The Alpha's Hybrid Mate

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The Alpha's Hybrid Mate Page 2

by C Davis

  My wolf still isn't talking to me, and I don't blame her. I was too weak to fight back when Lorenzo attempted to kill me. I'm shocked when I hear my wolf speak out to me.

  “Lana. Go try to shift.”

  I whine back. “You know I can't.”

  She pushes me to try, “You can, you're strong enough now. Just try, please.”

  Standing in the woods late at night, I let my dress drop to the ground and focus. I hear my bones cracking and I fall to the ground, shifting into my wolf landing on all fours.

  I shifted?

  I run through the forest with the wind blowing in my fur. For the first time in a long time, I feel free. No longer feeling pain. I run and run. Until I nearly give out. I decide to head back to shift. I'm almost there when I get tackled to the ground by another wolf.

  I try to push him off, but I’m powerless. He shifts and growls. “Change back!”

  My body weakens, shifting back to my human form when I look up I see those familiar brown eyes. I wiggle uncomfortably when I hear him growl out, “Dammit, stop moving, Lana!”

  Jaxson stands up and doesn't even bother to put clothes on, or even turn around so I can put my dress back on. I try to cover my body the best I can, but he pushes me against a tree. “I thought you couldn't shift.”

  I try to push him off of me so I can get dressed, but he's too strong for me.

  “This is the first time since your sister found me I've been able to.” I whispered.

  He traces his finger down my neck, a shiver passing through me. His finger lingers for a moment, then he takes a step back. “You better get dressed, and get inside.”

  He looks up and down my body and shifts into his wolf, sprinting away. I grab my dress and quickly slip it over my head, running back inside. The way he gazed in my eyes made me think maybe he doesn't hate me. I guess that's a good sign. It seemed like he was trying to hold himself back when I was struggling under his hard body. The erection he was sporting was proof enough that he thought I was attractive, but he was fighting it. I know he's still mourning his wife, and struggling with being a single-dad, plus keeping up with his duties.

  The way his fingers felt on my skin made my body tingle, wanting him to touch me more. The need for him to take me on the ground became more intense. I wanted more. Needed his touch.

  Why does his body feel so good against mine?

  Stop thinking those things, Lana.

  He’s your damn employer.

  I feel so hot right now, and the only thing I can do about that is to take a cold shower to cool myself down. I step out of the bathroom to see Natalia standing at the window.

  “Where did you go earlier?” She smirks as she glances to the forest, “I saw what happened.”

  My cheeks flame in embarrassment when I think of how his perfectly toned naked body was pressed against my hot skin. “I finally shifted. I guess I needed to heal properly.”

  I think she senses something happened out there, between her brother and me.

  “You're forgetting I can hear his thoughts. He wanted you so bad… that’s why he ran away.”

  She leaves me with my mouth gaping open. I know he was hard, but that didn't mean he wanted me. Or did it? That night, all I dream of is those brown eyes.

  The next morning; I picked up Gabriel from Jaxson's room, taking him downstairs to feed him his breakfast.

  “Stay the hell away from him. He's mine!”

  A blonde glares with her arms crossed over her chest. She's wearing a dress that barely covers her ass and chest, with heels on a mile high.

  “I don't care. I'm simply here to take care of his son.” I reply.

  I push past her but she blocks my way.

  Jaxson’s voice makes her cower down, and whimper, “I'm not yours. You're just the pack slut, and that's all you'll ever be!”

  I go to get Gabriel's breakfast, but a hand clamps down on my shoulder. I don't need to turn around to know it's Jaxson. I can smell his musky scent, and feel his breath on my neck.

  He asks, “Are you okay?”

  Don’t look, Lana.

  “Yes,” I say under my breath as he puts two fingers under my chin making me meet his gaze. My breath hitches, as his does as well.

  “I have to feed your son.” I try to push past him, but he doesn't budge.

  He sighs as I'm trying to break away, “Have dinner with me.”

