Finley (Decoy Dynasty #1)

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Finley (Decoy Dynasty #1) Page 13

by K. T Fisher

  “Men like you hurt girls like Riley.” She shrugs and her words fucking hit me hard.

  “What the fuck? I ain’t like him Cassie, I would never hurt her.” I huff, pissed that she would think so shit of me.

  Cassie smiles. “Relax, I just wanted to hear you say that.” But then her face drops. “Wait, you said ‘you ain’t like him’ does that mean you know?”

  I nod. “My sister told me.”

  “Shit.” Cassie bites down on her lip. “Does Riley know?”

  “That’s why I’m here.” I spread my arms.

  Cassie frowns, shaking her head. “You need to be careful Fin, when it comes to TJ she has her back up. Whenever it comes to that fuck, he still manages to hurt her.”

  “But that’s why she won’t let herself get close to me right?” I ask. “Her dick of an ex has ruined her, and I wanted to tell her I’m not like him.”

  “I know that.” Cassie sadly smiles. “And I think Riley is starting to see that too, but you have to let her get there on her own. Let her know that you know about TJ, and be honest with her about how you found out, be totally honest with her and she will see you Finley.”

  “I want her.” I admit. “I know she thinks I’m like him, but I’m not. I’ve had sex with a lot of women,” at that Cassie rises her eyebrows, but I continue. “None of them meant anything, just an itch to scratch, but I already know Riley is different.”

  Cassie actually fucking laughs. “Don’t you think I already know that? I see how you look at her, and how you behave around her, you’re in love with Riley.” Her words have me frozen like a fucking stone and Cassie chuckles. “Oh what? You didn’t know that already? Don’t worry, I don’t think Riley understands yet either.”

  “What?” This time I snap to attention.

  Cassie stands from her seat, smiling at me as if she holds all the fucking secrets. “Honestly, you two are perfect for each other.” She crosses her arms over chest. “But look, you woke me up so I need to go back to bed.”

  “Early night?” I tease and Cassie bites down on her lip.

  “Something like that.” Something is telling me I’m missing out on something here, I look over to where hers and Riley’s bedrooms are. One door is slightly open, the light is off and I can see its dark and obviously Riley’s room. The other is shut, but I can tell the light is on through the crack. So that’s Cassie’s room.

  “Did I interrupt?” I point to her door and she nods. “Shit, why didn’t you say something?”

  “You’re my friend Fin, and I know you care about Riles,” she shrugs. “You wanted to talk.”

  “I’ll let you go back to whoever you have waiting in there.” I wrap and arm around her to thank her for her help and leave her to it.

  “Oh Finley.” She stops me just as I’m about to reach for the door handle. “I poured paint all over his new car.”

  Cassie grins wide and I can’t help but laugh. “You’re my hero Cass.”

  When I get back to my car, I read Riley’s text again and reply.

  Me: Let me know when you’re back x

  Riley: I will do. X

  Me: Good x

  Riley: Aw, are you missing me?

  I can’t help but grin like a fucking idiot.

  Me: Of course babe, you know how much I want you x

  Riley: I’ll be back Friday x

  Her text confuses me, does that mean she’s ignoring what I said on my text, or she’s willing to take it further? I put my phone away and drive home, but as soon as I get back I have two messages waiting for me from Riley, and we continue to text late into the night.

  Last night I stayed up pretty late texting Finley back and forth, I actually didn’t want it to end but when I began to fall asleep holding my phone, it started to get difficult but I just enjoyed talking to him this way. It’s different than face to face and I found myself being a little more forward than usual and even flirtatious. Hell, I was being flirty but when my phone dropped on my face, I knew it was time to stop.

  I’m spending three nights at my childhood home, no particular reason, I just like to come home from time to time to see my family. I did feel a little bad that I missed Finley, but I value my family time and he will just have to wait. He did say he wanted to talk to me about something, but he wouldn’t say what that was on the phone. It has me worried a little bit.

  There’s a knock on the door, and my sixteen year old little sister, Amelia pops her head into my room. Even though I don’t live here anymore, this is still my room as my mum has left it exactly the same as when I three years ago.

