Finley (Decoy Dynasty #1)

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Finley (Decoy Dynasty #1) Page 20

by K. T Fisher

My dad nods back. “Is it?”

  “Dad.” I warn him and a small smile tugs at his mouth. “Oh relax man, you’re fine! Ry and I had a talk about you last time she was here, you’re free to be together.”

  Finley relaxes and sweeps a hand through his hair. “Ok.”

  “Look.” My dad steps closer to him, patting him on the shoulder. “I know what you’re like, I was a fan of your dads and I know how you are with women.” I cringe at this, but Finley stands firm, looking my dad right in the eye. “Am I right to think that my daughter means more to you than those before her?”

  Those before her? Wow, thanks dad. Images of Finley’s ‘slut room’ comes to mind and I shut it down.

  “Absolutely.” Finley nods. “Riley means more to me than anybody ever has, I would never hurt her.”

  “Because she has been hurt in the past.” My dad warns.

  “I know all about him.” Finley spits.

  My dad’s face lights up. “Ah yes! You were there when TJ showed up to harass my girl, thanks for saving her from that bastard. I heard you got a good punch in?”

  “Three.” Finley gloats and just like that, my dad approves of him and offers him a beer.

  Finley and I sit together on the sofa while my dad’s collects us both a drink. My dad’s place is very modern and small, it’s perfect for him but I always worry he’s alone too much. He’s a good looking guy, and even though he’s in his late forties, he’s still looking great for his age. He should be pulling women all the time, but I get the feeling he’s still hung up on my mum.

  My dad quickly returns, handing me a coke and Finley a beer. “You said you were a fan of my dad’s?” Finley asks.

  “Yeah.” Dad nods. “Loved Decoy, I still have the original albums locked away and some are signed.”

  Oh God dad! I almost feel like hiding behind my hands from the embarrassment. He’s admitting to Jax’s son how much of a fan boy he was. So shameful.

  “Really?” Finley asks. “You should come up one time, and I’ll introduce you to them all.”

  My dad’s face lights up. “I will.”

  Finley has my dad wrapped around his little finger. I don’t know what he was worried about. Finley is a natural born charmer, but he seems honestly interested in what my dad has to say about Decoy and how he followed their career and the shows he went to see.

  “You’re so much like your dad.” My dad praises Finley. “And now my daughter is featuring on your album, and you’re together.” My dad looks at me in pride and I blush.

  Finley wraps an arm around me, pulling me close. “I’m the lucky one.” I giggle and push him away.

  “And congratulations on your nominations. I know you’ll both smash it.” Dad’s face lights up with pride.

  A couple of hours later, I stand from my seat because it’s time to go to my mums. I let Dad know that we’re due to have dinner there soon and I see the disappointment flash on his face. I feel so bad for leaving him and my original fears of him being alone too much creep back in place. I tightly hug him goodbye, promising to come and visit him again before I go back home. He captures my face in his hands, looking me straight in the eyes. “I’m so fucking proud of you Riley.”

  “Because I’m dating Jax’s son?” I laugh.

  He shakes his head. “No, you’ve worked so hard to get where you are now. You’re a strong woman and you will do great at the awards. I’m so proud of you.” He kisses me on the forehead and lets me go and as Finley drives to my mums, I’m overcome with emotion.

  “Well, that was better than I thought it was going to be.” Finley laughs.

  “Told you.” I laugh. “And my mum is going to be so much easier, so you can chill out now.”

  “Oh, I know your mum will love me.” He grins so confidently. “Women always do.”

  I scowl over at him, now wishing that he had harder time with my dad. When we pull up at my mums, I’m proud to show off my childhood home. It’s nothing great and huge like Finley’s, but my parents worked hard to buy this three bedroom family house. My mum made sure the outside always looks as good as inside, so her neighbours wouldn’t think bad of her.

  “So this is where Riley James grew up?” Finley looks around the little street of houses. A park is nearby and you can still hear a few children’s laughter as they play in the distance.

  The front door opens and an excited Amelia jumps out. “Riley!” She runs to me and jumps into my arms, then turns to Finley and waves shyly. “Hi Finley.”