  I struggle accidentally, rubbing against his erection. “I-I have dinner with you every night.”

  His face is stern as he repeats his words with authority. “Have dinner with me. Just as friends. Tonight, I'm not your boss… I'm a friend. Please.”



  “I-I have dinner with you every night.” She stutters nervously, trying to reason with me.

  My face is stern, repeating my request as a command.

  “Have dinner with me… just as friends. Tonight, I'm not your boss. I'm a friend… please.” I plead with her hoping she'll agree with me.

  “Where?” She asks nervously, trying to inch away from me.

  I know she's worried about her ex, but she has nothing to worry about. I think it's about time I get to know the girl taking care of my son. She backs away from me and looks at Gabriel rushing away from me to feed him.

  I don't understand you, Lana.

  What did that bastard do to you?

  “Looks like you struck out, Alpha Jaxson. Again.” Cole smirks at me from the corner of the room.

  “Piss off! Aren’t you supposed to be on patrol?”


  “Go somewhere else.”

  My sister strolls in and senses the tension. I watch as she talks, and laughs with her. They walk past me, but I block the door preventing them from going anywhere. “Natalia, watch Gabriel for a moment. I need to speak to Lana. Alone.”

  I trap Lana to the wall and trace my finger down her neck. “Please, have dinner with me. Just you and me.”

  She closes her eyes and I don't miss the moan she thinks I didn't hear.

  “Fine, but no funny business, Alpha Jaxson.”

  God, that turns me on just to hear her call me that.

  “We don't have to go out if you don't want to. I’ll have my chef whip up some burgers and fries.”

  She nods as she looks into my chocolate-colored eyes. “Be ready at five o'clock in my office.”

  I pull her closer. Kissing her lips once. Just once, because I would need more. I release her, and walk out the door feeling accomplished.

  I know I've spent the past year mourning my wife, but there's something about her that draws me to her. My wolf has been itching to spread her legs, and see if she tastes as good as she smells.

  “Brother, please keep your thoughts to yourself. That's my best friend you're talking about.” My sister glares with her arms on her hips, tapping her foot, waiting on me to say something.

  “I can't help it, sister. I'm a man.”

  She gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. “Oh my god, you like her.”

  Do I?

  “I'm having dinner with her in my office at five tonight and you better not interrupt us,” I warn her as she rolls her eyes and walks away.

  I glance at the clock on the wall and sigh. She still hasn't shown. It’s 5:05. Maybe she's not going to. Just then, she walks in wearing a black skirt, and a white tank top that shows off her cleavage enough to give me a preview of what's hiding underneath. I shouldn't be looking at her like this, but ever since the woods I can't stop. Not after I've seen her naked body. The way she easily submitted to my wolf made him almost lose control.

  “You look beautiful Lana,” I say as I raise her hand, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckle. “I hope you like burgers and fries.”

  How am I going to control myself around her when she tempts me so much?

  As long as she doesn't...

  “Mmm.” She moans as she bites into her food making me shift in my seat.


  I gulp watching her eyes closed as she licks her lips. “Why am I here having dinner with you?”

  So no other men can look at you.

  “I enjoy your company.”

  She shakes her head in disbelief and tries to leave, but I'm quicker than she is.

  “I want you. Remember, tonight I'm just a man, not your boss.”

  A man that wants to fuck you.

  Pulling her back to my chest, I kiss her neck that's begging to be marked.

  “Alpha we got a problem!” Lucas rushes in interrupting our moment. Lana ducks under me and makes her escape.

  Soon my little wolf… soon.

  “What the hell kind of problem?” I ask.

  “Alpha! There are rogues on the border demanding to speak to you.”

  He's afraid of me as he bows. Good, he should be. He remembers what happened last time when he had his hands all over her. “Take my sister, Lana, and Gabriel to the safe room. Remember to keep your hands to yourself.”

  I grab Cole and warriors. We head to the border to see five filthy rogues ready to pounce, but they never do.