  “Are you up?” Amelia asks, her blonde hair is a mess so it’s obvious she’s just woken up too.

  “I am.” I stretch and she jumps onto my bed.

  “I heard you texting last night.” She giggles. “Be careful, mum goes crazy when she hears my phone.”

  “The difference is, I’m an adult MeMe.” I laugh as her face scrunches up.

  “Don’t call me that.” She scowls. Amelia hates her child nickname I gave her when we were younger. “It’s a baby name.”

  “It’s your nickname.” I poke her. “So deal with it.”

  “Who were you texting?” She asks, looking to my phone.

  I might as well be truthful. “Finley.” And her eyes go wide.

  “You were texting Finley Parker in our house?” She squeals and I burst out laughing, nodding to her loud question. “I watch his sister’s YouTube channel. She’s so pretty and funny isn’t she?”

  “I don’t know, I haven’t met her but I have met Grace.” I push her over, getting out the bed and grabbing my dressing gown.

  “Are you together?” She asks and because I have my back turned to her, she doesn’t see my reaction to her question because I’m totally thrown. After last night’s text-a-thon with him, I’m feeling a little different about mine and Finley’s situation.

  “No, we’re just friends.” I turn to face her. “Now go and make me a cup of tea.”

  Amelia stands. “Mums already made you one. Are you going to see dad today?”

  Seven years ago, my parents separated and as much as it was upsetting, they’re so much happier now that they are apart. I’m old enough to remember how much they didn’t get on towards the end, but Amelia was only nine.

  “Yeah, as soon as I’m ready. You coming with me?”

  Amelia nods and we leave my room together. I can’t wait for my cup of tea.

  “Baby girl.” My dad grips me in a tight hug. He always calls both me and Amelia his baby girls, and secretly we both love it.

  “Hey dad.” He finally lets me go and looks at me.

  “You look amazing.” He beams.

  “Dad.” I moan.

  “She must do to catch the eye of a gorgeous rock star.” Amelia adds and my dad’s smile drops.

  “Yeah, I don’t know about him Ry.” My dad shakes his head.

  “Why not?” I ask, I don’t like the thought of Finley not being liked by one of my family members. Especially when Finley’s parents couldn’t have been any nicer to me. It doesn’t seem fair.

  “He seems a little too much like the other one.” He mumbles and I immediately see red.

  “You think he’s like TJ!” I erupt. “He’s nothing like him!”

  My dad grumbles. “I’ve done my research on him.”

  “So you found out he’s had a lot of women and that makes him exactly like TJ?” I snap. “You haven’t given him a chance! TJ cheated on me, over and over and sold stories. Fin is not like that, he’s single so why can’t he sleep around? He’s not a cheater, I know him and he wouldn’t sell me out. He struggles with paparazzi every day, do you really think he would do the same? Because I don’t.”

  I’m breathing heavily after my rant, and my dad looks a little taken back by my reaction. Truthfully, so am I, wasn’t this the debate I had with Cassie only a couple of nights ago?

  “I like him.” Amelia makes her input as she’s eating her chocolate bar.

  My dad scratches his head. “I’ll take your word for it Ry, but if he hurts you I won’t hold back.”

  “Thank you dad.” I hug him again. “But I’m pretty sure you won’t need to.”

  The next morning, my Mum, Amelia and me get up early and ready ourselves for a shopping trip. We’re all excited about it because we haven’t done this for a long time, and when we leave the house, I think to myself, why?

  I need to make an effort to come home more. I now live an hour away from my mum, but really, it isn’t that far and I need to make this trip a lot more often.

  “Now listen up mum.” I announce as I drive us to the shopping centre. She looks at me in a funny way. “I don’t want to see your purse out at any anytime. This trip is all on me and I want to spoil you both.”

  Amelia cheers in the back and I have to laugh, but my mum hasn’t said anything yet.

  “I don’t want you wasting your money Riley.” She cautions.