  He smiles down at her. “Nice to meet you Amelia.”

  “You’re sister is so nice.” She grins. “Did you know, she posted a video on her channel yesterday and mentioned me?”

  “No.” Finley shakes his head and Amelia beams.

  “She did!”

  “Ok MeMe.” I pull her back towards me and hopefully calm her down. Thankfully, my mum appears in the doorway.

  “Come inside the three of you.” She ushers her in. “We don’t want a crowd appearing.”

  We quickly make our way inside, placing our bags at the bottom of the stairs and removing our shoes. I had already told Finley this was my mum’s only rule. No shoes in the house. The mouth-watering smell of a roast dinner fills the house and my belly rumbles in answer.

  “I’ve made a roast chicken dinner Finley, do you like them?” She asks with a smile.

  “What English man doesn’t like a traditional roast?” He laughs. “I’ll eat anything.”

  He flashes his eyes to me and I blush. My mother also catches this, and with raised eyebrows, runs into the kitchen. I follow her in, leaving Finley to talk to an excited Amelia.

  “We’ve just been to see dad.” I let my mum know.

  “Yes, your sister said you were going there first.” She answers, busying herself with preparing dinner.

  “I’m a little worried about him.” This makes her pause. “He’s all alone mum.”

  “Well, I bet he was happy to see you.” She smiles, and I know to drop the subject.

  “So, what do you think?” I ask her, looking into the living room and watching Finley laugh as Amelia takes selfies of them both.

  “He’s a very good looking man.” She nods, and we both stand in the doorway, watching Finley and my heart reaches out for him.

  We eat dinner and Finley is true to his word and eats everything my mum puts in front of him, which makes her very happy.

  “Oh my god!” Amelia laughs, looking at her phone. “Finley, I have ten thousand likes on our photo together!”

  “Amelia put your phone away.” My mum scolds, but that doesn’t damped Amelia’s mood.

  “I only uploaded it ten minutes ago!” She laughs, putting her phone on the table and digging into her dinner.

  Finley sends me a wink over the table and I smile over at him. It’s weird that it feels so natural to have him here, in my home. When dinner is over, I show Finley up to my room and he stands in the doorway for a second, taking it all in.

  “Wow.” He snickers.

  “Oh shut up.” I throw a fuzzy purple cushion at him.

  “I didn’t realise you liked the colour purple so much.” He places our bags on the bed.

  “I did like the colour.” I point out. “My mum likes to keep it as it was when I left.”

  “Your mum seems nice.” He comments, hanging up his things in my tiny old wardrobe.

  “She is, but she’s being extra nice to you.” I laugh.

  “Finley!” Comes my mum’s voice from the bottom of the stairs. “Do you like strawberry cheesecake?”

  “I do.” Finley shouts back, grinning at me like a fool.

  “Come down and get it!” She almost sings. I bet she’s feeling so happy right now.

  “I think your mum would get on great with mine.” Finley laughs.

  “I was thinking exactly the same.” I giggle as we walk down the stairs for our dessert, but my laughter stop when my mum places mine and Finley slices in front of us.

  “What the hell?
” I snap, glancing from both of our plates.

  “Why does he get a bigger slice?” I moan, I love my mum’s homemade cheesecakes.

  My mum just shrugs. “He’s a growing man.”

  Finley bites down on a piece, moaning as he has his first taste. “This is great.” And my mums face lights up like a freaking Christmas tree. I give Finley the stink eye and he holds back his laughter.

  “All of my friends are so jealous.” Amelia announces. “They always have been, because Riley is my sister but now they hate on me even more because she’s dating you, Finley.”

  “Hating you?” Finley frowns.

  “Oh no, it’s a good thing. It means that they’re so jealous of me, that they secretly hate me.” She grins. “It’s amazing.”

  I laugh at my little sister, and eye my mum and she proudly watches Finley eat her dessert. Finley holds my hand under the table and squeezes. It’s hard to think that the last time I was here, I was struggling on what to do about Finley. I didn’t know whether to let him in or not, but now I’m so glad that I did!