  “The Alpha says to hand her over, and there won't be any trouble.” Says the leader of the five.

  “You're going to have to be a little more specific,” I growl with dominance.

  “He said to deliver the girl taking care of your son, and he won't have to start a war with you.” He growls back as he shifts his feet.

  No way will he ever have her. I now realize he's talking about the man Lana is hiding from.

  “Take them all down, but leave the leader alive and take him to the cells,” I growl to my warriors.

  I shift into my wolf and take the one closest to me. He tries to take me down but I bite down on his leg causing him to shift back and force him into submission.

  Cole injects the leader with wolfsbane, leaving the rest of the rogues with their hearts ripped out. I'll get an answer out of this bastard. Why is it that Lorenzo wants Lana so bad? I need to go and get some answers from my sister because something tells me that Lana is probably mad at how I touched her. I wasn't lying. I did want her more than anything, but I can't help feeling a little guilty about Gabriel’s mother. I feel as if I'm cheating. No matter what she made me promise, I can't love ever again… never again.

  “Nat. I need to ask you some things about Lana.” I say as my sister enters the room.

  “What kind of things?” Her eyebrows rose in curiosity.

  “Why did her ex try to kill her? Did she know he was an Alpha?”

  Please, Natalia, tell me what you know.

  “He took her from another pack claiming he was her mate, but she told me that she wasn't. He began to get angry with her after that. I'm not sure why he wanted her dead, but if I had to guess, I'd say if he can't have her no one else can either. What's going on brother?”

  “He wants me to hand over Lana, and says if I don't he's going to start a war with me.” I regret saying that when I look up because Lana is staring back at me with her blue eyes wide open, and tears starting to form. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I should have just lied to Natalia, and told her I was curious about her. Now Lana is running up to her room, and when I walk in she's packing her things.

  “Don't let her leave!” My wolf growls.

  “Lana.” I breathe out, pulling her hips to mine.

  “I have to go! He's found me!” She cries out.

  “Don't go. Please.” I tilt my head down to brush our lips together and kiss her.

  She doesn't kiss back at first, so I pinch her ass making her gasp. My tongue slips in perfectly kissing her cherry-flavored lips.

  “This is wrong.” She says, breaking away from me.

  “No, everything's right.” I say.

  “Don't go.” I growl with my Alpha tone as I push her to the wall.

  “Please.” She begs me, and that's when I realize she's not begging me to let her go. She's begging me to kiss her again. I crash my lips against her. Devouring her. Leaving my scent on her so no one else touches her.

  “I want you, Lana.” I growl.

  “Jaxson, he's ready to talk. Damn, if I'd known you were this kind of busy I would have handled the guy myself.”

  “I'll be there in a minute!”

  “Don't go, you're safe here. I'll come to find you later, and maybe finish what we started.” I kiss her swollen lips once more before leaving her to deal with that filthy mutt.

  “You've been hitting that?” My beta questions me with a smirk as we go to the cells.

  “Mind your own business, or I’ll tell my sister you said she drives like shit.” I warn him. He cowers down in fear I might do it.

  That’s what I thought.

  “So now you're ready to talk?” The mutt nods nervously, avoiding eye contact with me.

  “Look me in the eyes when you speak.” I jerk the chains, making him scream in pain.

  “I'll tell you whatever you want to know!” He begs me looking at me in fear.

  “Why does Lorenzo want her back so bad?” I pull harder on the chains as he shivers.

  “She's the last. He wants to tap into her witch side, and take the power from her.” He screams in desperation and I drop the chain.

  A witch?

  “She doesn't know though, he took her at a young age. Then, he got angry that the wolf's side became stronger. Her witch powers never developed. That's why he tried to kill her.”

  This just got even more complicated. If her powers never developed, then she doesn't even know she's a part witch.

  “Keep this quiet Cole.” I order him and stalk up the stairs to my office to think.

  How did she never know?

  I have a feeling something big is coming and it's going to end very badly.

