom. I will follow in a few moments so as not to draw suspicion.” Henrik’s tone was hushed. Our faces only an inch apart.

  “Wow, you have been planning this for a while.”

  “Since I was fifteen,” he said.

  I began to wiggle out of my panties and handed them over, no questions asked.

  Once I was in the bathroom, I waited for a bit but I didn’t hear Henrik. I was about to open the door to leave but a knock came and a whispered, “Morgana,” came through the door.

  When he came into the lavatory, I made room by hopping up on the counter. The bathroom was small, but since we were in first class it was more spacious than the coach ones.

  “It’s about time. I thought you got lost.” I poked Henrik in the chest. He grabbed my finger and pushed himself between my legs.

  “Very funny. I had to wait outside a bit as I saw Evaleen staring at me. I think she knows. But then Edgar started talking to her and it distracted her from me.”

  I leaned back trying to find a more comfortable position on the tiny metal counter. This action caused Henrik’s eyes to deepen as they lazily made a path from my lips to my neck before landing on my chest.

  Brain was right, we work better when it came to sex. The way Henrik gobbled me up with his eyes, I wondered if it ever should be any other way.

  He let go of my finger as he worked on the buttons on my pink blouse. Just three buttons with shaky hands before his face surrendered to satisfaction. My white silk bra, the one I picked out for the trip for comfort now served a very different purpose to Henrik.

  “I’m all yours, Mr. Payne.”

  My words seemed to have the desired effect, as he decided on my mouth. Henrik’s fingers curled around my neck drawing me close. His lips dusted mine as if he was testing his decision before he realized he made the right choice.

  Many men had touched my lips and I always felt confident they enjoyed what I gave, but that kiss with Henrik was different. He seemed to reach for my soul as I floundered to open my lips. Perhaps it was because having sex in an airplane restroom had been his dream for so long that he was tender with gratitude but yearning.

  It was the groan made me want more. I pushed myself onto his hardened to help relieve the pressure.

  Even through his clothes I could feel his heat, how painfully rigid I was making it. I knew he wanted more the harder his fingers dug into my skin. I took his hand and placed it on my chest and giving him what he wanted.

  Henrik tugged, maybe even ripped the silk to greedily get my hardened nipple. His fingers twisted and pulled, sending a rush of sweet pain.

  I could
stay like this for days but we were in an airplane bathroom, so I reached between us to release him. He pulled away from the kiss to catch his breath, his head falling back.

  “We don’t have much time,” he mumbled as my finger swiped over the glistening bead on the tip of his cock.

  “Right, anyone could knock now.”

  His gaze raw as he lifted his head. Even his fingers curled a little tighter around my chin to keep me in place. “No, I’m not going to last long especially with how you kiss me. Also, your hand on me isn’t helping either.”

  “Oh. Do you have a condom?”

  A lazy, satisfied if not partially frustrated grin appeared on his face as he reached into his pocket. As he was about to tear the foil, there was a knock.

  We stilled.

  “Occupied.” My voice a bit garbled as I tried not to let out a nervous laugh.

  “Miss, this is the stewardess. We are starting to prepare our descent, so you need to return to your seat as soon as possible.”

  Henrik frowned and if I wasn’t mistaken, there was a lone tear he wiped away just as I turned to look at him. A dream was killed today by an airplane stewardess.

  I hopped off the counter and began to fix myself up. Once I was done, I patted Henrik on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. You can still pop your mile-high cherry. We always have the flight back.”

  Hopefulness widened his eyes, and I realized how young Henrik looked when he smiled.

  “Morgana, don’t make promises if you can’t keep them.” He pinned me to the door and dipped his head to mine for one last taste, a deep kiss full of need and possibilities.

  Luckily, we made it back to our seats unnoticed. When I glanced over to where Evaleen was seated, I saw her wrapped in a blanket staring out the window. Everyone else in first class was asleep as it was the middle of the night back in Chicago.

  Back in our seats, we took a moment to catch our breaths. I glanced at Henrik as he turned to me. That’s when the giggle fits started and didn’t stop until we landed.


  Payne’s Rule

  Drinking weakens your resolve and remember what happened last time.

  Such a waste. And so embarrassing.

  How could anyone want to be in the same room with this sloppy sham of a man?

  I took a sip, more like a gulp, of my whiskey before setting it down. It almost missed the white linen covered table, but my swift reflexes caught the glass in time. Everyone, including the boob of the moment, Garrett Marson, the head of our British distribution center, turned to watch my awesome moves in action.

  He was obviously impressed with my stealthy maneuver as his mouth opened in awe. His hands probably had the agility of a sloth. He had dopey sloth hands.

  The way Morgana drooled over him, you would think he rescued the whiskey from untimely doom. And the way she ignored me since we entered the restaurant on our first night in London, you would think I was the boob.

  “I am no tit.”

  I meant to say boob.

  There was a snort, and I looked over to see both Edgar and Evaleen covering their mouths. Evaleen had her back to me but by the way she was shaking and Edgar’s shoulders were bouncing, I wondered if they were going to be sick.

  I guess it was best I hadn’t started eating my food, as it may be bad. I should get up and help Edgar to the bathroom. As I rose, my chair was knocked to the ground and I tried to pick it up but the room tilted. Maybe it’s not food poisoning but the flu.

  “We all should leave for fear of the plague.” I stared at Garrett after I said that. He’s a plague. A slothy plague with big hands. No. Not big hands. I had big hands. He had tiny hands. So small medical science knew of no cure for his wee baby hands.

