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No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2]

Page 10

by Claire Adele

  Beau leaped over Cinco’s protecting line of wolves. The two packs met with the vicious snarls and sharp canines of their packs. Cinco waited well beyond the battle. Beau picked him out by his distinctive, rusty-gray fur.

  When Cinco saw Beau racing toward him, he turned on his heels and bolted from the challenge. Beau took after him at breakneck speed, his own wolf claws digging into the soil for greater purchase. Their panting was loud in his ears. The moss-draped trees looming ahead signaled they neared the river bank. Beau must take Cinco down now to make sure he caught him.

  He slammed into Cinco and rolled him tail over head. They twisted and tangled. Cinco snarled desperately. When the struggle stopped, Beau stood over Cinco who had landed on his back on the ground. Beau bared his canine teeth as a deep, menacing growl rasped from his chest.

  Cinco lunged for Beau’s leg, but Beau was faster as he dove for Cinco’s throat. Beau’s jaws closed on Cinco’s neck.

  Cinco froze.

  Ty joined Beau at his side. As he stood watching Beau and Cinco, Beau noticed Ty had shifted to his human form. “It’s over. The sheriff’s on his way. Someone must have reported the fight. We have Cinco’s men rounded up. They’re sitting on the ground with their hands secured behind their backs with their own belts. Cinco, you heard the sirens approaching, you know the sheriff is almost here. Give up, Cinco.”

  Beau waited until he felt the change begin in Cinco’s body. Once Cinco had taken on his human form, Beau released his throat from his wolflike jaws. He shifted to his human form while Ty secured Cinco’s hands behind him with his own belt.

  Beau saw the dark shadow of blood glistening on Ty’s right side. He’d been slashed. Blood still dripped from the long wound down his ribs to his hip.

  “Ty, you’ve been cut,” Beau said softly. He couldn’t tell how deep it was, but it worried him.

  “It’s nothing,” Ty protested, making light of it.

  “Let’s turn Cinco over to the sheriff and head to the ranch.” Beau was anxious to see how Chloe was and to have Ty’s wound treated and bandaged as soon as possible. They took turns holding onto Cinco as they each grabbed their clothes and made themselves decent.

  They reached the side of Cinco’s building where the sheriff directed his deputies to cuff Cinco’s men and put them in the police cars to take them to jail. Ty gave his statement to the sheriff while Beau tied his shirt around Ty’s ribs to stop the bleeding.

  Rafe and Lucky had already given their statements. They joined Beau and Ty who were finished giving what information they could.

  Rafe put a hand on Beau’s shoulder. “We’ll see you back at our ranch. We’re heading there now. We apologized to the sheriff for the nakedness of the criminals.”

  Beau nodded to him. “We’ll be there soon.” Rafe and Lucky wore their jeans and carried their shirts in their hands. Beau saw that they had a few scrapes but nothing serious. Beau had been lucky. He was concerned about Ty though. Blood had seeped into Ty’s jeans before Beau tied up the wound over Ty’s ribs.

  Finally, the sheriff said they could leave. “Let’s get out of here,” Beau said before the sheriff could come up with another question. “I want to see Chloe and make sure she’s all right. I hate to think what those hoods could have done to her. Mark didn’t look too good, either. I hope he’s all right.”

  “He looked like he’d taken a damn beating from Cinco and his goons,” Ty said, worry in his voice. “I’ll feel better once we find out if Chloe’s okay.”

  Beau noticed Ty was a little unsteady on his feet. He’d lost more blood than he’d admitted. “I want Darlene to patch you up good.”

  They got in Beau’s truck, and he drove as fast as he dared to Rafe and Ty’s ranch. He couldn’t get to Chloe soon enough. What if he’d caused her to be hurt by Cinco because he hadn’t insisted she wait for him and Ty before she paid Cinco? “I should have kept her from going to Cinco’s place.” He pounded his fist against the steering wheel.

  “I don’t think she would have listened,” Ty said. “She’s a pretty determined lady. I admire her for that, but it scares the hell out of me. I don’t want to lose her, ever. I’m crazy about her. I want to be with her the rest of my life.”

