No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2]

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No Truer Love [Hondo, Texas Wolves 2] Page 11

by Claire Adele

  Tears filled her eyes at their words. She nodded. “I do love you. I want you with me forever. Will you be happy sharing me?”

  They grinned at each other and at her, and she hugged them both at the same time as they hugged her, with her happy tears wetting their faces.

  “You bet,” Ty said. “Beau and I look out for each other because we’re close friends. That’s not going to change.”

  “We’ve shared you pretty well this far, haven’t we? I don’t think that will ever change, or our love for you,” Beau said.

  She hugged them again, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. “Make love to me, Beau and Ty. I need you.”

  “Let’s go to bed,” Beau suggested.

  “Sounds good to me,” Ty said.

  They put their strong arms around her, and she walked with them into her bedroom. She didn’t have to worry about Cinco or his men or anyone looking in her windows. She was safe, and she planned to make hot, uninhibited love to her two guys, Beau and Ty.

  “Why did you all shift to werewolves today while you took Cinco and his men captive?”

  “We needed to in order to catch them because they had already shifted,” Beau said. “We usually only shift at night.”

  “We shifted to fight Cinco and his goons the other night outside your house,” Ty explained.

  “They had already shifted that time, too, so we had to in order to discourage them,” Beau added.

  She shook her head again. “That’s how you were cut. It wasn’t barbed wire.”

  “Right. A small lie to protect you,” Beau admitted.

  “You wouldn’t have been happy with us if we’d told you the truth that night,” Ty added.

  “You’re right. I wouldn’t have believed it. It took me a while to come to terms with the reality today. When you came to our rescue at Cinco’s place this evening, I knew it wouldn’t change my love for you all if you were werewolves. It doesn’t change how I feel about you. I love you.”

  Their hearts shone through the flaring light in their eyes as they gazed at her.

  “We’ll always love you,” Ty promised.

  “Never doubt it. I love you,” Beau said.

  “Make love to me,” Chloe whispered, her heart in her voice.

  Beau dropped his towel and so did Ty. Her guys were magnificent males. Their cocks already jutted upward, hard and ready to mate with her. Her pussy ached at the sight. Slick fluid pooled at her opening. They helped her out of the shorts and top that Darlene had loaned her. Their fingers tantalized and tickled as they unhooked her bra and slid her panties down her legs and off.

  Beau took her hand and led her to the foot of her bed. They both took condoms out of their wallets and rolled them on. Beau brushed his lips across hers and marked a trail over her cheek to her shoulder as Ty moved close behind her.

  Ty brushed kisses across her shoulder and up her neck to her cheek. It was wonderful to be embraced by both of her men.

  His eyes dark with hunger, Beau cupped one breast and brushed his callused thumb over her nipple as Ty cupped the other breast and tweaked her nipple with his fingers. Aching need streamed to her opening and heated her labia and clit.

  Beau smoothed his hand down her body to her folds and gently delved a finger through her sensitive flesh, intensifying the delicious aches.

  Ty shifted behind her, never releasing the breast he cupped and tantalized. She felt his other hand caress her butt cheeks. His fingers feathered lightly along her crack, and she shivered. He released her breast. She heard him open a tube and set it on the dresser behind them.

  Beau delved inside her opening a little way and then glided his finger upward through her labia to her clit, teasing all the way. She could do nothing but moan and grip Beau’s shoulders to steady herself.

  Beau bent and cupped her knee. Even his movements increased her sexual need as he lifted her leg. “Rest your foot on the bed, hon.”

  She did as he directed, and he clasped her waist, keeping her balanced.

  Ty parted her cheeks and smoothed a cool liquid along her crack and over her tight hole with his fingers. “Stay just like that, darlin’.”

  She stared into Beau’s eyes flaring with his arousal. His cock rested against her belly, the drop of pre-cum on the head making a wet spot inside the condom. Ty touched her puckered ring with his finger and her hips jerked forward. “Easy, sweetheart, I think this will make you feel even better. He circled the tight flesh with his fingers and pressed gently. Her pussy throbbed with his caresses. He pushed one finger inside her tight hole. Her muscles contracted all around it. He pulled his finger out, and she felt him press two fingers inside the little ring.