  I felt someone touch my arm and looked up to find Edgar pulling me from the ground. Now there was a strong man. A man with big hands like me. Someone who would use his hands to fight an evil plague. The plague of Garrett Marson.

  “Come on, Henrik. Let’s head back to the hotel.”

  I nodded. Edgar always had such good ideas. Why wasn’t he running the company? Jacob was good too. They were all so good.

  I felt a tear escape my eye. “Edgar, you are so good. So very good.”

  Reaching up to tap his shoulder, I missed completely and ran my hand down the front of his face. I glanced back to see Morgana shuffling toward us with coats in her arms.

  Leaning closer to Edgar’s ear I whispered, “Morgana is the best.”

  He shifted his head away from me but nodded. “Yes Henrik, she is a great assistant. The best you ever had.”

  We made our way to the street as a doorman opened the door for us. The cool, damp air hit me, clearing my brain a little.

  “No, Edgar. She is the best. She is my rose.”

  I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I cried right then as he shoved me into a cab.

  Turning, I found her eyes watching the London lights fly by. “That Garrett huh? He’s stupid.”

  She turned toward me with creased brows. “No, he wasn’t. He was knowledgeable about the changes happening here to distribution.”

  I made a gagging sound. “So that’s what you want is it, Morgana? The sexy distribution talk.”

  “Henrik, are you jealous?” Her mouth ticked up and I wanted to lick it sideways.

  “What? No. Of Garrett, the sloth plague monster of London? That’s a ridiculous thing to say.”

  She shook her head as her cheeks turned pink. A beautiful bloom that I had to touch.

  Morgana held up her hands, “Let’s wait until you are sober, Henrik. Maybe tomorrow night. We should get some sleep tonight and be rested for tomorrow.”

  “I’m not drunk. I don’t even drink.”

  Morgana snorted in her cute little way. “For a man who doesn’t drink you sure have done it enough around me.”

  She was right, but it did sting a bit.

  “Yeah, well, you seem to bring out the worst in me.”

  Her beautiful lips, with all their rosy plumpness, fell before thinning.

  I didn’t mean that. If anything, she brought out the best in me. Morgana made me laugh when no one had in years. She had me finding the joy in the things around me, like cake, when I only saw problems before. That there was love and hope in the world.

  Love. I hadn’t had that in a long time.

  The love that made me look forward to the day, not dread it. Something that gave me a reason to try harder and take a risk.

  Was I in love with Morgana? I didn’t know.

  The car stopped and we got out. I reached for my wallet once we were on the sidewalk, but the cab pulled away before I had time to pay. Were the cabs free in London? That’s a nice perk.

  I turned to find Morgana tucking something back in her purse, still holding my coat.

  I wanted to apologize and tell her she was the only one I tried to be the best for.

  “Here, let me take that from you.”

  As usual, I wimped out of the apology and went for the obvious, I grabbed my coat.

  My life was like this black wool coat. It appeared nice, maybe even a bit expensive, but up close it was worn, a few tattered scars, and very few people cared whether it even existed.

  Hooking my finger into the label I tried to flip it over my shoulder but it ripped. The coat flew over my head and sailed into the street only to be killed by some passing car.

  “Good-bye, old friend. You have served me well.”

  I was being pulled and realized Morgana was tugging my arm into the hotel. We made it to the lobby and onto an elevator as my earlier giddiness from the cool air had waned, and I grasped the rail to hold myself up.

  Once the doors opened, Morgana helped me down the hall. I didn’t realize how tired I was.

  I fumbled for the key card, but Morgana grabbed it and opened the door. We walked inside the room that Jane Austen must have built. Everything was covered in flowers with overstuffed chairs and antique wooden tables.

  Kicking off my
shoes I stumbled into the sectioned off bedroom. Flinging my tie across the room, I took off the rest of my clothes until I was only in my black boxer briefs and fell into the soft bed. Morgana took a seat on the flower-patterned chair across from me.

  “Changed your mind about getting rest? Want a little show?” I smirked but she sighed and not in a good way.

  “No, Henrik. Unlike you, you bring out the best in me. I don’t want you to get sick during the night and choke, so I will stay here and take care of you. As much as I very much want to leave.”

  Folding her arms in agitation, her autumn eyes had my attention despite never landing on me. Then my attention fell to her tits because the way her arms rested they pushed those beautiful babies up. Now I had to touch her.

  Scooting over in the bed I patted the space beside me. “Come lay with me.”

  “No, Henrik. I told you I am not having sex with you tonight.”

  I shook my head. “Not sex, I just want to be near you. I like to watch you.”

  Her eyes widened. “I was not going to masturbate for you, Henrik. No sex of any kind, all right?”

  Now the thought was in my head. Despite the whiskeys, my cock rose at her idea.

  “As much as I would love to see that, Morgana, it was not what I meant. I just want to be next to you. Watch you smile, maybe hear you sigh, and talk to you as a friend.”

  “Oh.” She rose and took off her blazer while discarding her shoes. As she sunk into the bed, I tried to turn my focus back to her eyes from her chest. The silky blouse did very little to hide what was underneath.

  “Is that better, Henrik?”

  I nodded because I didn’t think I could speak. Her hair fell covering the pillow in fire. My fingers reached for her like a kid wanting to touch a hot stove, knowing I would get burned but curious to experience the inevitable sting.

  “Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand. That I might touch that cheek,” I sighed the poet’s words and brushed my fingers across her temple to push away a few stray tendrils.

  Morgana’s cheeks warmed. “What man art thou that, thus bescreened in night, so stumblest on my counsel?”


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