  “I’m crazy about her, too,” Beau agreed. “I also want to live with her. Do you think she’d go for the same kind of arrangement that Rafe, Lucky, and Darlene have?”

  “Maybe she would,” Ty said. “She’s put up with the two of us making love to her, so far.”

  “I think we should ask her if she wants the same thing we want. If she does, we should ask her to be our woman.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Ty said. “I hope she doesn’t say no, ’cause I don’t want to think about my life without her in it.”

  “Me neither, that’s for sure. Let’s ask her after we go home with her tonight, before we all get some rest,” Beau suggested.

  * * * *

  The turnoff from the highway to the road to Darlene’s house was about twenty miles from town. Chloe parked in Darlene’s front driveway. Lance helped Mark out of the van even though he protested he was fine.

  Chloe walked beside them. “We don’t want you to even stub your toe,” she said, joking with him.

  Lance nodded, agreeing with her. “You’ll have more energy after Darlene fixes you up with a shower and something to eat.”

  Evidently, Darlene had taken care of the guys before, Chloe realized.

  “Mark,” Lance said. “I was crazy with worrying about you when you didn’t show up for work. I worried that after we’d argued you might have left town. But when you didn’t call in or come back, I was desperate.”

  Mark shook his head. “I’m sorry you were worried, bud. I got caught by Cinco and his men when I took off after our argument. I’ll never do such a stupid stunt again. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

  “I know you didn’t,” Lance assured him. “It’s not your fault those bastards kidnapped you. Cinco’s gone crazier than he’s ever been. I can’t believe he had you chained in the basement. Did they hurt you bad? If they did, and I get my hands on them, it’ll be all over for ’em.”

  Seeing the expressions on their faces, Chloe realized how deeply Lance and Mark cared about each other. She hoped they realized it too and were prepared to look after each other on a regular, day-to-day basis.

  “Don’t worry,” Mark said. “They threatened to, but they didn’t. They only slapped me around.”

  Chloe figured after seeing Mark’s cuts and bruises that they’d roughed him up more than he admitted.

  Darlene opened the front door. “I’ve been expecting you. Come on in and get cleaned up and rest. Are you all right, Chloe? I’ve been worried sick about you.”

  Chloe gave her a sheepish smile. “I’m fine. Beau and Ty arrived in time to keep Cinco and his men from doing anything bad to me.”

  “Thank God,” Darlene said, sounding relieved. She looked at Mark. “Looks like you could use a couple bandages, Mark.”

  “Yeah,” Mark agreed. “It’s not as bad as it looks though.”

  “Good,” Darlene said. “Get in the shower first, and afterward I’ll patch you up while you have a good meal.”

  “Where are Beau and Ty now?” Chloe asked.

  Darlene put her hand on Chloe’s arm. “I just had a call from Rafe, and he said they ran Cinco down along with his goons and they’re waiting for the sheriff to haul them off to jail. The guys should all be here soon.”

  Chloe’s cell rang in her purse. It was Beau. “Hello? Yes, Beau, we’re here at Darlene’s. Are you all right?”

  “We’re good,” he said. “We’ll be there as soon as we can. We’re on our way. See you at Darlene’s in a little bit, okay?”

  “Yes, I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  “Is Darlene taking good care of you and Mark?” Beau asked in a teasing tone.

  Chloe smiled. “You know she is.”

  “Great. See you in a few minutes.”

  He ended
the call, and Chloe put her cell back in her purse.

  Darlene handed her and Mark bundles of clean clothes. “Here you go. I think these should fit you. The showers are right down the hall. Come in the kitchen when you’re all fresh. I’ll have some food and drinks ready for you.”

  Chloe found the shower off of the second bedroom. Mark had taken the one in the hall bathroom. The bathrooms were so close together, probably back to back, that she could hear Mark and Lance talking. She tried not to listen, but they sounded like they were almost in the same room with her. She heard Lance apologizing to Mark.

  “I’m so sorry, bud,” Lance said. “I never would have done anything to upset you like I did the other night if I’d known what would happen to you. I need to know. Did they rape you?”

