Storm of the Dead

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Storm of the Dead Page 17

by D. P. Sloan

  “Elite Corporation are the ones in charge and as you can see – I have my own army. So please exit the premises and let us deal with it,” Lomax answered smirking.

  “You can’t be serious! Can you?” Rick questioned with bewilderment.

  Lomax leaned in to him, “Very serious, so please remove yourself and your officers so this Government appointed official and his team can get to work and contain this.”

  Rick breathed deeply before reaching for his radio, “Men stand down and come back into the terminal we are not needed anymore, over and out.”

  Confusion set amongst the armed response team as they entered the terminal. One of the officers walked up to his Chief.

  “Guv, what’s going on?”

  “Elite Corporation is what’s going on Eric,” Rick told him, “Okay men lets move out.” He turned back to Lomax, “All yours your majesty.”

  Lomax smirked. Once the police had vacated the premises. Lomax got his team to seal all doors and they then began their walk to the plane on the runway.

  “Okay team stand guard and remember we shoot to kill,” he said through his radio as himself and West stood back as the Elite soldiers walked towards the plane. One of the soldiers had a megaphone and raised it to his lips.

  “This is Elite Corporation, please vacate the aircraft at once via the front exit and single file, keep your hands up high and do not make any sudden movements.”

  They were met by silence.

  The soldier then repeated his words only to be met with silence again.

  “Okay team move five feet towards the aircraft. Keep guns aimed and fire on sight,” Lomax said over his radio.

  The soldiers did just that. Just then one of the soldiers saw movement in the plane and began firing at an instance.

  Bullets flew everywhere as others joined in. The aircraft was beginning to look like Swiss cheese with the number of holes in it. Then the soldiers stopped, listened for movement and after a few minutes there was nothing.

  “Alpha 2 team move in,” Lomax declared, “search the full plane, you find anything and I mean ANYTHING, and then kill them. Do not and I mean DO NOT let anything off of the plane!”

  The Alpha team moved in and pulled the rope so the stairs would come down. Then with guns poised they walked up the stairs single file before entering the plane. Lomax and West watched on from afar awaiting the outcome.

  And waited.

  And waited.

  And waited.



  Flying high above Glasgow not sticking to a flight path then flying out of Scotland and into England’s airspace. Michaels flew the plane while Katy and Gregg sat back in the passenger area, drinking juice and eating the snacks that Michaels told them was in the metallic cupboards. Katy and Gregg were just enjoying the peace and not having to be stressed, not as much laughing just simply enjoying getting away from their beloved Country and their town which was now literally non-existing.

  Michaels put the plane onto auto-pilot and undone his seat belt. He made his way to back to fetch a drink and sit and relax with the teenagers when he heard a noise coming from the lift that went from the main floor to the baggage handling area.

  “What was that?” Katy asked moving slightly in her seat to the right to stare down the aisle. Gregg did the same.

  “Both of you stay put until I check this out,” Michaels told them. Both teens nodded in unison as they watched Michaels head towards the lift just passed the toilets and to the left. He armed himself with a knife from the kitchen area as he knew firing one of the guns would have been highly dangerous. He stood in front of the lift which was a single person lift, a plain metallic door with no window to see out in to. He breathed deeply before reaching for the door release handle and pulling it open. As it gradually opened a hand appeared round the door then all of a sudden, the door swung open hard and Michaels was thrown back against the wall as the decaying zombie was on him trying to bite him with his rotting teeth, his decaying hands reaching out bony fingers to try and scratch or claw at Michaels.

  “A little bit of help please!” Michaels shouted loud that both Gregg and Katy heard and began running.

  With such force, they pulled the zombie off of the ex-officer and began pushing him back into the cockpit. Michaels ran passed them into the cock-pit and set the auto-pilot to their destination – Heathrow, then ran back to help the teens.

  They pushed the zombie back, back into the cock-pit before forcefully locking the cock-pit door. The zombie pounded and pounded on the door to no avail.