  “Now that I’ve met your parents, we’re officially together.” Finley winks and my mum and Amelia giggle and cheer. Me? I clench my thighs together and beg my hormones to calm down.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  The two nights we spent at my mums was great, she spoilt Finley rotten with food and I glared at him every time, which he thought was hilarious. Amelia wouldn’t leave him alone, and I did keep saying sorry for that but Finley assured me he was used to it. Despite this, I think he really enjoyed himself and we kept my promise to my dad and went to visit before we left. This time thought, my dad was prepared and had his old, original Decoy albums out and as stated, some were signed and although I was humiliated by my dad, Finley seemed to think it was really cool. He enjoyed getting a glimpse at his dads old albums and he took some photos on his phone to show Jax later.

  “I was worried about him.” I tell Cassie, “I still am to be honest.”

  Right now, I’m at home deciding on what to wear for our shopping trip with Grace. I’m leaving for America in a few days, and thought this would be the prefect chance to get some last minute buys. Unfortunately, Cassie isn’t coming to America with us and although Liam said he was cool with it, I saw how gutted he was. Cassie can’t help it though, she has to think of her own job first.

  “I’m sure your dad’s fine.” Cassie assures me from her room.

  “I don’t know.” I shout back. “He seemed so sad, and when I told my mum she almost blew me off.”

  Suddenly Cassie pops around my door frame. “You think there might be something

  going on between them?”

  “What?” I gasp.

  “Your mum’s hot, looks a lot like you and your dad is fine old man, they were in love once. Why can’t they be again?” She shrugs, before leaving me to think about her words. “Ok! I’m ready.”

  I turn around and see her standing in a black mini skirt, with a white blouse top, paired with her Converse, leather jacket and black handbag. I wouldn’t be able to look so good, but as usual, Cassie pulls it off.

  “You look great.” I sulk.

  “Why aren’t you ready?” She demands. “Grace will be here any second.”

  I turn to face my wardrobe, trying to put my parents to the back of my mind and reach for my short length jeans, with rips all down the legs and my fitted white Adidas Originals shirt with black Adidas trainers. I pull my hair into a messy bun, with tendrils hanging down my face. I get out my black bomber jacket and black Adidas jacket with the three white stripes and hold them out. “Which one?”

  Cassie points to the Adidas one. “Gotta keep the theme going.”

  I pick my black leather backpack instead of a handbag, it’s cute and will match the rest of my casual outfit.

  “You did good girl.” Cassie claps. “You’re beginning to figure out your own style.”

  Thanks to Finley. He tells me over and over again that he loves my sexy casual style, so I had the confidence to go with it. I still need Cassie’s help when I need to go to an event, or a date. Basically anything that isn’t your usual day to day.

  I get a text from Grace, and Cassie and I leave to meet her in front of our building. We climb into her blacked out Range Rover as she greets us. “Hey girls!”

  She turns up the music, and it’s Justin Bieber so obviously we all sing along. People stare as we pass, but none of us care. As we pull up and drive around the car park, Grace drives down a section I’ve never really noticed before and we arrive at an empty parking bay, except for one other car. Grace parks the car and three men in black suits get out the car at the same time. I would be scared, but Grace jumps out the car, and greets them all. Cassie and I join her. “Adam, Tom and Dave, meet my friend Cassie and my almost sister in law, Riley.”

  I recognise Dave from the night Finley showed up at my charity performance with The Little Stars, and give him a small wave. Grace turns to face Cassie and me. “Girls, these are the bodyguards my dad made me bring today.” She shrugs, and then claps. “Now, let’s get shopping!”

  We step out of the car park and into the fresh air, but before we step any further, Grace stops us. “Wait, before we go any further, we need a selfie.” She gets out her phone and angles it up. “Pose!”

  She posts it onto her Instagram and I remember what Finley told me when we first met. He said Grace uses her social media as her business and is a pro at it, it’s what made her branch away from the fame of Jax and gave Grace her own name.

  “That photo will blow up, I’m telling you.” She laughs, and hooks her arms into mine and Cassie’s. “Now let’s spend some money.”