  “No. Just used me for a punching bag,” Mark said.

  “I’m more comfortable around you than anyone I’ve known except for my family,” Lance said. “I don’t want to ruin our friendship. So I was downplaying things the other night at the bar. That was my mistake, and I’m so sorry. The truth is I’ve felt a strong attraction to you for a long time. I’ve wanted to have sex with you, but I was afraid to let it show.”

  “I’ve been attracted to you, too,” Mark answered. “I value our close friendship, but I want more. I’ve had an overpowering desire to have a sexual relationship with you, but it’s more than that. I like you a lot. We’ve had fun hanging out together. I want to be with you every night all night. I care about you. I want to have fuckin’ sex with you. So if that’s more than you want, tell me, and I’ll learn to live with it.”

  “No,” Lance protested. “Hell, I’ve fought my attraction for you, but the truth is I care about you too much to not be truthful with you about that. I want you to be with me. I’m dying to love you, if you’re still interested.”

  “Damn right, I’m interested,” Mark swore.

  “Starting tonight, bud,” Lance said. “We’ll figure this out. I remember the times we’ve gone on roundups and run with the other werewolves at night on Rafe’s ranch. I admired your qualities even then. That’s when I discovered I was interested in you as more than a friend. I was attracted to you even then.”

  “Working so close together in our daily work on the ranch, I couldn’t hide my interest in you all the time,” Mark said. “I’ve wanted you to love me like I’ve ached to love you for a long time.”

  “Thank God we found you, and you’re all right,” Lance said.

  There was a long silence, and then Chloe heard the bathroom door open and close. She stared at nothing as she repeated in her mind what Lance had said about running with the other werewolves at night. She needed to talk to Beau and Ty about this. She desperately wanted to understand it all.

  In spite of this crazy werewolf thing, she was happy for Mark and Lance. She’d been right. Lance and Mark cared about each other. Their relationship was more than just a friendship. They loved each other. They deserved to be together, too.

  She let the warm water flow over her, washing off any evidence of her encounter with Cinco and his ruffians. She scrubbed her knees and legs good. She soaped her arms, determined to rid herself of the feel of their hands on her. Finally, she stood under the shower and let the water stream over her again and again until she felt clean and more relaxed.

  She dried off and put on the fresh-smelling, clean clothes Darlene had given her. Darlene was a generous friend.

  When she entered the kitchen, she found Mark munching on a steak sandwich while Darlene applied antiseptic creams to his cuts and bruises and gave extra attention to Mark’s face, neck, and wrists.

  He looked so much better already, but Chloe figured it would take a while for the cuts and bruises to heal.

  When Darlene finished with Mark, she joined Chloe on the den couch while Lance sat with Mark at the kitchen counter and brought Mark up to date on ranch news.

  “Have you thought any about what I told you about the guys being werewolves?” Darlene asked.

  “I’m getting used to the idea,” Chloe answered, softly.

  “I love Rafe and Lucky so much,” Darlene said. “I don’t know what I’d do without them. I think my life is so much more wonderful with Rafe and Lucky part of it. I’ve accepted their shifter abilities as who they are. I no sooner found out than I actually took a small part in a werewolf battle with their pack and some very criminal werewolves, where I used to live in Desert Edge.”

  Chloe looked at Darlene in amazement. “Oh, my goodness.” Chloe couldn’t believe it. “Were you injured?”

  Darlene grinned at her. “Rafe and Lucky came to my rescue right in time. I’d never expected to marry one man, much less two, and werewolves to boot.”

  Chloe shook her head that Beau and Ty had kept all this from her. “I’m going to have a serious talk about all of this with Beau and Ty when they return and we head home.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Beau and Ty arrived at Darlene’s right behind Rafe and Lucky. When Chloe saw the blood on Ty, her heart turned over in her chest. She was responsible for him being injured. “Ty! Are you hurt badly? Are you in terrible pain?”

  “I’m all right, darlin’. I just need to clean up and have Darlene put a little bandage on my side over my ribs. It won’t take long, and afterward we can follow you home. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, thanks to you all.” Chloe gave him and Beau a questioning look.