  I need to talk to you. Come over in an hour. I text my father.


  “Ok, let me get this straight. The woman who happens to be Natalia's best friend, and the one who takes care of my grandson is a werewolf/witch, but doesn't know she is, and is the last of her kind. This woman is also the one that has my son all wound up, but can't figure out why, and also is running from Alpha Lorenzo. The same man that tried to kill your mother?” My father throws his hands in the air.

  “Yes. I have to protect her from him. I can keep her safe.” I say, rubbing my temples.

  “Holy shit. You and her...” His eyes widen, gulping down the rest of his shot.

  “Me and her what? Dad, what were you going to say?” I try to get him to finish what he was saying before.

  “N-nothing son. I'll get some of my men to take care of this Lorenzo. You just keep her safe.” My father rushes out before I can say anything else.

  What were you going to say, Dad?

  A smile spreads on my face as I remember how her body felt against the wall as I claimed her lips. Her body responded so well to mine, but then Cole just had to ruin it for me.

  “Go to her. Take her.” My wolf urges me.

  I find myself walking out of the room and straight to her front door. I'm not in control of my body as the beast in me takes over. He's too strong to fight him off. I push open the door and Lana stands there in nothing but a towel and her hair dripping water.

  One more step Jaxson, and you can rip that towel off and claim what rightfully yours. Spread those legs and taste her. Mark her pussy.

  “I-I'm sorry, but I have to go! I-I just can't.” I mumble to her and run outside. Shifting, and running off this extra energy caused by that beautiful woman in nothing but a towel. Tempting me even more.



  Jaxson was conflicted as if he was fighting a battle with his wolf. His face twisted into a pained expression, and his fists were clenched, turning his knuckles white. Clench. Unclench. Again and again. I grip onto my towel as he takes a step forward, licking his lips as he eyes me up and down.

  “I-I'm sorry, but I have to go! I-I just can't.” He mumbles, running out and slamming the door be
hind him.

  What the hell was that about?

  He was fighting his wolf on something. Looking to the window, I spot him running into the woods, as he shifts to his wolf. It's been hours since he's been gone, and I'm starting to get a little worried about him.

  What if something happened to him?

  I walk down to the kitchen to make Gabriel a cup of milk when I see a dark figure. I can tell it's not Jaxson, but looks similar to him. The same dark hair, and almost the same body build as him.

  “I see my brother has been busy. Very busy indeed.” He says, inching closer to me.

  Did he just say his brother?

  “Get off of me!” I try to push him away, but he grabs my hips keeping me in place.

  He presses his lips to my neck, sniffing my neck, and flicks his tongue as if he's tasting me. I struggle against him and try to scream, but he covers my mouth.

  “Get your damn hands off her!” A familiar voice yells. Jaxson stands there with just a pair of jeans on still unbuttoned. He looks at me, and turns to him glaring as he warns him.

  “Why the hell are you here, Duke?!”

  I've seen Jaxson angry but never like this. His wolf wants out, and looks like he may shift any second. His chest is heaving up and down, and his eyes are glowing red.

  “Brother, I was just enjoying a little snack.” He says, licking his lips and winking at me.

  I ran out, and went back upstairs. I don't even want to know what's going on down there. I don’t think I want to know. I do know whatever it is… it's not good with all the crashing and growling.

  “Lana, what's going on down there?” Natalia asks.

  “The guy whom I'm assuming is your other brother was trying to touch me. And then, Jaxson…” Lana's eyes go wide and rush out.

  I don't know why Jaxson got so angry with him. I mean, it's not like we're dating or anything. Gabriel grips his cup and falls to sleep as I rock him in the chair. I place him gently in his bed when I feel him. I smell him before I see him.

  “Lana, are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?” Jaxson asks as I turn to face him.

  “No. I'm okay, but are you?” I looked at him, seeing his face swelled slightly and blood on his knuckles.

  “I'll heal.” He brushes it off as if it’s nothing. I grab a first aid kit, and step in front of him.


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