  “Right this plane will automatically land at Heathrow airport but we will go down into the cargo area, hide and once this plane lands we climb down one of the wheels and once out we hide first to not attract attention. I can probably guarantee that someone whether it is from Elite or even the police force will be there in numbers when this plane lands,” Michaels told the teens, “now one at a time, lets take the lift down.”

  Both teens nodded, armed themselves again and first Gregg went down. Then Katy and followed by Michaels.

  Down in the baggage area, the three of them all hid and waiting on the plane landing.



  The plane had landed safely coming to a complete stop. Then they heard the bullets being fired obviously they saw movement. Then from above they heard heavy footsteps thump along the aisles, looking, searching for whoever was the plane.

  Then came the screams and more gun shots followed by more screams then silence. Now was the time for Michaels and the teens to escape. They walked to the back of the baggage area and climbed down one at a time to the black tarmac below. While under the guise of the shadow from the underbelly of the plane, they stayed hidden and only made a run for the nearest shadow when they saw the opportunity. Gregg ran first, followed by Katy and then Michaels; they hide behind a baggage carrying truck. Michaels peered round the side and watched as more Elite soldiers surrounded the plane, he heard (faintly) Lomax shout into his radio, “What is happening?” but he got no response then he heard him shout, “Right second team get in there now!”

  Then he watched as there was more movement.

  “Hold back and hold your fire!” Lomax yelled.

  Descending the stairs to the tarmac were the first group of Elite soldiers, they walked and stumbled their way down the stairs, the second group of Elite soldiers backed away at what they saw. As these Elite soldiers weren’t Elite soldiers anymore. They were simply dead men walking.

  The second group of Elite soldiers raised their guns and were ready to fire when from above them coming crashing out of the cockpit window, a decaying man snarling and grunting all his way down onto the soldiers. Bullets whizzed passed the dead man but it was too late, the dead man falling through the sky and the dead soldiers overpowered the second Elite team and were ripping and tearing them apart.

  Lomax and West looked on in horror as the virus that they released in Scotland and which they thought they had contained had now landed in London and was spreading, spreading fast.

  Michaels, Gregg and Katy looked on and smiled. Smiled because now England would crumble at the hands of the dead now. They ducked and hid in the shadows before racing round to a fire exit and running through it. The door alarm sounded but not one other person on the tarmac was interested as they battled the dead.

  Lomax and West both retreated back into the terminal running for their lives down the corridor. They looked over their shoulders watching the dead tear flesh from the bones of their Elite soldiers. They got into the terminal and watched as the dead soldiers began running up the corridor towards them. They watched as the soldiers that were attacked began to turn within seconds. West knew he had no control over these zombies.

  Lomax turned and ran out of the terminal followed closely by West. They dived into their car and sped away fast out of the airport.

  “I have no control of them James,” West began, “None whatsoever!”
br />   “Angus,” Lomax began, “personally I don’t give a shit anymore. We’ve released the virus. We plan on cleaning up the cities and countries that we have infected with the virus that we planted but now we just get the hell out of here.”

  “What about the Prime Minister?” West asked.

  “Fuck the Prime Minister!” Lomax replied, “She just wanted in to destroy Scotland and hell, she done a bloody good job of that! We got paid and this little mishap here where we’ve lost soldiers, good soldiers will only help us establish that we can do the job and we will put our own lives on the line straight away.”

  Just then Lomax’s phone rang with ironically, ‘the highway to hell,’ tune. Lomax answered it by putting on the speaker, “Hello Lomax speaking.”

  “Lomax what in the hell is going on?” it was the Prime Minister.

  “Well what do you know so far?” Lomax asked.

  “What do I know?” the Prime Minister began, “WHAT DO I KNOW! Well there is a bloody video clip on YouTube of the incident at the airport! Yes, someone has uploaded the attack on your soldiers. Someone was filming while the attack happened!”