  “Are you okay, babe?” Beau asked.

  “Yes. It just burns a little, but it feels good.”

  “I need to stretch you a little more, darlin’. You’re so tight. Let me work here a little longer, and then you’ll feel some amazingly hot sensations.”

  Beau moved one hand between her thighs. He found the opening to her vagina again and slipped one finger inside through her dripping fluids. He delved deep inside and back out. She closed her eyes. He stroked her labia and circled her clit. She concentrated on the sensations as he drove her need higher. She wanted to come, but he left her swollen flesh before she could.

  She opened her eyes and watched him position his cock at her entrance. Slowly pushing inside her passage, he held her steady with his other hand at her waist. He pulled out of her pussy and slid slowly back inside. In and out he moved. Her fluids dripped down her thighs. She moaned from the building pressure. The scent of sex drifted around her. She loved the pleasant, individual scents of her two men.

  Ty removed his fingers slowly from her puckered ring. The sensation drove her need even more. She felt a large, warm, rounded surface pressing against her tight hole as Beau continued to plunge slowly in and out of her passage. Ty parted her butt cheeks and pushed the head of his cock inside her tight hole. Beau slid slowly deep inside her vagina at the same time. Ty pressed deeper within her channel, making her muscles contract around his thick cock. The swollen flesh of her pussy ached with the burning pleasure and feeling of fullness with both Beau and Ty sliding in and out. Another moan escaped her with the intense burgeoning feeling.

  Beau pressed his fingers down on her clit and circled that sensitive nub. Ty pulled slowly out and pushed deep again. Her pussy swelled and her back arched as every nerve in her body shimmered with the smooth slide of their cocks inside her. Another push, as deep as they could go, triggered overwhelming tingling sensations and she climaxed, her hips bucking against her guys’ groins as her muscles contracted around their hard, pumping cocks. With their arms embracing her, she floated in the sweetest orgasm she’d ever known.

  Gradually, the contractions softened to pulses and slowly ebbed. Beau and Ty continued to hug her, their cocks still deep in her body and still pumping inside her. She breathed gently, completely relaxed and lethargic, totally in heaven with her men making love to her. Their warm scents filled her. She reclined against their hard, warm bodies and felt totally safe, secure, and loved.

  Beau and Ty moaned at the same time.

  Beau kissed the side of her neck. “That was fuckin’ amazing, babe. The most fantastic lovin’ I’ve ever had.”

  Ty kissed her cheek. “That was more than amazing, darlin’. That was incredible. I love you, sweetheart. You’re the most wonderful woman I’ve ever known. I’m lucky to have you in my arms and in my life. I want to stay with you as long as you’ll have me.”

  “Absolutely,” Beau agreed. “I love you, babe. I never want to be without you. I’m here to stay. I hope you feel the same, hon.”

  “I love you both so much. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you. No one before has ever made me feel so wanted and so secure. I want you with me forever.” Chloe knew there could be no truer love as she reveled in the warmth of their bodies, and they hugged her tight in their strong, gentle arms.

  THE ENDr />


  Claire Adele/Jeanmarie Hamilton is an award-winning author of Western historical and shape-shifter romance. She was a finalist in the RWA Southern Heat Chapter Contest (2nd place, Historical), and the 2005 American Title Contest for historical romance. With a contemporary shape-shifter story, she was also a finalist in the RWA 2006 Gothic Chapter Contest (2nd place, Contemporary Paranormal), and the 2007 RWA Dixie First Chapter Contest (3rd place, Paranormal). She’s also an author in a Western historical anthology, which was an EPIC Finalist for 2011.

  When not writing, she enjoys oil painting, walks in the desert foothills, gardening, her family and pets, romantic movies, and reading a gripping romance.

  For all titles by Claire Adele, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About the Author




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