Zane: A Navy SEAL Romantic Suspense

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Zane: A Navy SEAL Romantic Suspense Page 41

by Gunn, Autumn

  “It is if it’s a competition.”

  “Are we in a competition?”

  “We’re in a competition together. Team up to build better bodies and minds. We’re not competing against each other. We’re competing with each other.”

  Carissa looked me right in the eye. A quiet calm fell over her. “I like the sound of that.”

  I didn’t say anything. I didn’t need to. We stared in each other’s eyes for what seemed like a full minute.

  Beep, beep, beep. My Timex’s alarm sounded one minute till class.

  “Time to begin.”

  “Let’s begin.”

  For the next 90 minutes it was just Carissa and me. With only the two of us I could do the exercises with her side by side. Showing her the proper form and how to use bodyweight to remove stress from certain areas. How to switch contraction muscles in the middle of an exercise to perform it even longer. You can do pushups with your chest, with your arms, and even your back. Focusing a little more on a different body part for a few reps in order to perform the exercise longer.

  We were focused and serious, but we also laughed and joked. I put her in a yoga position to build strength and flexibility. She was trying to hold it and breath at the same time. She made it the full minute then collapsed.

  “I felt like an octopus trying to open a can of pickles while standing on my head.”

  She definitely had some random funny one-liners. It kept a serious training session a bit light. And as much as I like to be serious when I train, it made it more fun.

  During the hand-to-hand drills we found ourselves tangled a time or two. Carissa was practicing taking me down. She was good. She wasn’t ready to throw me yet. I was too big. Too bulky. I figured it better to practice wrestling escape moves.

  “Guys always want to learn how to punch. Knock guys out. It looks good on TV, but the reality is a large majority of street fights wind up on the ground. That’s why wrestling is so important. Especially escaping.”

  I showed her some simple escape moves. How to slide out or use leverage to escape a hold. It was time to practice. My mind started to wander a little. We were about to wrestle on the floor of this gym. We were hot, sweaty, and I don’t know about her, but I wasn’t sure how my body was going to respond to rolling around on the ground with her.

  She started off down. I was on top. She had to escape reverse bear hugs, chokes, and naked holds. Even the moves themselves sound sexual. I was careful where I placed my hands. Since I was so much bigger and stronger I could control body placement really well.

  The last move was the most difficult. She had to lie on her stomach in the superman position and the goal was to escape. She tried to wiggle her way forwards and side-to-side for a time. It wasn’t working. She tried quick darts, slow leverage, and a combination of the two. She hadn’t budged. Then she got really clever and almost like the opposite of a turtle flipping from it’s back to it feet she used her head and back leg to lock in position and flip over underneath me to her back. Not an advantageous position, but she had moved.

  She was on her back and I had her wrists wrapped up in my hands. I could sit on her midsection to keep her in place.

  “This feels like kids wrestling now.”

  “You’re forgetting one thing?”

  “What’s that?”

  I put both her wrists in my right hand. With my left I lifted up her shirt to just above her belly button. I bent down at the middle and blew on her stomach.

  “Stop! I’m ticklish.”

  She laughed and tried to roll to escape. I continued. She was laughing so hard I could see tears forming in her eyes. I stopped momentarily and hovered over her more forward. I separated her hands again and took one in each of my hands. She was on her back. Hands pined down above her head. I sat on her mid section, but hovered over here. I stared in her eyes as she caught her breath. She stared back. He chest was moving up and down. Her heart beating fast. It was the combination of the exercise and the intensity of the moment. We didn’t break eye contact. I couldn’t resist any longer.

  I leaned forward and stopped just short of her mouth. She didn’t move away. I went the remaining few inches and kissed her hard on the mouth. She returned the kiss with passion. I could feel her back arch. She moaned in pleasure. I kissed her again. And again. And again. I felt all the blood in my veins moving throughout my body. I felt alive. It felt like that afternoon at the wedding, but somehow even better. Even deeper. We had spent more time together now. Our bond had grown. I wanted her. But not now. Not in this way.

  I pulled back and we looked into each other’s eyes.

  “You taste amazing.”

  “You too.”

  I reached down and kissed her again. I released my grip on her wrists and cupped the back of her head with my right hand as I pressed my lips tightly against hers. My left hand slid under the small of her back. Our bodies were horizontal. I was in contact with all of her body. Hers with as much of mine as her height allowed. We kissed so hard and passionately. I pulled back again.

  “Now’s not the right time.”

  “You’re right. I’m glad one of us is keeping a level head.”

  “Believe me. It’s hard. I want you now. I want you here.”

  “I want that too, but you’re right.”

  I slid off her and got to my feet. I offered her a hand and helped her to her feet.

