The Alpha's Hybrid Mate

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The Alpha's Hybrid Mate Page 4

by C Davis

  “Please.” I whimper when I feel his claws coming out. His claws cut into my flesh, making me cry out in pain.

  “Let me go,” I scream, but his rough hand covers my mouth to prevent anyone from hearing me.

  The door bursts open with Cole and Lucas standing there not knowing what to do.

  “Alpha Jaxson!” Lucas screams out to him, hoping to bring him back to reality.

  “G-get Gabriel. Cole... get him out of here!” I scream out as I bite down on his hand that's covering my mouth. Cole takes Gabriel and hands him to Natalia standing in the door in fear.

  Cole pulls a needle out of his back pocket, and stabs Jaxson in the neck, making him go limp. I try to stand up, but I start to feel dizzy and the last thing I see is Lucas catching me before I go limp in his arms.

  “Ahh!” I scream and gasp, taking a deep breath sitting up in pain. It was taking all my willpower not to break down and cry.

  “Take it easy. The gashes weren't deep enough to need stitches, but you need to take it easy. It's going to take longer to heal since it was from an Alpha.” Cole says as he puts his kit away.

  Why did he react like that with me?

  I wonder where he is. I know they injected him with something, knocking him out.

  “Where is he?”

  Cole sighs, and takes a deep breath, “You don't want to be around him right now. His wolf is in complete control and I don't know how he would act around you.”

  He looks at me sympathetically, and puts his hand on my shoulder giving it a small squeeze.

  “Why did he act that way? Why did he attack me?”

  “This is what I think, you two are mates. He's been fighting his wolf ever since you showed up, but he’s been pushing his wolf back. Now, his wolf is angry.”

  “No, I'm not his mate. It can't be. There's got to be another reason why.”

  He can't be my mate.

  “As I said, it’s just a theory.” I need to see him and make sure he's okay, but how. Maybe I can get Natalia to take me to see him.

  “Please Natalia, I just want to make sure he's okay.” I plead with her as she watches Gabriel play.

  “Fine. I'll take you to him, but only when the coast is clear. If Cole knew I agreed to this, he'd kill me.”

  Cole and Lucas have gone to do the border patrols, making sure the rogues stay away. We tiptoe downstairs to the basement, and I see Jaxson chained to the wall with his head hanging down. His eyes are closed, but he’s not asleep.

  “Lana, you shouldn’t be down here.” He croaks out, looking up to me.

  He looks so vulnerable like this. Not at all like the all-powerful Alpha Jaxson, I'm used to seeing. Sweat drips down his face, and blood on his hands.

  “Please, talk to me, Jaxson. What happened to you?” I ask as I take the cold cloth I brought to clean him. I knew he'd be dirty from being down here.

  “Please, Lana. Get out of here before he takes over again. I don't want to hurt you.” He pants as his body shivers from my touch.

  “I just want to help you. Let me clean you up.” I say, wiping his forehead as I cup his cheek. My wolf purrs telling me to kiss him, and that's just what I do. I press my lips against his, tasting his lips and he tenses not reacting to my touch.

  “I'm not going to tell you again sweetheart, get the hell out of here!” He growls out in frustration, shutting his eyes.

  “Come on Lana, we have to go,” Natalia says urgently.

  I feel so rejected, and humiliated by his actions. I look back one last time before turning on my heels and walking away. My heart aches so much, and I don't even know why. I’m nothing to him.

  So, why does it hurt so bad?

  We turn the corner, and run smack into Cole, glaring daggers at us. “I told you both to stay away from him and what do you do. You ignore my warnings.”

  Cole grips her wrist yanking on it. “And you, I specifically told you I didn't want you around him. Come on. I got some kinks in my neck I need to work out, Natalia.”

  I walk back upstairs, trying to keep the tears from coming. He's been the one constantly kissing me, but when I kissed him he was the one that pushed me away. Why does it hurt so bad? I feel my body slide down the wall of my room, and let the tears come from all the pain. A feeling I know all too well. My eyes sting, and suddenly feel myself drifting off to sleep letting my body give into my exhaustion.