  “Mum!” I chuckle. “Believe me, I won’t.”

  She doesn’t look happy about it, but she looks forward and eventually begins to loosen up when the music is turned up and Amelia and I begin to dance around. She scolds me for dancing so much whilst driving, but I see the slight smirk on her face. When we park the car, Amelia jumps out with her huge Aviator sunglasses on.

  “What are you doing?” I giggle.

  She flicks her hair and poses. “I’m a part of your entourage today, I have to look the part.”

  My mum full on belly laughs, and I have a little moment to myself. Watching my mother and sister laughing and looking so happy, it means to world to me. I put on my grey cap, and my reading glasses and I’m set to go.

  “I didn’t know you wore glasses.” My mum stares at me.

  “I don’t.” I wink.

  “It’s part of her disguise.” Amelia whispers, giving me a thumbs up.

  “Ok, let’s hit the shops.” I stand in the middle of them both, and hook my arms with them.

  We begin shopping, and my intent is to treat the two of them because they deserve it. My mum puts up a fight, but Amelia and I stand our ground and I get my way and spoil her. Amelia is the total opposite, whenever she sees anything that she likes, she points to it with a smile and because today is the day for treating them, I let her have what she wants. We become pretty tired, quite quickly and my ‘disguise’ is holding out so we decide to go for dinner.

  “You really shouldn’t have spent that much money on us Ry.” My mother sighs as Amelia pops to the toilet. “It was a lot of money.”

  I turn to her, with all seriousness. “Mum, I wanted to and believe me when I say I’m ok for it. Speaking of which, I want to buy you a new house.”

  My mum pales. “No you will not.”

  I scoot closer to her and lower my voice so nobody else can listen in. “Mum, listen to me. I know you love that house, and I don’t expect you to sell it, but I want to buy you something amazing, you deserve it.”

  She smiles at me. “I’m happy where I am baby, there’s no need to buy me a house. You did enough today, honestly. As long as I see you as much as I can, I’m happy.”

  I can feel the tears creeping, but Amelia’s return sobers me and we continue with our dinner.

  “This food is so good.” Amelia grins, bouncing on her seat and this is when I notice the first flash of a camera. I freeze, trying to look around to see who has spotted me and I spy a man by the window of the restaurant. He has his camera in his hand and it’s pointed right at me. I softly place my knife and folk down and my mother looks at me from the corner of her eye.

  “Not enjoying it as much as Amelia.” She giggles.

  “We have to go.” I quietly mumble and Amelia stops her eating, hearing the seriousness in my voice.

  “What’s the matter?” My little sister asks.

  “Paparazzi.” I whisper, as if the word can just summon them. Another flash catches my attention.

  “Should we go?” My mum begins to panic.

  “Just calm down.” I order. “Let’s pay the bill, and quietly leave. If we don’t cause a fuss, hopefully there won’t be a big crowd.”

  I’ve dealt with the crowds and hype paparazzi can cause before, and all on my own but since I’ve met Finley and the guys, my profile has risen and that means the crowds have more than tripled. This could get dangerous, very quickly. My mum signals for the bill and once the food is paid for, all three of us stand from the table and head towards the door but before we can escape, a girl pounces in front of us. “Are you Riley James?”

  Her voice is loud and has everyone sat on the closet tables turning in our direction. “Sorry, no.”

  Usually, I would say yes, but I’m without any security and my mum and little sister are with me.

  “Oh my god! You are!” She squeals. “Can I have a picture?”

  I look around desperately as more people start to stand, the paparazzi from outside has now stepped in the restaurant and I grip my mums and Amelia’s hands. I tug them hard with me as I quickly walk towards the door and breathe in the fresh air outside. Some people follow though and my name travels. The pap must have called his friends because what had been just one has now turned into ten. The crowd is getting bigger as we get to the car.

  “Step aside!” Shouts a male voice, and he repeats himself louder as he gets closer and then I’m able to see he’s a police officer, and thankfully he has two more with him. “What’s happening here?”

  “My daughter is a celebrity officer.” My mother informs him, nudging people out of her way and staying close to me. “We need to get to our car.”