  Lomax and West looked at each other then Lomax answered, “Do we know who the uploader was?”

  “Oh, we can do one better and tell you his whole name,” the Prime Minister replied angrily.

  “Who is it?” West chimed in.

  “Gregg Summers,” the Prime Minister began, “it’s bloody Marty’s son. Which means him and his girlfriend and that copper is here in London and I know all to well what they are planning. Remember when I told you what I hate about Scotland? That it’s full of Scots! Well now those Scots are here and they are about to spread their disease and dirty bodies amongst my fellow Englishmen and women and I DON’T WANT THAT!”

  “Listen,” Lomax began but was cut off straight away.

  “NO, YOU LISTEN LOMAX!” the Prime Minister screamed, “You released the virus and you said you were cleaning this up. Now everyone knows that the virus is here in London. Every passing second the views for the video clip is going up. We have asked YouTube to take down the video but guess what we got back from them? A simple, ‘the video is not breaking any laws and can remain uploaded to YouTube for the foreseeable future!’ We have no grounds to take down the video clip so since YOU and your bumbling doctor there, left survivors in Drumchapel, I am giving you orders to hunt them down and kill them before everything comes tumbling down around us all!”

  “Around us all?” Lomax smirked, “listen YOU wanted the virus spread and then YOU wanted us to step in and control the situation making yourself look good. Well we have tried and now we don’t care. So, enjoy cleaning this up.”

  With that said he ended the call. West looked at him and nodded, “Now what?”

  “Now we continue what we were doing. We have teams in the Middle East so flip the switch and let’s start the Zombie Apocalypse!” Lomax smiled.

  It didn’t take Lomax to tell West twice. He pulled out the device set it to India on the monitor and pushed the button. Then he done the same but this time to Pakistan, then to Ethiopia and to Iceland then he hit the big countries – Germany, Russia, China, Spain and France.

  Lomax laughed, “Let’s see how the whole world will cope with this, while we hid out the way. I’ll inform all of the Elite soldiers to stay hidden until we give the go ahead to clean up.”

  West nodded and smiled, “I do love it when a plan comes together!”



  Gregg hit save on his phone after recording the incident at the plane. He along with Michaels and Katy watched it back and nodded.

  “This will certainly get chins wagging,” Gregg told his friends. He hit the share button and shared directly to all social media outlets. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat and lastly YouTube. He hash-tagged, UK Government and Elite Corporation and Zombie outbreak. Gave a brief description of what the video was about:

  ‘What you are about to watch is the proof of what everyone needs to know. Elite Corporation and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom have caused the outbreak in Scotland. They control everything and the Prime Minister is the one behind it all. Please watch and share this video and be very aware of what this Prime Minister can do to each and every one of you.’

  “It’s done so now what?” Gregg asked Michaels

  “Well you want revenge on West and Lomax, right?” Michaels replied.

  Gregg nodded.

  “Well we find them now and we finish them before they get away from this country?” Michaels told the teen.

  “And how do we do that?” Gregg began, “they are probably long gone by now.”

  Michaels smiled and then pointed over to a car parked outside the terminal, “Because their they go now!”

  Gregg and Katy both looked over and Gregg began to walk over to them but got pulled back by Michaels.

  “Hold on young one. That’s not the way to go about it!” Michaels told him.

  Gregg turned to him, “Look they are getting away. How do you want me or even us to handle it then?”

  Michaels spun the teen round and pointed to one of the Elite trucks, “By becoming an Elite soldier…….again!”

  Gregg and Katy smiled and all three ran over to the truck, got in and followed Lomax and West.



  Terror gripped the streets of London as the virus spread like wildfire from the tarmac of Heathrow out on to the streets. Dead men, women and children attacked scared and terrified passers-by. Ripping, biting, and tearing the flesh from the bones. Ripping the skin clean off the faces, hands, arms and legs. Leaving a trail of death in their wake, before that lot of freshly new dead people would rise and attack other living breathing things.