  I wake up on the floor with sweat covering my body. I rock myself back and forth. Why do I keep having that memory keep popping up in my dreams? This has never happened to me, so why now? My life has never been more messed up than it is right now. My sobs can be heard throughout the entire house, and my wolf howls out in pain to me.

  I begin to hear a voice call out to me, “My Lana, don’t cry. All will be explained in time. Be patient.”

  I turn around, and Cole is standing there looking to me in concern seeing my tears run down my face.

  “What’s wrong?” He asks, frowning with knitted eyebrows.

  “I... something is wrong with me. I just don't know. I'm so scared.”

  I turn back around to find Jaxson standing there… looking guilty about something. He pulls me to him, and rests his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply then cups my face in his hands.

  “I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. I'm so sorry Lana. If I hadn't have let my wolf take control, this wouldn't be happening.”

  I keep my head down, avoiding any eye contact with him. He pulls my face up with two fingers under my chin, forcing our eyes to meet. “Baby, I'm so sorry.”


  Since when am I baby to him?

  He brushes his lips to mine, closing the space between us. I can't hear the gasps from Natalia and Cole because it’s just us. Me and him. The man that's supposed to be protecting me from the devil. My moans and his groans can be heard all over the house. His hand trails under my shirt as he slides them up and down my back. His lips fit perfectly on mine and his hands feel so right, and at this moment we're the only ones here.

  He releases my lips with both of us breathing hard, and whispering in my ear, “I’m sorry I pushed you away.”

  Everyone present in the room stands there with their mouths agape, but Cole is the only one not shocked.

  He smirks at us and cocks his head. “Well, that just happened. Do you believe me now, Jax?”

  Jaxson glares at him, and shakes his head in disbelief, pulling me back to him.



  No one else existed right now.

  Just us.

  Red to yellow.

  Me to her.

  My mate.

  Our Luna.

  The only thing that mattered to me at this moment was that she was in my arms. Our lips molded together as one. She tasted like honey, and smelled like vanilla. Our tongues danced together as if they were dancing to a love song. I was making love to her mouth and it was heaven to me. She was under my control, and completely submitting to my wolf. My wolf howled to me to take her, claim her, and make her mine. I can't do that to her yet though. A woman this fragile needs time to adjust to the idea of having a mate.

  Not just any mate, an all-powerful Alpha mate.

  She may not even know that we're mates yet. I guess I'll have to show her, and make a connection or spark… something that lets her know we have a mate bond. I never want this moment to end. I can feel my canines start to elongate poking into my bottom lip as I started to kiss her neck. My teeth grazed the spot where I planned to mark her. I can smell the arousal off her, tempting me even more to sink my teeth in her neck.

  Fight it, Jaxson.

  It's too soon.

  Control yourself.

  I retract my lips away from her, and look into her yellow lust-filled eyes meeting my red ones. Both of our wolves are in control, and if someone doesn't do something quickly to separate us I just might fuck her right now.

  “Jaxson! Are you even listening?” Cole snaps his finger
s in front of my eyes.

  Yes, I kissed Lana in front of them, but it was only a kiss. My wolf has been on edge since then. One hour and forty-five minutes ago to be exact. Now I'm supposed to be paying attention to Cole, but that's not working out so well. My wolf keeps giving me visions of how he wants to claim her and make her his.

  “What?” I ask in annoyance to him.

  Cole looks at me with a smirk, taking his shot. “So, you have figured out that she's destined to be your mate?”

  I roll my eyes, and look out the window to where Natalia and Lana are playing with Gabriel outside.

  “You know it’s okay to move on, right? She would want you to, especially since it’s your mate.” He says to me as he walks away leaving me to my thoughts. My thoughts go back to the visions my wolf gave me before Cole rudely interrupted them.