  The police officers immediately know what to do and create space for us so we’re able to escape to our car. If they weren’t there, I don’t know how we would have driven out of the car park, in fact, I don’t think we would have even made it to the car!

  The drive home is quiet because the whole day has worn us all out and when we get back to my mums, Amelia runs straight upstairs to try on everything she has. I join my mum as she wanders into the kitchen and puts the kettle on. My phone alerts and I see it’s a text from Finley.

  Finley: Are you ok? Photos of you being swamped are all over x

  Me: Really? That was only half an hour ago! I’m fine, just wanted a normal day of shopping but we managed all day without being spotted, until then. So I count that as good x

  Finley: Good! Babe you could have been in danger. From now on you take security wherever you go x

  I put my phone on the table, and look up to see my mum watching me. “Who was that?” She asks, looking to my phone.

  “Finley.” There’s no point in lying to her.

  “Are you two friends?” She asks, her arms folded across her chest.

  I shift in my seat. “Yes, but he wants it to be more.”

  She stays completely still, except for one of her eyebrows lift. “What about you?” I shrug in answer. “You don’t like him?”

  “No, I do.” I quickly add. “It’s just,” I take a deep sigh. “I don’t know.”

  My mum sadly smiles. “You’re comparing him to TJ.” She forgets all about the tea and comes to sit next to me at the table. “Look, TJ hurt you badly and I will never forgive him for doing that to you. I’ve heard some stories about your new friend, Finley but I’ve never met him so I won’t judge the lad but he doesn’t seem the kind of person to hurt you like TJ did. Do you agree?”

  I nod my head. “I do.”

  “But you’re still scared.” She acknowledges. “If you like him Riley, don’t hold back. You can’t let TJ win. He would love to see you alone because of him.”

  I sit up straight, knowing my mum is right and it’s like everything kicks into place. “Thanks mum.”

  She places her hand on my shoulder. “It’s what I’m here for.”

  Then she stands, and as she continues to make us both a cup of tea, she asks about Cassie and how everything is going with her. We talk about my latest song, the guys’ album that I
’m featuring on and meeting Lunacy. Everything that has happened since the last time we spoke, we literally talk about everything a mother and daughter gossip about and I enjoy it all. In between Amelia models her new clothes and it isn’t that long until I decide to call it a day and head off to bed. I will be heading back home in the morning, so before I go to bed, my mum captures me in a tight embrace and doesn’t let me go until she’s had her fill.

  I go up to bed, and see my bags on the bed. I’m having a quick look through them when Amelia walks in, holding something behind her back. “I have something for you.” She smirks, and hands me a black tshirt.

  I unfold it, and burst out into laughter. On the front of the shirt, is Finley’s cheekily handsome face with his bands logo underneath. “What the?” I laugh.

  Amelia giggles. “I saw it, and couldn’t resist.”

  “You made me buy myself this?” I hold it up, shaking my head and the idiocy, which is the shirt.

  Once I get ready for bed, I decide to wear the shirt and I stand in front of my mirror. The shirt is in a large fit, so it finishes in the middle of my thighs, sort of like a short dress and a naughty thought comes to my mind. I grab my phone and pose in the mirror as I snap a picture of me and before I back out, I send it to Finley, wishing him a good nights sleep. When I jump into bed, I get a reply.

  Finley: Are you trying to kill me? How can I be so jealous of my own face?

  I can’t stop laughing, and I say goodnight, letting him know I will be back tomorrow and Finley sends a text back, but there’s no words. Only a picture of his naked abs as he lays in his bed. The bedcovers finish just before the good stuff, but I do marvel at his stomach tattoos and the well-defined muscles on display.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Finley.” Kenny shouts at me from where he sits, on the other side of the glass. I snap to attention as he shakes his head. “Where’s your head at?”

  It’s Friday, and that means Riley is coming back today and Kenny has been snapping at me all fucking day. We’re in the studio, recording the songs that Riley doesn’t feature on but I think I’m more distracted than I thought.


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