  “He’ll be okay, hon,” Beau said.

  Darlene took Ty’s other arm and escorted him down the hall to the bathroom. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Do you need any help showering?”

  “Hell, no,” Ty said, sounding disgusted that she should ask.

  Beau grinned at Chloe. “Darlene will take care of his wound. We all heal real fast anyway. I need to get a quick shower, babe. Be right back.”

  Chloe waited impatiently for the guys to return to the kitchen. It wasn’t long before Ty was taken care of, his wound dressed with antiseptic and a clean bandage, and he’d finished the glass of orange juice Darlene insisted he drink. Beau rejoined them, already finished with his shower.

  Both Ty and Beau wanted to head to Chloe’s place. Chloe was happy to go home with her guys following her.

  Once there, Beau and Ty hovered over her as she fixed them all something for dinner while their clothes were being washed.

  After they ate dinner, she decided it was time for some answers. “I need to talk about some things with you two.”

  “Yeah,” Beau agreed.

  “I imagine you have plenty to talk to us about,” Ty said, looking worried.

  She held her arms out to her guys for a group hug. “First of all, thank you for coming to my rescue at Cinco’s place so fast. I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn’t gotten there when you did.”

  “I noticed the cut on your back is bleeding a little.” She bandaged it with a big Band-Aid from her first-aid box. “How did you get cut on your back?”

  “I rolled Cinco when I caught him, and we tangled a bit until I got him under control. He must have scratched me with his sharp claws. I didn’t even know it. I was too concerned about holding on to Cinco. I didn’t want to let loose of him, and I didn’t.”

  “And this one?” she asked, bandaging a shallow cut on Ty’s chest.

  “The goon I was chasing turned suddenly with his knife. I didn’t move out of the way fast enough.” Ty smiled at her. “That’s just a little scratch. It’ll heal fast. The gash on my ribs was worse.”

  “I’m getting the feeling you two relished the fight.”

  “Damn right,” Beau said. “No one touches or manhandles our woman, or our friends.”

  “Hell no,” Ty agreed.

  She looked up at them seriously. “Am I your woman?”

  “We hope so,” Beau said, and Ty nodded in agreement.

  She nodded at their answers. “Just how important is our relationship to you other than fighting for your woman? Is this a fling or something more

  Beau looked straight at her. “I’m crazy about you.” His face was serious as he met her gaze.

  “I don’t want to ever lose you,” Ty said, his voice soft and deep, as he gazed at her.

  She smiled at them. “I feel the same way about you two. Is this a forever kind of love you feel for me?”

  “Yes, it is,” Beau said.

  “For sure, it is,” Ty said.

  She raised her eyebrows. “How can you be sure?”

  Beau shook his head and gazed at her. “I knew from the first time I met you at your shop that I wanted to get to know you better. When I made love with you the first time, I suspected that you could be my soul mate.”

  “It was the same for me,” Ty said. “I wanted you from the first moment I saw you. When you told all us guys that day in your greenhouse not to touch the flowers, my respect for you standing up to us guys was huge. I knew you were a woman I wanted to get to know, a strong woman. And when we made love, I knew you were my soul mate.”

  “You’re the only one for us,” Beau added.

  “That’s right,” Ty said.

  “Why do you say that?” she asked, finding that unbelievable these days.

  “Werewolves have one soul mate,” Beau said softly, his voice rasping.

  “If our soul mate leaves us, we never find another,” Ty said seriously, his voice sounding rough, too.

  She could tell from their voices that talking about this was emotional for them. “I want you guys in my life forever, too. But what will your families think? I assume they’re also werewolves.”

  “Yeah, they are.” Beau smiled. “But you’re the only one for me, and it doesn’t matter to me what they think. I’m pretty sure they’ll accept you as my mate, though.”

  Ty nodded in agreement with Beau. “Besides, Rafe and Lucky already softened up our families with their love and lifelong pledge to Darlene as their mate. What matters most is that you love us and want to have us as your mates and that you’re the one we love. I’ll never love anyone else the way I love you.”


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