  I remember when I was locked up downstairs after my wolf attacked her. When she was knocked out, Cole said she began to have nightmares. He didn't need to tell me that because I could hear her screams with my enhanced hearing. It hurt me to hear her in pain, and maybe if I didn't allow my wolf to overpower me then she wouldn't have had to go through that. It's all my fault.

  The way she looked when Cole came to me about what was happening to her and had no idea what to do about it. I knew what was happening to her. Her witch side had been triggered, and she had no idea what was going on. She was so scared when I saw her. I needed to talk to my father, and quickly before her witch side got stronger, and took over.


  Knocking on my father's office door, I walk in and he raises an eyebrow in curiosity. “I think her witch powers have been triggered somehow.”

  My father was a good strong Alpha, but he handed over the position to me at a young age. He trained me and molded me into what I am today.

  “Bring her to me.” My eyes widened at his order.

  “I-I can't. She doesn't even know she's half-witch.”

  My father grinned, “I don't think it’s a good idea for you to be keeping things from your mate, son.”

  How did he…

  He grinned at me again.

  “I can smell a woman’s scent all over you. It's her right, the one you're talking about. That's why you came to me for information.”

  When it comes to him, I can't lie to him.

  “Yes. I haven't... she doesn't know we’re mates.”

  He looks at me in disappointment and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Son, you have to tell her before Lorenzo figures out where she is, and something bad happens to her. Tell you what, why don't you and Lana come over for dinner, and we'll all sit down and talk.”

  I don't want to, but I just agree. As I walk out I hear him say. “Six o’clock son.”

  How am I going to convince her to go?

  When I arrive back home, I see her bent over making me instantly wish I was fucking her from behind. She's got on shorts much too short to be wearing out here. Her white tank top rides up showing just enough skin making my body start to ignite, and start to stir in my pants making my pants feel much too tight. My eyes gaze down to her ass, then down her legs.

  “Oh, I thought I heard you come in. Gabriel is with Natalia. I was just doing some laundry.” She says with a laundry basket in her arms.

  I take the basket, and place it back on the floor, trapping her to the wall. “You don’t have to do his laundry. I’ve got someone that does that.”

  She gulps when I grab her wrists and press my face in her hair. She tries to get free, but I hold onto her firm. “I want you to come to dinner at my parent’s house,” I say, inhaling her intoxicating scent.

  “What? Why?”

  Now's the time to tell her about being mates.

  “Do you feel that?”

  She looks confused then blushes. “You mean feel what's poking out of your pants? Look, if you're after a quick fuck or a blowjob, absolutely not. I'm not a whore.”

  “No, you're my mate.” She tries to break away and gives up, giving into me.

  “Fine. I'll go, but I'm not your mate.”

  You say that now.

  You'll see my little mate.

  You’re mine.

  My mother greets us at the door, and greets us hugging Lana, “Oh, you must be his mate...”

  Lana's eyes widened, and her face flushed in embarrassment.

  “Oh no, I'm not his mate.” She starts to say, but I put my arm around her waist while she shoots daggers at me.

  “I'm glad I found my mate too,” I say knowing I'm going to pay for my actions later. It was worth it though.

  We all sit down and start to eat when my father speaks up. “Lana, is it? Do you know that you're very special?”

  Get right to it father.

  “You're special because of being the last of your kind. A half-wolf and half-witch. Have you had any strange dreams lately?” She pokes at her dinner, suddenly dropping her fork and looks at him in confusion.

  “What are you talking about?” She glares at me as she jabs her heel into my foot under the table. “You! You knew, and didn't say anything!”

  “Nice going!” I growled, slamming my fork down on my plate.

  My mother stands up announcing. “I'll go talk to her.”

  “I told you to tell her!” He yells at me in frustration.

  “I told her about mates, but I was going to ease her into it. Then you had to just rip the fucking Band-Aid off didn't you?” He grabs me by the collar of my shirt, but a soft and sweet voice makes my father stop.

