Love On A Forbidden Planet

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Love On A Forbidden Planet Page 13

by Unknown

  Maybe he's hurt.

  She got up and jogged toward the door. She was going to find him.


  She had only made it halfway when she heard the sound of the blaster. Instantly, her leg ceased to function and she tumbled to the ground. As she fell, she saw the Barbas man approaching from across the canyon. He may have intended to kill her, but he had only given her a glancing blow. The blaster's electronic pulse had hit her in the hip, paralyzing her left leg.

  There's no pain!

  Amy was surprised that it didn't hurt. Then she remembered that the blaster pulse halted the function of nerve-endings. The shot suppressed her ability to move her leg, but it also blocked the pain.

  She rolled onto her back and watched the man as he slowly approached her. He aimed the blaster at her head. She pressed the button on the fob.

  Amy did not see the fireball burst skyward, but she felt the ground shake as the explosives detonated. The orange glow from the resulting fireball illuminated the Barbas man's face. Dropping the blaster, he shielded his eyes as he stumbled backward against the fiery wind created by the blast.

  I'm so sorry, Mario, I had no choice.

  Amy began to cry. She took little notice as the Barbas man regained his footing. He picked up the blaster and stood over her.

  "Who are you?" he asked.

  "Amy Toller, from Eden," she calmly answered, and waited for him to kill her. She hoped that Mario had sent the message. She hoped that their sacrifice had not been in vain.


  The Barbas man convulsed and collapsed to the ground. Amy rolled to look backward.


  Covered in blood, he ran up and scooped her into his arms. She kissed him. Pausing for a breath, she began searching for his injury.

  "It's not my blood," he said, and she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

  "Boy, am I glad to see you. What happened? Where's David?"

  Mario's face sagged and he shook his head. Amy snuggled into his arms to hide her tears.

  David's dead.

  "We need to get out of here. There are more of them in the mine." She pointed with her chin toward the mountain across the valley.

  Mario grunted. Cradling her in his arms, he set off jogging toward the trees. They didn't speak as Mario quickly retraced their steps, heading east, down the mountain valley and toward the river. Amy nuzzled against his neck.

  What are we going to do now?

  It would be dark soon, and they needed to find shelter. Not only did they no longer have a blaster, they didn't even have one of the spears. She thought of taking him to the cave and her family with Kar, but Mario probably could not carry her that far, at least not fast enough to arrive before dark. As the sun set, the nocturnal carnivores would rule the forest.

  A boulder blocked the stream they had been following, creating a small pool of still water.

  "I need a bath in the worst way," Amy said as they stopped for a drink. "And you need a minute to rest. Help me get into the water." She found the sensation odd, one butt cheek was freezing in the cold water from freshly melted mountain snow. The other butt cheek didn't feel a thing. "Do you want to join me?" She playfully splashed water his way.

  "No. I probably reek, but I had better keep watch." He climbed on top of the boulder and looked back the way they had come.

  Amy quickly finished cleaning her body and hair. She did her best to comb out the tangles with her fingers. She poked her hip. There was still no feeling in it, but it did not appear to be damaged.

  "It's not permanent," Mario said, reading her mind. "It will probably dissipate in a few hours. As the sensations come back, it will feel like it's on fire. By tomorrow, your leg should be back to normal."

  "That's a relief." She wondered if the electronic pulse had damaged the locator beacon. Not being a member of the ground teams, Mario didn't have one, and David's had been destroyed in the blast. Hers was the only way the rescue party would be able to find them. She decided not to mention that spot of difficulty to Mario.

  "I'm ready to go on. Thank you, I feel oh so much better."

  Mario picked her back up and proceeded at a slower pace. The slope was beginning to level as they approached the river.

  "Do you think you can find that place where we found you?" he asked.

  "Yes, I think so." Indeed, they had left the spears and other supplies there. "But I don't think that's a good idea tonight. The dead bodies will attract more carnivores. We should find somewhere else to hole up for the night. Turn north here, and head to the base of that mountain on the other side of the canyon. There's a cliff not more than half a mile away. Hopefully, we can find some shelter there." Amy's hours of studying the aerial photos taken by the drones was paying dividends.

  Stardate 3527.9.18 – Near Darkness

  At the base of the cliff, they found two large, irregular boulders pressed together. A small gap was created where the two rocks touched the ground. Mario set Amy down. He used a stick to probe the darkness of the tiny cave.

  "It's empty now, but something has been sleeping in there."

  "It will have to do," she said. Mario carried Amy to the entrance and she crawled inside. She did not mention that his prediction that her hip would begin to burn, had come true. "Gather some twigs and dry grass, I'll make a fire."

  Mario watched as Amy laid a small pile of dry grass and twigs on a flat stone. Using her hands, she twisted a large stick back and forth, grinding its end into the stone. Within five minutes, a puff of smoke rose from the mixture, followed by a tiny flame. Amy gently fanned it and the fire grew.

  "Wow, where did you learn to do that?"

  "Goes with the native living. Get some more firewood. Quickly, please."

  Mario scoured the nearby area and returned with an armload of wood.