  Blood pooled everywhere and screams echoed loud, rising into cold weather above and around them.

  The place resembled a slaughterhouse as the blood ran down small streams and into the sewers.


  Lomax and West raced along ColnBrook By-pass and turned onto the M25 and later turning onto Horton Road. Michaels drove behind them, tailing them, staying close but not too close to them.

  Lomax turned off of Horton Road onto a dirt path which ran along side Wraysbury Reservoir.

  “Where the Hell are they going?” Gregg muttered.

  Michaels shook his head, “I don’t know but we will keep following until we get them alone then we will end this once and for all.”

  Michaels kept watching as the car in front moved fast along the dirt path, it turned left in a bend and as Michaels neared the bend they noticed that Lomax’s car had vanished.

  “What the Hell?” Michaels mumbled, “Where did they go?”

  The car came to a stop and all three got out. They started searching the area when Katy shouted, “Hey over here!”

  Both Michaels and Gregg turned and walked fast over to her. They stood next to her and saw what she saw. Down next to some concrete blocks was a path big enough for one car. All three of them walked down it and turned right and there abandoned was Lomax and West’s car. Yet again puzzled as to where the two men, they began searching and there hidden amongst some bushes was a wooden trap door on the ground. It looked weather beaten and had two rust covered handles. Michaels stepped forward and bent down and pulled at the handles, half expecting the doors to be locked shut but with one pull both doors opened and Michaels pushed them fully open. He stood back up and joining him at his sides were Gregg and Katy. They were staring down a set of well worn wooden ladders, which looked like they had been there for years on end.

  “A secret bunker?” Katy questioned.

  Michaels nodded.

  “And let me hazard a guess,” Gregg began, “those arseholes are down there!”

  Michaels nodded, “I’d bet my life on it. Come on let’s go.”

  Michaels began climbing down the ladders and got half way before stepping on a rung that cracked under his wei
ght. He lifted his foot back off of it.

  “Watch your step on the fourth rung it’s very brittle.”

  Both Katy and Gregg watched as they both made their way down meeting Michaels at the bottom. They started walking down the concrete tunnel while rats scurried passed them. Katy held in her scream as she hated the disease-ridden vermin. They came to a junction, one way led to their left and one way led to their right.

  “What way now?” Katy whispered.

  “I say left,” Gregg answered.

  Michaels shook his head, “I think right.”

  Gregg in return shook his head, “Let’s go left first. Check it out and then if they are not there, turn around and head to our right.”

  Michaels shook his head again, “Nah I say right first and if they are not there, we go left.”

  “How about we split up,” Katy began, “I’ll stay right here waiting for you both. Gregg, you go left and Ryan you go right. Let’s say ten minutes to fifteen minutes max. If any of you find anything text me and each other and we will come meet you.”

  They all pulled out their phones and in unison shook their heads.

  “No signal,” Gregg said to them.

  “Same here,” Michaels replied.

  “Me too,” Katy added, “okay let’s just meet here in ten minutes?”

  Both Michaels and Gregg nodded before heading down their separate paths while Katy sat on the floor of the tunnel and waited. She kept her torch on her phone so she could keep an eye on the rats scurrying about and any other bugs or insects.



  Michaels walked away from Katy who stayed in the middle corridor and walked down the right wing, he kept walking and walking and thought to himself while he walked about that this bunker seemed pretty tidy considering where it was situated. He looked at his watch and noticed that he was already nearing the ten-minute mark when he heard a noise coming from down to his far left. It was total darkness so he switched on his phone’s torch and continued slowly down towards the noise.

  As he neared the corner, he heard the noise again. He flashed his light towards the noise but it didn’t disturb the thing that was making the noise. His eyes went wide with fright as he then turned and ran back the way he came. Back to Katy and Gregg with the thing that made the noise chasing after him.


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