  “Jaxson, why didn't you tell me about being half-witch?”

  The color drains from my face as she stands there with a pained expression. My mother forces my father out of the room to leave us alone. My wolf begins to take over begging me to take her. Not yet, you know that. She steps forward bringing her hand up to my cheek making me weak in the knees. She's the only one that can do that to me.

  “I was going to, but then I lost control that day. Please, don't be mad.” I beg as she traces my lips with her fingers. She pushes a finger in my mouth and her taste is addictive like a drug.

  I need it… crave it.

  “I’m not mad, but a little hurt you couldn't tell me. Now, there is something else we need to address. You said we were mates. Can you prove it for me?” I waste no time kissing her feeling her body against me making the fire ignite inside me.

  “There is one way, but you won't like it. You have to take my blood so that way you're linked to the pack.” She nods in agreement, and my canines elongate and I bite into my wrist as blood oozes out. She attaches her lips to my wrist sucking on my skin. The feeling is euphoric to me.

  “Mmm.” I moan as she lets go.

  “Now what?” She asks.

  I bring my hands to hers, and she must feel it because the next thing I know her legs are wrapped around my waist grinding on me kissing my neck. My wolf starts to stir. He tells me my fantasy is about to come true and I have no idea what he means by that.

  No one else existed right now.

  Just Us.

  Red to yellow.

  Me to her.

  My mate.

  Our Luna.

  The only thing that mattered to me at this moment was that she was in my arms. Our lips molded together as one. She tasted like honey and smelled like vanilla. Our tongues danced together as if they were dancing to a love song. I was making love to her mouth, and it was heaven to me.

  She was under my control and completely submitting to my wolf. My wolf howled to me to take her, claim her, and make her mine. I can't do that to her yet though. A woman this fragile needs time to adjust to the idea of having a mate.

  Not just any mate, an all-powerful Alpha mate.

  I never want this moment to end. I can feel my canines start to elongate poking into my bottom lip as I started to kiss her neck. My teeth grazed the spot where I planned to mark her. I can smell the arousal off her tempting me, even more, to sink my teeth in her neck.

  Fight it Jaxson.
  It's too soon.

  Control yourself.

  I retract my lips away from her and look into her yellow lust-filled eyes meeting my red ones. Both of our wolves are in control and if someone doesn't do something quickly to separate us I just might fuck here right now. A force is begging to be released out of her. I can feel it.

  A throat clearing makes us separate, “Now that's out of the way, can we finish our dinner. We still have some things to discuss.”

  My father always knows how to ruin the mood, that's for sure.

  “We’ll finish this after we get home, baby,” I whisper to her, kissing her on the lips.

  “Lana let’s talk about your powers and try to find out why they're just now surfacing. You should have gotten the powers the first time you shifted into your wolf.”



  I would be lying if I said I didn't feel an attraction towards Jaxson. He’s sexy as hell, and having a son made him even hotter. It made it hard to resist him. Ever since I'd met him for the first time, he'd always been on my mind. I'd always wondered why, and now I know. He told me we were mates then went to dinner with his parents. I didn't want to believe him, but then his father dropped the bomb on me. His father looked at me, taking a bite of his food.

  “Lana let’s talk about your powers and try to find out why they’re just now surfacing. You should have gotten them the first time you shifted into your wolf.”

  After I took Jaxson’s blood, I felt this fire inside of me that I couldn’t control. I never even knew I had wrapped my legs around his waist, or crashed our lips together. I tried to take control and pull away, but it was like I was being pulled to him. It had to be the mate bond Jaxson keeps talking about.

  If his parents hadn’t got our attention, he would have taken me against the wall. Everything started happening so fast I barely was able to comprehend. Jaxson says we're mates, and his father says I'm half-wolf and half-witch. Is this what the woman in my dreams meant by it would all be explained to me? I can feel Jaxson’s hand on my thigh making its way up higher. I try to stop him, but he's always stronger than me. Well, he is an Alpha my wolf purrs to me.


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