  "This will do for a bit, but we will need more. We will need a substantial fire to keep the animals away. Get the largest logs you can carry," she told him.

  In the looming darkness, Mario gathered more wood.

  With the fire set in the entrance to their tiny cave, they rested in safety.

  "Too bad we don't have anything to eat. We could roast a fine meal with that fire."

  Amy only grunted, she didn't want to talk about food that they did not have. "Did you send the message to Eden?" Her thoughts finally returned to the Barbas and what they had done. The pain in her hip was becoming substantial.

  "Yes, but it was only because of David. When I got to the communications room, I quickly set up their equipment. Obviously, it had been based on the same design from Earth as our systems are. The indicators were even in English. I had to wait for the power cells to charge, and the lanthanum to be heated into plasma. I was just about to send the message when one of them, the Barbas, showed up. He grabbed me from behind and held a knife to my throat." Mario swallowed before continuing. "He tied me up, and I thought all was lost, but then David burst in." Mario continued, relating the fight between the two soldiers and David's dying effort.

  Amy wiped her face and willed her tears to stop.

  "Then you sent the message?"

  "Yes, I worked as fast as I could. David had said that you were going to blow the place up in seven minutes. I was certain that it took longer than that to get the transmission completed."

  "Yeah, lucky for all of us that I don't wear a watch. I lost track of time." She watched his face in the orange glow of the firelight. "I decided to go back inside to help you. That's when the guy shot me."

  "Yes, I saw pretty much all of that. I was coming out the door when the building blew. The blast knocked me down, but didn't hurt me. I saw the Barbas man and shot him with the blaster's final charge." Amy struggled to smile. "So, what do we do now?" Mario asked.

  "That is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question." Amy had no idea what a dollar was, or why 64,000 of them would help answer a question. "We should head north to the location of the lanthanum mother lode. When the ships f
rom Eden arrive, that is where they will go first. You should shed those clothes. Better to be mistaken for a primitive native than a Barbas soldier."

  Mario agreed and stripped the clothing off. He tossed it into the fire and studied her. Amy noticed that he had an erection.

  "How long do you think it will take?" she asked. "To be rescued."

  "Hard to tell, I'm sure that our message will get high priority. It will depend on how fast the Space Service can assemble a fleet. They won't want to arrive only to be beaten again. I'd say two, maybe three weeks."

  "Mmm." Amy's hip was becoming very painful.

  "So, my love," he said, but then paused for a breath. "While you were going native, were you a naughty girl?" His hand patted her bare rump, the side that had not been shot.

  Amy doubted that he wanted the specifics, and she certainly didn't want to speak of the details of the past two months.

  "Yes, I was a rather naughty girl." She presented her best, coy smile. "What does my lover want to do about that?"

  "I think a spanking is in order."

  "Mmm, yes, I suppose I do deserve a spanking." She smiled. "Darling, could it please wait until tomorrow? My butt is really beginning to burn from that blaster hit." She wanted to bend over his lap and receive his spanking. However, her bum already burned with a different, unpleasant fire.

  Mario smiled and pulled her close to him. They lay in soft dirt and spooned with her bad hip on top.

  "Two or three weeks, what are we going to do the pass the time?" he asked.

  "Oh," she sighed, "I'm sure we will think of something." The telltale stiffness of his member pushed against her backside.

  "I love you," he whispered.

  Ah, yes, finally the perfect time.

  "I love you too," she said.

  She let him hold her for a long while. His erection did not abate, and continued to poke her in the butt. She rolled onto her back and, using only her good leg, opened to invite him to make love with her.

  Maybe he can take my mind off the pain.

  Mario covered her body with his own. Mindful of her injured leg, he kissed her—slow and deep. Amy enjoyed her first tantalizing, romantic kiss in two months. Mario knelt between her legs. His lips intermittently kissed her face as he trailed down her chin and neck. He teased each of her taut nipples as her fingers reached into his hair. Continuing his kisses, he migrated lower. He circled her belly button, hinting at what was to come next. Amy's breath quickened in anticipation. Her belly muscles quivered and Mario kissed her lower and lower. Gripping her curly hairs with his teeth, he teasingly tugged them.

  His lips kissed her soft skin even lower.

  "Is this helping the pain?" he asked, and twirled his tongue around her swollen, excited nub.

  "Yes… yes," she whispered.

  Amy decided that she would return the favor; she would take his member in her mouth. However, that would have to wait until the pain in her hip subsided. For now, she was looking forward to missionary style for a change.


  Sterling Scott

  Sterling Scott writes of his imagined adventures within the backdrop of actual historical events. While some of his stories are more fictional that others, he likes to entwine real events into a new version of how it should have happened. Additionally, he includes experience from his own life and those friends have shared with him.

  When not writing, Sterling travels the highways and visits his children. He spends a lot of time playing with his first grandchild.

  Visit his website here:

  Also by Sterling Scott and Blushing Books!

  Lady Detective Series

  Miss Rowan Learns Her Lesson

  Margaret and the Train Robber

  A Snooper’s The Counterfeit Confederate

  The Pimlico Affair

  Single Titles

  My Pirate Wife

  Rescuing Diana

  Love on a Forbidden Planet

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