  “I should be heading off to school. I have to take a shower before class.”

  “Got ya.”

  “What are you doing this weekend?”

  “No plans yet. Why?”

  I was thinking of baking some things. The weather is supposed to be nice. There’s a secluded stream running down to the lake. It’s a short, but beautiful hike. We could go there and have a picnic in between your morning and afternoon classes on Saturday.

  “That sounds great.”

  “Super. After you finish your morning class I can come by and pick you up and we can go.”


  “But don’t worry. You’ll see me in class before then.”

  “Good, because I like seeing you.”

  “And I like seeing you. Enjoy your day.”

  “You too.”

  And she slowly walked out the door. I couldn’t help but watch her walk out. Her body looked amazing in her yoga pants. I didn’t know how much longer I could resist.

  Chapter 14

  “We really need to get you a bike. Or maybe even a skateboard.”

  “Not a bad idea. I don’t want to commit to a car right now. With the long term future being so uncertain right now.”

  “You’re always welcome to borrow the Jeep.”

  “Thanks. You’re right though. I do need to get my own way around. I like walking, but maybe it’s not going to be practical all the time.”

  “You could always get a clunker. If you need to sell it quickly you can.”

  “Also true.”

  “What are you up to today?”

  “No plans at the moment. Why?”

  “Beautiful day. Haven’t gone fishing in awhile. Up for it?”

  “Up for it? Sounds like fun and some good eats later. Let’s do this.”

  Jax drove out of town to a little lake. We sat under a tree in the shade. Fished. We each had a couple beers, and ate some sandwiches. We talked about old times and the future. How Jasmine was growing up so quickly and what it’s like to have a child. We even caught a few fish. Nothing too big, but big enough for dinner. Jax dropped me off at home and headed in to pick up Jasmine.

  As I was turning the key the mailman approached.

  “Hello. I’m Mike the mailman.” He had a smile ear to ear.

  “Hello Mike. I’m Cole.”

  “Cole Callahan?”

  “That’s the one. How did you know?”

  “Think I saw a letter in there for you. Thought it was a mistake at first. Didn’t know there was a Cole here now. Was going to ask Mr. Justice if he was home, but i
t looks like I just got my answer.”

  “OK. Thanks.”

  “Welcome to town, Cole.”

  “Thanks, Mike. Good to be here.”

  He handed me the letters and made his way to the neighbor’s house.

  I went inside and sat in the living room. A letter for me? Only one person had my address. Or should I say one group of people. I sorted through the stack. There it was. A little over half way down. Mostly just a bunch of bills. It could have easily been mistaken for one. A white envelope. Typed. The United States Department of Navy return address gave it away. I stared at the exterior. I knew no matter what it said this letter was the most important I had ever received. Either way it was going to change the course of my life forever.

  I opened it and read. It wasn’t exactly what I expected.


  To: Petty Officer Second Class Cole CALLAHAN, USN

  Subj: Report for Duty

  You are hereby required to report to the Officer of the Day at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado located at 3632 Tulagi Rd by 23:59 on 21 June, 2015.

  So they wanted to talk to me face-to-face. The best way to deliver bad news.

  I just stared at the letter. Over 15 minutes passed. I knew what was coming.

  Chapter 15

  Jax offered to run the gym for a couple days until I arrived on base and knew for sure what was going on. My guess was I’d be there two days. Four days tops. Then it would be all over.

  When I stepped off the plane Buckeye was there to meet me. He had picked up that nickname in Iraq. Being from Ohio he did everything he could to catch his Ohio State Buckeyes play football on TV every fall weekend. He’d offer to cover two shifts for just his one if it landed during the game. There was only a seven hour difference so most of the time he could watch the afternoon games in the late evening. When Ohio State played a night game on prime time TV you’d see him downing coffee all day in order to stay up for the game. Either that or to get his energy level cranked up beyond belief pre kickoff.

  “Pretty boy Callahan, how are you brother?”

  “Good to see you, Buckeye. Thanks for picking me up.”

  “No problem, but you owe me a shift this fall when football season starts back up.”

  I smiled. “Deal.” Buckeye hadn’t changed a bit.

  We spoke as we drove to the base.

  “Everybody’s talking about you, man. Excited to have you back.”

  “I’m excited to be back. Get back to work.” And I was, but I had to be honest with myself. I didn’t know how long this homecoming was going to last, or if it was going to even start.

  “Well it’s all good now. You’re back home with us now.”

  “I am. And it feels good.”

  I was trying to keep a straight face, but the pain inside was tearing me up. My boys were welcoming me back. Buckeye pretended like nothing ever happened. He had moved on from the incident, but the Navy wasn’t ready yet. I wasn’t going to bring it up. One because it was a happy moment. Two because I didn’t want to get any scuttlebutt started. If I started talking about getting discharged it’s only going to be bad for morale and get people talking. I didn’t need any of that.