  “Girl, now you’re talking.” Cassie giggles and we begin on our hunt.

  I soon forget about the three suited men as we hop from shop to shop, gathering more bags and they protect us from onlookers the whole time. We each have at least five bags each when we decide to call it a day and get something to eat. When our food is ordered, the three of us open up our phones and I check in on my Facebook first. I have a shit load of notifications and they’re all to do with the photo Grace uploaded. Some have even put Grace’s photo next to the one Amelia took of her and Finley and stated that there’s no more guessing needed, Finley and me must be together now.

  “I told you that photo would blow up.” Laughs Grace.

  “I didn’t say thanks for that little bag of clothes at Finley’s.” I suddenly think and Grace shakes her head.

  “It was all his idea, I just had to figure out your size.” She grins and then turns to Cassie. “So, you and Liam?”

  Cassie nods. “I was wondering when this would start.”

  “When did that happen?” Grace asks.

  Our food has now arrived, but we still gossip as we eat. Multitasking

  “Pretty much from the first time we met.” Cassie admits and I turn to her in shock.

  “What?” I shriek. “I thought it was after the radio interview?”

  Cassie shakes her head. “That was when he finally asked me out, but from the moment we met at the studio, I knew he liked me.”

  Grace laughs and I’m still staring at my best friend with my mouth hanging open.

  “Did you like him straight away?” Grace asks her.

  “I did, but there was no way I was going to make the first move.” Cassie giggles. “So I waited.”

  Once we’re all finished with our food, we head back to the private car park I never knew existed and drive back home. “Thanks for a great day girls.” Grace hollers before she drives away.

  Cassie and I step into the lift and enter our private code to our apartment floor. We both throw the bags onto our beds and slip into something more comfy. There is no way I’m sitting around in my jeans now that my day is done, my pyjama bottoms are so much better to sit around in.

  We meet back on the sofa, and Cassie holds the remote, looking to me. “Netflix?”

  “Go on then.” I lean back into the
sofa and watch as Cassie scrolls through the many options.

  We settle on Scream and get ourselves ready for some scary drama. After one episode, Cassie gets a phone call and pauses the TV. I patiently wait, picking the nail polish from my finger nails.

  “Hey.” Cassie answers and I hear Liam’s voice on the other end. He’s talking loudly, so I can hear the odd few words. “Riley……..internet……sex photos……Finley…….she ok?”

  Cassie slowly turns her head to me, shock and sympathy written all over her face. “What?”

  Cassie shakes her head. “She hasn’t seen them yet.”

  She reaches for my phone, but I snatch it from her grasp and type Finley Parker into Google and right at the top, in fact the whole first page is full of the same story.

  Finley Parker sex photos release, but the girl isn’t his new girlfriend, Riley James.

  Cassie is watching me as dread fills me. “Riley wait.” Cassie tries to stop me, but it’s too late, I’ve opened the file and right there in front of me are a group of photos. Finley is half naked, all over this stranger who is obviously not me but I recognise the ‘slut room’ in the background. Finley doesn’t know, but I snuck in there one time because curiosity got the better of me and as soon as I opened the door, I slammed it shut because I felt so sick. The article doesn’t say how the photos were released, but they don’t care because they’ve made a story about it. It seems Jax didn’t get the heads up about this story.

  I feel sick, and I run to the bathroom. Cassie hangs up the phone and runs after me, soothing me and drying my tears. “Hun, I know this is a stupid question but are you ok?”

  I shake my head. “Why does this shit always happen to me?”

  I stand up and Cassie keeps a careful watch over me as I brush my teeth and clean my face. I hear my phone ringing and I know who it’s going to be, but Cassie runs to fetch it. “It’s Fin.”

  “Ignore it.” I snatch it off her and throw it down on the sofa.

  “Liam said it’s not what it seems.” Cassie adds, following me as I pace around the apartment.

  I rub my forehead, I’m starting to get a headache and I need some tablets. Cassie quickly follows as I go to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, and her face fills with panic as she sees the box of tablets in my hand. All of a sudden, the box is knocked out of my hand and lands on the floor.


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