  Buckeye and I pulled over for a beer just outside the base. When we arrived he took me to the Officer of the Day and I reported in. They issued me a temporary room and the linens I’d need. I was to report to my Commanding Officer tomorrow morning at 08:00.

  I laid down in my room. I tried to sleep, but it was no use. At one point I even heard a few SEALs run by chanting some old cadences I had remembered. It felt comforting yet uncomfortable at the same time.

  I didn’t have any books with me. I always travel light. I didn’t feel like walking around base either. I just resigned myself to staring at the ceiling and taking in the sounds, smells, and memories of this place where my SEAL career began.

  Chapter 16

  The alarm on my Timex rocked me from a deep sleep. I jumped from the rack and got on the ground in the prone position. I popped my head up to get a look. To locate the direction of the enemy fire, but this time there was none. Just a room with a bunk bed, a chair, and a small table. It had happened again. Unfamiliar surroundings heighten my PTSD. I flipped on the light, remembered where I was and why, and headed to the shower.

  Maybe it was true. Maybe I wasn’t fit for duty. In a couple hours I was going to find out. At least what their opinion of my mental fitness was.

  Three hard knocks on the Commanding Officer’s door. “Permission to come aboard, Sir.”

  “Permission granted.”

  I opened the door and there sat Captain Culver. He was a tough old son-of-a-gun. A chest full of ribbons. He was fit as a fiddle. I remember seeing him at the track one morning. He still ran 5k each morning. Monday through Friday. And he didn’t just run it. He owned it. Under 20 minutes every time. Pretty incredible for a man approaching 50.

  “Sit down, Petty Officer Cole.”

  I took a seat and Captain Culver opened a dossier sitting in the middle of his desk. It was the only thing on his desk.

  “Young man. I’ve been a SEAL for a long time. Longer than most. I’ve seen a lot of good young men and women pass through here. A lot. Sometimes we have a really exceptional SEAL. Exceptional even beyond the already amazing men and women we have. It’s hard to stand out when everyone is already a stand out performer. It doesn’t happen very often, but sometimes it does. You are that SEAL. The best we have. That’s what makes today even more difficult.”

  I could feel the knot in my stomach tighten. My throat went dry.

  “Petty Officer Cole. I have your results here in front of me. If this was 20 years ago I would have torn this paper in half, threw it in the rubbish bin, and we’d all be back on our way. Back to doing what we do. Unfortunately this isn’t 20 years ago. This is today. There’s a lot more eyes now. A lot more PR to deal with. A lot more power in the hands of doctors. And the Navy doesn’t want to take any risks anymore.”

  Captain Culver paused.

  “And right now I’m a risk,” I said it for him.

  “That’s what these papers say. I know it’s not true. You know it’s not true. But they don’t know it’s not true. And their opinion, regardless if it’s correct or not, is the only one that matters.”

  The Captain looked me in the eye. I’m sure he could see the look in my eye. Knowing what his next sentence would be. He didn’t want to drop the hammer, but he had to. It must be the worst part of his job, but I was glad he had called me in face-to-face.

  “Petty Officer Second Class Callahan, at 23:59 today, you are officially released from active duty. You are authorized a disability severance of 15%. Your discharge is honorable and the Navy transition team will work with you to transition back to civilian life.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  We both held eye contact.

  “Young man, I can still see the fire in your eyes. If you’re interested I can probably make a few calls and secure a pogue position.”

  “Working at a desk, sir?”

  “That’s right. Administrative, but you’d still be a vital part of the missions.”

  “Thank you, sir. But that would only make this harder. Every day knowing I’m not out there. I’m so close, but so far away. It would be torture. Thank you, sir, for this proposal, but unfortunately I think a clean break is the way to go.”

  “I knew as much. No warrior wants to be relegated to a desk. Just figured I’d let you say it for yourself. Petty Officer Callahan, is there anything I can do for you?”

  “No sir. I’m all squared away.”

  “Son, I’ve prepared a small package for you. Inside it contains 20 letters of recommendation, your severance pay, your unused leave pay, and a small hazardous duty pay bonus. My mobile phone number and civilian email address are also inside in case you ever need anything. You are always part of the family.”

  Those last seven words stung the hardest. I
was part of the family, until I wasn’t. And that was now. Captain Culver meant it, but Captain Culver is a person. A SEAL. Some guys in white coats were calling the shots now and they say I’m not part of the family, but I don’t really care what they think. Captain Culver’s words were all the guarantee I needed.

  “Do you have any questions, Petty Officer Callahan?”


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